937 resultados para Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (HRT3)


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[EN] In the recent years a series of optical correlation techniques have been developed in order to be able to measure flow velocity with high spatial resolution while being non-invasive in order to be employed in-vivo on biological organisms. The technique employed in my thesis work, scanning laser image correlation (SLIC), is a powerful approach for the detection of flow motions because it overcomes some limitations of the classical spectroscopy techniques. SLIC method consists in repeated laser scans over a linear pattern and on the cross correlation of the signal emitted by the excited fluorophores in different positions along the scan line. Therefore, the resulting measurements for flow velocity are really accurate.


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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a technique to utilize underground mine drift profile data for estimating absolute roughness of an underground mine drift in order to implement the Darcy-Weisbach equation for mine ventilation calculations. This technique could provide mine ventilation engineers with more accurate information upon which they might base their ventilation systems designs. This paper presents preliminary work suggesting that it is possible to estimate the absolute roughness of drift-like tunnels by analyzing profile data (e.g., collected using a scanning laser rangefinder). The absolute roughness is then used to estimate the friction factor employed in the Darcy-Weisbach equation. The presented technique is based on an analysis of the spectral characteristics of profile ranges. Simulations based on real mine data are provided to illustrate the potential viability of this method. It is shown that mining drift roughness profiles appear similar to Gaussian profiles


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PURPOSE. Scanning laser tomography with the Heidelberg retina tomograph (HRT; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) has been proposed as a useful diagnostic test for glaucoma. This study was conducted to evaluate the quality of reporting of published studies using the HRT for diagnosing glaucoma. METHODS. A validated Medline and hand search of English-language articles reporting on measures of diagnostic accuracy of the HRT for glaucoma was performed. Two reviewers selected and appraised the papers independently. The Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) checklist was used to evaluate the quality of each publication. RESULTS. A total of 29 articles were included. Interobserver rating agreement was observed in 83% of items (? = 0.76). The number of STARD items properly reported ranged from 5 to 18. Less than a third of studies (7/29) explicitly reported more than half of the STARD items. Descriptions of key aspects of the methodology were frequently missing. For example, the design of the study (prospective or retrospective) was reported in 6 of 29 studies, and details of participant sampling (e.g., consecutive or random selection) were described in 5 of 29 publications. The commonest description of diagnostic accuracy was sensitivity and specificity (25/29) followed by area under the ROC curve (13/29), with 9 of 29 publications reporting both. CONCLUSIONS. The quality of reporting of diagnostic accuracy tests for glaucoma with HRT is suboptimal. The STARD initiative may be a useful tool for appraising the strengths and weaknesses of diagnostic accuracy studies. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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Lowering intraocular pressure in adults with glaucoma may be associated with an improvement in appearance of the optic nerve head. The stage of disease, the amount of intraocular pressure reduction, and the age of the patient probably influence the occurrence of this event. The clinical relevance of 'reversal' has not been established with certainty. The reversibility of glaucomatous cupping can be detected by subjective and qualitative means (examination of the patient or of fundus photographs) or by quantitative techniques such as photogrammetry, computerized image analysis, and scanning laser tomography. Clinical and experimental studies are providing new information about the behavior of the optic nerve head tissues in response to changes in intraocular pressure.


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Objective: To compare the reproducibility of optic disk measurements provided by an image analyzer and a scanning laser tomograph. Methods: Ten images of the same eye of 10 normal volunteers were taken with the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph and with the Topcon ImageNet. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and coefficient of variation (CV) were used to evaluate the reproducibility of the measurements. Results: Eleven parameters were analyzed with the Topcon ImageNet. Six parameters (55%) had ICC greater than 90%. Four parameters (36%) had CV less than 10%. Twelve parameters were evaluated with the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph. Nine parameters (75%) had ICC over 90%. Nine parameters (75%) had CV less than 10%. Conclusion: Both systems provided reproducible data. The optic disk parameters provided by the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph had a better reproducibility than those obtained from the Topcon ImageNet.


