995 resultados para Circumferential bone defects


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a combination graft, using recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and culture-expanded cells derived from bone marrow, for bone regeneration in a nonhuman primate mandible. METHODS: Five Japanese monkeys were used. Three milliliters of bone marrow was obtained from the tibia and plated into culture flasks. Adherent cells were cultured until near confluence; then, the proliferated cells were transferred to a three-dimensional culture system using collagen beads as the cell carrier. The medium was supplemented with ascorbic acid, beta-glycerophosphate, and dexamethasone to promote osteoblastic differentiation. After further proliferation on beads, the cells were mixed with a collagen sponge that was impregnated with rhBMP-2 and grafted into surgically created segmental bone defects of the mandibles. Three animals received this treatment, and either culture-expanded cells alone or collagen beads without cells were implanted into the remaining two monkeys as controls. The animals were killed 24 weeks after surgery, and the results were assessed by radiographic and histologic evaluation. RESULTS: The combination graft of culture-expanded bone marrow cells with rhBMP-2 in a collagen sponge regenerated the mandibular bone completely. By contrast, the graft of culture-expanded cells alone resulted in only a small amount of bone formation, and the implantation of collagen beads alone led to no bone formation. CONCLUSION: The combination graft of rhBMP-2 and culture-expanded cells, which requires only a small amount of bone marrow, is a reliable method for the reconstruction of segmental bone defects of the mandible.


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BACKGROUND: This study compared bone regeneration following guided bone regeneration with two bioabsorbable collagen membranes in saddle-type bone defects in dog mandibles. METHODS: Three standardized defects were created, filled with bone chips and deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM), and covered by three different methods: control = no membrane; test 1 = collagen membrane; and test 2 = cross-linked collagen membrane (CCM). Each side of the mandible was allocated to one of two healing periods (8 or 16 weeks). The histomorphometric analysis assessed the percentage of bone, soft tissue, and DBBM in the regenerate; the absolute area in square millimeters of the bone regenerate; and the distance in millimeters from the bottom of the defect to the highest point of the regenerate. RESULTS: In the 8-week healing group, two dehiscences occurred with CCM. After 8 weeks, all treatment modalities showed no significant differences in the percentage of bone regenerate. After 16 weeks, the percentage of bone had increased for all treatment modalities without significant differences. For all groups, the defect fill height increased between weeks 8 and 16. The CCM group showed a statistically significant (P = 0.0202) increase over time and the highest value of all treatment modalities after 16 weeks of healing, CONCLUSIONS: The CCM showed a limited beneficial effect on bone regeneration in membrane-protected defects in dog mandibles when healing was uneventful. The observed premature membrane exposures resulted in severely compromised amounts of bone regenerate. This increased complication rate with CCM requires a more detailed preclinical and clinical examination before any clinical recommendations can be made.


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The repair of bone defects with biomaterials depends on a sufficient vascularization of the implantation site. We analyzed the effect of pore size on the vascularization and osseointegration of biphasic calcium phosphate particles, which were implanted into critical-sized cranial defects in Balb/c mice. Dense particles and particles with pore sizes in the ranges 40-70, 70-140, 140-210, and 210-280 mum were tested (n = 6 animals per group). Angiogenesis, vascularization, and leukocyte-endothelium interactions were monitored for 28 days by intravital microscopy. The formation of new bone and the bone-interface contact (BIC) were determined histomorphometrically. Twenty-eight days after implantation, the functional capillary density was significantly higher with ceramic particles whose pore sizes exceeded 140 mum [140-210 mum: 6.6 (+/-0.8) mm/mm(2); 210-280 mum: 7.3 (+/-0.6) mm/mm(2)] than with those whose pore sizes were lesser than 140 mum [40-70 mum: 5.3 (+/-0.4) mm/mm(2); 70-140 mum: 5.6 (+/-0.3) mm/mm(2)] or with dense particles [5.7 (+/-0.8) mm/mm(2)]. The volume of newly-formed bone deposited within the implants increased as the pore size increased [40-70 mum: 0.07 (+/-0.02) mm(3); 70-140 mum: 0.10 (+/-0.06) mm(3); 140-210 mum: 0.13 (+/-0.05) mm(3); 210-280 mum: 0.15 (+/-0.06) mm(3)]. Similar results were observed for the BIC. The data demonstrates pore size to be a critical parameter governing the dynamic processes of vascularization and osseointegration of bone substitutes. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res, 2007.


