815 resultados para College students -- Catalonia -- Girona
L’experiència Erasmus s’associa sovint a sortir de festa, estudiar poc i passar-s’ho tan bé com es pugui aprofitant que coneixes gent nova, que ets en un país estranger, que tens la família lluny i no et pot passar comptes, etc. Però aquests són només aspectes parcials, potser els més visibles, de tota l’experiència. Marxar de casa per estudiar en un país estranger comporta una sèrie de canvis en la vida que l’estudiant viu de manera més o menys intensa, i que poden marcar el seu futur. A aquests sis estudiants, Girona els ha canviat la vida. De fet el que els ha canviat la vida ha estat l’experiència Erasmus, i els hauria passat en qualsevol país on haguessin anat per motius d’estudi. Però ells van triar Girona. I Girona quedarà en el seu record per sempre. Nadeia Balsalobre, tècnica de l’Oficina de Relacions Exteriors ens explica els detalls en aquest reportatge
Un dels reptes cabdals de la Universitat és enllaçar l’experiència de recerca amb la docència, així com promoure la internacionalització dels estudis, especialment a escala europea, tenint present que ambdues poden actuar com a catalitzadores de la millora de la qualitat docent. Una de les fórmules d’internacionalització és la realització d’assignatures compartides entre universitats de diferents països, fet que suposa l’oportunitat d’implementar noves metodologies docents. En aquesta comunicació es presenta una experiència en aquesta línia desenvolupada entre la Universitat de Girona i la Universitat de Joensuu (Finlàndia) en el marc dels estudis de Geografia amb la realització de l’assignatura 'The faces of landscape: Catalonia and North Karelia'. Aquesta es desenvolupa al llarg de dues setmanes intensives, una en cadascuna de les Universitats. L’objectiu és presentar i analitzar diferents significats del concepte paisatge aportant també metodologies d’estudi tant dels aspectes físics i ecològics com culturals que s’hi poden vincular i que són les que empren els grups de recerca dels professors responsables de l’assignatura. Aquesta part teòrica es completa amb una presentació de les característiques i dinàmiques pròpies dels paisatges finlandesos i catalans i una sortida de camp. Per a la part pràctica es constitueixen grups d’estudi multinacionals que treballen a escala local algun dels aspectes en els dos països, es comparen i es realitza una presentació i defensa davant del conjunt d’estudiants i professorat. La llengua vehicular de l’assignatura és l’anglès
El context Europeu d’Educació Superior es troba des de l’any 1999, a partir de la declaració de Bolònia, en un important procés de canvi que considera imprescindible que tots els actors implicats participin activament en la definició i materialització dels canvis que han de culminar el 2010 amb la creació de l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior. Al llarg de les diferents reunions de ministres europeus, a partir de les quals s’han redactat les declaracions i comunicats que han de guiar tot aquest procés, s’ha comptat també amb la participació dels agents implicats en aquest procés, com són els propis governs locals, també les institucions d’educació superior en el seu conjunt, els agents socials i els mateixos estudiants. Val a dir que aquests últims, a més a més, han estat exhortats en les diferents comunicacions de les reunions de ministres a assumir rols més actius i participatius pel que fa a la implementació d’aquesta reforma. Val a dir, però, que tot i aquests intents per a fomentar la participació dels estudiants en l’àmbit universitari per part dels comunicats oficials, les universitats han avançat poc encara en la definició de polítiques clares per a afavorir que els estudiants tinguin un rol actiu en la desenvolupament de l’activitat de gestió i direcció universitària. És en aquest context que AQU Catalunya es proposà l’any 2004 iniciar el projecte de formació d’estudiants per a l’assegurament de la qualitat a universitària buscant la complicitat de les pròpies universitats. Els objectius que es pretenen amb la implementació d’aquest projecte són: formar estudiants en matèria de qualitat universitària, incloure’ls com a membres de comitès d’avaluació i en darrera instància promoure la cultura de la participació a la universitat. La concreció del projecte es desenvolupa a partir de la definició de cursos específics, d’una setmana de durada i una càrrega d’entre 1.5 i 2 ECTS, que ofereixen les universitats catalanes amb la col·laboració i suport de AQU Catalunya. Cada universitat pot dissenyar el curs segons les seves necessitats o especificitats, sempre que es doni resposta als objectius de formació plantejats. Les diverses edicions del curs, que s’ha impartit ininterrompudament des de l’any 2005, han permès a AQU Catalunya disposar d’estudiants preparats per a participar en avaluacions externes, al mateix temps que han donat a les universitats la possibilitat d’incloure en els seus comitès interns d’avaluació estudiants, amb el màxim de garanties en ambdós casos. Finalment, es presenten els primers resultats obtinguts del projecte i algunes conclusions que poden resultar d’utilitat per a altres institucions que desitgin implementar un projecte d’aquestes característiques
