995 resultados para Civitali, Matteo, 1436-1501.


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By means of N-body simulations we investigate the impact of minor mergers on the angular momentum and dynamical properties of the merger remnant. Our simulations cover a range of initial orbital characteristics and gas-to-stellar mass fractions (from 0 to 20%), and include star formation and supernova feedback. We confirm and extend previous results by showing that the specific angular momentum of the stellar component always decreases independently of the orbital parameters or morphology of the satellite, and that the decrease in the rotation velocity of the primary galaxy is accompanied by a change in the anisotropy of the orbits. However, the decrease affects only the old stellar population, and not the new population formed from gas during the merging process. This means that the merging process induces an increasing difference in the rotational support of the old and young stellar components, with the old one lagging with respect to the new. Even if our models are not intended specifically to reproduce the Milky Way and its accretion history, we find that, under certain conditions, the modeled rotational lag found is compatible with that observed in the Milky Way disk, thus indicating that minor mergers can be a viable way to produce it. The lag can increase with the vertical distance from the disk midplane, but only if the satellite is accreted along a direct orbit, and in all cases the main contribution to the lag comes from stars originally in the primary disk rather than from stars in the satellite galaxy. We also discuss the possibility of creating counter-rotating stars in the remnant disk, their fraction as a function of the vertical distance from the galaxy midplane, and the cumulative effect of multiple mergers on their creation.


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Photo-thermal Deflection (PTD) technique is used to investigate the thermal diffusivity (alpha) of Ge17Te83 - xTlx (0 <= x <= 13) glasses as a function of composition. The thermal diffusivity of these glasses is found to lie in the range 0.020 to 0.048 cm(2)/s, which is consistent with the memory type of electrical switching exhibited by these samples. Further, it is found that alpha shows an initial increase with Tl addition, followed by a decrease. The observed composition dependence of thermal diffusivity has been understood on the basis that the thallium atoms are incorporated as a covalent species for lower values of x, increasing the network rigidity; however, they enter as ionic species for higher x values, fragmenting the network. The initial increase in a is due to the increasing network rigidity and the subsequent decrease is because of the fragmentation of the network. Also, there is a strong correlation between the composition dependence of switching voltages observed earlier and the variation with composition of electrical resistivity and thermal diffusivity of Ge17Te83 - xTlx glasses obtained in the present study. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The diffusion equation-based modeling of near infrared light propagation in tissue is achieved by using finite-element mesh for imaging real-tissue types, such as breast and brain. The finite-element mesh size (number of nodes) dictates the parameter space in the optical tomographic imaging. Most commonly used finite-element meshing algorithms do not provide the flexibility of distinct nodal spacing in different regions of imaging domain to take the sensitivity of the problem into consideration. This study aims to present a computationally efficient mesh simplification method that can be used as a preprocessing step to iterative image reconstruction, where the finite-element mesh is simplified by using an edge collapsing algorithm to reduce the parameter space at regions where the sensitivity of the problem is relatively low. It is shown, using simulations and experimental phantom data for simple meshes/domains, that a significant reduction in parameter space could be achieved without compromising on the reconstructed image quality. The maximum errors observed by using the simplified meshes were less than 0.27% in the forward problem and 5% for inverse problem.


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Fluorescence microscopy has become an indispensable tool in cell biology research due its exceptional specificity and ability to visualize subcellular structures with high contrast. It has highest impact when applied in 4D mode, i.e. when applied to record 3D image information as a function of time, since it allows the study of dynamic cellular processes in their native environment. The main issue in 4D fluorescence microscopy is that the phototoxic effect of fluorescence excitation gets accumulated during 4D image acquisition to the extent that normal cell functions are altered. Hence to avoid the alteration of normal cell functioning, it is required to minimize the excitation dose used for individual 2D images constituting a 4D image. Consequently, the noise level becomes very high degrading the resolution. According to the current status of technology, there is a minimum required excitation dose to ensure a resolution that is adequate for biological investigations. This minimum is sufficient to damage light-sensitive cells such as yeast if 4D imaging is performed for an extended period of time, for example, imaging for a complete cell cycle. Nevertheless, our recently developed deconvolution method resolves this conflict forming an enabling technology for visualization of dynamical processes of light-sensitive cells for durations longer than ever without perturbing normal cell functioning. The main goal of this article is to emphasize that there are still possibilities for enabling newer kinds of experiment in cell biology research involving even longer 4D imaging, by only improving deconvolution methods without any new optical technologies.