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Simultaneous non-invasive visualization of blood vessels and nerves in patients can be obtained in the eye. The retinal vasculature is a target of many retinopathies. Inflammation, readily manifest by leukocyte adhesion to the endothelial lining, is a key pathophysiological mechanism of many retinopathies, making it a valuable and ubiquitous target for disease research. Leukocyte fluorography has been extensively used in the past twenty years; however, fluorescent markers, visualization techniques, and recording methods have differed between studies. The lack of detailed protocol papers regarding leukocyte fluorography, coupled with lack of uniformity between studies, has led to a paucity of standards for leukocyte transit (velocity, adherence, extravasation) in the retina. Here, we give a detailed description of a convenient method using acridine orange (AO) and a commercially available scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO, HRA-OCT Spectralis) to view leukocyte behavior in the mouse retina. Normal mice are compared to mice with acute and chronic inflammation. This method can be readily adopted in many research labs.


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Speckle Pattern Shearing Interferometrie (Shearografie) ist eine speckle-interferometrische Messmethode und zeichnet sich durch die ganzflächige, berührungslose Arbeitsweise, hohe räumliche Auflösung und hohe Messempfindlichkeit aus. Diese Dissertation beinhaltet die neue bzw. weitere Entwicklung der Shearografie zur qualitativen Schwingungsbeobachtung und zur quantitativen Schwingungsmessung. Für die qualitative Schwingungsbeobachtung in Echtzeit werden die Optimierung des Zeitmittelungsverfahrens und die neue entwickelte Online-Charakterisierung von Streifenmustern mit statistischen Verfahren vorgestellt. Auf dieser Basis können sowohl eine genaue Fehlstellen-Detektion bei der zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung als auch eine präzise Resonanzuntersuchung zeitsparend und vollautomatisch durchgeführt werden. Für die quantitative Schwingungsmessung wird eine sog. dynamische Phasenschiebe-Technik neu entwickelt, welche durch die Einführung eines synchron zum Objekt schwingenden Referenzspiegels realisiert wird. Mit dieser Technik ermöglicht das Zeitmittelungsverfahren die Amplituden und Phasen einer Objektschwingung quantitativ zu ermitteln. Auch eine Weiterentwicklung des stroboskopischen Verfahrens in Kombination mit zeitlicher Phasenverschiebung wird in der Arbeit präsentiert, womit der gesamte Prozess der Schwingungsmessung und -rekonstruktion beschleunigt und automatisch durchgeführt wird. Zur Bestimmung des Verschiebungsfeldes aus den gemessenen Amplituden und Phasen des Verformungsgradienten stellt diese Arbeit auch eine Weiterentwicklung des Summationsverfahrens vor. Das Verfahren zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die Genauigkeit des ermittelten Verschiebungsfelds unabhängig von der Sheargröße ist und gleichzeitig das praktische Problem - Unstetigkeit - gelöst wird. Eine quantitative Messung erfordert eine genaue Kalibrierung der gesamten Messkette. Ein auf dem Least-Square-Verfahren basierendes Kalibrierverfahren wird in der Arbeit zur Kalibrierung der statischen und dynamischen Phasenverschiebung vorgestellt. Auch die Ermittelung der Sheargröße mit Hilfe der 1D- bzw. 2D-Kreuz-Korrelation wird präsentiert. Zum Schluss wurde die gesamte Entwicklung durch eine Vergleichsmessung mit einem handelsüblichen Scanning-Laser-Doppler-Vibrometer experimentell verifiziert.


