933 resultados para Clustering analysis


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In orthodontics, multiple site observations within patients or multiple observations collected at consecutive time points are often encountered. Clustered designs require larger sample sizes compared to individual randomized trials and special statistical analyses that account for the fact that observations within clusters are correlated. It is the purpose of this study to assess to what degree clustering effects are considered during design and data analysis in the three major orthodontic journals. The contents of the most recent 24 issues of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJODO), Angle Orthodontist (AO), and European Journal of Orthodontics (EJO) from December 2010 backwards were hand searched. Articles with clustering effects and whether the authors accounted for clustering effects were identified. Additionally, information was collected on: involvement of a statistician, single or multicenter study, number of authors in the publication, geographical area, and statistical significance. From the 1584 articles, after exclusions, 1062 were assessed for clustering effects from which 250 (23.5 per cent) were considered to have clustering effects in the design (kappa = 0.92, 95 per cent CI: 0.67-0.99 for inter rater agreement). From the studies with clustering effects only, 63 (25.20 per cent) had indicated accounting for clustering effects. There was evidence that the studies published in the AO have higher odds of accounting for clustering effects [AO versus AJODO: odds ratio (OR) = 2.17, 95 per cent confidence interval (CI): 1.06-4.43, P = 0.03; EJO versus AJODO: OR = 1.90, 95 per cent CI: 0.84-4.24, non-significant; and EJO versus AO: OR = 1.15, 95 per cent CI: 0.57-2.33, non-significant). The results of this study indicate that only about a quarter of the studies with clustering effects account for this in statistical data analysis.


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Prevotella nigrescens, Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas gingivalis are oral pathogens from the family Bacteroidaceae, regularly isolated from cases of gingivitis and periodontitis. In this study, the phylogenetic variability of these three bacterial species was investigated by means of 16S rRNA (rrs) gene sequence comparisons of a set of epidemiologically and geographically diverse isolates. For each of the three species, the rrs gene sequences of 11 clinical isolates as well as the corresponding type strains was determined. Comparison of all rrs sequences obtained with those of closely related species revealed a clear clustering of species, with only a little intraspecies variability but a clear difference in the rrs gene with respect to the next related taxon. The results indicate that the three species form stable, homogeneous genetic groups, which favours an rrs-based species identification of these oral pathogens. This is especially useful given the 7% sequence divergence between Prevotella intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens, since phenotypic distinction between the two Prevotella species is inconsistent or involves techniques not applicable in routine identification.


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OBJECTIVES In dental research multiple site observations within patients or taken at various time intervals are commonplace. These clustered observations are not independent; statistical analysis should be amended accordingly. This study aimed to assess whether adjustment for clustering effects during statistical analysis was undertaken in five specialty dental journals. METHODS Thirty recent consecutive issues of Orthodontics (OJ), Periodontology (PJ), Endodontology (EJ), Maxillofacial (MJ) and Paediatric Dentristry (PDJ) journals were hand searched. Articles requiring adjustment accounting for clustering effects were identified and statistical techniques used were scrutinized. RESULTS Of 559 studies considered to have inherent clustering effects, adjustment for this was made in the statistical analysis in 223 (39.1%). Studies published in the Periodontology specialty accounted for clustering effects in the statistical analysis more often than articles published in other journals (OJ vs. PJ: OR=0.21, 95% CI: 0.12, 0.37, p<0.001; MJ vs. PJ: OR=0.02, 95% CI: 0.00, 0.07, p<0.001; PDJ vs. PJ: OR=0.14, 95% CI: 0.07, 0.28, p<0.001; EJ vs. PJ: OR=0.11, 95% CI: 0.06, 0.22, p<0.001). A positive correlation was found between increasing prevalence of clustering effects in individual specialty journals and correct statistical handling of clustering (r=0.89). CONCLUSIONS The majority of studies in 5 dental specialty journals (60.9%) examined failed to account for clustering effects in statistical analysis where indicated, raising the possibility of inappropriate decreases in p-values and the risk of inappropriate inferences.


