993 resultados para Composite Sandwich Plates


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The ballistic performance of equi-mass plates made from (i) stainless steel (SS); (ii) carbon fibre/epoxy (CF) laminate and (iii) a hybrid plate of both materials has been characterised for a spherical steel projectile. The hybrid plate was orientated with steel on the impact face (SSCF) and on the distal face (CFSS). The penetration velocity (V 50) was highest for the SS plate and lowest for the CF plate. A series of double impact tests were performed, with an initial velocity V I and a subsequent velocity V II at the same impact site. An interaction diagram in (V I,V II) space was constructed to delineate penetration from survival under both impacts. The degree of interaction between the two impact events was greater for the CFSS plate than for the SSCF plate, implying that the distal face has the major effect upon the degree of interaction.


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The dynamic deformation of both edge clamped stainless steel sandwich panels with a pyramidal truss core and equal mass monolithic plates loaded by spherically expanding shells of dry and water saturated sand has been investigated, both experimentally and via a particle based simulation methodology. The spherically expanding sand shell is generated by detonating a sphere of explosive surrounded by a shell of either dry or water saturated synthetic sand. The measurements show that the sandwich panel and plate deflections decrease with increasing stand-off between the center of the charge and the front of the test structures. Moreover, for the same charge and sand mass, the deflections of the plates are significantly higher in the water saturated sand case compared to that of dry sand. For a given stand-off, the mid-span deflection of the sandwich panel rear faces was substantially less than that of the corresponding monolithic plate for both the dry and water saturated sand cases. The experiments were simulated via a coupled discrete-particle/ finite element scheme wherein the high velocity impacting sand is modeled by interacting particles while the plate is modeled within a Lagrangian finite element setting. The simulations are in good agreement with the measurements for the dry sand impact of both the monolithic and sandwich structures. However, the simulations underestimate the effect of stand-off in the case of the water saturated sand explosion, i.e. the deflections decrease more sharply with increasing stand-off in the experiments compared to the simulations. The simulations reveal that the momentum transmitted into the sandwich and monolithic plate structures by the sand shell is approximately the same, consistent with a small fluid-structure interaction effect. The smaller deflection of the sandwich panels is therefore primarily due to the higher bending strength of sandwich structures. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, hydrothermal synthesized Fe3O4 microspheres have been encapsulated with nonporous silica and a further layer of ordered mesoporous silica through a simple sol-gel process. The surface of the outer silica shell was further functionalized by the deposition of YVO4:Eu3+ phosphors, realizing a sandwich structured material with mesoporous, magnetic and luminescent properties. The multifunctional system was used as drug carrier to investigate the storage and release properties using ibuprofen (IBU) as model drug by the surface modification. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), N-2 adsorption/desorption, photoluminescence (PL) spectra, and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) were used to characterized the samples.


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Among the key challenges present in the modelling and optimisation of composite structures against impact is the computational expense involved in setting up accurate simulations of the impact event and then performing the iterations required to optimise the designs. It is of more interest to find good designs given the limitations of the resources and time available rather than the best possible design. In this paper, low cost but sufficiently accurate finite element (FE) models were generated in LS Dyna for several experimentally characterised materials by semi-automating the modelling process and using existing material models. These models were then used by an optimisation algorithm to generate new hybrid offspring, leading to minimum weight and/or cost designs from a selection of isotropic metals, polymers and orthotropic fibre-reinforced laminates that countered a specified impact threat. Experimental validation of the optimal designs thus identified was then successfully carried out using a single stage gas gun. With sufficient computational hardware, the techniques developed in this pilot study can further utilise fine meshes, equations of state and sophisticated material models, so that optimal hybrid systems can be identified from a wide range of materials, designs and threats.


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This paper presents validated results of the optimization of cutouts in laminated carbon-fibre composite panels by adapting a recently developed optimization procedure known as Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO). An initial small cutout was introduced into each finite element model and elements were removed from around this cutout based on a predefined rejection criterion. In the examples presented, the limiting ply within each plate element around the cutout was determined based on the Tsai-Hill failure index. Plates with values below the product of the average Tsai-Hill number and a rejection ratio (RR) were subsequently removed. This process was iterated until a steady state was reached and the RR was then incremented by an evolutionary rate (ER). The above steps were repeated until a cutout of a desired area was achieved.