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A traditional method of validating the performance of a flood model when remotely sensed data of the flood extent are available is to compare the predicted flood extent to that observed. The performance measure employed often uses areal pattern-matching to assess the degree to which the two extents overlap. Recently, remote sensing of flood extents using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and airborne scanning laser altimetry (LIDAR) has made more straightforward the synoptic measurement of water surface elevations along flood waterlines, and this has emphasised the possibility of using alternative performance measures based on height. This paper considers the advantages that can accrue from using a performance measure based on waterline elevations rather than one based on areal patterns of wet and dry pixels. The two measures were compared for their ability to estimate flood inundation uncertainty maps from a set of model runs carried out to span the acceptable model parameter range in a GLUE-based analysis. A 1 in 5-year flood on the Thames in 1992 was used as a test event. As is typical for UK floods, only a single SAR image of observed flood extent was available for model calibration and validation. A simple implementation of a two-dimensional flood model (LISFLOOD-FP) was used to generate model flood extents for comparison with that observed. The performance measure based on height differences of corresponding points along the observed and modelled waterlines was found to be significantly more sensitive to the channel friction parameter than the measure based on areal patterns of flood extent. The former was able to restrict the parameter range of acceptable model runs and hence reduce the number of runs necessary to generate an inundation uncertainty map. A result of this was that there was less uncertainty in the final flood risk map. The uncertainty analysis included the effects of uncertainties in the observed flood extent as well as in model parameters. The height-based measure was found to be more sensitive when increased heighting accuracy was achieved by requiring that observed waterline heights varied slowly along the reach. The technique allows for the decomposition of the reach into sections, with different effective channel friction parameters used in different sections, which in this case resulted in lower r.m.s. height differences between observed and modelled waterlines than those achieved by runs using a single friction parameter for the whole reach. However, a validation of the modelled inundation uncertainty using the calibration event showed a significant difference between the uncertainty map and the observed flood extent. While this was true for both measures, the difference was especially significant for the height-based one. This is likely to be due to the conceptually simple flood inundation model and the coarse application resolution employed in this case. The increased sensitivity of the height-based measure may lead to an increased onus being placed on the model developer in the production of a valid model


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Flooding is a major hazard in both rural and urban areas worldwide, but it is in urban areas that the impacts are most severe. An investigation of the ability of high resolution TerraSAR-X Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to detect flooded regions in urban areas is described. The study uses a TerraSAR-X image of a 1 in 150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK, in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SAR End-To-End simulator (SETES) was used in conjunction with airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR) data to estimate regions of the image in which water would not be visible due to shadow or layover caused by buildings and taller vegetation. A semi-automatic algorithm for the detection of floodwater in urban areas is described, together with its validation using the aerial photographs. 76% of the urban water pixels visible to TerraSAR-X were correctly detected, with an associated false positive rate of 25%. If all urban water pixels were considered, including those in shadow and layover regions, these figures fell to 58% and 19% respectively. The algorithm is aimed at producing urban flood extents with which to calibrate and validate urban flood inundation models, and these findings indicate that TerraSAR-X is capable of providing useful data for this purpose.


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The study of the morphology of tidal networks and their relation to salt marsh vegetation is currently an active area of research, and a number of theories have been developed which require validation using extensive observations. Conventional methods of measuring networks and associated vegetation can be cumbersome and subjective. Recent advances in remote sensing techniques mean that these can now often reduce measurement effort whilst at the same time increasing measurement scale. The status of remote sensing of tidal networks and their relation to vegetation is reviewed. The measurement of network planforms and their associated variables is possible to sufficient resolution using digital aerial photography and airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR), with LiDAR also being able to measure channel depths. A multi-level knowledge-based technique is described to extract networks from LiDAR in a semi-automated fashion. This allows objective and detailed geomorphological information on networks to be obtained over large areas of the inter-tidal zone. It is illustrated using LIDAR data of the River Ems, Germany, the Venice lagoon, and Carnforth Marsh, Morecambe Bay, UK. Examples of geomorphological variables of networks extracted from LiDAR data are given. Associated marsh vegetation can be classified into its component species using airborne hyperspectral and satellite multispectral data. Other potential applications of remote sensing for network studies include determining spatial relationships between networks and vegetation, measuring marsh platform vegetation roughness, in-channel velocities and sediment processes, studying salt pans, and for marsh restoration schemes.


