181 resultados para Constellations
Diese Arbeit präsentiert die bislang höchst aufgelösten KryoEM-Strukturen für ein Cephalopoden hämocyanin Dekamer (Nautilus pompilus Hämocyanin, NpH) und ein Gastropoden Hämocyanin Didekamer (keyhole limpet hemocyanin isoform 1). Durch die Methoden des “molecular modelling” und “rigid-body-fiting” wurde auch eine detaillierte Beschreibung beider Strukturen auf atomarem Niveau erstmalig möglich. Hämocyanine sind kupferhaltige Sauerstoff-Transportproteine die frei gelöst in Blut zahlreicher Arthropoden und Mollusken vorkommen. Allgemein sind Molluskenhämocyanine als Dekamere (Hohlzylinder aus 5 Untereinheiten-dimere) oder Didecamere (Zusammenlagerung von zwei Dekameren) zu finden. Durch Anlagerung weiterer Dekamere bilden sich teilweise tubuläre Multidekamere. Hämocyanine der Cephalopoden bestehen ausschließlich aus solitären Decameren. In Octopus und Nautilus bestehen die 10 Untereinheiten aus 7 funktionellen Einheiten(FU-a bis FU-g), wobei jede FU ein Sauerstoffmolekül binden kann. FUs a-f bilden die Wand des ringförmigen Moleküls und 10 Kopien der FU-g bilden einen sogenannten „inneren Kragenkomplex“. Das im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstelltes molekulares Modell von NpH klärt die Struktur des Dekamers vollständig auf. Wir waren zum ersten Mal in der Lage das Untereinheiten-dimer, den Verlauf der Polypeptidkette und 15 unterschiedliche Kontaktstellen zwischen FUs zu identifizieren. Viele der inter-FU-Kontakte weisen Aminosäurenkonstellationen auf, die die Basis für die Übertragung allosterischer Wechselwirkungen zwischen FUs darstellen könnten und Hinweise für den Aufbau der allosterische Einheit geben. Potentielle Bindungsstellen für N-glykosidische Zucker und bivalente Kationen wurden auch identifiziert. Im Gegensatz zu NpH, kommen Gastropoden Hämocyanine (inkl. KLH) hauptsächlich als Didekamere vor und der Kragenkomplex wird in diesem Fall aus 2 FUs gebildet (Fu-g und FU-h). Die zusätzliche C'-terminale FU-h zeichnet sich durch eine spezielle Verlängerung von ~ 100 Aminosäuren aus. KLH stammt aus der kalifornische Schnecke Megathura crenulata und kommt seit mehreren Jahrzehnten als Immunostimulator in der immunologischen Grundlagenforschung und klinischen Anwendung zum Einsatz. KLH weist zwei Isoformen auf, KLH1 und KLH2. Das vorliegende Modell von KLH1 erlaubt die komplexe Architektur dieses riesigen Proteins in allen Details zu verstehen, sowie einen Vergleich zum dem NpH Dekamer auf atomare Ebene. Es wurde gefunden, dass das Untereinheitensegment a-b-c-d-e-f-g, sowie die equivalenten Kontaktstellen zwichen FUs stark konserviert sind. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass in Bezug auf die Übertragung allosterische Signale zwischen benachbarten FUs, grundlegende Mechanismen in beiden Molekülen beibehalten wurden. Weiterhin, konnten die Verbindungen zwischen den zwei Dekameren ertsmalig identifiziert werden. Schließlich, wurde die Topologie der N-glycosidischen Zucker, welche für die immunologische Eigenschaften von KLH1 von großer Bedeutung sind, auch aufgeklärt. Somit leistet die vorliegende Arbeit einen wesentlichen Schritt zum Verständnis der Quartärstruktur und Funktion der Molluskenhämocyanine.rn
In allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT), alloreactive T lymphocytes of donor origin mediate the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia effect but also induce graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Since human leukocyte antigens (HLA) mismatch alleles represent major targets of alloreactive T lymphocytes, patient and donor are usually matched for the class I molecules A, B, C, and for the class II molecules DRB1 and DQB1, in order do reduce the risk of GvHD. The HLA-DPB1 locus, however, is still ignored in donor selection. Interestingly, clinical studies have demonstrated that disparities at HLA-DQB1 alleles as well as distinct HLA DPB1 mismatch constellations do not adversely affect the outcome of allo-HSCT. It has also been shown that HLA class II is predominantly expressed on hematopoietic cells under non-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, this PhD thesis focused on the application of CD4 T cells in adoptive immunotherapy of leukemias.rnIn the first part of this thesis we developed a rapid screening approach to detect T-cell reactivity of donors to single HLA class II mismatch alleles. Allo-HLA reactivity was measured in naive, memory, and entire CD4 T cells isolated from PBMC of healthy donors by flow cytometric cell sorting according to expression of the differentiation markers CD45RA, CD45RO, CD62L, and