982 resultados para Confined Placental Mosaicism


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We report the fabrication and the measurement of microcavities whose optical eigenmodes were discrete and were well predicted by using the model of the photonic dot with perfectly reflected sidewalls. These microcavities were consisted of the semiconductor pillar fabricated by the simple wet-etched process and successive metal coating. Angle-resolved photoluminescence spectra demonstrate the characteristic emission of the corresponding eigenmodes, as its pattern revealed by varying both polar (0) and azimuthal (45) angles. It is shown that the metal-coated sidewalls can provide an efficient way to suppress the emission due to the leaking modes in these pillar microcavities.


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We theoretically investigate the energy spectra of two-electron two-dimensional (2e 2D) quantum dots (QDs) confined by triangular potentials and bowl-like potentials in a magnetic field by exact diagonalization in the framework of effective mass theory. An in-plane electric field is,found to contribute to the singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of the 2e 2D QDs confined by triangular or bowl-like potentials in a perpendicular magnetic field. The stronger the in-plane electric field, the smaller the magnetic field for the total spin of the ground states in the dot systems to change from S = 0 to S = 1. However, the influence of an in-plane electric field on the singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of two electrons in a triangular QD modulated by a perpendicular magnetic field is quite small because the triangular potential just deviates from the harmonic potential well slightly. We End that the strength of the perpendicular magnetic field needed for the spin singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of the QD confined by a bowl-like potential is reduced drastically by applying an in-plane electric field.


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Quantum-confined Stark effects in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs self-assembled quantum dots are investigated theoretically in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The electron and hole energy levels and optical transition energies are calculated in the presence of an electric field in different directions. In our calculation, the effect of finite offset, valence-band mixing, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in different regions, and the real quantum dot structures are all taken into account. The results show that the electron and hole energy levels and the optical transition energies can cause blueshifts when the electric field is applied along the opposite to the growth direction. Our calculated results are useful for the application of hierarchical self-assembly of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots to photoelectric devices. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Electroluminescence (EL) from AlInGaN-InGaN multiquantum-well violet light-emitting diodes is investigated as a function of forward bias. Two distinct regimes have been identified: 1) quantum-confined Stark effect at low and moderately high forward biases; 2) heating effect at high biases. In the different regimes, the low-temperature EL spectra exhibit different spectral features which are discussed in detail.


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The laterally confining potential of quantum dots (QDs) fabricated in semiconductor heterostructures is approximated by an elliptical two-dimensional harmonic-oscillator well or a bowl-like circular well. The energy spectrum of two interacting electrons in these potentials is calculated in the effective-mass approximation as a function of dot size and characteristic frequency of the confining potential by the exact diagonalization method. Energy level crossover is displayed according to the ratio of the characteristic frequencies of the elliptical confinement potential along the y axis and that along the x axis. Investigating the rovibrational spectrum with pair-correlation function and conditional probability distribution, we could see the violation of circular symmetry. However, there are still some symmetries left in the elliptical QDs. When the QDs are confined by a "bowl-like" potential, the removal of the degeneracy in the energy levels of QDs is found. The distribution of energy levels is different for the different heights of the barriers. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the electronic energy levels and probability distribution of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs quantum discs system in the presence of a vertically applied electric field. This field is found to increase the splitting between the symmetric and antisymmetric levels for the same angular momentum. The field along the direction from one disc to another affects the electronic energy levels similarly as that in the opposite direction because the two discs are identical. It is obvious from our calculation that the probability of finding an electron in one disc becomes larger when the field points from this disc to the other one.


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The magneto-Stark effect in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) coupled quantum well (CQW) induced by an in-plane magnetic field is investigate theoretically. Unlike the usual electro-Stark effects, in a DMS CQW the Lorenz force leads to a spatially separated exciton. The in-plane magnetic field can shift the ground state of the magnetoexciton from a zero in-plane center of mass (CM)/momentum to a finite CM momentum, and render the ground state of magnetoexciton stable against radiative recombination due to momentum conservation. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We have studied the capacitance-voltage characteristics of an optically excited wide quantum well. Both self-consistent simulations and experimental results show the striking quantum contribution to the capacitance near zero bias which is ascribed to the swift decreasing of the overlap between the electron and hole wave functions in the well as the longitudinal field goes up. This quantum capacitance feature is regarded as an electrical manifestation of the quantum-confined Stark effect.


