936 resultados para Communication in Paulo Freire


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Ao visitar escolas como supervisora pedagógica, a investigadora notou que as aulas de recuperação em alfabetização eram uma continuidade das aulas regulares e, numa tentativa para procurar soluções para alfabetizar as crianças analfabetas, planificou uma investigação-acção fundamentada na pedagogia crítica de Freire, em que ela actuou como professora. Numa escola de 218 alunos, a investigadora escolheu 12, oficialmente situados em classes avançadas mas, na realidade, analfabetos, e convidou-os para uma turma especial onde, durante 48 horas e duas vezes por semana, quatro horas de cada vez, ela tentou ensiná-los a ler e escrever. As actividades foram precedidas de intenso diálogo entre os estudantes e a investigadora-professora, por reconhecer a importância fundamental da oralidade na prática da alfabetização. Mas aquela participação oral permitiu também conhecer os temas da vida real dos estudantes e as “palavras geradoras” correspondentes, de modo a fazer aumentar a sua consciência crítica, como propõe Freire.


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Nos cenários da globalização e da revitalização do credo neoliberal, importa salientar as principais alterações assumidas pelo modelo estatal (desnacionalização do Estado, desestatização dos regimes políticos e internacionalização do Estado Nacional) na intersecção com a emergência de poderosos mecanismos de regulação transnacional protagonizados por agências globalizadoras, como a OCDE e a União Europeia. Neste artigo, a autora, a partir das perspectivas críticas e do sistema mundial moderno, analisa a emergência dos modos de governação e de regulação do campo educativo. Em contraponto às lógicas hegemónicas da governação global, metaforizadas nos sete pecados – vaidade, soberba, inveja, preguiça, gula, avareza, ira – a autora mobiliza os principais contributos da epistemologia e do ideário ético-pedagógico freiriano, patentes na riqueza axial de conceitos fundamentais legados pelo educador, tais como: historicidade, dialogicidade, conscientização, emancipação, autonomia, liberdade e esperança. A autora reflecte, por último, sobre os principais contributos da pedagogia freiriana para a recontextualização dos paradigmas tradicionais de pensar a educação e para a construção de sentidos emancipatórios que enformem a reinvenção dos contextos democráticos.


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Este trabalho trata de um tema pouco abordado na literatura educacional, quebrasileiro tornou-se conhecido em todo o mundo como pensador e promotor da alfabetização e da educação de adultos. Dado o movimento, recentíssimo, de criação, implantação e implementação de novas matrizes institucionais di- ferentes dos modelos clássicos de Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) no mun- do, este artigo relaciona o conceito de educação popular – a maior contribuição da América Latina e, certamente de Paulo Freire, ao pensamento pedagógico mundial – à nova concepção de universidade, identificando nichos universitá- rios de produção de ciência pública e democracia cognitiva omnilateral.


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This paper presents recent research into the functions and value of sketch outputs during computer supported collaborative design. Sketches made primarily exploiting whiteboard technology are shown to support subjects engaged in remote collaborative design, particularly when constructed in ‘nearsynchronous’ communication. The authors define near-synchronous communication and speculate that it is compatible with the reflective and iterative nature of design activity. There appears to be significant similarities between the making of sketches in near-synchronous remote collaborative design and those made on paper in more traditional face-to-face settings With the current increase in the use of computer supported collaborative working (CSCW) in undergraduate and postgraduate design education it is proposed that sketches and sketching can make important contributions to design learning in this context


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Williams syndrome (WS) is characterized by apparent relative strengths in language, facial processing and social cognition but by profound impairment in spatial cognition, planning and problem solving. Following recent research which suggests that individuals with WS may be less linguistically able than was once thought, in this paper we begin to investigate why and how they may give the impression of linguistic proficiency despite poor standardized test results. This case study of Brendan, a 12-year-old boy with WS, who presents with a considerable lack of linguistic ability, suggests that impressions of linguistic competence may to some extent be the result of conversational strategies which enable him to compensate for various cognitive and linguistic deficits with a considerable degree of success. These conversational strengths are not predicted by his standardized language test results, and provide compelling support for the use of approaches such as Conversation Analysis in the assessment of individuals with communication impairments.


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Ever since man invented writing he has used text to store and distribute his thoughts. With the advent of computers and the Internet the delivery of these messages has become almost instant. Textual conversations can now be had regardless of location or distance. Advances in computational power for 3D graphics are enabling Virtual Environments(VE) within which users can become increasingly more immersed. By opening these environments to other users such as initially through sharing these text conversations channels, we aim to extend the immersed experience into an online virtual community. This paper examines work that brings textual communications into the VE, enabling interaction between the real and virtual worlds.


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This paper reports on a study of computer-mediated communication within the context of a distance MA in TEFL programme which used an e-mail discussion list and then a discussion board. The study focused on the computer/Internet access and skills of the target population and their CMC needs and wants. Data were collected from 63 questionnaires and 6 in-depth interviews with students. Findings indicate that computer use and access to the Internet are widespread within the target population. In addition, most respondents indicated some competence in Internet use. No single factor emerged as an overriding inhibiting factor for lack of personal use. There was limited use of the CMC tools provided on the course for student–student interaction, mainly attributable to time constraints. However, most respondents said that they would like more CMC interaction with tutors. The main factor which would contribute to greater Internet use was training. The paper concludes with recommendations and suggestions for learner training in this area.