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Airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR) is an important new data source for river flood modelling. LiDAR can give dense and accurate DTMs of floodplains for use as model bathymetry. Spatial resolutions of 0.5m or less are possible, with a height accuracy of 0.15m. LiDAR gives a Digital Surface Model (DSM), so vegetation removal software (e.g. TERRASCAN) must be used to obtain a DTM. An example used to illustrate the current state of the art will be the LiDAR data provided by the EA, which has been processed by their in-house software to convert the raw data to a ground DTM and separate vegetation height map. Their method distinguishes trees from buildings on the basis of object size. EA data products include the DTM with or without buildings removed, a vegetation height map, a DTM with bridges removed, etc. Most vegetation removal software ignores short vegetation less than say 1m high. We have attempted to extend vegetation height measurement to short vegetation using local height texture. Typically most of a floodplain may be covered in such vegetation. The idea is to assign friction coefficients depending on local vegetation height, so that friction is spatially varying. This obviates the need to calibrate a global floodplain friction coefficient. It’s not clear at present if the method is useful, but it’s worth testing further. The LiDAR DTM is usually determined by looking for local minima in the raw data, then interpolating between these to form a space-filling height surface. This is a low pass filtering operation, in which objects of high spatial frequency such as buildings, river embankments and walls may be incorrectly classed as vegetation. The problem is particularly acute in urban areas. A solution may be to apply pattern recognition techniques to LiDAR height data fused with other data types such as LiDAR intensity or multispectral CASI data. We are attempting to use digital map data (Mastermap structured topography data) to help to distinguish buildings from trees, and roads from areas of short vegetation. The problems involved in doing this will be discussed. A related problem of how best to merge historic river cross-section data with a LiDAR DTM will also be considered. LiDAR data may also be used to help generate a finite element mesh. In rural area we have decomposed a floodplain mesh according to taller vegetation features such as hedges and trees, so that e.g. hedge elements can be assigned higher friction coefficients than those in adjacent fields. We are attempting to extend this approach to urban area, so that the mesh is decomposed in the vicinity of buildings, roads, etc as well as trees and hedges. A dominant points algorithm is used to identify points of high curvature on a building or road, which act as initial nodes in the meshing process. A difficulty is that the resulting mesh may contain a very large number of nodes. However, the mesh generated may be useful to allow a high resolution FE model to act as a benchmark for a more practical lower resolution model. A further problem discussed will be how best to exploit data redundancy due to the high resolution of the LiDAR compared to that of a typical flood model. Problems occur if features have dimensions smaller than the model cell size e.g. for a 5m-wide embankment within a raster grid model with 15m cell size, the maximum height of the embankment locally could be assigned to each cell covering the embankment. But how could a 5m-wide ditch be represented? Again, this redundancy has been exploited to improve wetting/drying algorithms using the sub-grid-scale LiDAR heights within finite elements at the waterline.


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Payload and high-tech are important characteristics when the goals are aerospace applications. The development of the technologies associated to these applications has interests that transcend national boundaries and are of strategic importance to the nations. Ultra lightweight mirrors, supports and structures for optical systems are important part of this subject. This paper reports the development of SiC substrates, obtained by pressing, to be applied on embedded precision reflective optics. Different SiC granulometries, having YAG as sintering additive, were processed by: ball milling, drying and deagglomeration, sift, uniaxial and isostatic pressing, and, finally, argon atmosphere sintering at 1900°C. Different porosities were obtained according to the amount of organic material added. Into one side of the samples pellets of organic material were introduced to generate voids to reduce the weight of samples as a whole. The substrates were grinding and polished, looking for a SiC surface having low porosity, as porosity is directly related to light scattering that should be avoided on optical surfaces. Laser surface treatments were applied (using or not SiC barbotine) as a method to improve the surface quality. The samples were characterized by optical and laser confocal microscopy, roughness measurements and mechanical tests. The results are very promissory for future applications. © 2012 Materials Research Society.