1000 resultados para Close mayoral election races


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Self-compression of femtosecond pulses in noble gases with an input power close to the self-focusing threshold has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. It is demonstrated that either multiphoton ionization (MPI) or space time focusing and self-steepening effects can induce pulse shortening, but they predominate at different beam intensities during the propagation. The latter effects play a key role in the final pulse self-compression. By choosing an appropriate focusing parameter, action distance of the space time focusing and self-steepening effects can be lengthened, which can promote a shock pulse structure with a duration as short as two optical cycles. It is also found that, for our calculation cases in which an input pulse power is close to the self-focusing threshold, either group velocity dispersion (GVD) or multiphoton absorption (MPA) has a negligible influence on pulse characteristics in the propagation process.


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The Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County has severely limited the power of the Voting Rights Act. I argue that Congressional attempts to pass a new coverage formula are unlikely to gain the necessary Republican support. Instead, I propose a new strategy that takes a “carrot and stick” approach. As the stick, I suggest amending Section 3 to eliminate the need to prove that discrimination was intentional. For the carrot, I envision a competitive grant program similar to the highly successful Race to the Top education grants. I argue that this plan could pass the currently divided Congress.

Without Congressional action, Section 2 is more important than ever before. A successful Section 2 suit requires evidence that voting in the jurisdiction is racially polarized. Accurately and objectively assessing the level of polarization has been and continues to be a challenge for experts. Existing ecological inference methods require estimating polarization levels in individual elections. This is a problem because the Courts want to see a history of polarization across elections.

I propose a new 2-step method to estimate racially polarized voting in a multi-election context. The procedure builds upon the Rosen, Jiang, King, and Tanner (2001) multinomial-Dirichlet model. After obtaining election-specific estimates, I suggest regressing those results on election-specific variables, namely candidate quality, incumbency, and ethnicity of the minority candidate of choice. This allows researchers to estimate the baseline level of support for candidates of choice and test whether the ethnicity of the candidates affected how voters cast their ballots.


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This paper gives the results of the Environment Agency's research into the canal close season to the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Review Group. It presents the findings of the research, explains why the research was undertaken and how it relates to the Agency's duties. The background for this report includes that angling representative bodies have long argued that the existing situation in which somecanals have a close season and others do not, is unsatisfactory.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo levantar quais eram as principais ideias e valores da cultura política nacional divulgadas pelo jornal A Noite durante os meses que antecederam as eleições de 1962, e em que medida eles refletiam os interesses do grupo representado pela agência de publicidade Incrementadora de Vendas Promotion. Em 1962, A Noite foi acusado de receber dinheiro para seguir a linha política do Instituto Brasileiro de Ação Democrática (Ibad). Nesse trabalho discute-se a abordagem dada pelo periódico ao governo João Goulart e seus aliados, que frequentemente foram alvo de críticas. Por meio da leitura detalhada dos editoriais, notícias e matérias publicados pelo jornal tenta-se estabelecer se houve ou não uma intensificação na oposição política do jornal ao governo federal, e que tipo de valores políticos era mais comum, dentro e fora do período eleitoral.


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The paper describes the use of optical fiber Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (BOTDR) to monitor the strain distribution in an existing tunnel while a twin tunnel was bored at close-proximity. The twin circular bored tunnels between Serangoon and Bartley stations on the new Circle Line Stage 3 subway in Singapore were constructed at close-proximity to avoid underpinning the foundations of adjacent buildings. The minimum clear separation of the two tunnels is 2.3m (0.4 times the tunnel diameter). The Outer Tunnel was constructed first, followed by the Inner Tunnel, with the earth-pressure balance tunnel boring machines maintained at a minimum of 100m apart. In this trial application of BOTDR, the strain distribution along the Outer Tunnel was measured, in order to monitor its deformation due to the boring of the Inner Tunnel at close-proximity. The aim of the trial application was to determine the practicality of this monitoring method for future use in 'live' tunnels. This paper compares the measurements obtained from optical fiber BOTDR with conventional methods of tunnel monitoring and describes preliminary installation and workmanship guidelines derived from lessons learnt during this trial. © 2007 ASCE.