906 resultados para Combustível, controle de qualidade, Brasil


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Este estudo analisa os resultados da mudança na estrutura de regulação do serviço público de energia elétrica, implementada, no âmbito da Reforma do Estado, no final dos anos 1990. Foi comparada a qualidade do serviço de distribuição no fornecimento de energia elétrica de duas empresas que atuam no Norte do Brasil, uma pública, outra privada. A última, ao ser penalizada pela agência reguladora, recorreu, sistematicamente, à judicialização dos processos punitivos. Essa estratégia não foi observada na atuação da empresa pública. Tal possibilidade institucional decorre de as agências serem dependentes do Judiciário que opera sob lógica estruturalmente diferente da lógica gerencial. Concluiu-se que a judicialização enseja comportamentos baseados na procrastinação no âmbito do arcabouço regulatório dos serviços públicos, bloqueando a estratégia pública de regulação.


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Apesar da política nacional de medicamentos propor que os mesmos tenham qualidade, efi cácia e segurança, os hospitais sentinelas têm recebido notifi cações de queixa técnica, reações adversas e suspeita de inefetividade terapêutica de medicamentos. Este estudo propôs identifi car os tipos de medicamentos notifi cados num hospital da Rede Sentinela, durante 18 meses, por suspeita de inefetividade terapêutica e verifi car a possibilidade de existência de polimorfos do fármaco, através de levantamento bibliográfi co. Foram identifi cadas 31 notifi cações de suspeita de inefetividade terapêutica de medicamentos similares, provenientes de onze fármacos diferentes, dos quais cinco podem apresentar polimorfos. No entanto, não signifi ca que os demais fármacos não apresentem polimorfos, sendo necessários estudos mais prolongados sobre o polimorfi smo, priorizando os estudos de fármacos com histórico de notifi cação de inefetividade terapêutica. Dados do presente estudo sugerem que testes de polimorfos sejam implantados na rotina do controle de qualidade da matéria-prima do fármaco, no desenvolvimento farmacotécnico do medicamento pela indústria farmacêutica e que o órgão sanitário federal exija os testes de polimorfi smo nos estudos de equivalência farmacêutica e estabilidade para o registro e pós-registro de medicamentos similares e genéricos, a fi m de assegurar a reprodutibilidade da qualidade, segurança e efi cácia comprovadas nos estudos in vivo de bioequivalência e biodisponibilidade relativa. Palavras-chave: polimorfi smo; vigilância sanitária; medicamento genérico; medicamento similar


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Means for milk, not otherwise specified, the product from complete and uninterrupted milking , in a hygienic, healthy cows, well fed and rested. The milk of other animals must be called according to origin of species. One of the main characteristics that defined the milk is the set of their sensory characteristics, and the main flavor. The control of milk quality in Brazil has been an important factor for the consolidation of the entire production chain, passing necessarily by the dairy industry. The production of milk with good quality guarantees, of course, food safety for consumers. The measures to obtain milk begin on the property, in carrying out correct procedures for milking, storage and transportation of the product also in the dairy. Later, in the laboratory evaluation of physicochemical properties, research fraud, and microbiological examinations. Finally, measures of health education are need for producers to become aware of the economic benefits by obtaining a better quality milk. The objective of this review is to emphasize the importance of using diagnostic procedures methods for the control of mastitis and consequently obtain better Milk quality


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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This article reports the results of a study that aimed at evaluating the effects of aging technique on cachaça samples produced and sold by small farmers in São Paulo State, Brazil. Cachaças, aged and not aged were sent by 10 cachaça producers that take part in the community project and course: São Paulo State Contest of Distillery Cachaça and Production Chain of Cachaça Meeting, organized by the Food and Nutrition Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences University, UNESP/Araraquara, SP, Brazil, in partnership with the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprise of São Paulo State (SEBRAE-SP) and the Rural Union of Araraquara. The evaluation of the samples was made based on sensory tests conducted in Analysis and Quality Control of Foods and Drinks Laboratory of the Department. The survey results showed significantly higher acceptance average in the aged samples compared with not aged ones. The aging process, which was one of the topics discussed in the course, was considered as an effective way to improve the quality of cachaça, the research also confirmed the importance of the University support to improve the quality of food and drink produced in Brazil.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O controle da mistura ar/combustível é muito importante para o correto funcionamento dos motores à combustão interna ciclo Otto. A relação entre o ar e o combustível influencia diretamente no funcionamento do motor, na emissão de poluentes e no consumo de combustível. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um controle da mistura ar/combustível a partir do estudo de modelos de malha fechada deste sistema. Esse controle tem por objetivo manter a mistura o mais próxima possível do ponto estequiométrico, a fim de otimizar a taxa de conversão de gases poluentes pelo catalisador, e utiliza um sensor de oxigênio, conhecido como sonda lambda, para realizar a realimentação do sistema, indicando se a mistura está no ponto estequiométrico. Este trabalho também apresenta o desenvolvimento de um compensador em malha fechada para controlar a mistura a/c (ar/combustível) em outros pontos, além do estequiométrico, através do uso de uma sonda lambda de banda larga.