CCR7. T-cell populations were defined by a single marker to facilitate translation into a clinical-grade allo-depletion procedure. Alloreactivity to single HLA-DR/-DQ mismatch alleles was analyzed in short-term mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) in vitro. As standard antigen-presenting cells, we used the HLA-deficient cell line K562 upon electroporation with single HLA-DR/-DQ allele mRNA. We observed in IFN-γ ELISpot assays that allo-HLA-reactivity preferentially derived from subsets enriched for naive compared to memory T cells in healthy donors, irrespective of the HLA mismatch allele. This separation was most efficient if CD62L (P=0.008) or CD45RA (P=0.011) were used as marker. Median numbers of allo-HLA-reactive effector cells were 3.5-fold and 16.6-fold lower in CD62Lneg and CD45RAneg memory CD4 T cells than in entire CD4 T cells, respectively. In allele-specific analysis, alloreactivity to single HLA-DR alleles clearly exceeded that to HLA-DQ alleles. In terms of alloproliferation no significant difference could be observed between individual CD4 T-cell subsets. rnThe second part of this thesis dealed with the generation of allo-HLA-DQ/-DP specific CD4 T cells. Naive CD45RApos CD4 T cells isolated from healthy donor PBMC by flow cytometric cell sorting were stimulated in MLR against single allo-HLA-DQ/-DP alleles transfected into autologous mature monocyte-derived dendritic cells by mRNA electroporation. Rapidly expanding HLA-DQ/-DP mismatch reactive T cells significantly recognized and cytolysed primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blasts, fibroblasts (FB) and keratinocytes (KC) in IFN-γ ELISpot and 51chromium release assays if the targets carried the HLA DQ/ DP allele used for T cell priming. While AML blasts were recognized independent of pre-incubating them with IFN-γ, recognition of FB and KC required IFN-γ pre treatment. We further investigated HLA class II expression on hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells by flow cytometry. HLA class II was not detected on primary FB, KC, and non-malignant kidney cells, but was expressed at significant levels on primary AML blasts and B-LCL. Up-regulation of HLA class II expression was observed on all cell types after pre-incubation with IFN-γ.rnIn summary, the novel K562-HLA based MLR approach revealed that naive-depleted CD4 T-cell subsets of healthy individuals contain decreased allo-HLA reactivity in vitro. We propose the application of CD45RAneg naive-depleted CD4 T cells as memory T cell therapy, which might be beneficial for HLA-mismatched patients at high-risk of GvHD and low-risk of leukemia relapse. Memory T cells might also provide important post-transplant immune functions against infectious agents. Additionally, the screening approach could be employed as test system to detect donors which have low risks for the emergence of GvHD after allo-HSCT. In the second part of this thesis we developed a protocol for the generation of allo-HLA-DQ/-DP specific CD4 T cell lines, which could be applied in situations in which patient and donor are matched in all HLA alleles but one HLA-DQ/-DP allele with low GvHD potential. These T cells showed lytic activity to leukemia cells while presumably sparing non-hematopoietic tissues under non-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, they might be advantageous for allo-HSCT patients with advanced stage AML after reduced-intensity conditioning and T-cell depletion for the replenishment of anti-leukemic reactivity if the risk for disease relapse is high. rn
Kulturlandschaften als Ausdruck einer über viele Jahrhunderte währenden intensiven Interaktion zwischen Menschen und der sie umgebenden natürlichen Umwelt, sind ein traditionelles Forschungsobjekt der Geographie. Mensch/Natur-Interaktionen führen zu Veränderungen der natürlichen Umwelt, indem Menschen Landschaften kultivieren und modifizieren. Die Mensch/Natur-Interaktionen im Weinbau sind intensiv rückgekoppelt, Veränderungen der natürlichen Umwelt wirken auf die in den Kulturlandschaften lebenden und wirtschaftenden Winzer zurück und beeinflussen deren weiteres Handeln, was wiederum Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der gesamten Weinbau-Kulturlandschaft hat. Kulturlandschaft wird aus diesem Grund als ein heterogenes Wirkungsgefüge sozialer und natürlicher Elemente konzeptionalisiert, an dessen Entwicklung soziale und natürliche Elemente gleichzeitig und wechselseitig beteiligt sind. Grundlegend für die vorliegende Arbeit ist die Überzeugung, dass sich Kulturlandschaften durch Mensch/Natur-Interaktionen permanent neu