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Global change is impacting forests worldwide, threatening biodiversity and ecosystem services including climate regulation. Understanding how forests respond is critical to forest conservation and climate protection. This review describes an international network of 59 long-term forest dynamics research sites (CTFS-ForestGEO) useful for characterizing forest responses to global change. Within very large plots (median size 25ha), all stems 1cm diameter are identified to species, mapped, and regularly recensused according to standardized protocols. CTFS-ForestGEO spans 25 degrees S-61 degrees N latitude, is generally representative of the range of bioclimatic, edaphic, and topographic conditions experienced by forests worldwide, and is the only forest monitoring network that applies a standardized protocol to each of the world's major forest biomes. Supplementary standardized measurements at subsets of the sites provide additional information on plants, animals, and ecosystem and environmental variables. CTFS-ForestGEO sites are experiencing multifaceted anthropogenic global change pressures including warming (average 0.61 degrees C), changes in precipitation (up to +/- 30% change), atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur compounds (up to 3.8g Nm(-2)yr(-1) and 3.1g Sm(-2)yr(-1)), and forest fragmentation in the surrounding landscape (up to 88% reduced tree cover within 5km). The broad suite of measurements made at CTFS-ForestGEO sites makes it possible to investigate the complex ways in which global change is impacting forest dynamics. Ongoing research across the CTFS-ForestGEO network is yielding insights into how and why the forests are changing, and continued monitoring will provide vital contributions to understanding worldwide forest diversity and dynamics in an era of global change.


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Clustering techniques which can handle incomplete data have become increasingly important due to varied applications in marketing research, medical diagnosis and survey data analysis. Existing techniques cope up with missing values either by using data modification/imputation or by partial distance computation, often unreliable depending on the number of features available. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for clustering data with missing values, which performs the task by Symmetric Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (SNMF) of a complete pair-wise similarity matrix, computed from the given incomplete data. To accomplish this, we define a novel similarity measure based on Average Overlap similarity metric which can effectively handle missing values without modification of data. Further, the similarity measure is more reliable than partial distances and inherently possesses the properties required to perform SNMF. The experimental evaluation on real world datasets demonstrates that the proposed approach is efficient, scalable and shows significantly better performance compared to the existing techniques.


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The voltage ripple and power loss in the DC-capacitor of a voltage source inverter depend on the harmonic currents flowing through the capacitor. This paper presents a double Fourier series based analysis of the harmonic contents of the DC capacitor current in a three-level neutral-point clamped (NPC) inverter, modulated with sine-triangle pulse-width modulation (SPWM) or conventional space vector pulse-width modulation (CSVPWM) schemes. The analytical results are validated experimentally on a 3-kVA three-level inverter prototype. The capacitor current in an NPC inverter has a periodicity of 120(a similar to) at the fundamental or modulation frequency. Hence, this current contains third-harmonic and triplen-frequency components, apart from switching frequency components. The harmonic components vary with modulation index and power factor for both PWM schemes. The third harmonic current decreases with increase in modulation index and also decreases with increase in power factor in case of both PWM methods. In general, the third harmonic content is higher with SPWM than with CSVPWM at a given operating condition. Also, power loss and voltage ripple in the DC capacitor are estimated for both the schemes using the current harmonic spectrum and equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor.


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Coatings of TiCp reinforced composite have been produced by laser cladding. Two kinds of coating with different TiCp origins were investigated, i.e. undissolved TiCp and in situ TiCp. For undissolved TiCp, epitaxial growth of TiC, precipitation of CrB, and a chemical reaction occur at phase interfaces, and nanoindentation loading curves show pop in marks caused by the plastic deformation associated with crack formation or debonding of TiCp from the matrix. As for in situ TiCp, no pop in mark appears. Meanwhile, in situ TiCp produces hardness and elastic modulus values that are higher than those produced by the coating that contains undissolved TiCp.


