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Navigational collisions are one of the major safety concerns in many seaports. To address this safety concern, a comprehensive and structured method of collision risk management is necessary. Traditionally management of port water collision risks has been relied on historical collision data. However, this collision-data-based approach is hampered by several shortcomings, such as randomness and rarity of collision occurrence leading to obtaining insufficient number of samples for a sound statistical analysis, insufficiency in explaining collision causation, and reactive approach to safety. A promising alternative approach that overcomes these shortcomings is the navigational traffic conflict technique that uses traffic conflicts as an alternative to the collision data. This paper proposes a collision risk management method by utilizing the principles of this technique. This risk management method allows safety analysts to diagnose safety deficiencies in a proactive manner, which, consequently, has great potential for managing collision risks in a fast, reliable and efficient manner.
Rapid urbanization has resulted in migration of people in urban areas and spatial expansion of urban infrastructures, consequently causing many undesirable malaises and challenges. Concerned with the uncontrolled growth of cities and the associated malaises, there have been numerous initiatives to promote a more rational development of cities. The idea of making cities smart is one of the most promising initiatives which have been a subject of research and development in modern cities. Despite the many activities and initiatives to promote smartness in cities, there is little agreement on what constitute smartness in a city. This inevitably leads to a diversified ways of defining smart cities. By reviewing the existing definitions of smart cities, this paper proposes a framework to define and measure a city’s smartness in a more correct manner.
Due to grave potential human, environmental and economical consequences of collisions at sea, collision avoidance has become an important safety concern in navigation. To reduce the risk of collisions at sea, appropriate collision avoidance actions need to be taken in accordance with the regulations, i.e., International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. However, the regulations only provide qualitative rules and guidelines, and therefore it requires navigators to decide on collision avoidance actions quantitatively by using their judgments which often leads to making errors in navigation. To better help navigators in collision avoidance, this paper develops a comprehensive collision avoidance decision making model for providing whether a collision avoidance action is required, when to take action and what action to be taken. The model is developed based on three types of collision avoidance actions, such as course change only, speed change only, and a combination of both. The model has potential to reduce the chance of making human error in navigation by assisting navigators in decision making on collision avoidance actions.
Navigational collisions are one of the major safety concerns for many seaports. Continuing growth of shipping traffic in number and sizes is likely to result in increased number of traffic movements, which consequently could result higher risk of collisions in these restricted waters. This continually increasing safety concern warrants a comprehensive technique for modeling collision risk in port waters, particularly for modeling the probability of collision events and the associated consequences (i.e., injuries and fatalities). A number of techniques have been utilized for modeling the risk qualitatively, semi-quantitatively and quantitatively. These traditional techniques mostly rely on historical collision data, often in conjunction with expert judgments. However, these techniques are hampered by several shortcomings, such as randomness and rarity of collision occurrence leading to obtaining insufficient number of collision counts for a sound statistical analysis, insufficiency in explaining collision causation, and reactive approach to safety. A promising alternative approach that overcomes these shortcomings is the navigational traffic conflict technique (NTCT), which uses traffic conflicts as an alternative to the collisions for modeling the probability of collision events quantitatively. This article explores the existing techniques for modeling collision risk in port waters. In particular, it identifies the advantages and limitations of the traditional techniques and highlights the potentials of the NTCT in overcoming the limitations. In view of the principles of the NTCT, a structured method for managing collision risk is proposed. This risk management method allows safety analysts to diagnose safety deficiencies in a proactive manner, which consequently has great potential for managing collision risk in a fast, reliable and efficient manner.
Sustainability, safety and smartness are three key elements of a modern transportation system. This study illustrates various policy directions and initiatives of Singapore to address how its transportation system is progressing in light of these three components. Sustainability targets economical efficiency, environmental justice and social equity by including policies for integrating land use and transport planning, ensuring adequate transport supply measures, managing travel demand efficiently, and incorporating environment-friendly strategies. Safety initiatives of its transportation system aim to minimize injuries and incidents of all users including motorists, public transport commuters, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Smartness incorporates qualities like real time sensing, fast processing and decision making, and automated action-taking into its control, monitoring, information management and revenue collection systems. Various policy implications and technology applications along these three directions reveal that smart technologies facilitate implementation of policies promoting sustainability and safety. The Singapore experience could serve as a good reference for other cities in promoting a transportation system that is sustainable, safe and smart.
