981 resultados para Clinical evolution


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Recombination in Poliovirus vaccine strains is a very frequent phenomenon. In this report 23 polio/Sabin strains isolated from healthy vaccinees or from VAPP patients after OPV administration, were investigated in order to identify recombination sites from 2C to 3D regions of the poliovirus genome. RT-PCR, followed by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) screening analysis were applied in four distant genomic regions (5' UTR, VP1, 2C and 3C-3D) in order to detect any putative recombinant. The detected recombinants were sequenced from 2C to the end of the genome (3' UTR) and the exact recombination sites were determined with computational analysis. Five of the 23 isolated strains were recombinant in one genomic region, two of them in 2C, isolates EP16:S3/S2, EP23:S3/S1, two in 3D isolates EP6:S2/S1, EP12:S2/S1 and one in 3A isolate EP9:S2/Sl. Point mutations were found in strains EP3, EP6, EP9 and EP12. Recombination specific types and sites re-occurrence along with point mutations are discussed concerning the polioviruses evolution.


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Objectives: Influenza A H3N2 viruses isolated recently have characteristic receptor binding properties that may decrease susceptibility to neuraminidase inhibitor drugs. A panel of clinical isolates and recombinant viruses generated by reverse genetics were characterized and tested for susceptibility to zanamivir. Methods: Plaque reduction assays and neuraminidase enzyme inhibition assays were used to assess susceptibility to zanamivir. Receptor binding properties of the viruses were characterized by differential agglutination of red blood cells (RBCs) from different species. Sequence analysis of the haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes was carried out. Results: Characterization of a panel of H3N2 clinical isolates from 1968 to 2000 showed a gradual decrease in agglutination of chicken and guinea pig RBCs over time, although all isolates could agglutinate turkey RBCs equally. Sequence analysis of the HA and NA genes identified mutations in conserved residues of the HA1 receptor binding site, in particular Leu-226 --> Ile-226/Val-226, and modification of potential glycosylation site motifs. This may be indicative of changes in virus binding to sialic acid (SA) receptors in recent years. Although recent isolates had reduced susceptibility to zanamivir in MDCK cell based plaque reduction assays, no difference was found in an NA enzyme-inhibition assay. Assays with recombinant isogenic viruses showed that the recent HA, but not the NA, conferred reduced susceptibility to zanamivir. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that recent clinical isolates of influenza A H3N2 virus no longer agglutinate chicken RBCs, but despite significant receptor binding changes as a result of changes in HA, there was little variation in sensitivity of the NA to zanamivir.


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Evolutionary processes play a central role in the development, progression and response to treatment of cancers. The current challenge facing researchers is to harness evolutionary theory to further our understanding of the clinical progression of cancers. Central to this endeavour will be the development of experimental systems and approaches by which theories of cancer evolution can be effectively tested. We argue here that the experimental evolution approach – whereby evolution is observed in real time and which has typically employed microorganisms – can be usefully applied to cancer. This approach allows us to disentangle the ecological causes of natural selection, identify the genetic basis of evolutionary changes and determine their repeatability. Cell cultures used in cancer research share many of the desirable traits that make microorganisms ideal for studying evolution. As such, experimental cancer evolution is feasible and likely to give great insight into the selective pressures driving the evolution of clinically destructive cancer traits. We highlight three areas of evolutionary theory with importance to cancer biology that are amenable to experimental evolution: drug resistance, social evolution and resource competition. Understanding the diversity, persistence and evolution of cancers is vital for treatment and drug development, and an experimental evolution approach could provide strategic directions and focus for future research.


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Allied health professionals require continuing education (CE) to maintain and improve competencies and standards of care. Research suggests that professional access to CE in rural areas can be difficult.

This article uses an action research framework to describe the development and implementation of a CE programme for allied health professionals in a rural area in Australia, and its subsequent evolution into a state-wide programme. To evaluate programme relevance, attendance and perceived clinical relevance, physiotherapists (n = 75) in southwest Victoria were surveyed 1year after commencement of a CE programme. A secondary outcome was the perceived effect on clinical practice.

More than two-thirds (68.6%) of physiotherapists attended at least one workshop, 57.2% attended four or more sessions and 22.9% attended at least one of the two conducted courses over the period. In addition, 20% of the physiotherapists perceived that attending the programme had a large positive effect on their therapeutic skills, whereas 68.6% reported some effect. From a regional CE programme for physiotherapists the programme evolved into a state-wide programme for 22 allied health professions.


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During the 19th and early 20th century, public health and genetics shared common ground through similar approaches to health promotion in the population. By the mid-20th century there was a division between public health and genetics, with eugenicists estranged and clinical genetics focused on single gene disorders, usually only relevant to small numbers of people. Now through a common interest in the aetiology of complex diseases such as heart disease and cancer, there is a need for people working in public health and genetics to collaborate. This is not a comfortable convergence for many, particularly those in public health. Nine main concerns are reviewed: fear of eugenics; genetic reductionism; predictive power of genes; non-modifiable risk factors; rights of individuals compared with populations; resource allocation; commercial imperative; discrimination; and understanding and education. This paper aims to contribute to the thinking and discussion about an evolutionary, multidisciplinary approach to understanding, preventing, and treating complex diseases.