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PURPOSE: The aim was (1) to evaluate the soft-tissue reaction of a synthetic polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel used as a barrier membrane for guided bone regeneration (GBR) compared with a collagen membrane and (2) to test whether or not the application of this in situ formed membrane will result in a similar amount of bone regeneration as the use of a collagen membrane. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Tooth extraction and preparation of osseous defects were performed in the mandibles of 11 beagle dogs. After 3 months, 44 cylindrical implants were placed within healed dehiscence-type bone defects resulting in approximately 6 mm exposed implant surface. The following four treatment modalities were randomly allocated: PEG+autogenous bone chips, PEG+hydroxyapatite (HA)/tricalcium phosphate (TCP) granules, bioresorbable collagen membrane+autogenous bone chips and autogenous bone chips without a membrane. After 2 and 6 months, six and five dogs were sacrificed, respectively. A semi-quantitative evaluation of the local tolerance and a histomorphometric analysis were performed. For statistical analysis, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and subsequent pairwise Student's t-test were applied (P<0.05). RESULTS: No local adverse effects in association with the PEG compared with the collagen membrane was observed clinically and histologically at any time-point. Healing was uneventful and all implants were histologically integrated. Four out of 22 PEG membrane sites revealed a soft-tissue dehiscence after 1-2 weeks that subsequently healed uneventful. Histomorphometric measurement of the vertical bone gain showed after 2 months values between 31% and 45% and after 6 months between 31% and 38%. Bone-to-implant contact (BIC) within the former defect area was similarly high in all groups ranging from 71% to 82% after 2 months and 49% to 91% after 6 months. However, with regard to all evaluated parameters, the PEG and the collagen membranes did not show any statistically significant difference compared with sites treated with autogenous bone without a membrane. CONCLUSION: The in situ forming synthetic membrane made of PEG was safely used in the present study, revealing no biologically significant abnormal soft-tissue reaction and demonstrated similar amounts of newly formed bone for defects treated with the PEG membrane compared with defects treated with a standard collagen membrane.


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BACKGROUND: Harvesting techniques can affect cellular parameters of autogenous bone grafts in vitro. Whether these differences translate to in vivo bone formation, however, remains unknown. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of different harvesting techniques on bone formation and graft resorption in vivo. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Four harvesting techniques were used: (i) corticocancellous blocks particulated by a bone mill; (ii) bone scraper; (iii) piezosurgery; and (iv) bone slurry collected from a filter device upon drilling. The grafts were placed into bone defects in the mandibles of 12 minipigs. The animals were sacrificed after 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks of healing. Histology and histomorphometrical analyses were performed to assess bone formation and graft resorption. An explorative statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: The amount of new bone increased, while the amount of residual bone decreased over time with all harvesting techniques. At all given time points, no significant advantage of any harvesting technique on bone formation was observed. The harvesting technique, however, affected bone formation and the amount of residual graft within the overall healing period. Friedman test revealed an impact of the harvesting technique on residual bone graft after 2 and 4 weeks. At the later time point, post hoc testing showed more newly formed bone in association with bone graft processed by bone mill than harvested by bone scraper and piezosurgery. CONCLUSIONS: Transplantation of autogenous bone particles harvested with four techniques in the present model resulted in moderate differences in terms of bone formation and graft resorption.


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OBJECTIVES To test a non-glycosylated recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (ngly-rhBMP-2)/fibrin composite, which has been shown experimentally to enhance healing of bone defects in rodents, in a clinical case series of dogs and cats undergoing treatment for fracture non-unions and arthrodesis. METHODS A ngly-rhBMP-2/fibrin composite was applied in 41 sites in 38 dogs and cats for which a cancellous bone autograft was indicated, replacing the graft. RESULTS Bridging of the bone defect with functional bone healing was achieved in 90 per cent of the arthrodesis and fracture nonunions treated in this manner. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE This prospective clinical study demonstrates the beneficial effects of ngly-rhBMP-2 in a specially designed fibrin matrix on the treatment of bone defects, and validates the use of this composite as an alternative to bone autografts in dogs and cats.