Singapore is a highly urbanized city-state country where walking is an important mode of travel. Pedestrians form about 25% of road fatalities every year, making them one of the most vulnerable road user groups in Singapore. Engineering measures like provision of overhead pedestrian crossings and raised zebra crossings tend to address pedestrian safety in general, but there may be occasions where pedestrians are particularly vulnerable so that targeted interventions are more appropriate. The objective of this study is to identify factors and situations that affect the injury severity of pedestrians involved in traffic crashes. Six years of crash data from 2003 to 2008 containing around four thousands pedestrian crashes at roadway segments were analyzed. Injury severity of pedestrians—recorded as slight injury, major injury and fatal—were modeled as a function of roadway characteristics, traffic features, environmental factors and pedestrian demographics by an ordered probit model. Results suggest that the injury severity of pedestrians involved in crashes during night time is higher indicating that pedestrian visibility during night is a key issue in pedestrian safety. The likelihood of fatal or serious injuries is higher for crashes on roads with high speed limit, center and median lane of multi-lane roads, school zones, roads with two-way divided traffic type, and when pedestrians cross the roads. Elderly pedestrians appear to be involved in fatal and serious injury crashes more when they attempt to cross the road without using nearby crossing facilities. Specific countermeasures are recommended based on the findings of this study.
Despite of significant contributions of urban road transport to global economy and society, it is one of the largest sources of local and global emission impact. In order to address the environmental concerns of urban road transport it is imperative to achieve a holistic understanding of contributory factors causing emissions which requires a complete look onto its whole life cycle. Previous studies were mainly based on segmental views which mostly studied environmental impacts of individual transport modes and very few considered impacts other than operational phase. This study develops an integrated life cycle inventory model for urban road transport emissions from a holistic modal perspective. Singapore case was used to demonstrate the model. Results show that total life cycle greenhouse gas emission from Singapore’s road transport sector is 7.8 million tons per year. The total amount of criteria air pollutants are also estimated in this study.
Besides responding to challenges of rapid urbanization and growing traffic congestion, the development of smart transport systems has attracted much attention in recent times. Many promising initiatives have emerged over the years. Despite these initiatives, there is still a lack of understanding about an appropriate definition of smart transport system. As such, it is challenging to identify the appropriate indicators of ‘smartness’. This paper proposes a comprehensive and practical framework to benchmark cities according to the smartness in their transportation systems. The proposed methodology was illustrated using a set of data collected from 26 cities across the world through web search and contacting relevant transport authorities and agencies. Results showed that London, Seattle and Sydney were among the world’s top smart transport cities. In particular, Seattle and Paris ranked high in smart private transport services while London and Singapore scored high on public transport services. London also appeared to be the smartest in terms of emergency transport services. The key value of the proposed innovative framework lies in a comparative analysis among cities, facilitating city-to-city learning.
Despite the extent of works done on modelling port water collisions, not much research effort has been devoted to modelling collisions at port anchorages. This paper aims to fill this important gap in literature by applying the Navigation Traffic Conflict Technique (NTCT) for measuring the collision potentials in anchorages and for examining the factors contributing to collisions. Grounding on the principles of the NTCT, a collision potential measurement model and a collision potential prediction model were developed. These models were illustrated by using vessel movement data of the anchorages in Singapore port waters. Results showed that the measured collision potentials are in close agreement with those perceived by harbour pilots. Higher collision potentials were found in anchorages attached to shoreline and international fairways, but not at those attached to confined water. Higher operating speeds, larger numbers of isolated danger marks and day conditions were associated with reduction in the collision potentials.
Os miomas uterinos (MU) são considerados os tumores mais comuns do sistema reprodutor feminino. Estudos norte-americanos demonstram que mulheres negras são mais acometidas pelos MU que as de outros grupos étnico-raciais. No entanto, as causas da desigualdade racial na ocorrência dos tumores permanecem desconhecidas e possíveis mecanismos são pouco explorados na literatura. Em outra direção, devido às características dos MU (crescimento lento e longo período de latência) parte considerável dos estudos epidemiológicos utilizam um delineamento transversal, o que pode gerar problemas metodológicos, como os relacionados à utilização da idade coletada transversalmente (posteriormente a ocorrência dos MU) como proxy da idade do surgimento dos tumores. Assim, este trabalho de tese foi dividido em três partes, como se segue. A primeira, com características descritivas, teve por objetivo estimar a ocorrência de MU autorelatados segundo categorias demográficas e sócio-econômicas na população de estudo (compôs o artigo 1). A segunda, com componente analítico, propôs-se a avaliar o papel da PSE ao longo da vida como mediadora do efeito da cor/raça na ocorrência de MU auto-relatados (compôs o artigo 2). A terceira, com caráter metodológico, teve por objetivo comparar medidas de associação, entre variáveis aferidas transversalmente, em análises que incluem a co-variável idade no momento da coleta de dados e análises que consideram a idade ao diagnóstico dos MU (compôs o artigo 3). Para tanto, foram analisados dados transversais da população feminina participante das duas etapas da linha de base do Estudo Pró-Saúde, referentes à história auto-relatada de diagnóstico médico de MU e ainda a características sócio-demográficas, da vida reprodutiva e de acesso a serviços de saúde. Os resultados evidenciaram o aumento de ocorrência de MU em mulheres de maior idade e com a cor da pele mais escura (artigo 1); que a PSE ao longo da vida não medeia as associações entre cor/raça e MU (artigo 2); e que apesar das diferenças de pequena magnitude, a idade referida no momento da coleta de dados parece ser menos indicada para fins de especificação dos modelos analíticos do que a idade ao diagnóstico dos MU(artigo 3).