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Diesel fuel is one of leading petroleum products marketed in Brazil, and has its quality monitored by specialized laboratories linked to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP. The main trial evaluating physicochemical properties of diesel are listed in the resolutions ANP Nº 65 of December 9th, 2011 and Nº 45 of December 20th, 2012 that determine the specification limits for each parameter and methodologies of analysis that should be adopted. However the methods used although quite consolidated, require dedicated equipment with high cost of acquisition and maintenance, as well as technical expertise for completion of these trials. Studies for development of more rapid alternative methods and lower cost have been the focus of many researchers. In this same perspective, this work conducted an assessment of the applicability of existing specialized literature on mathematical equations and artificial neural networks (ANN) for the determination of parameters of specification diesel fuel. 162 samples of diesel with a maximum sulfur content of 50, 500 and 1800 ppm, which were analyzed in a specialized laboratory using ASTM methods recommended by the ANP, with a total of 810 trials were used for this study. Experimental results atmospheric distillation (ASTM D86), and density (ASTM D4052) of diesel samples were used as basic input variables to the equations evaluated. The RNAs were applied to predict the flash point, cetane number and sulfur content (S50, S500, S1800), in which were tested network architectures feed-forward backpropagation and generalized regression varying the parameters of the matrix input in order to determine the set of variables and the best type of network for the prediction of variables of interest. The results obtained by the equations and RNAs were compared with experimental results using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test and Student's t test, at a significance level of 5%, as well as the coefficient of determination and percentage error, an error which was obtained 27, 61% for the flash point using a specific equation. The cetane number was obtained by three equations, and both showed good correlation coefficients, especially equation based on aniline point, with the lowest error of 0,816%. ANNs for predicting the flash point and the index cetane showed quite superior results to those observed with the mathematical equations, respectively, with errors of 2,55% and 0,23%. Among the samples with different sulfur contents, the RNAs were better able to predict the S1800 with error of 1,557%. Generally, networks of the type feedforward proved superior to generalized regression.


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The evaluation of seed vigor is an important factor for detection of lots of high quality seeds, so that development of procedures to evaluate the physiological potential has been an important tool in quality control programs seeds. In this sense the study aimed to adapt the methodologies of accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching to evaluate Moringa oleifera seed vigor LAM.. Therefore, four lots of moringa seeds were subjected to the germination tests, seedling emergence, speed of emergence index, emergence first count, length and dry mass of seedlings and cold test for their physiological characterization, in addition to accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. For accelerated aging the periods were studied aging 12, 24 and 72 hours at 40, 42 and 45°C. For the electrical conductivity test was used to a temperature of 25°C for periods of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of immersion in 75 to 125 mL of distilled water, using 25 to 50 seeds, and for potassium leaching test samples were used 25 to 50 seeds, placed in plastic cups containing 70 and 100 mL of distilled water at 25°C for periods of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. From the results obtained, it can be inferred that the methods best fit for the accelerated aging test Moringa seeds were a temperature of 40°C for 12 to 72 hours, 42°C 72 hours 45°C 24 hours . In the electrical conductivity test Moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 75 mL distilled water for a period of immersion of 4 hours and 50 seeds in 125 mL of 4 hours were efficient for the differentiation of lots of Moringa seeds as to vigor and for potassium leaching test moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 100mL of distilled water allowed the separation of lots of four levels of vigor, at 2 hours of immersion, showing promise in evaluate the quality of moringa seeds.


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The evaluation of seed vigor is an important factor for detection of lots of high quality seeds, so that development of procedures to evaluate the physiological potential has been an important tool in quality control programs seeds. In this sense the study aimed to adapt the methodologies of accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching to evaluate Moringa oleifera seed vigor LAM.. Therefore, four lots of moringa seeds were subjected to the germination tests, seedling emergence, speed of emergence index, emergence first count, length and dry mass of seedlings and cold test for their physiological characterization, in addition to accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. For accelerated aging the periods were studied aging 12, 24 and 72 hours at 40, 42 and 45°C. For the electrical conductivity test was used to a temperature of 25°C for periods of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of immersion in 75 to 125 mL of distilled water, using 25 to 50 seeds, and for potassium leaching test samples were used 25 to 50 seeds, placed in plastic cups containing 70 and 100 mL of distilled water at 25°C for periods of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. From the results obtained, it can be inferred that the methods best fit for the accelerated aging test Moringa seeds were a temperature of 40°C for 12 to 72 hours, 42°C 72 hours 45°C 24 hours . In the electrical conductivity test Moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 75 mL distilled water for a period of immersion of 4 hours and 50 seeds in 125 mL of 4 hours were efficient for the differentiation of lots of Moringa seeds as to vigor and for potassium leaching test moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 100mL of distilled water allowed the separation of lots of four levels of vigor, at 2 hours of immersion, showing promise in evaluate the quality of moringa seeds.


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In this work, it was developed and validated methodologies that were based on the use of Infrared Spectroscopy Mid (MIR) combined with multivariate calibration Square Partial Least (PLS) to quantify adulterants such as soybean oil and residual soybean oil in methyl and ethyl palm biodiesels in the concentration range from 0.25 to 30.00 (%), as well as to determine methyl and ethyl palm biodiesel content in their binary mixtures with diesel in the concentration range from 0.25 to 30.00 (%). The prediction results showed that PLS models constructed are satisfactory. Errors Mean Square Forecast (RMSEP) of adulteration and content determination showed values of 0.2260 (%), with mean error (EM) with values below 1.93 (%). The models also showed a strong correlation between actual and predicted values, staying above 0.99974. No systematic errors were observed, in accordance to ASTM E1655- 05. Thus the built PLS models, may be a promising alternative in the quality control of this fuel for possible adulterations or to content determination.