organisieren und nie in einen Gleichgewichtszustand geraten, sondern sich ständig weiterentwickeln und wandeln. Die Komplexitätstheorie bietet hierfür die geeignete theoretische Grundlage. Sie richtet ihren Fokus auf die Entwicklung und den Wandel von Systemen und sucht dabei nach den Funktionsweisen von Systemzusammenhängen, um ein Verständnis für das Gesamtsystemverhalten von nicht-linearen dynamischen Systemen zu erreichen. Auf der Grundlage der Komplexitätstheorie wird ein Untersuchungsschema entwickelt, dass es ermöglich, die sozio-ökonomischen und raum-strukturellen Veränderungsprozesse in der Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung als sich wechselseitig beeinflussenden Systemzusammenhang zu erfassen. Die Rekonstruktion von Entwicklungsphasen, die Analysen von raum-strukturellen Mustern und Akteurskonstellationen sowie die Identifikation von Bifurkationspunkten in der Systemgeschichte sind dabei von übergeordneter Bedeutung. Durch die Untersuchung sowohl der physisch-räumlichen als auch der sozio-ökonomischen Dimension der Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung im Weinbau des Oberen Mittelrheintals soll ein Beitrag für die geographische Erforschung von Mensch/Natur-Interaktionen im Schnittstellenbereich von Physischer Geographie und Humangeographie geleistet werden. Die Anwendung des Untersuchungsschemas erfolgt auf den Weinbau im Oberen Mittelrheintal. Das Anbaugebiet ist seit vielen Jahrzehnten einem starken Rückgang an Weinbaubetrieben und Rebfläche unterworfen. Die rückläufigen Entwicklungen seit 1950 verliefen dabei nicht linear, sondern differenzierten das System in unterschiedliche Entwicklungspfade aus. Die Betriebsstrukturen und die Rahmenbedingungen im Weinbau veränderten sich grundlegend, was sichtbare Spuren in der Kulturlandschaft hinterließ. Dies zu rekonstruieren, zu analysieren und die zu verschiedenen Phasen der Entwicklung bedeutenden externen und internen Einflussfaktoren zu identifizieren, soll dazu beitragen, ein tief greifendes Verständnis für das selbstorganisierte Systemverhalten zu generieren und darauf basierende Handlungsoptionen für zukünftige Eingriffe in die Systementwicklung aufzuzeigen
The study aims to identify risk constellations for symptomatic spinal cord malperfusion in patients undergoing extensive stent-graft coverage of the thoracic aorta.
BACKGROUND: In the UK, population screening for unmet need has failed to improve the health of older people. Attention is turning to interventions targeted at 'at-risk' groups. Living alone in later life is seen as a potential health risk, and older people living alone are thought to be an at-risk group worthy of further intervention. AIM: To explore the clinical significance of living alone and the epidemiology of lone status as an at-risk category, by investigating associations between lone status and health behaviours, health status, and service use, in non-disabled older people. Design of study: Secondary analysis of baseline data from a randomised controlled trial of health risk appraisal in older people. SETTING: Four group practices in suburban London. METHOD: Sixty per cent of 2641 community-dwelling non-disabled people aged 65 years and over registered at a practice agreed to participate in the study; 84% of these returned completed questionnaires. A third of this group, (n = 860, 33.1%) lived alone and two-thirds (n = 1741, 66.9%) lived with someone else. RESULTS: Those living alone were more likely to report fair or poor health, poor vision, difficulties in instrumental and basic activities of daily living, worse memory and mood, lower physical activity, poorer diet, worsening function, risk of social isolation, hazardous alcohol use, having no emergency carer, and multiple falls in the previous 12 months. After adjustment for age, sex, income, and educational attainment, living alone remained associated with multiple falls, functional impairment, poor diet, smoking status, risk of social isolation, and three self-reported chronic conditions: arthritis and/or rheumatism, glaucoma, and cataracts. CONCLUSION: Clinicians working with independently-living older people living alone should anticipate higher levels of disease and disability in these patients, and higher health and social risks, much of which will be due to older age, lower educational status, and female sex. Living alone itself appears to be associated with higher risks of falling, and constellations of pathologies, including visual loss and joint disorders. Targeted population screening using lone status may be useful in identifying older individuals at high risk of falling.