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Quantum-confined Stark effects in InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots are investigated theoretically in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The electron and hole energy levels and optical transition energies are calculated in the presence of perpendicular and parallel electric field. In our calculation, the effect of finite offset, valence band mixing, and strain are all taken into account. The results show that the perpendicular electric field weakly affects the electron ground state and hole energy levels. The energy levels are affected strongly by the parallel electric field. For the electron, the energy difference between the ground state and the first excited state decreases as electric field increases. The optical transition energies have clear redshifts in electric field. The theoretical results agree well with the available experimental data. Our calculated results are useful for the application of quantum dots to photoelectric devices. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)11001-7].


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Quantum-confined Stark shifts in SiGe/Si type-I multiple quantum wells are suggested by the bias dependence of the photocurrent spectra of p-i-n photodiodes. Both Stark redshift and blueshift have been observed for the same sample in the different ranges of electric fields applied to the quantum wells. The turnaround point corresponds to a certain electric field (named "critical" field). This phenomenon was generally predicted by Austin in 1985 [Phys. Rev. B 31, 5569 (1985)] and calculated in detail for SiGe quantum structure by Kim recently [Thin Solid Films 321, 215 (1998)]. The critical electric field obtained from the photocurrent spectra is in reasonable agreement with the theoretical prediction. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)03711-7].


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The formation of triangular-shaped dot-like (TD) structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (311)A substrates patterned with square- and triangular-shaped holes is compared. On substrates patterned with square-shaped holes, TD structures are formed via the pinch-off of two symmetrically arranged {111} planes which develop freely in the regions between the holes on the original substrate surface, while the (111)A sidewalls of the as-etched holes develop a rough morphology during growth. The evolution of the rough ( 1 1 1)A sidewalls is eliminated on substrates patterned with triangular shaped holes resulting in similar TD structures with highly improved uniformity over the entire pattern. Spectrally and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy reveals the lateral variation of the quantum-well confinement energy in the TD structures generating distinct lateral energy barriers between the top portion and the nearby smooth regions with efficient radiative recombination. Formation of TD structures provides a new approach Do fabricate three-dimensionally confined nanostructures in a controlled manner.


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Quantum-confined Stark effects are investigated theoretically in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wires formed in V-grooved structures. The electronic structures of the V-shaped quantum wires are calculated within the effective mass envelope function theory in the presence of electric field. The binding energies of excitons are also studied by two-dimensional Fourier transformation and variational method. The blue Stark shifts are found when the electric field is applied in the growth direction. A possible mechanism in which the blueshifts of photoluminescence peaks are attributed to two factors, one factor comes from the asymmetric structure of quantum wire along the electric field and another factor arises from the electric-field-induced change of the Coulomb interaction. The numerical results are compared with the recent experiment measurement.


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The transverse mode control in oxide confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers is discussed by modeling the dielectric aperture as a uniform waveguide and an extra reflectivity at the oxide layer. The phase of the extra reflectivity and the refractive index step can be adjusted to change the mode threshold gain. We calculate the lateral refractive index step from the mode wavelength difference between aperture and perimeter modes, and compare it with that obtained from the weighted average index. The mode reflectivity in terms of the lateral optical confinement factor at the oxide layer is considered in calculating the threshold gain for transverse modes. The numerical results show that higher transverse modes can be suppressed by adjusting the position of a thin AlAs-oxide layer inside a three-quarter-wave layer in the distributed Bragg reflector. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(98)04007-9].


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We present the fabrication process and experimental results of 850-nm oxide-confined vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) fabricated by using dielectric-free approach. The threshold current of 0.4 mA, which corresponds to the threshold current density of 0.5 kA/cm(2), differential resistance of 76 Omega, and maximum output power of more than 5 mW are achieved for the dielectric-free VCSEL with a square oxide aperture size of 9 mu m at room temperature (RT). L-I-V characteristics of the dielectric-free VCSEL are compared with those of conventional VCSEL with the similar aperture size, which indicates the way to realize low-cost, low-power consumption VCSELs with extremely simple process. Preliminary study of the temperature-dependent L-I characteristics and modulation response of the dielectric-free VCSEL are also presented.


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The excess Helmholtz free energy functional for associating hard sphere fluid is formulated by using a modified fundamental measure theory [Y. X. Yu and J. Z. Wu, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 10156 (2002)]. Within the framework of density functional theory, the thermodynamic properties including phase equilibria for both molecules and monomers, equilibrium plate-fluid interfacial tensions and isotherms of excess adsorption, average molecule density, average monomer density, and plate-fluid interfacial tension for four-site associating hard sphere fluids confined in slit pores are investigated. The phase equilibria inside the hard slit pores and attractive slit pores are determined according to the requirement that temperature, chemical potential, and grand potential in coexistence phases should be equal and the plate-fluid interfacial tensions at equilibrium states are predicted consequently. The influences of association energy, fluid-solid interaction, and pore width on phase equilibria and equilibrium plate-fluid interfacial tensions are discussed.