980 resultados para Chronic exposure
Lip squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) may develop from a premalignant condition, actinic cheilitis (AC) in 95% of the cases. Both premalignant and neoplastic lip diseases are caused mainly by chronic exposure to the ultraviolet component of solar radiation, especially UVB. This exposure causes disruption of the cell cycle and damage to DNA repair systems, like mismatch repair, altering proteins repair as hMLH1 and hMSH2. This research aimed to investigate the immunohistochemical expression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 proteins in lower lip SCCs and ACs, providing additional information about carcinogenesis of the lower lip. The sample consisted 40 cases of ACs and 40 cases of lower lip SCCs. Histological sections of 3 μm were submitted to immunoperoxidase method, for immunohistochemical analysis of lesions were counted in 1000 cells (positive and negative), data were evaluated both in absolute numbers and percentage of immunostained cells, the latter by assigning scores. Associations of the variables and comparative analysis of biomarker expression were performed by Fisher s exact and Pearson s chi-square, "t" student, one-way ANOVA, Mann- Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis tests. The level of significance was 5%. It was found that, in lower lip SCC, the mean of the proteins was higher in female patients (hMLH1= 369,80 + 223,98; hMHS2 = 534,80 + 343,62), less than 50 years old (hMLH1 = 285,50 + 190,65; hMHS2 = 540,00 + 274,79) and classified as low-grade malignancy (hMLH1 = 264,59 + 179,21; hMHS2 = 519,32 + 302,58), in these data only to sex, for hMLH1 protein, was statistically significant (p=0.034). Comparing the different lesions, we observed that for both hMLH1 and hMSH2 protein, the average of positive epithelial cells decreased as the lesion was graded at later stages. The ACs classified without dysplasia or mild dysplasia had the highest average of immunostained cells (hMLH1 = 721.23 + 88.116; hMHS2 = 781.50 + 156.93). The ACs classified as moderate or severe dysplasia had intermediate values (hMLH1 = 532,86 + 197,72; hMHS2 = 611,14 + 172,48) and SSCs of the lower lip had the lowest averages (hMLH1 = 255,03 + 199,47; hMHS2 = 518,38 + 265,68). There was a statistically significant difference between groups (p<0.001). In conclusion, our data support the hypothesis that changes in immunoexpression of these proteins is related to the process of carcinogenesis of the lower lip
Queratoses actínicas são neoplasias benignas intraepiteliais formadas por proliferações atípicas de queratinócitos com potencial de transformação em carcinoma espinocelular. Desenvolvem-se em áreas fotoexpostas da pele, são induzidas principalmente pela radiação ultravioleta e constituem marcadores de exposição solar crônica. Acometem indivíduos adultos e idosos, de fototipos claros, representando o quarto diagnóstico dermatológico mais comum no Brasil. Danos nas vias de apoptose do epitélio fotoexposto favorecem a proliferação celular e manutenção das lesões. Nesta revisão os autores reúnem os principais dados epidemiológicos sobre a doença e defendem que estratégias de identificação de fenótipos de risco, diagnóstico precoce, tratamento adequado, seguimento clínico, incentivo ao autoexame da pele, fotoeducação e fotoproteção devem ser promovidas, a fim de evitar a evolução das lesões, e também prevenir e diagnosticar neoplasias concomitantes também induzidas pela radiação solar.
OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos morfológicos da exposição crônica à inalação de fumaça do tabaco e o do consumo de álcool nos pulmões e no crescimento de ratos. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos Wistar machos foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: controle, tabaco, álcool e tabaco + álcool, e acompanhados por um período de 260 dias. No final do periodo foi realizada análise morfológica dos pulmões por microscopia óptica e eletrônica. O crescimento dos ratos foi investigado através da medição do comprimento focinho-ânus, peso corporal e índice de massa corporal. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos expostos às drogas apresentaram peso e comprimento significativamente menores que os do grupo controle. As percentagens de bronquiolite e alveolite, e o diâmetro alveolar médio foram maiores nos grupos expostos à fumaça do tabaco, mas sem significancia estatística quando comparadas ao grupo controle. A microscopia eletrônica revelou apoptose mais intensa e lesões degenerativas no grupo de fumantes, enquanto lesões degenerativas nos corpos lamelares foram mais intensas com a associação de ambas as drogas. CONCLUSÕES: Este modelo experimental mostrou alterações morfológicas observadas por microscopia eletrônica, principalmente devido à exposição ao tabaco. Tanto o alcool como o tabaco prejudicaram o crescimento dos animais, o tabaco mostrando um efeito maior sobre o comprimento e o álcool sobre o peso corporal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Aim. To investigate the effects of physical training associated to dexamethasone administration in carbohydrate metabolism and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) release. Materials and methods. Young Wistar rats were divided into four groups: sedentary control (CS), sedentary dexanzethasone (DxS), trained control (CT) and trained dexamethasone (DxT). The rats were submitted to swimming training associate to administration of dexamethasone for ten weekends. Before sacrifice the rats received Subcutaneous insulin to calculate the maximum decreased in blood glucose. Venous blood was sampled obtained at the end experiment period to determine glucose, insulin, free fatty acids (FFA) and ACTH. Gastrocnemius and liver tissue samples were used to determination glycogen, and adipose epididimal tissue was used to measured the weight. Results. Dexamethasone administration provoke insulin resistance and the physical training reverted this aspect. Training promoted increase in muscle and liver glycogen store and a high utilization of FFA. Moreover the dexamethasone provoke decreased of ACTH release in response to acute exercise, showing marked differences in the functioning of the hypothalamy pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis between groups of rats. Conclusions. a) Low-dose of dexamethasone promote several side effects in metabolism intermediary and chronic exposure to steroid was associated with insulin resistance; b) the regular swimming exercise promoted increased insulin sensitiviry Therefore. exercise can override the dexametasone negative feedback of the HPA axis activation in rats.
The code STATFLUX, implementing a new and simple statistical procedure for the calculation of transfer coefficients in radionuclide transport to animals and plants, is proposed. The method is based on the general multiple-compartment model, which uses a system of linear equations involving geometrical volume considerations. Flow parameters were estimated by employing two different least-squares procedures: Derivative and Gauss-Marquardt methods, with the available experimental data of radionuclide concentrations as the input functions of time. The solution of the inverse problem, which relates a given set of flow parameter with the time evolution of concentration functions, is achieved via a Monte Carlo Simulation procedure.Program summaryTitle of program: STATFLUXCatalogue identifier: ADYS_v1_0Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADYS_v1_0Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: noneComputer for which the program is designed and others on which it has been tested: Micro-computer with Intel Pentium III, 3.0 GHzInstallation: Laboratory of Linear Accelerator, Department of Experimental Physics, University of São Paulo, BrazilOperating system: Windows 2000 and Windows XPProgramming language used: Fortran-77 as implemented in Microsoft Fortran 4.0. NOTE: Microsoft Fortran includes non-standard features which are used in this program. Standard Fortran compilers such as, g77, f77, ifort and NAG95, are not able to compile the code and therefore it has not been possible for the CPC Program Library to test the program.Memory, required to execute with typical data: 8 Mbytes of RAM memory and 100 MB of Hard disk memoryNo. of bits in a word: 16No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 6912No. of bytes in distributed Program, including test data, etc.: 229 541Distribution format: tar.gzNature of the physical problem: the investigation of transport mechanisms for radioactive substances, through environmental pathways, is very important for radiological protection of populations. One such pathway, associated with the food chain, is the grass-animal-man sequence. The distribution of trace elements in humans and laboratory animals has been intensively studied over the past 60 years [R.C. Pendlenton, C.W. Mays, R.D. Lloyd, A.L. Brooks, Differential accumulation of iodine-131 from local fallout in people and milk, Health Phys. 9 (1963) 1253-1262]. In addition, investigations on the incidence of cancer in humans, and a possible causal relationship to radioactive fallout, have been undertaken [E.S. Weiss, M.L. Rallison, W.T. London, W.T. Carlyle Thompson, Thyroid nodularity in southwestern Utah school children exposed to fallout radiation, Amer. J. Public Health 61 (1971) 241-249; M.L. Rallison, B.M. Dobyns, F.R. Keating, J.E. Rall, F.H. Tyler, Thyroid diseases in children, Amer. J. Med. 56 (1974) 457-463; J.L. Lyon, M.R. Klauber, J.W. Gardner, K.S. Udall, Childhood leukemia associated with fallout from nuclear testing, N. Engl. J. Med. 300 (1979) 397-402]. From the pathways of entry of radionuclides in the human (or animal) body, ingestion is the most important because it is closely related to life-long alimentary (or dietary) habits. Those radionuclides which are able to enter the living cells by either metabolic or other processes give rise to localized doses which can be very high. The evaluation of these internally localized doses is of paramount importance for the assessment of radiobiological risks and radiological protection. The time behavior of trace concentration in organs is the principal input for prediction of internal doses after acute or chronic exposure. The General Multiple-Compartment Model (GMCM) is the powerful and more accepted method for biokinetical studies, which allows the calculation of concentration of trace elements in organs as a function of time, when the flow parameters of the model are known. However, few biokinetics data exist in the literature, and the determination of flow and transfer parameters by statistical fitting for each system is an open problem.Restriction on the complexity of the problem: This version of the code works with the constant volume approximation, which is valid for many situations where the biological half-live of a trace is lower than the volume rise time. Another restriction is related to the central flux model. The model considered in the code assumes that exist one central compartment (e.g., blood), that connect the flow with all compartments, and the flow between other compartments is not included.Typical running time: Depends on the choice for calculations. Using the Derivative Method the time is very short (a few minutes) for any number of compartments considered. When the Gauss-Marquardt iterative method is used the calculation time can be approximately 5-6 hours when similar to 15 compartments are considered. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Arsenic is an environmental pollutant that influences the male reproductive function, affecting the spermatogenesis process in the testis and causing alterations in the sperm. The objective of this work was evaluate the reproductive efficiency in adult male rats exposed to arsenic and the possible male-mediated structural malformations. The animal were treated with sodium arsenato (3,6 mg/Kg, i.p.), twice a weak, for 15, 30, 45, 60 or 75 days whereas control received only distilled water. Results have showed a reduced pregnancy rate associated to a decrease in the fertility potencial and to a increase in the preimplantation loss. There was a decrease in the fetal weights, as showed by its average. Malformations rate, postimplantation loss and resorptions were unaffect by treatment. These results suggest that chronic exposure to arsenic provokes reduction on fertility of male rats. Further studies are required to clarify the arsenic effects on male reproductive system and male-mediated effects on progeny.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a dimorphic fungus that causes paracoccidioidomycosis, the most prevalent human deep mycosis in Latin America. The dimorphic transition from mycelium to yeast (M-Y) is triggered by a temperature shift from 25°C to 37°C and is critical for pathogenicity. Intracellular Ca 2+ levels increased in hyphae immediately after temperature-induced dimorphism. The chelation of Ca 2+ with extracellular (EGTA) or intracellular (BAPTA) calcium chelators inhibited temperature-induced dimorphism, whereas the addition of extracellular Ca 2+ accelerated dimorphism. The calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine A (CsA), but not tacrolimus (FK506), effectively decreased cell growth, halted the M-Y transition that is associated with virulence, and caused aberrant growth morphologies for all forms of P. brasiliensis. The difference between CsA and FK506 was ascribed by the higher levels of cyclophilins contrasted to FKBPs, the intracellular drug targets required for calcineurin suppression. Chronic exposure to CsA abolished intracellular Ca 2+ homeostasis and decreased mRNA transcription of the CCH1 gene for the plasma membrane Ca 2+ channel in yeast-form cells. CsA had no detectable effect on multidrug resistance efflux pumps, while the effect of FK506 on rhodamine excretion was not correlated with the transition to yeast form. In this study, we present evidence that Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin controls hyphal and yeast morphology, M-Y dimorphism, growth, and Ca 2+ homeostasis in P. brasiliensis and that CsA is an effective chemical block for thermodimorphism in this organism. The effects of calcineurin inhibitors on P. brasiliensis reinforce the therapeutic potential of these drugs in a combinatory approach with antifungal drugs to treat endemic paracoccidioidomycosis. Copyright © 2008, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
In Brazil, imidacloprid is a widely used insecticide on agriculture and can harm bees, which are important pollinators. The active ingredient imidacloprid has action on the nervous system of the insects. However, little has been studied about the actions of the insecticide on nontarget organs of insects, such as the Malpighian tubules that make up the excretory and osmoregulatory system. Hence, in this study, we evaluated the effects of chronic exposure to sublethal doses of imidacloprid in Malpighian tubules of Africanized Apis mellifera. In the tubules of treated bees, we found an increase in the number of cells with picnotic nuclei, the lost of part of the cell into the lumen, and a homogenization of coloring cytoplasm. Furthermore, we observed the presence of cytoplasmic vacuolization. We confirmed the increased occurrence of picnotic nuclei by using the Feulgan reaction, which showed the chromatin compaction was more intense in the tubules of bees exposed to the insecticide. We observed an intensification of the staining of the nucleus with Xylidine Ponceau, further verifying the cytoplasmic negative regions that may indicate autophagic activity. Additionally, immunocytochemistry experiments showed TUNEL positive nuclei in exposed bees, implicating increased cell apoptosis after chronic imidacloprid exposure. In conclusion, our results indicate that very low concentrations of imidacloprid lead to cytotoxic activity in the Malpighian tubules of exposed bees at all tested times for exposure and imply that this insecticide can alter honey bee physiology. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Several synthetic substances are used in agricultural areas to combat insect pests; however, the indiscriminate use of these products may affect nontarget insects, such as bees. In Brazil, one of the most widely used insecticides is imidacloprid, which targets the nervous system of insects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of chronic exposure to sublethal doses of imidacloprid on the brain of the Africanized Apis mellifera. The organs of both control bees and bees exposed to insecticide were subjected to morphological, histochemical and immunocytochemical analysis after exposure to imidacloprid, respectively, for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days. In mushroom bodies of bees exposed to imidacloprid concentrations of LD50/10 and in optic lobes of bees exposed to imidacloprid concentrations of LD 50/10, LD50/100, and LD50/50, we observed the presence of condensed cells. The Feulgen reaction revealed the presence of some cells with pyknotic nuclei, whereas Xylidine Ponceau stain revealed strongly stained cells. These characteristics can indicate the occurrence of cell death. Furthermore, cells in mushroom bodies of bees exposed to imidacloprid concentrations of LD50/10 appeared to be swollen. Cell death was confirmed by immunocytochemical technique. Therefore, it was concluded that sublethal doses of imidacloprid have cytotoxic effects on exposed bee brains and that optic lobes are more sensitive to the insecticide than other regions of the brain. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Aim: Chronic exposure to intermittent hypoxia commonly induces the activation of sympathetic tonus and the disruption of glucose homoeostasis. However, the effects of exposure to acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH) on glucose homoeostasis are not yet fully elucidated. Herein, we evaluated parameters related to glucose metabolism in rats exposed to AIH. Methods: Male adult rats were submitted to 10 episodes of hypoxia (6% O2, for 45 s) interspersed with 5-min intervals of normoxia (21%), while the control (CTL) group was kept in normoxia. Results: Acute intermittent hypoxia rats presented higher fasting glycaemia, normal insulinaemia, increased lactataemia and similar serum lipid levels, compared to controls (n = 10, P < 0.05). Additionally, AIH rats exhibited increased glucose tolerance (GT) (n = 10, P < 0.05) and augmented insulin sensitivity (IS) (n = 10, P < 0.05). The p-Akt/Akt protein ratio was increased in the muscle, but not in the liver and adipose tissue of AIH rats (n = 6, P < 0.05). The elevated glycaemia in AIH rats was associated with a reduction in the hepatic glycogen content (n = 10, P < 0.05). Moreover, the AIH-induced increase in blood glucose concentration, as well as reduced hepatic glycogen content, was prevented by prior systemic administration of the β-adrenergic antagonist (P < 0.05). The effects of AIH on glycaemia and Akt phosphorylation were transient and not observed after 60 min. Conclusions: We suggest that AIH induces an increase in blood glucose concentration as a result of hepatic glycogenolysis recruitment through sympathetic activation. The augmentation of GT and IS might be attributed, at least in part, to increased β-adrenergic sympathetic stimulation and Akt protein activation in skeletal muscles, leading to a higher glucose availability and utilization. © 2013 Scandinavian Physiological Society.
Objective: We evaluated whether chronic exposure to immunosuppression in transplant recipients modulate the placental inflammatory cytokine levels associated to gestational tolerance mechanisms. Methods: Serum samples were collected from 12 renal transplanted pregnant under immunosuppressive regimen treatment and 10 healthy women in second/third trimester of gestation. Term placental tissues (decidua and chorionic villi) were also obtained after elective caesarean. Serum IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70 and TNF-α were measured, as also in placental homogenates, by Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) combined with flow cytometry and, TGF-β and IL-18 were measured by ELISA. Results: Serum levels of IL-6 (p=0.0001) and TNF-α (0.0112) were higher in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and in decidua the spectrum of increased pro inflammatory cytokines was wider: IL-1β (p=0.0001), IL-6 (p=0.0001), IL-8 (p=0.0001), IL-12p70 (p=0.0001), TGF-β (p=0.0089) and TNF-α (p=0.0002). TGF-β1 was particularly increased in decidual compartment (p=0.001). In the chorionic villous, pro inflammatory profile also were maintained. High IL-1β (p=0.0001), IL-6 (p=0.0001), IL-8 (p=0.0001) and TNF-α (p=0.0001) levels establish a similar pattern to that seem in decidua. Conclusion: Immunosuppressors may impair the immune response, but when associated with pregnancy the cytokine levels seems to shift a proinflammatory profile in placental compartments, which might also impact on the gestational outcomes in transplanted mothers. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd. All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.