Folliculo-stellate cells are a nonendocrine, sustentacular-like complementary population of the anterior pituitary. They currently are considered as functionally and phenotypically heterogeneous, with one subpopulation of folliculo-stellate cells possibly representing resident adenohypophyseal macrophages. We took advantage of a limited T-cell mediated inflammatory reaction selectively involving tumor tissue in three cases of pituitary adenoma (2 prolactin cell adenomas, and 1 null cell adenoma) to test the hypothesis whether some folliculo-stellate cells within inflammatory foci would also assume monocytic/dendritic properties. Immunohistochemical double labeling for S-100 protein and the class II major histocompatibility antigen HLA-DR indeed showed several arborized cells to coexpress both epitopes. These were distributed both amidst adenomatous acini and along intratumoral vessels, and were morphologically undistinguishable from conventional folliculo-stellate cells. On the other hand, markers of follicular dendritic cells (CD21) and Langerhans' cells (CD1a) tested negative. Furthermore, no S-100/HLA-DR coexpressing folliculo-stellate cells were seen in either peritumoral parenchyma of the cases in point nor in control pituitary adenomas lacking inflammatory reaction. These findings suggest that a subset of folliculo-stellate cells may be induced by an appropriate local inflammatory microenvironment to assume a dendritic cell-like immunophenotype recognizable by their coexpression of S-100 protein and HLA-DR. By analogy with HLA-DR expressing cells in well-established extrapituitary inflammatory constellations, we speculate that folliculo-stellate cells with such immunophenotype may actually perform professional antigen presentation. A distinctly uncommon finding in pituitary adenomas, lymphocytic infiltrates may therefore be read as a manifestation of tumoral immunosurveillance.
The science of blood groups has made giant steps forward during the last decade. Blood-group typing of red blood cells (RBCs) is performed on more than 15 million samples per year in Europe, today much less often for forensic reasons than for clinical purposes such as transfusion and organ transplantation. Specific monoclonal antibodies are used with interpretation on the basis of RBC agglutination patterns, and mass genotyping may well be on its way to becoming a routine procedure. The discovery that most blood group systems, whose antigens are by definition found on RBCs, are also expressed in multiple other tissues has sparked the interest of transplantation medicine in immunohematology beyond the HLA system. The one and only "histo-blood group" (HBG) system that is routinely considered in transplantation medicine is ABO, because ABO antigen-incompatible donor/recipient constellations are preferably avoided. However, other HBG systems may also play a role, thus far underestimated. This paper is an up-to-date analysis of the importance of HBG systems in the alloimmunity of transplantation and autoimmune events, such as hemolytic anemia.
Although an increasing number of studies of technological, institutional and organizational change refer to the concepts of path dependence and path creation, few attempts have been made to consider these concepts explicitly in their methodological accounts. This paper addresses this gap and contributes to the literature by developing a comprehensive methodology that originates from the concepts of path dependence and path creation – path constitution analysis (PCA) – and allows for the integration of multi-actor constellations on multiple levels of analysis within a process perspective. Based upon a longitudinal case study in the field of semiconductors, we illustrate PCA ‘in action’ as a template for other researchers and critically examine its adequacy. We conclude with implications for further path-oriented inquiries.
