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Although the performance of the Swiss health system is high, one out of ten patients in general practitioner's (GP) office declares having foregone care in the previous twelve months for economic reasons. Reasons for foregoing care are several and include a lack of knowledge of existing social aids in getting health insurance, unavailability of GPs and long waiting lists for various types of care. Although long term knowledge of patients or a psychosocial history of deprivation or poverty may help identify individuals at risk of foregoing care, many may remain undetected. We propose then a few instruments to help GPs to identify, in a simple and structured approach, patients at risk of forgoing care for economic reasons; these patients are frequently deprived and sometimes poor.


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The detection of IgM antibodies for Schistosoma mansoni using gut-associated antigens (IgM-IFT) was compared to the parasitological Kato-Katz method for study of the transmission of schistosomiasis in an urban area in Campinas. About 400 schoolchildren whose ages ranged from 6 to 18 years, were observed for a period of two years. Blood samples on filter paper and fecal samples were collected, at intervals of six months. Serological (IgM-IFT) prevalence rates of 1.2%, 4.3%, 3.6%, 2.9% and 3.4% were obtained in five surveys carried out. S. mansoni eggs were detected in only one child out of the 225 children (0.4%) who were submitted to the Kato-Katz method (three slides for each fecal sample) in the 1st survey. Sixty eight children who submitted five blood samples, one for each survey, were found IFT negative throughout the study. No child was found to be IFT positive in all five surveys, and only four children showed IFT positive results in at least four surveys. Seroconversion from IFT negative to positive was observed from the 1st to the 2nd survey in six chidren, from the 2nd to the 3rd survey in three children, from the 3rd to the 4th survey in four children, and from the 4th to the 5th survey in two cases. However, confirmation of S. mansoni infection using the fecal examination was not possible in any of the cases. Also, in most of them the IFT result oscillated from negative to positive and vice versa. Our data implied that recent transmission of schistosomiasis in the study area was not possible.


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French verb morphology has always been a major challenge for learners as well as teachers of French as a foreign language. Learning difficulties arise not only from the inherent complexity of the conjugation system itself, but mostly from the traditional description found in specialized books, grammars, etc. French spelling alone tends to complexify the actual oral verb morphology by more than 60%, thus hindering efficient learning. Following Dubois (1967), Csécsy (1968), Pouradier Duteil (1997), etc., I suggest an alternative approach, exclusively based on phonetic transcription, and starting with plural forms instead of singular ones (Mayer 1969). For more than 500 verbs of the 2nd and 3rd groups, this strategy allows learners to first memorize the present tense plural form e.g. /illiz/ (ils lisent, "they read") and take the stem's final consonant away to get the singular /illi/ (il lit, "he reads").


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Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is an emergent and innovative approach for measuring the composition, abundance and regioselectivity of molecules within an investigated area of fixed dimension. Although providing unprecedented molecular information compared with conventional MS techniques, enhancement of protein signature by IMS is still necessary and challenging. This paper demonstrates the combination of conventional organic washes with an optimized aqueous-based buffer for tissue section preparation before matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) IMS of proteins. Based on a 500 mM ammonium formate in water-acetonitrile (9:1; v/v, 0.1% trifluororacetic acid, 0.1% Triton) solution, this buffer wash has shown to significantly enhance protein signature by profiling and IMS (~fourfold) when used after organic washes (70% EtOH followed by 90% EtOH), improving the quality and number of ion images obtained from mouse kidney and a 14-day mouse fetus whole-body tissue sections, while maintaining a similar reproducibility with conventional tissue rinsing. Even if some protein losses were observed, the data mining has demonstrated that it was primarily low abundant signals and that the number of new peaks found is greater with the described procedure. The proposed buffer has thus demonstrated to be of high efficiency for tissue section preparation providing novel and complementary information for direct on-tissue MALDI analysis compared with solely conventional organic rinsing.


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La majorité des médecins méconnaissent les pathologies en lien avec le travail. Une enquête auprès de généralistes et spécialistes romands a dessiné les pistes prioritaires pour améliorer la prise en charge et la prévention.


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Si la maladie relève de l'individuel, la santé, elle, participe du collectif et constitue aujourd'hui un enjeu de société et un analyseur du social qui s'inscrit au coeur du questionnement anthropologique. Devenue valeur de référence, elle se définit comme une construction socialement et politiquement élaborée dont les limites sont constamment rediscutées. Ce processus se déploie dans un contexte sans précédent dans l'histoire de l'humanité. En effet, nous sommes actuellement les témoins aussi bien que les acteurs de mutations Inédites et fondamentales: la mondialisation en cours, qui se caractérise par l'émergence simultanée de diverses innovations sociales et culturelles s'accompagne d'un changement de références considérable. Cette évolution transforme la logique de l'offre et de la demande, tout particulièrement en ce qui concerne la problématique santé et migration. Dans cette perspective, la prise en charge des requérants d'asile doit s'accompagner d'une analyse des fins politiques, éthiques et culturelles sous-jacentes à la crise et aux solutions recherchées dans les systèmes de santé.


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In April 2011, the OECD released an important discussion draft that is intended to clarify the meaning of the term "beneficial ownership" under articles 10, 11 and 12 of the OECD Model (2010). This article discusses these proposals and demonstrates that some refinement is necessary.


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