953 resultados para Chydenius, Anders


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How the apical-basal axis of polarity is established in embryogenesis is still a mystery in plant development. This axis appeared specifically compromised by mutations in the Arabidopsis GNOM gene. Surprisingly, GNOM encodes an ARF guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (ARF-GEF) that regulates the formation of vesicles in membrane trafficking. In-depth functional analysis of GNOM and its closest relative, GNOM-LIKE 1 (GNL1), has provided a mechanistic explanation for the development-specific role of a seemingly mundane trafficking regulator. The current model proposes that GNOM is specifically involved in the endosomal recycling of the auxin-efflux carrier PIN1 to the basal plasma membrane in provascular cells, which in turn is required for the accumulation of the plant hormone auxin at the future root pole through polar auxin transport. Thus, the analysis of GNOM highlights the importance of cell-biological processes for a mechanistic understanding of development.


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El Projecte MODEVAL respon a la necessitat detectada en matèria d'avaluació de competències bàsiques de les persones, i tracta de definir quins són els nivells bàsics d'habilitats que garanteixen unes condicions individuals favorables per al desenvolupament de la persona, la ciutadania activa, i la integració social, cultural i professional dels individus. Mentre el projecte MODEVAL 1 tenia com a objectiu realitzar un marc de referència metodològic a nivell europeu per a dur a terme l'avaluació de competències; el projecte MODEVAL 2, és a dir, el present treball, té com a objectiu la creació de mòduls de formació per als diferents interessats (és a dir, formadors d'alfabetització i de formació bàsica, investigadors, coordinadors de centres de formació, els responsables polítics, estadístics, persones que realitzaran enquestes a gran escala sobre el coneixement de base, etc.) per tal d'aplicar les recomanacions del projecte i crear les seves pròpies eines d'avaluació.


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El Projecte MODEVAL respon a la necessitat detectada en matèria d'avaluació de competències bàsiques de les persones, i tracta de definir quins són els nivells bàsics d'habilitats que garanteixen unes condicions individuals favorables per al desenvolupament de la persona, la ciutadania activa, i la integració social, cultural i professional dels individus. Mentre el projecte MODEVAL 1 tenia com a objectiu realitzar un marc de referència metodològic a nivell europeu per a dur a terme l'avaluació de competències; el projecte MODEVAL 2, és a dir, el present treball, té com a objectiu la creació de mòduls de formació per als diferents interessats (és a dir, formadors d'alfabetització i de formació bàsica, investigadors, coordinadors de centres de formació, els responsables polítics, estadístics, persones que realitzaran enquestes a gran escala sobre el coneixement de base, etc.) per tal d'aplicar les recomanacions del projecte i crear les seves pròpies eines d'avaluació.


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As collaborators of Anders Pape Møller, we were shocked and surprised to read that he was accused of data fabrication ("Ecologists roiled by misconduct case," G. Vogel, F. Proffitt, R. Stone, News of the Week, 30 Jan., p. 606). We have never had cause to be concerned about any aspect of our collaborations with Møller. He is an amazing scientist, and his great organizational skills are a model for how to be productive in the face of competing time demands. Most of us are capable of much more than we actually accomplish, but we lack the dedication and self-discipline to follow through like Anders Møller. This is the secret of his phenomenal effectiveness that has been so puzzling to the scientific community. His achievements may have caused negative responses from some of his competitors. We would like to see a full, objective, and independent inquiry into the allegations. Our experience tells us that Anders Møller has an exceptionally complete focus on any task at hand, be it fieldwork, data analysis, or paper writing; this, combined with more than a little natural talent, is sufficient to explain his exceptional productivity. We have worked with him on a variety of projects, including collecting data, sometimes under arduous conditions, and in all our dealings with him, his behavior has been beyond reproach. We would ask colleagues to restrain from further public condemnation until such time as any allegations have been proven beyond doubt.


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Sterile cell death mediated inflammation is linked to several pathological disorders and involves danger recognition of intracellular molecules released by necrotic cells that activate different groups of innate pattern recognition receptors. Toll-like receptors directly interact with their extrinsic or intrinsic agonists and induce multiple proinflammatory mediators. In contrast, the NLRP3 inflammasome is rather thought to represent a downstream element integrating various indirect stimuli into proteolytic cleavage of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18. Here, we report that histones released from necrotic cells induce IL-1β secretion in an NLRP3-ASC-caspase-1-dependent manner. Genetic deletion of NLRP3 in mice significantly attenuated histone-induced IL-1β production and neutrophil recruitment. Furthermore, necrotic cells induced neutrophil recruitment, which was significantly reduced by histone-neutralizing antibodies or depleting extracellular histones via enzymatic degradation. These results identify cytosolic uptake of necrotic cell-derived histones as a triggering mechanism of sterile inflammation, which involves NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β secretion via oxidative stress.