Optical surveys for space debris in high-altitude orbits have been conducted since more than ten years. Originally these efforts concentrated mainly on the geostationary ring (GEO). Corresponding observation strategies, processing techniques and cataloguing approaches have been developed and successfully applied. The ESA GEO surveys, e.g., resulted in the detection of a significant population of small-size debris and later in the discovery of high area-to-mass ratio objects in GEO-like orbits. The observation scenarios were successively adapted to survey the geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) region; and recently surveys to search for debris in the medium Earth orbit (MEO) region of the global navigation satellite constellations were successfully conducted. Comparably less experience (both, in terms of practical observation and strategy definition) is available for eccentric orbits that (at least partly) are in the MEO region, in particular for the Molniya-type orbits. Several breakup events and deliberate fragmentations are known to have taken place in such orbits. Different survey and follow-up strategies for searching space debris objects in highly-eccentric MEO orbits, and to acquire orbits which are sufficiently accurate to catalogue such objects and to maintain their orbits over longer time spans were developed. Simulations were performed to compare the performance of different survey and cataloguing strategies. Eventually, optical observations were conducted in the framework of an ESA study using ESA’s Space Debris Telescope (ESASDT) the 1-m Zeiss telescope located at the Optical Ground Station (OGS) at the Teide Observatory at Tenerife, Spain. A first series of surveys of Molnjya-type orbits was performed between January and April 2013. During these four months survey observations were performed during nine nights. A basic survey consisted of observing a single geocentric field for 10 minutes. If a faint object was found, follow-up observations were performed during the same night to ensure a save rediscovery of the object during the next nights. Additional follow-up observations to maintain the orbits of these newly discovered faint objects were also acquired with AIUB ́s 1m ZIMLAT telescope in Zimmerwald, Switzerland. Eventually 195 basic surveys were performed during these nine nights corresponding to about 32.5 hours of observations. In total 24 uncorrelated faint objects were discovered and all known catalogue objects in the survey fields were detected. On average one uncorrelated object was found every 80 minutes. Some of these objects show a considerable brightness variation and have a high area-to-mass ratio as determined in the orbit estimation process.
This article focuses on challenges of transnational aging and family care among „guest-workers‟ from Italy and Spain. It is based on two qualitative studies on aging in migration and experiences of family care. These migrants‟ situations tend to be socioeconomically underprivileged, yet they have the option to either stay in Switzerland or return to Italy or Spain. Our results show that an additional option is available by combining elements of both national systems of reference. However, these options are often costly and have short-comings which are particularly relevant when ill health conditions demand intensified care. By then, decisions taken within the context of transnational ways of living have far-reaching consequences that affect not only the elderly migrants but also their adult children. The empirical data presented in this article illustrate how specific constellations of caring options emerge from the Swiss „guest-worker‟ migration regime and from transnational practices and choices made in earlier years.
This paper deals with the difference between risk and insecurity from an anthropological perspective using a critical New Institutionalist approach. Risk refers to the ability to reduce undesirable outcomes, based on a range of information actors have on possible outcomes; insecurity refers to the lack of this information. With regard to the neo-liberal setting of a resource rich area in Zambia, Central Africa, local actors – men and women – face risk and insecurity in market constellations between rural and urban areas. They attempt to cope with risk using technical means and diversification of livelihood strategies. But as common-pool resources have been transformed from common property institutions to open access, also leading to unpredictability of competitors and partners in “free” markets, actors rely on magic options to reduce insecurity and transform it into risk-assessing strategies as an adaptation to modern times. Keywords: Risk, insecurity, institutional change, neo-liberal market, common pool resources, livelihood strategies, magic, Zambia.
How do institutional settings and their embedded policy principles affect gender-typed enrolment in educational programmes? Based on gender-sensitive theories on career choice, we hypothesised that gender segregation in education is higher with a wider range of offers of vocational programmes. By analysing youth survey and panel data, we tested this assumption for Germany, Norway and Canada, three countries whose educational systems represent a different mix of academic, vocational and universalistic education principles. We found that vocational programmes are considerably more gender-segregated than are academic (e.g. university) programmes. Men, more so than women, can avoid gender-typed programmes by passing on to a university education. This in turn means that as long as their secondary school achievement does not allow for a higher education career, they have a higher likelihood of being allocated to male-typed programmes in the vocational education and training (VET) system. In addition, social background and the age at which students have to choose educational offers impact on the transition to gendered educational programmes. Overall, gender segregation in education is highest in Germany and the lowest in Canada. We interpret the differences between these countries with respect to the constellations of educational principles and policies in the respective countries.
In training networks, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises pool their resources to train apprentices within the framework of the dual VET system, while an intermediary organisation is tasked with managing operations. Over the course of their apprenticeship, the apprentices switch from one training company to another on a (half-) yearly basis. Drawing on a case study of four training networks in Switzerland and the theoretical framework of the sociology of conventions, this paper aims to understand the reasons for the slow dissemination and reluctant adoption of this promising form of organising VET in Switzerland. The results of the study show that the system of moving from one company to another creates a variety of free-rider constellations in the distribution of the collectively generated corporative benefits. This explains why companies are reluctant to participate in this model. For the network to be sustainable, the intermediary organisation has to address discontent arising from free-rider problems while taking into account that the solutions found are always tentative and will often result in new free-rider problems.