In this article we compare regression models obtained to predict PhD students’ academic performance in the universities of Girona (Spain) and Slovenia. Explanatory variables are characteristics of PhD student’s research group understood as an egocentered social network, background and attitudinal characteristics of the PhD students and some characteristics of the supervisors. Academic performance was measured by the weighted number of publications. Two web questionnaires were designed, one for PhD students and one for their supervisors and other research group members. Most of the variables were easily comparable across universities due to the careful translation procedure and pre-tests. When direct comparison was not possible we created comparable indicators. We used a regression model in which the country was introduced as a dummy coded variable including all possible interaction effects. The optimal transformations of the main and interaction variables are discussed. Some differences between Slovenian and Girona universities emerge. Some variables like supervisor’s performance and motivation for autonomy prior to starting the PhD have the same positive effect on the PhD student’s performance in both countries. On the other hand, variables like too close supervision by the supervisor and having children have a negative influence in both countries. However, we find differences between countries when we observe the motivation for research prior to starting the PhD which increases performance in Slovenia but not in Girona. As regards network variables, frequency of supervisor advice increases performance in Slovenia and decreases it in Girona. The negative effect in Girona could be explained by the fact that additional contacts of the PhD student with his/her supervisor might indicate a higher workload in addition to or instead of a better advice about the dissertation. The number of external student’s advice relationships and social support mean contact intensity are not significant in Girona, but they have a negative effect in Slovenia. We might explain the negative effect of external advice relationships in Slovenia by saying that a lot of external advice may actually result from a lack of the more relevant internal advice
La Participació dels estudiants en la universitat. Anàlisi de la situació a la Universitat de Girona
Aquest estudi posa a debat tant els nivells com les formes de participació dels estudiants en el funcionament de la universitat amb la finalitat d’aprofundir en els models i les dinàmiques que afavoreixen la participació dels estudiants. Parteix de l’estudi del cas de la Universitat de Girona i recull, des de diferents punts de vista, quina és la situació actual pel que fa a la participació dels estudiants en aquesta universitat, i es proposen algunes línies d’actuació per promoure-la. A la base d’aquest estudi se situa el convenciment que la participació dels estudiants en el funcionament de la universitat és un objectiu desitjable per part de la comunitat universitària, i que, com a centre de formació que és la universitat, cal que es plantegi la participació com un objectiu d’aprenentatge propi ja que, a més de formar científi cs i professionals en diferents àmbits, la universitat també contribueix (o hauria de contribuir) a la formació de ciutadans. Es tracta d’un treball fi nançat per la convocatòria 20 de la UdG d’ajuts a projectes cooperatius d’R+D en els àmbits humanístic i de les ciències socials i que s’ha desenvolupat en la seva major part durant l’any 2008 i inicis del 2009. Les dades de participació que es presenten sobre la UdG són de l’any 2008
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This dissertation describes the findings and implications of a correlational analysis. Scores earned on the Computerized Placement Test (CPT), sentence skills, were compared to essay scores of advanced English as a Second Language (ESL) students. As the CPT is designed for native speakers of English, it was hypothesized that it could be an invalid or unreliable instrument for non-native speakers. Florida community college students are mandated to take the CPT to determine preparedness, as are students at many other U.S. and Canadian colleges. If incoming students score low on the CPT, they may be required to take up to three semesters of remedial coursework. It is essential that scores earned by non-native speakers of English accurately reflect their ability level. They constitute a large and growing body of non-traditional students enrolled at community colleges.^ The study was conducted at Miami-Dade Community College, Wolfson Campus, fall 1997. Participants included 106 advanced ESL students who took both the CPT sentence skills test and wrote final essay exams. The essay exams were holistically scored by trained readers. Also, the participants took the Placement Articulation Software Service (PASS) exam, an alternative form of the CPT. Scores on the CPT and essays were compared by means of a Pearson product-moment correlation to validate the CPT. Scores on the CPT and the PASS exam were compared in the same manner to verify reliability. A percentage of appropriate placements was determined by comparing essay scores to CPT cutoff score ranges. Finally, the instruments were evaluated by means of independent-samples t-tests for performance differences between gender, age, and first language groups.^ The results indicate that the CPT sentence skills test is a valid and reliable placement instrument for advanced- level ESL students who intend to pursue community college degrees. The correlations demonstrated a substantial relationship between CPT and essay scores and a marked relationship between CPT and PASS scores. Appropriate placements were made in 86% of the cases. Furthermore, the CPT was found to discriminate equally among the gender, age, and first language groups included in this study. ^