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OBJECTIVES The occurrence of multinucleated giant cells (MNGCs) on bone substitute materials has been recognized for a long time. However, there have been no studies linking material characteristics with morphology of the MNGCs. The aim was to analyze the qualitative differences of MNGCs on two commercially available calcium phosphate bone substitute materials retrieved from bone defects. MATERIAL AND METHODS Six defects were prepared bilaterally in the mandibular body of three mini pigs. The defects were randomly grafted with either deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) or biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP). After a healing period of four weeks, bone blocks were embedded in LR White resin. Three consecutive sections per defect were analyzed as follows: two with light microscopy using toluidine blue and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) staining and one with transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS Multinucleated giant cells appeared on both biomaterials. On BCP, MNGCs had a flat morphology and were not observed in resorption lacunae. On DBBM, the MNGCs appeared more round and were often found in shallow concavities. MNGCs on both biomaterials demonstrated a varying degree of TRAP staining, with a tendency toward higher staining intensity of MNGCs on BCP. At the ultrastructural level, signs of superficial dissolution of BCP together with phagocytosis of minor fragments were observed. MNGCs on the surface of DBBM demonstrated sealing zones and ruffled borders, both features of mature osteoclasts. CONCLUSION MNGCs demonstrated distinctly different histological features depending on the bone substitute material used. Further research is warranted to understand the clinical implications of these morphological observations.


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La ricerca di nuove strategie per la rigenerazione ossea rappresenta un focus di interesse centrale per migliorare la gestione di casi clinici complessi nell’ambito della chirurgia orale e maxillo-facciale. Uno degli approcci più utilizzati in tale contesto si basa sull’utilizzo di molecole con proprietà osteoinduttive e molte sostanze sono state fino ad oggi sperimentate. E’ noto in letteratura che gli androgeni svolgono un ruolo chiave nella regolazione della morfogenesi ossea e nel mantenimento della sua omeostasi durante il corso della vita. Questo lavoro di tesi nasce dall’ipotesi che la somministrazione locale di tali ormoni, eventualmente combinata a materiali da innesto, possa favorire la guarigione di difetti ossei. Stando a questa premessa, sono stati valutati gli effetti dello steroide sintetico Stanozololo sulla rigenerazione ossea in diversi settings sperimentali. La tesi è strutturata secondo un percorso che segue le fasi della ricerca, attraverso sperimentazioni in vitro e in vivo; ogni capitolo può essere approcciato come uno studio a sé stante, corrispondente ad una determinata tappa dell’iter sperimentale. Sulla base di questi intenti, viene fornito inizialmente un quadro d’insieme circa gli effetti degli androgeni sull’osso. A seguire, è presentata una sperimentazione in vitro nella linea cellulare SaOS-2. Infine, è proposta un’innovativa metodologia di analisi per lo studio della rigenerazione ossea nel modello di ratto, ove viene testata la somministrazione locale di Stanozololo combinato a materiale da innesto.


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This article addresses diagnostic parameters that should be assessed in the treatment of extraction sockets with dental implant placement by presenting three case reports that emphasize the relevance of the amount of remaining bone walls. Diagnosis was based on the analysis of clinical and radiographic parameters (e.g.: bone defect morphology, remaining bone volume, presence of infections on the receptor site). Case 1 presents a 5-wall defect in the maxillary right central incisor region with severe root resorption, which was treated with immediate implant placement. Cases 2 and 3 present, respectively, two- and three-wall bone defects that did not have indication for immediate implants. These cases were first submitted to a guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedure with bone graft biomaterial and membrane barriers, and the implants were installed in a second surgical procedure. The analysis of the preoperative periodontal condition of the adjacent teeth and bone defect morphology is extremely important because these factors determine the choice between immediate implant or GBR treatment followed by implant installation in a subsequent intervention.


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PURPOSE: To develop an experimental surgical model in rats for the study of craniofacial abnormalities. METHODS: Full thickness calvarial defects with 10x10-mm and 5x8-mm dimensions were created in 40 male NIS Wistar rats, body weight ranging from 320 to 420 g. The animals were equally divided into two groups. The periosteum was removed and dura mater was left intact. Animals were killed at 8 and 16 weeks postoperatively and cranial tissue samples were taken from the defects for histological analysis. RESULTS: Cranial defects remained open even after 16 weeks postoperatively. CONCLUSION: The experimental model with 5x8-mm defects in the parietal region with the removal of the periosteum and maintenance of the integrity of the dura mater are critical and might be used for the study of cranial bone defects in craniofacial abnormalities.