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EEnzyme activity of commercial glucose oxidase was enhanced after purification through a strong anionic exchange resin. In order to get a better insight into this phenomenon, surface pressure–area ( –A) isotherms and surface pressure–time ( –t) isotherms was used to study the interaction and the absorption at different pH values of the subphases between octadecylamine and glucose oxidase purified by a styrene system quaternary ammonium type strongly basic anionic exchange resin. Circular dichroism (CD), electrophoresis and enzyme activity measurements were conducted to study these phenomena. A preliminary hypothesis has been suggested to explain why the enzyme activity of purified glucose oxidase was higher than that of the commercial one. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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El presente trabajo investigativo se llevó a cabo en la finca el portón, ubicada en el municipio de Malacatoya departamento de Granada, con el propósito de evaluar el efecto del dispositivo intravaginal (CIDR) como progesterona exógena en la tasa de retención embrionaria. Las hembras receptoras fueron seleccionadas de acuerdo a los siguientes criterios: Hembras cíclicamente sanas, que no hayan presentado parto distócico, que poseían buena habilidad materna. Una vez realizada la selección, estas hembras fueron sometidas a un programa de sincronización de celo, con la posterior detección visual y registro del mismo. El día 7 y 8 después de presentado el estro los embriones fueron transferidos a las receptoras con previa evaluación del cuerpo lúteo por palpación rectal, ese mismo día las vacas fueron asignadas en dos grupos, un grupo experimental (n=20) el cual recibió el suplemento de progesterona exógena (CIDR) y un grupo control (n=20) que no recibió el tratamiento de progesterona exógena (CIDR). De ambos grupos se tomaron muestras de sangre los días 7, 14 y 21; posterior a la transferencia del embrión. La tasa de retención embrionaria fue mayor en las vacas que no se les implanto el CIDR (63%), en comparación con las vacas implantadas con el CIDR (53%). Los niveles plasmáticos de progesterona en las hembras que se les aplicó el CIDR fueron 3 ng/mm de sangre el día siete, 6 ng/ml sangre el día 14 y 12 ng/ml sangre el día 21 post transferencia. En las hembras que no se les aplicó P4 exógena fueron de 3 ng/ml sangre el día 7; 11 ng/ml sangre el día 14 y 10 ng/ml sangre el día 21. Con respecto a la transferencia de embriones frescos y congelados, el día cero (día del transplante) se apreciaron niveles plasmáticos de P4 similares en ambos tipos de embriones. Sin embargo los días 14 y 21 post transplante se observó que al usar embriones frescos se obtuvo mayores niveles de P4. El número de partos a través del Transplante de embriones frescos fue de cinco y con embriones congelados fue de 15. Por último se evaluó el número de partos según el día que se realizó la transferencia, siendo mayor cuando la transferencia fue realizada el día 7 después que la hembra receptora mostrara celo en comparación con las hembras que se realizó la transferencia el día 8 después de haber presentado celo.


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Con los objetivos de evaluar el efecto de los tres sistemas de labranza sobre el comportamiento de la enfermedad producida por Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. y determinar cuál de los tres sistemas de labranza (cero, mínima y convencional) es económicamente más rentable para producir frijol, se llevó a efecto un estudio en la estación experimental La Compañía ubicada en el municipio de San Marcos, departamento de Carazo. El experimento fue establecido en época de primera (mayo-agosto) y postrera (septiembre -diciembre). El diseño utilizado fue bloques completos al azar (SCA) con tres tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Se tomaron datos sobre el número de plantas emergidas, incidencia de las enfermedades de la raíz, número de plantas a la cosecha, número de vainas por planta, peso de 1,000 semillas y también datos sobre los costos agrícolas de cada uno de los tratamientos y sus respectivos rendimientos. A los datos agronómicos se les realizó un análisis económico. Los resultados mostraron que en época de primera el mejor sistema de labranza para el cultivo del frijol, basándose en mejores rendimientos físicos y económicos resultó ser labranza mínima en comparación con labranza convencional; así mismo sucedió en postrera resultando ser, labranza mínima mejor que labranza cero Y convencional.


