901 resultados para Computer networks -- TFC


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Desenvolupament d'aplicació per a iPhone que controla els esdeveniments d'un partit de futbol. Mentre es van registrant, es poden consultar en temps real les estadístiques individuals i col·lectives dels equips. En tot moment, es pot generar un xml que permetrà exportar les dades a altres equips.


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Proyecto Fin de Carrera del Área de Redes de Computadores de la titulación de Ingeniería Informática. El proyecto versa sobre el desarrollo de un sistema automático de descarga, distribución de datos y transformación de datos de boyas con el sistema ARGOS, así como una aplicación móvil para el sistema operativo móvil iOS, para su uso en dispositivos móviles iPhone.


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Metodologia per a la comparativa d'eines de monitorització Nagios, Pandorafms i Zenoss.


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Proyecto fin de Máster sobre la implantación de un sistema de monitorización.


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Desenvolupament d'un sniffer propi que capturarà el trànsit de la xarxa i es podrà analitzar. Per a això es generarà un entorn gràfic tant per a la captura com l'anàlisi final, obtenint percentatge de dades i tipus de paquets capturats


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Memoria del proyecto de fin de máster de software libre.


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En l'article s'analitza prèviament l'estat de l'art de la gestió de l'ample de banda en entorns educatius, presentant en base a diverses classificacions anteriors solucions i experiències proposades. Amb la proposta presentada, mitjançant els experiments de simulació efectuats i els tests en entorns reals es tracta de comprovar-ne el correcte comportament, demostrant la utilitat de la mateixa alhora de fer la gestió de l'ample de banda dels centres.


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Creació d'una infraestructura informàtica d'un centre educatiu, amb xarxes separades per a aules, secretaria i seminaris. Serveis centralitzats en un servidor amb màquines virtuals.


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La memòria consisteix en el desenvolupament d'un sistema web per gestionar l'inventari de dispositius de xarxa i d'equips informàtics d'una escola. Més concretament dels equips es pot gestionar informació referent a característiques de hardware, software i de xarxa com l'adreça MAC, IP, roseta on està connectat... Dels dispositius de xarxa es pot gestionar informació referent als armaris, patch panels, switches, virtual LANs i punts d'accés on es connecten ordinadors, portàtils, telèfons o faxos.


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In order to successfully deploy multicast services in QoS-aware networks, pricing architectures must take into account the particular characteristics of multicast sessions. With this objective, we propose a charging scheme for QoS multicast services, assuming that the unicast cost of each interconnecting link is determined and that such cost is expressed in terms of quality of service (QoS) parameters. Our scheme allows determining the cost distribution of a multicast session along a cost distribution tree (CDT), and basing such distribution in those pre-existing unicast cost functions. The paper discusses in detail the main characteristics of the problem in a realistic interdomain scenario and how the proposed scheme would contribute to its solution


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We propose a charging scheme for cost distribution along a multicast tree when cost is the responsibility of the receivers. This scheme focuses on QoS considerations and it does not depend on any specific type of service. The scheme has been designed to be used as a bridge between unicast and multicast services, solving the problem of charging multicast services by means of unicast charging and existing QoS routing mechanisms. We also include a numerical comparison and discussions of the case of non-numerical or relative QoS and on the application to some service examples in order to give a better understanding of the proposal


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IP based networks still do not have the required degree of reliability required by new multimedia services, achieving such reliability will be crucial in the success or failure of the new Internet generation. Most of existing schemes for QoS routing do not take into consideration parameters concerning the quality of the protection, such as packet loss or restoration time. In this paper, we define a new paradigm to develop new protection strategies for building reliable MPLS networks, based on what we have called the network protection degree (NPD). This NPD consists of an a priori evaluation, the failure sensibility degree (FSD), which provides the failure probability and an a posteriori evaluation, the failure impact degree (FID), to determine the impact on the network in case of failure. Having mathematical formulated these components, we point out the most relevant components. Experimental results demonstrate the benefits of the utilization of the NPD, when used to enhance some current QoS routing algorithms to offer a certain degree of protection


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One of the most effective techniques offering QoS routing is minimum interference routing. However, it is complex in terms of computation time and is not oriented toward improving the network protection level. In order to include better levels of protection, new minimum interference routing algorithms are necessary. Minimizing the failure recovery time is also a complex process involving different failure recovery phases. Some of these phases depend completely on correct routing selection, such as minimizing the failure notification time. The level of protection also involves other aspects, such as the amount of resources used. In this case shared backup techniques should be considered. Therefore, minimum interference techniques should also be modified in order to include sharing resources for protection in their objectives. These aspects are reviewed and analyzed in this article, and a new proposal combining minimum interference with fast protection using shared segment backups is introduced. Results show that our proposed method improves both minimization of the request rejection ratio and the percentage of bandwidth allocated to backup paths in networks with low and medium protection requirements


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Hypermedia systems based on the Web for open distance education are becoming increasinglypopular as tools for user-driven access learning information. Adaptive hypermedia is a new direction in research within the area of user-adaptive systems, to increase its functionality by making it personalized [Eklu 961. This paper sketches a general agents architecture to include navigationaladaptability and user-friendly processes which would guide and accompany the student during hislher learning on the PLAN-G hypermedia system (New Generation Telematics Platform to Support Open and Distance Learning), with the aid of computer networks and specifically WWW technology [Marz 98-1] [Marz 98-2]. The PLAN-G actual prototype is successfully used with some informatics courses (the current version has no agents yet). The propased multi-agent system, contains two different types of adaptive autonomous software agents: Personal Digital Agents {Interface), to interacl directly with the student when necessary; and Information Agents (Intermediaries), to filtrate and discover information to learn and to adapt navigation space to a specific student


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In this paper, a method for enhancing current QoS routing methods by means of QoS protection is presented. In an MPLS network, the segments (links) to be protected are predefined and an LSP request involves, apart from establishing a working path, creating a specific type of backup path (local, reverse or global). Different QoS parameters, such as network load balancing, resource optimization and minimization of LSP request rejection should be considered. QoS protection is defined as a function of QoS parameters, such as packet loss, restoration time, and resource optimization. A framework to add QoS protection to many of the current QoS routing algorithms is introduced. A backup decision module to select the most suitable protection method is formulated and different case studies are analyzed