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multimedia instruction on achievement of college students in AMR 2010 from exploration and discovery to 1865. A non-equivalent control group design was used. The dependent variable was achievement. The independent variables were learning styles, method of instruction, and visual clarifiers (notes). The study was conducted using two history sections from Palm Beach Community College, in Boca Raton, Florida, between August and December, 1998. Data were obtained by means of placement scores, posttests, the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS), and a researcher-developed student survey. Statistical analysis of the data was done using SPSS statistical software. Demographic variables were compared using Chi square. T tests were run on the posttests to determine the equality of variances. The posttest scores of the groups were compared using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) at the .05 level of significance. The first hypothesis there is a significant difference in students' learning of U.S. History when students receive multimedia instruction was supported, F (1, 52) = 16.88, p < .0005, and F = (1, 53) = 8.52, p < .005 for Tests 2 and 3, respectively. The second hypothesis there is a significant difference on the effectiveness of multimedia instruction based on students' various learning preferences was not supported. The last hypotheses there is a significant difference on students' learning of U.S. History when students whose first language is other than English and students who need remediation receive visual clarifiers were not supported. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated no difference between the groups on Test 1, Test 2, or Test 3: F (1, 45) = .01, p < .940, F (1, 52) = .77, p < .385, and F (1, 53) =.17, p < .678, respectively, for language. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated no significant difference on Test 1, Test 2, or Test 3, between the groups on the variable remediation: F (1, 45) = .31, p < .580, F (1, 52) = 1.44, p < .236, and F (1, 53) = .21, p < .645, respectively. ^
The purpose of this study was to describe and explain working adult undergraduate students' perspectives on persistence in college in order to address the applicability of retention theory to a specific group of college students. Retention of college students is a major concern in higher education where persistence rates have continued to decline for the last 16 years and changing student demographics have influenced enrollment patterns. ^ A qualitative research design was used. Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with nine working adult undergraduate students. The participants were selected to include diversity in age, race/ethnicity, family roles, career/work levels, college majors, and educational histories. ^ Triangulation was performed on data from the interviews, participant data forms, and a research journal. Open and axial coding were used to generate emerging themes. Member checking was used to verify the interpretation of the participants' perspectives. A peer reviewer corroborated the data analysis. Three major themes emerged from the data which explained how the students stayed motivated, engaged in learning, and managed the institutional aspects of college. ^ Five conclusions were drawn from the findings of this study. First, working adult students described their core experience of college as both positive and negative, creating tensions and often conflicts that influenced their persistence. Second, persistence factors associated with working adult students included personal aspects, such as having clear career/life goals, self management skills, and supportive relationships; learning aspects, such as interactive teaching methods, connections to prior learning, and relevance to career/life goals; and institutional aspects, such as customer service orientation of staff, flexibility of policies and procedures, and convenient access to information. Third, current retention theory was applicable to working adult students. However, working adult students described their experience of academic and social integration differently from that of traditional college students found in the literature. Fourth, findings from this study supported the developmental components of the Adult Persistence in Learning model (MacKinnon-Slaney, 1994). Finally, the study findings indicated a clearly active role required of the institution in the persistence of working adult students by providing flexibility and accessibility in procedures and services. ^
This study explored the relative value of behavioral and cognitive psychology as the basis of instruction for underprepared college students enrolled in developmental reading courses. Specifically this study examined the effects of a metacognitive strategy-based instructional approach (MSIA) modeling a metacognitive self-questioning technique (MSQT) versus a traditional skills-based instructional approach (SIA) on the Nelson-Denny reading comprehension scores of college developmental readers and whether there were significant differences in achievement based on instructional method used and on the sex of students. The sample consisted of 100 college developmental reading students who were enrolled in six intact sections of a reading course (REA0002). Participants completed a pretest of the comprehension subtest of the Nelson-Denny Reading Test (Form G). Three of these classes (n = 49) were taught using metacognitive-strategy instruction and three classes (n = 51) were instructed using skills-based instruction. They then received a semester of instruction intended to improve their reading comprehension. At the end of the semester, participants completed a post-test of the Nelson-Denny Reading Comprehension Test (Form H). A two (Between) x one (Within) Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was utilized to test each of the hypotheses of this study. Results showed that there were no significant differences in reading comprehension between the groups receiving the different instructional treatments and no differences in reading comprehension between the men and women participants. Based on the findings, implications for research and recommendations for future research were discussed.