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Contenido: Garcilaso de la Vega: 1501?-2001 -- El concepto de "transformación" y sus aplicaciones al análisis de la poesía de Garcilaso / Sofía M. Carrizo Rueda – Algunas observaciones, a principios de un nuevo milenio, en torno a las comedias de Calderón de la Barca / Lilia E. Ferrario de Orduna – Palomeque, don Quijote, Cervantes: tres lectores de Cirongilio de Tracia de Bernardo de Vargas / Javier Roberto González – Cervantes: riesgo del vivir, azar y Providencia. Una lectura en clave bíblica y patrística / Teresa Herráiz de Tresca –La justicia divina o el orlo Amoris en el Amadis de Gaula / Silivia C. Lastra Paz -- Catálogo descriptivo de libros de caballerías castellanos, XIV. Otro Palmerín de Olivia recuperado: Sevilla, Jácome Cromberger, 1547 (Con algunas reflexiones sobre el arte de editar textos impresos) / José Manuel Lucía Megías – La defensa de la poesía en el Perú colonial: El Discurso en Loor de la Poesía / Graciela Maturo – Sobre la evolución de -nn-, -nw- y -w- interiores intervocálicos en la onomástica geográfica del Amadís de Gaula / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá – Reforma y Contrarreforma en las artes plásticas / Carmen Balzer – Tomás Moro y el Humanismo cristiano / Inés de Cassagne – Algunos poetas latinos del Humanismo / Raúl Lavalle – Reseñas bibliográficas


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Resumen: Garcilaso de la Vega, siguiendo el canon pedagógico humanista, se constituyó en un poeta que no solo adoptó la tradición de la lírica clásica en la absorción de temas y motivos, sino que también ensayó la composición de odas, a la manera horaciana, en lengua latina. Estas composiciones, regidas por las reglas métricas que se enseñaban en las escuelas de gramática y retórica, conservan la estructura estrófica y la rigurosa alternancia de sílabas breves y largas. El interés filológico en torno de estos poemas, por los cuales Garcilaso fue elogiado por los intelectuales de su época, es tardío ya que en las primeras ediciones de la obra del toledano no aparecen; será a finales del siglo XIX cuando se ponga la mirada sobre ellos y se comprenderá cuál es la importancia del contexto italiano de composición y el compromiso del poeta con lo clásico. Este cruce de imaginarios, que tiene como límite último la producción poética de Garcilaso, puede entenderse como un ejercicio de traducibilidad entre el sentido de un sistema semiótico adoptado, como es en este caso la utilización de la lengua latina, y la posibilidad de decir algo de ello, lo que implica producir significación; asimismo este juego de traspasos enunciativos se completa con la traducción a la lengua española de las odas latinas de Garcilaso. En consecuencia, los objetivos de la presente comunicación están orientados a analizar los dos pasos de la actividad semántica que se opera en toda relación de traducción: en este caso entre la oda a Venus creada por el poeta hispano y la versión de Nemesia Matarrodona Vizcaíno, quien transpone al español el texto garcilasiano en la edición de Sotelo Salas, del año 1976.


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Methane hydrate, which is usually found under deep seabed or permafrost zones, is a potential energy resource for future years. Depressurization of horizontal wells bored in methane hydrate layer is considered as one possible method for hydrate dissociation and methane extraction from the hosting soil. Since hydrate is likely to behave as a bonding material to sandy soils, supported well construction is necessary to avoid well-collapse due to the loss of the apparent cohesion during depressurization. This paper describes both physical and numerical modeling of such horizontal support wells. The experimental part involves depressurization of small well models in a large pressure cell, while the numerical part simulates the corresponding problem. While the experiment models simulate only gas saturated initial conditions, the numerical analysis simulates both gas-saturated and more realistic water-saturated conditions based on effective stress coupled flow-deformation formulation of these three phases. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group.