961 resultados para City planning--Competitions
Projecte presentat per al concurs d'ordenació urbana de l'entorn de la Colònia Güell
Projecte presentat al concurs "La transformació urbana de la Ronda Barceló"
Projecte presentat per al concurs de Creació d'un nou barri residencial (Les Grisettes) i del parc de Mas Nouguier
L’objecte del contracte és la redacció de l’esquema d'ordenació de volums de La Maquinista (àmbit entre els carrers Ferran Junoy, Ciutat d'Assumpció i Potosí)
Projecte presentat per al Concurs de projectes amb intervenció de jurat per al desenvolupament a nivell d'avanprojecte del Pla de Millora Urbana del Sector FECSA-ENDESA i Casernes, a Sant Boi del Llobregat
This paper examines the most productive authors, institutions and countries in regional and urban science from 1991 to 2000 using information on published articles (and pages) from a sample of widely recognized journals in this field: ARS, JUE, JRS, IJURR, IRSR, PRS, RSUE, RS and US. We also consider the relation between the country of the institution named in articles and the country in which the journal is published, in order to know if there are a home publication bias in regional and urban science. Analysis was made for the whole decade and by subperiods, this allowed us to make a more dynamic interpretation of the results
The current state of regional and urban science has been much discussed and a number of studies have speculated on possible future trends in the development of the discipline. However, there has been little empirical analysis of current publication patterns in regional and urban journals. This paper studies the kinds of topics, techniques and data used in articles published in nine top international journals during the 1990s with the aim of identifying current trends in this research field
This paper examines the most productive authors, institutions and countries in regional and urban science from 1991 to 2000 using information on published articles (and pages) from a sample of widely recognized journals in this field: ARS, JUE, JRS, IJURR, IRSR, PRS, RSUE, RS and US. We also consider the relation between the country of the institution named in articles and the country in which the journal is published, in order to know if there are a home publication bias in regional and urban science. Analysis was made for the whole decade and by subperiods, this allowed us to make a more dynamic interpretation of the results