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Polydnaviruses (genera Ichnovirus and Bracovirus) have a segmented genome of circular double-stranded DNA molecules, replicate in the ovary of parasitic wasps and are essential for successful parasitism of the host. Here we show the first detailed analysis of various segments of a bracovirus, the Chelonus inanitus virus (CiV). Four segments were sequenced and two of them, CiV12 and CiV14, were found to be closely related while CiV14.5 and CiV16.8 were unrelated. CiV12, CiV14.5 and CiV16.8 are unique while CiV14 occurs also nested in another larger segment. All four segments are predicted to contain genes and predictions could be substantiated in most cases. Comparison with databases revealed no significant similarities at either the nucleotide or amino acid level. Inverted repeats with identities between 77% and 92% and lengths between 26 bp and 100 bp were found on all segments outside of predicted genes. Hybridization experiments indicate that CiV12 and CiV14 are both flanked by other virus segments, suggesting that proviral CiV segments are clustered in the genome of the wasp. The integration/excision site of CiV14 was analysed and compared to that of CiV12. On both termini of proviral CiV12 and CiV14 as well as in the excised circular molecule and the rejoined DNA a very similar repeat of 14 bp was found. A model to illustrate where the terminal repeats might recombine to yield the circular molecule is presented. Excision of CiV12 and CiV14 is restricted to the female and sets in at a very specific time-point in pupal-adult development.


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We have undertaken two-dimensional gel electrophoresis proteomic profiling on a series of cell lines with different recombinant antibody production rates. Due to the nature of gel-based experiments not all protein spots are detected across all samples in an experiment, and hence datasets are invariably incomplete. New approaches are therefore required for the analysis of such graduated datasets. We approached this problem in two ways. Firstly, we applied a missing value imputation technique to calculate missing data points. Secondly, we combined a singular value decomposition based hierarchical clustering with the expression variability test to identify protein spots whose expression correlates with increased antibody production. The results have shown that while imputation of missing data was a useful method to improve the statistical analysis of such data sets, this was of limited use in differentiating between the samples investigated, and highlighted a small number of candidate proteins for further investigation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Analyzing geographical patterns by collocating events, objects or their attributes has a long history in surveillance and monitoring, and is particularly applied in environmental contexts, such as ecology or epidemiology. The identification of patterns or structures at some scales can be addressed using spatial statistics, particularly marked point processes methodologies. Classification and regression trees are also related to this goal of finding "patterns" by deducing the hierarchy of influence of variables on a dependent outcome. Such variable selection methods have been applied to spatial data, but, often without explicitly acknowledging the spatial dependence. Many methods routinely used in exploratory point pattern analysis are2nd-order statistics, used in a univariate context, though there is also a wide literature on modelling methods for multivariate point pattern processes. This paper proposes an exploratory approach for multivariate spatial data using higher-order statistics built from co-occurrences of events or marks given by the point processes. A spatial entropy measure, derived from these multinomial distributions of co-occurrences at a given order, constitutes the basis of the proposed exploratory methods. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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Analyzing geographical patterns by collocating events, objects or their attributes has a long history in surveillance and monitoring, and is particularly applied in environmental contexts, such as ecology or epidemiology. The identification of patterns or structures at some scales can be addressed using spatial statistics, particularly marked point processes methodologies. Classification and regression trees are also related to this goal of finding "patterns" by deducing the hierarchy of influence of variables on a dependent outcome. Such variable selection methods have been applied to spatial data, but, often without explicitly acknowledging the spatial dependence. Many methods routinely used in exploratory point pattern analysis are2nd-order statistics, used in a univariate context, though there is also a wide literature on modelling methods for multivariate point pattern processes. This paper proposes an exploratory approach for multivariate spatial data using higher-order statistics built from co-occurrences of events or marks given by the point processes. A spatial entropy measure, derived from these multinomial distributions of co-occurrences at a given order, constitutes the basis of the proposed exploratory methods. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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Magnetoencephalography (MEG), a non-invasive technique for characterizing brain electrical activity, is gaining popularity as a tool for assessing group-level differences between experimental conditions. One method for assessing task-condition effects involves beamforming, where a weighted sum of field measurements is used to tune activity on a voxel-by-voxel basis. However, this method has been shown to produce inhomogeneous smoothness differences as a function of signal-to-noise across a volumetric image, which can then produce false positives at the group level. Here we describe a novel method for group-level analysis with MEG beamformer images that utilizes the peak locations within each participant's volumetric image to assess group-level effects. We compared our peak-clustering algorithm with SnPM using simulated data. We found that our method was immune to artefactual group effects that can arise as a result of inhomogeneous smoothness differences across a volumetric image. We also used our peak-clustering algorithm on experimental data and found that regions were identified that corresponded with task-related regions identified in the literature. These findings suggest that our technique is a robust method for group-level analysis with MEG beamformer images.