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A sandwich construction is a special form of the laminated composite consisting of light weight core, sandwiched between two stiff thin face sheets. Due to high stiffness to weight ratio, sandwich construction is widely adopted in aerospace industries. As a process dependent bonded structure, the most severe defects associated with sandwich construction are debond (skin core bond failure) and dent (locally deformed skin associated with core crushing). Reasons for debond may be attributed to initial manufacturing flaws or in service loads and dent can be caused by tool drops or impacts by foreign objects. This paper presents an evaluation on the performance of honeycomb sandwich cantilever beam with the presence of debond or dent, using layered finite element models. Dent is idealized by accounting core crushing in the core thickness along with the eccentricity of the skin. Debond is idealized using multilaminate modeling at debond location with contact element between the laminates. Vibration and buckling behavior of metallic honeycomb sandwich beam with and without damage are carried out. Buckling load factor, natural frequency, mode shape and modal strain energy are evaluated using finite element package ANSYS 13.0. Study shows that debond affect the performance of the structure more severely than dent. Reduction in the fundamental frequencies due to the presence of dent or debond is not significant for the case considered. But the debond reduces the buckling load factor significantly. Dent of size 8-20% of core thickness shows 13% reduction in buckling load capacity of the sandwich column. But debond of the same size reduced the buckling load capacity by about 90%. This underscores the importance of detecting these damages in the initiation level itself to avoid catastrophic failures. Influence of the damages on fundamental frequencies, mode shape and modal strain energy are examined. Effectiveness of these parameters as a damage detection tool for sandwich structure is also assessed


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La majoria de les fallades en elements estructurals són degudes a càrrega per fatiga. En conseqüència, la fatiga mecànica és un factor clau per al disseny d'elements mecànics. En el cas de materials compòsits laminats, el procés de fallada per fatiga inclou diferents mecanismes de dany que resulten en la degradació del material. Un dels mecanismes de dany més importants és la delaminació entre capes del laminat. En el cas de components aeronàutics, les plaques de composit estan exposades a impactes i les delaminacions apareixen facilment en un laminat després d'un impacte. Molts components fets de compòsit tenen formes corbes, superposició de capes i capes amb diferents orientacions que fan que la delaminació es propagui en un mode mixt que depen de la grandària de la delaminació. És a dir, les delaminacions generalment es propaguen en mode mixt variable. És per això que és important desenvolupar nous mètodes per caracteritzar el creixement subcrític en mode mixt per fatiga de les delaminacions. El principal objectiu d'aquest treball és la caracterització del creixement en mode mixt variable de les delaminacions en compòsits laminats per efecte de càrregues a fatiga. Amb aquest fi, es proposa un nou model per al creixement per fatiga de la delaminació en mode mixt. Contràriament als models ja existents, el model que es proposa es formula d'acord a la variació no-monotònica dels paràmetres de propagació amb el mode mixt observada en diferents resultats experimentals. A més, es du a terme un anàlisi de l'assaig mixed-mode end load split (MMELS), la característica més important del qual és la variació del mode mixt a mesura que la delaminació creix. Per a aquest anàlisi, es tenen em compte dos mètodes teòrics presents en la literatura. No obstant, les expressions resultants per l'assaig MMELS no són equivalents i les diferències entre els dos mètodes poden ser importants, fins a 50 vegades. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball es porta a terme un anàlisi alternatiu més acurat del MMELS per tal d'establir una comparació. Aquest anàlisi alternatiu es basa en el mètode dels elements finits i virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). D'aquest anàlisi en resulten importants aspectes a considerar per a la bona caracterització de materials utilitzant l'assaig MMELS. Durant l'estudi s'ha dissenyat i construït un utillatge per l'assaig MMELS. Per a la caracterització experimental de la propagació per fatiga de delaminacions en mode mixt variable s'utilitzen diferents provetes de laminats carboni/epoxy essencialment unidireccionals. També es du a terme un anàlisi fractogràfic d'algunes de les superfícies de fractura per delaminació. Els resultats experimentals són comparats amb les prediccions del model proposat per la propagació per fatiga d'esquerdes interlaminars.