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The aim of this study was to determine the applicability of multislice and cone-beam computerized tomography (CT) in the assessment of bone defects in patients with oral clefts. Bone defects were produced in 9 dry skulls to mimic oral clefts. All defects were modeled with wax. The skulls were submitted to multislice and cone-beam CT. Subsequently, physical measurements were obtained by the Archimedes principle of water displacement of wax models. The results demonstrated that multislice and cone-beam CT showed a high efficiency rate and were considered to be effective for volumetric assessment of bone defects. It was also observed that both CT modalities showed excellent results with high reliability in the study of the volume of bone defects, with no difference in performance between them. The clinical applicability of our research has shown these CT modalities to be immediate and direct, and they is important for the diagnosis and therapeutic process of patients with oral cleft. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112: 249-257)


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Large bone defects represent major clinical problems in the practice of reconstructive orthopedic and craniofacial surgery. The aim of this study was to examine, through immunohistochemistry approach, the involvement of MMP-9 and CD68(+) cells during tissue remodeling in response to natural hydroxyapatite (HA) implanted in rat subcutaneous tissue. Before experimentation, forty animals were randomly distributed into two experimental groups: Group-I (Gen-Ox (TM) micro-granules) and Group-II (Gen-Ox (TM) macro-granules). Afterwards, the biopsies were collected after 10, 20, 30, and 60 days post-implantation. Our results showed that at 10 days, a low-renewal foreign body type granuloma formation was observed in most of the cases. Macrophage- and fibroblast-like cells were the predominant type of cells positively stained for MMP-9 in both groups. Once macrophage-like cells seemed to be the major source of MMP9, antibody against pan-CD68 epitope was used to correlate these findings. In agreement, MMP-9 and CD68(+) cells were distributed at the periphery and the central region of the granuloma in all experimental periods, however no staining was observed in cell contacting to material. Besides macrophages, the lysosomal glycoprotein epitope recognized by CD68 antibodies can be expressed by mast cell granules and sometimes by fibroblasts. Taken together, our results suggest that xenogenic HA promotes extracellular matrix remodeling through induction of MMP-9 activity and presence of CD68(+) cells.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate bone formation after application of different doses of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) combined with monoolein or poloxamer gels, in critical bone defects of rats. Forty-five Wistar rats were divided into nine treatment groups with five animals each: I: application of 1 A mu g rhBMP-2 + monoolein; II: 3 A mu g rhBMP-2 + monoolein; III: 7 A mu g rhBMP-2 + monoolein; IV: 1 A mu g rhBMP-2 + poloxamer; V: 3 A mu g rhBMP-2 + poloxamer; VI: 7 A mu g rhBMP-2 + poloxamer; VII: monoolein only; VIII: poloxamer only; and IX: critical bone defect only. A critical-sized defect of 6 mm diameter was produced in the left parietal bone and it was filled with gels of the above mentioned treatments. After 2 weeks, the calvarial bones were removed for histological processing. Bone formation in the groups that received poloxamer gel and rhBMP-2 was not significantly different from the control group (IX). Groups receiving monoolein and rhBMP-2 (1 and 3 A mu g) and those that received only the carriers (VII and VIII) had less bone formation in relation to the control. The association of rhBMP-2 to both poloxamer and monoolein did not exhibit any significant differentiation in bone formation in comparison with the control group.


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Despite wide clinical application, the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for repairing bone defects and enhancing osseointegration of metal implants is still subject of debate. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a well-defined PRP-like mixture containing platelet-derived growth factor-BB, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1, TGF-beta 2, albumin, fibronectin, and thrombospondin [growth factors (GFs) + proteins] on the development of the osteogenic phenotype on titanium (Ti) in vitro. Human alveolar bone-derived osteoblastic cells were subcultured on Ti discs and exposed during the first 7 days to osteogenic medium supplemented with GFs + proteins and to osteogenic medium alone thereafter up to 14 days. Control cultures were exposed to only osteogenic medium. Dose-response experiments were carried out using rat primary calvarial cells exposed to GFs + proteins and 1:10 or 1:100 dilutions of the mixture. Treated human-derived cell cultures exhibited a significantly higher number of cycling cells at days 1 and 4 and of total cells at days 4 and 7, significantly reduced alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity at days 4, 7, and 10, and no Alizarin red-stained areas (calcium deposits) at day 14, indicating an impairment in osteoblast differentiation. Although the 1:10 and 1:100 dilutions of the mixture restored the proliferative activity of rat-derived osteogenic cells to control levels and promoted a significant increase in ALP activity at day 10 compared with GFs + proteins, mineralized nodule formation was only observed with the 1:100 dilution (similar to 50% of the control). These results showed that a PRP-like protein mixture inhibits development of the osteogenic phenotype in both human and rat osteoblastic cell cultures grown on Ti. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:265-276, 2009)