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A new distance function to compare arbitrary partitions is proposed. Clustering of image collections and image segmentation give objects to be matched. Offered metric intends for combination of visual features and metadata analysis to solve a semantic gap between low-level visual features and high-level human concept.


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This papers examines the use of trajectory distance measures and clustering techniques to define normal
and abnormal trajectories in the context of pedestrian tracking in public spaces. In order to detect abnormal
trajectories, what is meant by a normal trajectory in a given scene is firstly defined. Then every trajectory
that deviates from this normality is classified as abnormal. By combining Dynamic Time Warping and a
modified K-Means algorithms for arbitrary-length data series, we have developed an algorithm for trajectory
clustering and abnormality detection. The final system performs with an overall accuracy of 83% and 75%
when tested in two different standard datasets.


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This paper introduces a new stochastic clustering methodology devised for the analysis of categorized or sorted data. The methodology reveals consumers' common category knowledge as well as individual differences in using this knowledge for classifying brands in a designated product class. A small study involving the categorization of 28 brands of U.S. automobiles is presented where the results of the proposed methodology are compared with those obtained from KMEANS clustering. Finally, directions for future research are discussed.


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Cluster analysis has been identified as a core task in data mining. What constitutes a cluster, or a good clustering, may depend on the background of researchers and applications. This paper proposes two optimization criteria of abstract degree and fidelity in the field of image abstract. To satisfy the fidelity criteria, a novel clustering algorithm named Global Optimized Color-based DBSCAN Clustering (GOC-DBSCAN) is provided. Also, non-optimized local color information based version of GOC-DBSCAN, called HSV-DBSCAN, is given. Both of them are based on HSV color space. Clusters of GOC-DBSCAN are analyzed to find the factors that impact on the performance of both abstract degree and fidelity. Examples show generally the greater the abstract degree is, the less is the fidelity. It also shows GOC-DBSCAN outperforms HSV-DBSCAN when they are evaluated by the two optimization criteria.


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Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a popular safety and reliability analysis tool in examining potential failures of products, process, designs, or services, in a wide range of industries. While FMEA is a popular tool, the limitations of the traditional Risk Priority Number (RPN) model in FMEA have been highlighted in the literature. Even though many alternatives to the traditional RPN model have been proposed, there are not many investigations on the use of clustering techniques in FMEA. The main aim of this paper was to examine the use of a new Euclidean distance-based similarity measure and an incremental-learning clustering model, i.e., fuzzy adaptive resonance theory neural network, for similarity analysis and clustering of failure modes in FMEA; therefore, allowing the failure modes to be analyzed, visualized, and clustered. In this paper, the concept of a risk interval encompassing a group of failure modes is investigated. Besides that, a new approach to analyze risk ordering of different failure groups is introduced. These proposed methods are evaluated using a case study related to the edible bird nest industry in Sarawak, Malaysia. In short, the contributions of this paper are threefold: (1) a new Euclidean distance-based similarity measure, (2) a new risk interval measure for a group of failure modes, and (3) a new analysis of risk ordering of different failure groups.


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In this work we compare Grapholita molesta Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) populations originated from Brazil, Chile, Spain, Italy and Greece using power spectral density and phylogenetic analysis to detect any similarities between the population macro- and the molecular micro-level. Log-transformed population data were normalized and AR(p) models were developed to generate for each case population time series of equal lengths. The time-frequency/scale properties of the population data were further analyzed using wavelet analysis to detect any population dynamics frequency changes and cluster the populations. Based on the power spectral of each population time series and the hierarchical clustering schemes, populations originated from Southern America (Brazil and Chile) exhibit similar rhythmic properties and are both closer related with populations originated from Greece. Populations from Spain and especially Italy, have higher distance by terms of periodic changes on their population dynamics. Moreover, the members within the same cluster share similar spectral information, therefore they are supposed to participate in the same temporally regulated population process. On the contrary, the phylogenetic approach revealed a less structured pattern that bears indications of panmixia, as the two clusters contain individuals from both Europe and South America. This preliminary outcome will be further assessed by incorporating more individuals and likely employed a second molecular marker.


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We introduce K-tree in an information retrieval context. It is an efficient approximation of the k-means clustering algorithm. Unlike k-means it forms a hierarchy of clusters. It has been extended to address issues with sparse representations. We compare performance and quality to CLUTO using document collections. The K-tree has a low time complexity that is suitable for large document collections. This tree structure allows for efficient disk based implementations where space requirements exceed that of main memory.