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The 4-node, 24-dof quadrilateral displacement-based element (Zhang et al. 2004), which have been developed successfully for linear analysis of thin to thick laminated composite plates, is extended further for geometrically nonlinear analysis in this paper. The proposed element is based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and von-Karman's large deflection theory, and the total Lagrangian approach is employed to formulate the element. The deflection and rotation functions of the element boundary are obtained from Timoshenko's laminated composite beam functions. The developed element is simple in formulation, free from shear-locking, and include conventional engineering degrees of freedom. Numerical examples demonstrate that the element is accurate and efficient for large deformation, small rotation geometrically nonlinear analysis of thin to moderately thick laminated composite plates.


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Metallic tubes have been extensively studied for their crashworthiness as they closely resemble automotive crash rails. Recently, the demand to produce lighter weight, yet safer vehicles has led to the need to understand the crash behaviour of novel materials, such as fibre reinforced polymer composites, metallic foams and sandwich structures. This paper discusses the static indentation response of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) tubes. The side impact on a CFRP tube involves various failure mechanisms. This paper highlights these mechanisms and compares the energy absorption of CFRP tubes with similar Aluminium tubes. The response of the CFRP tubes during bending was modelled using ABAQUS finite element software with a composite fabric material model. The material inputs were given based on standard tension and compression test results and the in-plane damage was defined based on cyclic shear tests. The failure modes and energy absorption observed during the tests were well represented by the finite element model.


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Integrating rechargeable battery cells with fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites is a promising technology to enable composite structures to concurrently carry load and store electric energy, thus significantly reducing weight at the system level. To develop a design criterion for structural battery composites, rechargeable lithium polymer battery cells were embedded into carbon fibre/epoxy matrix composite laminates, which were then subjected to tensile, flexural and compressive loading. The electric charging/discharging properties were measured at varying levels of applied loads. The results showed that degradation in battery performance, such as voltagea and energy storage capacity, correlated well with the applied strain under three different loading conditions. Under compressive loading, battery cells, due to their multilayer construction, were unable to prevent buckling of composite face sheets due to the low lateral stiffness, leading to lower compressive strength that sandwich panels with foam core.


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Sandwich-type hybrid carbon nanosheets (SCNMM) consisting of graphene and micro/mesoporous carbon layer are fabricated via a double template method using graphene oxide as the shape-directing agent and SiO2 nanoparticles as the mesoporous guide. The polypyrrole synthesized in situ on the graphene oxide sheets is used as a carbon precursor. The micro/mesoporous strcutures of the SCNMM are created by a carbonization process followed by HF solution etching and KOH treatment. Sulfur is impregnated into the hybrid carbon nanosheets to generate S@SCNMM composites for the cathode materials in Li-S secondary batteries. The microstructures and electrochemical performance of the as-prepared samples are investigated in detail. The hybrid carbon nanosheets, which have a thickness of about 10-25 nm, high surface area of 1588 m2 g-1, and broad pore size distribution of 0.8-6.0 nm, are highly interconnected to form a 3D hierarchical structure. The S@SCNMM sample with the sulfur content of 74 wt% exhibits excellent electrochemical performance, including large reversible capacity, good cycling stability and coulombic efficiency, and good rate capability, which is believed to be due to the structure of hybrid carbon materials with hierarchical porous structure, which have large specific surface area and pore volume.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The paper presents the results of an experimental study of interfacial failure in a multilayered structure consisting of a dentin/resin cement/quartz-fiber reinforced composite (FRC). Slices of dentin close to the pulp chamber were sandwiched by two half-circle discs made of a quartz-fiber reinforced composite, bonded with bonding agent (All-bond 2, BISCO, Schaumburg) and resin cement (Duo-link. BISCO, Schaumburg) to make Brazil-nut sandwich specimens for interfacial toughness testing. Interfacial fracture toughness (strain energy release rate, G) was measured as a function of mode mixity by changing loading angles from 0 degrees to 15 degrees. The interfacial fracture surfaces were then examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) to determine the failure modes when loading angles changed. A computational model was also developed to calculate the driving forces, stress intensity factors and mode mixities. Interfacial toughness increased from approximate to 1.5 to 3.2 J/m(2) when the loading angle increases from approximate to 0, 0 to 15 degrees. The hybridized dentin/cement interface appeared to be tougher than the resin cement/quartz-fiber reinforced epoxy. The Brazil-nut sandwich specimen was a suitable method to investigate the mechanical integrity of dentin/cement/FRC interfaces. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.