Percentage plans such as the Talented Twenty program purport to assist and motivate high ranking students to attend college and grant access to higher education. This type of plan is particularly important to students enrolled in high priority schools who might not view themselves as potential college students. This study examined the relationship between Florida’s Talented Twenty program that begins intervention with juniors and the college aspirations for high ranking students at a high priority school. Numerous studies have established that increased levels of education lead to higher salaries, career mobility, and an increased quality of life (e.g., Bowen, 1997; Leslie & Brinkman 1988; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991, Swail, 2000). Given the importance of students’ decisions regarding whether or not they will attend college, understanding how and when they make decisions about attending college is important for them, their parents, advisors, and educational administrators. This research examined students’ perceptions and insights via interviews. The overarching research question was: How do high ranking high school students attending a high priority school in a south Florida district perceive their college opportunities? Sixteen high ranking students, grades nine – 12 from a high priority school in Miami-Dade County participated in the study. Participants were identified by a school counselor and individual semi structured interviews were conducted at the school. Utilizing a student development theoretical framework developed by Hossler and Gallagher (1987) that centered on students’ predisposition, search strategies and choices, data were organized and emergent themes analyzed. The analysis of the data revealed that in alignment with the framework (a) parents were the strongest influence in the development of these students’ college aspirations, (b) these students formalized their higher education plans between eighth and 10th grade, (c) these students actively engaged in academic searches and learning opportunities that increased their chances to be admitted into college, and (d) there was no relationship between knowledge regarding the Talented Twenty program and their educational decisions. This study’s findings suggest that interventions and programs intended to influence the educational aspirations of students are more likely to succeed if they take place by the eighth or ninth grade.
The purpose of this study was to better understand the study behaviors and habits of university undergraduate students. It was designed to determine whether undergraduate students could be grouped based on their self-reported study behaviors and if any grouping system could be determined, whether group membership was related to students’ academic achievement. A total of 152 undergraduate students voluntarily participated in the current study by completing the Study Behavior Inventory instrument. All participants were enrolled in fall semester of 2010 at Florida International University. The Q factor analysis technique using principal components extraction and a varimax rotation was used in order to examine the participants in relation to each other and to detect a pattern of intercorrelations among participants based on their self-reported study behaviors. The Q factor analysis yielded a two factor structure representing two distinct student types among participants regarding their study behaviors. The first student type (i.e., Factor 1) describes proactive learners who organize both their study materials and study time well. Type 1 students are labeled “Proactive Learners with Well-Organized Study Behaviors”. The second type (i.e., Factor 2) represents students who are poorly organized as well as being very likely to procrastinate. Type 2 students are labeled Disorganized Procrastinators. Hierarchical linear regression was employed to examine the relationship between student type and academic achievement as measured by current grade point averages (GPAs). The results showed significant differences in GPAs between Type 1 and Type 2 students at the .05 significance level. Furthermore, student type was found to be a significant predictor of academic achievement beyond and above students’ attribute variables including sex, age, major, and enrollment status. The study has several implications for educational researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in terms of improving college students' learning behaviors and outcomes.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multimedia instruction on achievement of college students in AMH 2010 from exploration and discovery to1865. A non-equivalent control group design was used. The dependent variable was achievement. The independent variables were learning styles method of instruction, and visual clarifiers (notes). The study was conducted using two history sections from Palm Beach Community College, in Boca Raton, Florida, between August and December, 1998. Data were obtained by means of placement scores, posttests, the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS), and a researcher-developed student survey. Statistical analysis of the data was done using SPSS statistical software. Demographic variables were compared using Chi square. T tests were run on the posttests to determine the equality of variances. The posttest scores of the groups were compared using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) at the .05 level of significance. The first hypothesis there is a significant difference in students' learning of U.S. History when students receive multimedia instruction was supported, F = (1, 52)= 688, p < .0005, and F = (1, 53) = 8.52, p < .005for Tests 2 and 3, respectively. The second hypothesis there is a significant difference on the effectiveness of multimedia instruction based on students' various learning preferences was not supported. The last hypotheses there is a significant difference on students' learning of U.S. History when students whose first language is other than English and students who need remediation receive visual clarifiers were not supported. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated no difference between the groups on Test 1, Test 2, or Test 3: F (1, 4 5)= .01, p < .940, F (l, 52) = .77, p < .385, and F (1,53) =.17, p > .678, respectively, for language. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated no significant difference on Test 1, Test 2, or Test 3, between the groups on the variable remediation: F (1, 45) = .31, p < .580, F (1, 52) = 1.44, p < .236, and F (1, 53) = .21, p < .645, respectively.