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In some patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), individual illness characteristics appear consistent with those of a neuroprogressive illness. Features of neuroprogression include poorer symptomatic, treatment and functional outcomes in patients with earlier disease onset and increased number and length of depressive episodes. In such patients, longer and more frequent depressive episodes appear to increase vulnerability for further episodes, precipitating an accelerating and progressive illness course leading to functional decline. Evidence from clinical, biochemical and neuroimaging studies appear to support this model and are informing novel therapeutic approaches. This paper reviews current knowledge of the neuroprogressive processes that may occur in MDD, including structural brain consequences and potential molecular mechanisms including the role of neurotransmitter systems, inflammatory, oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways, neurotrophins and regulation of neurogenesis, cortisol and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis modulation, mitochondrial dysfunction and epigenetic and dietary influences. Evidence-based novel treatments informed by this knowledge are discussed.


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Personalized medicine is rapidly becoming a reality in today's physical medicine. However, as yet this is largely an aspirational goal in psychiatry, despite significant advances in our understanding of the biochemical, genetic and neurobiological processes underlying major mental disorders. Preventive medicine relies on the availability of predictive tools; in psychiatry we still largely lack these. Furthermore, our current diagnostic systems, with their focus on well-established, largely chronic illness, do not support a pre-emptive, let alone a preventive, approach, since it is during the early stages of a disorder that interventions have the potential to offer the greatest benefit. Here, we present a clinical staging model for severe mental disorders and discuss examples of biological markers that have already undergone some systematic evaluation and that could be integrated into such a framework. The advantage of this model is that it explicitly considers the evolution of psychopathology during the development of a mental illness and emphasizes that progression of illness is by no means inevitable, but can be altered by providing appropriate interventions that target individual modifiable risk and protective factors. The specific goals of therapeutic intervention are therefore broadened to include the prevention of illness onset or progression, and to minimize the risk of harm associated with more complex treatment regimens. The staging model also facilitates the integration of new data on the biological, social and environmental factors that influence mental illness into our clinical and diagnostic infrastructure, which will provide a major step forward in the development of a truly pre-emptive psychiatry.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two-stage procedure for dental implants presents corroborated clinical success over 40 years. The evolution of surgical techniques, development of diagnostic methods, knowledge about tissue biology, and quality of implants regarding design and surface supported studies with I surgical stage followed by immediate prosthesis placement. However, several factors influence the treatment success with immediate loading. SO, this Study aimed to evaluate some factors regarding the success and characteristics of implants and patients.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A partir de um acidente causado pela picada de uma formiga falsa tocandira na mão de um pescador amador, os autores descrevem os achados clínicos locais observados, tais como edema, eritema e dor excruciante e a evolução do envenenamento, que cursou com fenômenos sistêmicos imediatos, como sudorese fria, náuseas, vômitos, mal estar, taquicardia e linfadenopatia axilar à esquerda. Após três horas, a dor intensa persistia e o paciente apresentou um episódio de hematoquesia, sem história anterior de enfermidades do trato digestivo, hematológicas ou vasculares. O uso de analgésicos (Tramal® 300 mg/dia), água quente e gelo não melhorou a dor, que arrefeceu em oito horas, tendo permanecido por cerca de 24 horas. São apresentados ainda os aspectos folclóricos, farmacológicos e clínicos relacionados às picadas de tocandiras.


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Dental ceramics are presented within a simplifying framework allowing for facile understanding of their development, composition and indications. Engineering assessments of clinical function are dealt with and literature is reviewed on the clinical behaviour of all-ceramic systems. Practical aspects are presented regarding the choice and use of dental ceramics to maximize aesthetics and durability, emphasizing what we know and how we know it.


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Aims Endometrial cancer is one of the most common cancers in women worldwide, but there is a lack of diagnostic markers for early detection of these tumours. The raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) negatively regulates the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway, and the downregulation of RKIP is associated with tumour progression and metastasis in several human neoplasms. The aim of this study was to assess the expression levels of RKIP in endometrial cancer and determine whether this expression correlates with clinical outcome in these patients.Methods Tissue microarrays constructed using tissue samples from 209 endometrial adenocarcinomas, 49 endometrial polyps and 48 endometrial hyperplasias were analysed for RKIP expression by immunohistochemistry.Results The authors found that RKIP expression decreases significantly during malignant progression of endometrial cancer; it is highly expressed in non-neoplastic tissues (polyps 79.6%; hyperplasias 87.5%) and expressed at very low levels in endometrioid adenocarcinomas (29.7%). No correlations were observed between RKIP expression, clinicopathological data and survival.Conclusion This study demonstrated for the first time that RKIP expression is lost during the carcinogenic evolution of endometrial tumours and that the loss of RKIP expression is associated with a malignant phenotype. Functional studies are needed to address the biological role of RKIP downregulation in endometrial cancer.


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A comparative study of two groups of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis was carried out with the objective of comparing the evolutionary serologic, clinical and radiologic results after 6, 12, 15 and 18 months of treatment with ketoconazole (22 patients) or amphotericin B plus sulfonamides (32 patients). The serologic data analyzed as a whole showed a tendency to sharper drops in antibody titers in the patients treated with ketoconazole. Clinically patients treated with ketoconazole fared better but the differences were not statistically significant. No statistical difference was detected between groups in terms of the results of radiologic evolution. © 1985 Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers.