192 resultados para Condensação
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Currently the most widespread material used in dies is gypsum that together with its simple technique has very satisfactory mechanical, chemical and physical properties. However, its compactibility with the impression materials can compromise the die surface quality. In our work, we studies the hardness of the two gypsum types: Type III (die stone) and type IV (improved die stone), as well as the influence of the contact with three types of impression materials: polymerized silicone for condensation (Xantopren), polysulfide (Permlastic) and polymerized silicone by addition (Provil). As comparison parameter gypsum was used in contact with a glass surface…(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Le champ littéraire est plein d’oeuvres qui remettent à des mythes. L’ensemble de récits Mujeres, de Eduardo Galeano, a comme thématique la femme et il est composé par des micro-contes, genre narratif qui promeut une condensation maximale d’eléments thématiques et structuraux. Il s’agit des descriptions littéraires où la synthèse est placée ou même niveau que le lyrisme. Ayant pour objectif d’analiser la nature archétypique des mythes sur la féminité, nous avons travaillé spécifiquement les contes de Mujeres où se reconstruisent poétiquement des mythes de la féminité. Méthodologiquement, notre notre étude a pour base la mythocritique et la théorie des structures anthropologiques de l’imaginaire ídéalisées par Gilbert Durand. En partant de ces bases, nous avons réalisé l’analyse des récits qui s’articulent en notre corpus, ayant pour but, celui d’identifier les divers artifices narratifs spécifiques qui y opèrent. Par le moyen des mythèmes présents dans les récits, nous avons révélé les structures archétypiques du texte et nous avons constaté comment elles s’édifient littérairement. En outre, nous avons élucidé la teneur de la représentativité archétypique de la feminité inhérente aux récits et finalement, nous avons rassemblé les situations et les combinatoires qui existent dans l’ensemble de microrécits, traçant les connexions possibles qui y existent. Ainsi, nous avons fait une étude proprement dite, d´analyse mythocritique
A descoberta de agentes hipoglicemiantes constitui ainda um grande desafio no tratamento do diabetes, devido ao elevado índice de efeitos adversos e à baixa eficácia dos fármacos existentes. As alfa-glicosidases, enzimas essenciais ao metabolismo dos açúcares, são alvos terapêuticos estratégicos para a descoberta e desenvolvimento de fármacos antidiabéticos. Na busca de novos modelos estruturais com atividade antidiabética, o presente projeto teve como objetivo a síntese de aminochalconas e nitrochalconas como inibidores potenciais de alfaglicosidases. Para atingir o objetivo delineado foi planejada a síntese de 4’-nitrochalconas através da condensação de Claisen-Schmidt, que conduziriam à obtenção das respectivas 4’- aminochalconas na presença de cloreto de estanho II como agente redutor. Ao todo foram sintetizadas 14 substâncias, sendo 6 nitrochalconas e 8 aminochalconas que foram purificadas utilizando-se técnicas cromatográficas tais como Cromatografia em Coluna e Cromatografia em Camada Delgada Preparativa. A identificação espectroscópica foi realizada por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de 13C e 1H. As chalconas sintetizadas foram avaliadas por meio de ensaios de inibição de alfa-glicosidases de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. As substâncias 10 e 14 apresentaram valores de CI50 (concentração capaz de inibir em 50% a atividade enzimática) de 1,23 e 1,88 μM respectivamente, mostrando-se mais potentes que a acarbose (CI50 4,90 μM), a qual foi empregada como controle positivo. Os dados de CI50 revelaram que a presença de hidroxilas no anel B, bem como a posição e o número desses substituintes é de fundamental importância para a inibição da atividade enzimática. Em contrapartida, a presença de grupos doadores ou receptores de elétrons no anel A é pouco significativa para a inibição de
According to ABIPA (2009), Brazil is currently among the major producers of reconstituted wood panels, with one of the main factors for this condition, its climate and its large land area, which allows the cultivation of forests, which provide raw materials for these industries. To establish that market as power, Brazil has invested about R$ 1.3 billion in the last 10 years, yet designed an investment of 0.8 billion dollars over the next three years (BNDES, 2008). With the new investments in this segment, we expect a growth of about 66% in the resin consumption of urea-formaldehyde (GPC, 2009) which should also result in major investments by the companies producing this polymer. Currently employees are mainly three types of resins in the production industry panels, as follows: Urea-Formaldehyde Resin (R-UF), melamine-formaldehyde resin (R-MF) and Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin (R-FF). Especially the cost factor, the urea-formaldehyde resin is the most used by companies producing reconstituted wood panels. The UF-R is a polymer obtained by condensation of urea and formaldehyde reactors (usually batch type), characterized by being a thermosetting polymer which makes it very efficient for bonding wood composites. The urea-formaldehyde polymer, to present a quite complex, it becomes very difficult to predict the exact chain resulting in the process of condensation of urea with formaldehyde, so that a greater knowledge of its characteristics and methods for their characterization can result in greater control in industrial processes and subsequent decrease cost and improve the quality of reconstituted wood panels produced in Brazil
Methods of semen cryopreservation allow changes in spermatic cells, such as damage in plasma and acrossomal membrane and modifications in mitochondrial function due to a disorder in the lipidic bilayer. For effective oocyte fertilization, spermatozoa require functional competent membranes, and intact organelles, acrosome and DNA. However, most laboratory methods used to evaluate semen quality are not highly correlated with fertilizing capacity. The discovery of a variety of fluorochromes and compounds conjugated to fluorescent probes has enabled an accurate assessment of the viability, integrity and function of spermatozoa. Among the most used probes that label the various compartments of the sperm cell there are the membrane impermeable fluorescent dyes to test the membrane integrity, as well as acylated dyes that pass the intact membrane. For the acrossomal integrity the most commonly used method is lectins labeled by a fluorescent probe. The acrosome reaction and spermatic capacitation is detected by the evaluation of membrane architecture and disorder of lipids in plasma membrane. Mitochondrial function can be determined using markers for their aerobic activity. The DNA status of spermatozoa has been determined using the metachromatic properties of Acridine Orange, and the DNA fragmentation can also be assessed by TUNEL assay. Finally, DNA condensation is analyzed using a single cell DNA gel electrophoresis assay that indicates DNA compactation. This monograph aims to compile the various tests used to detect damaged spermatozoa under cryopreservation methods, searching for improve the predictive value of semen analysis with the intention of a successful conception
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
With the growing world energy demand mainly from developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China, the search for efficient sources of energy becomes a challenge for the coming years. Among the most widely used alternative sources, biomass is the one that grows in a more pronounced way. This study will assess the real possibility of having it as a heat source in an Organic Rankine Cycle, which employ heat transfer fluids as working fluids instead of water. From a regional data collection in agricultural production and their potential rice production and the resulting husk was defined as more appropriate. The availability of husks together with an amount of eucalyptus wood, provided by a company in the region on a monthly basis, were analyzed, and the low participation of the wood was discarded by the thermal contribution of little significance. Based on this, it was established the calorific value of fuel for thermodynamic calculations and the cycle to be used. It was then carried out the choice of working fluid from the literature and their availability in the library of software used for the simulations, the Engineering Equation Solver - ESS. The fluid most appropriate for the burning of biomass, Octamethyltrisiloxane (OMTS), was not included in the software and so the R227ea and R134a were selected. After the initial parameters modeling definition, as condensing temperature, efficiency and live steam conditions, the simulations were performed, and only the R227ea remained within the feasible thermodynamic and technological ranges. With this fluid the turbine power output was 265.7 [kW] for a scenario of 24 hours/day burning, 800.3 [kW] to biomass burning for 8 hours/day and 2134 [kW] for burning only 3 hours/day. The thermal efficiency of the cycle remained in the range of 6%, and for plants operating with the most... (Complete Abstract click eletronic access below)