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background: Guidance encourages oncologists to engage patients and relatives in discussing the emotions that accompany cancer diagnosis and treatment. We investigated the perspectives of parents of children with leukaemia on the role of paediatric oncologists in such discussion. methods: Qualitative study comprising 33 audio-recorded parent–oncologist consultations and semi-structured interviews with 67 parents during the year following diagnosis. results: Consultations soon after the diagnosis were largely devoid of overt discussion of parental emotion. Interviewed parents did not describe a need for such discussion. They spoke of being comforted by oncologists’ clinical focus, by the biomedical information they provided and by their calmness and constancy. When we explicitly asked parents 1 year later about the oncologists’ role in emotional support, they overwhelmingly told us that they did not want to discuss their feelings with oncologists. They wanted to preserve the oncologists’ focus on their child’s clinical care, deprecated anything that diverted from this and spoke of the value of boundaries in the parent–oncologist relationship. conclusion: Parents were usually comforted by oncologists, but this was not achieved in the way suggested by communication guidance. Communication guidance would benefit from an enhanced understanding of how emotional support is experienced by those who rely on it.


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Today, transparency is hailed as a key to good governance and economic efficiency, with national states implementing new laws to allow citizens access to information. It is therefore paradoxical that, as shown by a series of crises and scandals, modern governments and international agencies frequently have paid only lip-service to such ideals. Since Jeremy Bentham first introduced the concept of transparency into the language in 1789, few societal debates have sparked so much interest within the academic community, and across a variety of disciplines, using different approaches and methodologies. Within these current debates, however, one fact is striking: the lack of historical reflection about the development of the concept of transparency, both as a principle and as applied in practice, prior to its inception. Accordingly, the aim of this special issue is to contribute to historicising the ways in which communication and control over fiscal policy and state finances operated in early modern European polities.


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ABSTRACTThe general aim of this thesis was to investigate behavioral change communication at nurse-led chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) clinics in primary health care, focusing on communication in self-management and smoking cessation for patients with COPD.Designs: Observational, prospective observational and experimental designs were used.Methods: To explore and describe the structure and content of self-management education and smoking cessation communication, consultations between patients (n=30) and nurses (n=7) were videotaped and analyzed with three instruments: Consulting Map (CM), the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) scale and the Client Language Assessment in Motivational Interviewing (CLAMI). To examine the effects of structured self-management education, patients with COPD (n=52) were randomized in an intervention and a control group. Patients’ quality of life (QoL), knowledge about COPD and smoking cessation were examined with a questionnaire on knowledge about COPD and smoking habits and with St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire, addressing QoL. Results: The findings from the videotaped consultations showed that communication about the reasons for consultation mainly concerned medical and physical problems and (to a certain extent) patients´ perceptions. Two consultations ended with shared understanding, but none of the patients received an individual treatment-plan. In the smoking cessation communication the nurses did only to a small extent evoke patients’ reasons for change, fostered collaboration and supported patients’ autonomy. The nurses provided a lot of information (42%), asked closed (21%) rather than open questions (3%), made simpler (14%) rather than complex (2%) reflections and used MI non-adherent (16%) rather than MI-adherent (5%) behavior. Most of the patients’ utterances in the communication were neutral either toward or away from smoking cessation (59%), utterances about reason (desire, ability and need) were 40%, taking steps 1% and commitment to stop smoking 0%. The number of patients who stopped smoking, and patients’ knowledge about the disease and their QoL, was increased by structured self-management education and smoking cessation in collaboration between the patient, nurse and physician and, when necessary, a physiotherapist, a dietician, an occupational therapist and/or a medical social worker.Conclusion The communication at nurse-led COPD clinics rarely involved the patients in shared understanding and responsibility and concerned patients’ fears, worries and problems only to a limited extent. The results also showed that nurses had difficulties in attaining proficiency in behavioral change communication. Structured self-management education showed positive effects on patients’ perceived QoL, on the number of patients who quit smoking and on patients’ knowledge about COPD.


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Interaction involves people communicating and reacting to each other. This process is key to the study of discourse, but it is not easy to study systematically how interaction takes place in a specific communicative event, or how it is typically performed over a series of repeated communicative events. However, with a written record of the interaction, it becomes possible to study the process in some detail. This thesis investigates interaction through asynchronous written discussion forums in a computer-mediated learning environment. In particular, this study investigates pragmatic aspects of the communicative event which the asynchronous online discussions comprise. The first case study examines response patterns to messages by looking at the content of initial messages and responses, in order to determine the extent to which characteristics of the messages themselves or other situational factors affect the interaction. The second study examines in what ways participants use a range of discourse devices, including formulaic politeness, humour and supportive feedback as community building strategies in the interaction. The third study investigates the role of the subject line of messages in the interaction, for example by examining how participants choose different types of subject lines for different types of messages. The fourth study examines to what extent features serving a deictic function are drawn on in the interaction and then compares the findings to both oral conversation and formal academic discourse. The overall findings show a complex communicative situation shaped by the medium itself, type of activity, the academic discipline and topic of discussion and by the social and cultural aspects of tertiary education in an online learning environment. In addition, the findings may also provide evidence of learning.