Esta tese tem o objetivo geral de investigar a associação entre estresse e acidentes no trabalho em funcionários técnico-administrativos efetivos de uma universidade pública no Rio de Janeiro por meio de modelos multiníveis. Para alcançar tal objetivo, a tese foi distribuída em dois artigos. O primeiro artigo investiga a associação entre estresse e acidentes no trabalho considerando componentes hierárquicos da estrutura dos dados por meio de modelos multiníveis com funcionários no primeiro nível agrupados em setores de trabalho no segundo nível. O segundo artigo investiga o comportamento dos coeficientes fixos e aleatórios dos modelos multiníveis com classificação cruzada entre setores de trabalho e grupos ocupacionais em relação aos modelos multiníveis que consideram apenas componentes hierárquicos dos setores de trabalho, ignorando o ajuste dos grupos ocupacionais. O estresse psicossocial no trabalho foi abordado a partir das relações entre alta demanda psicológica e baixo controle do processo laboral, Estas dimensões foram captadas por meio da versão resumida da escala Karasek, que também contém informações sobre o apoio social no trabalho. Dimensões isoladas do estresse no trabalho (demanda e controle), razão entre demanda psicológica e controle do trabalho (Razão D/C) e o apoio social no trabalho foram mensurados no nível individual e nos setores de trabalho. De modo geral, os resultados destacam a demanda psicológica mensurada no nível individual como um importante fator associado à ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho. O apoio social no trabalho, mensurado no nível individual e no setor de trabalho, apresentou associação inversa à prevalência de acidentes de trabalho, sendo, no setor, acentuada entre as mulheres. Os resultados também mostram que os parâmetros fixos dos modelos com e sem classificação cruzada foram semelhantes e que, de modo geral, os erros padrões (EP) foram um pouco maiores nos modelos com classificação cruzada, apesar deste comportamento do EP não ter sido observado quando relacionado aos coeficientes fixos das variáveis agregadas no setor de trabalho. A maior distinção entre as duas abordagens foi observada em relação aos coeficientes aleatórios relacionados aos setores de trabalho, que alteraram substancialmente após ajustar o efeito da ocupação por meio dos modelos com classificação cruzada. Este estudo reforça a importância de características psicossociais na ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho e contribui para o conhecimento dessas relações a partir de abordagens analíticas que refinam a captação da estrutura de dependência dos indivíduos em seu ambiente de trabalho. Sugere-se a realização de outros estudos com metodologia similar, que permitam aprofundar o conhecimento sobre estresse e acidentes no trabalho.
Os objetivos do estudo foram avaliar o efeito da posição socioeconômica (PSE) de origem e contemporânea na proporção de parto cesáreo em primíparas (N=1438) na coorte do Estudo Pró-Saúde, e a evolução da proporção de partos cesáreos ao longo do tempo. A fim de identificar novos nascimentos na coorte, foi empregado o método probabilístico para relacionar as bases do Estudo Pró-Saúde e do Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos. A PSE contemporânea e de origem foram classificadas, respectivamente, tomando por base a escolaridade da primípara e de seus pais, sendo criada uma variável com quatro níveis (PSE de origem-contemporânea: alta-alta; alta-baixa; baixa-alta e baixa-baixa). Considerando o grupo de PSE baixa-baixa como referência, foram observadas as seguintes razões de prevalência para parto cesáreo, após ajuste para idade e período do parto: alta-alta 1,16 (IC 95% 1,04 1,31); baixa-alta 1,16 (IC 95% 1,03 1,30); alta-baixa 1,14 (IC 95% 0,98 1,33). Nos estratos com PSE contemporânea alta observou-se um aumento de 1,5 vezes da proporção de partos cesáreos no último período avaliado (1990-2004), quando comparado com o período inicial (1947-1979), enquanto nos estratos de PSE contemporânea baixa esse aumento foi de 3 vezes. Concluindo, mulheres com PSE contemporânea alta, independentemente da PSE de origem, apresentaram maior probabilidade da realização do parto cesáreo. Entretanto, as mulheres dos estratos com PSE contemporânea baixa apresentaram o maior crescimento das proporções de partos cesáreos ao longo do tempo, o que potencialmente aumenta o risco de complicações em um grupo já mais vulnerável.
O modelo demanda e controle de Karasek, elaborado na década de 1970, postula que os trabalhadores expostos a situações de alta exigência no trabalho, decorrente da combinação entre altas demandas psicológicas e baixo controle sobre o processo de trabalho, tem maior risco de apresentar eventos em saúde relacionados ao estresse, em particular doenças cardiovasculares. Os objetivos desta tese incluíram: avaliar propriedades psicométricas do instrumento Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) e conduzir uma meta-análise dos estudos publicados sobre a associação entre alta exigência no trabalho e hipertensão arterial. Três artigos foram elaborados. O primeiro artigo avaliou a validade dimensional e consistência interna da versão brasileira do instrumento DCSQ, quando aplicado a trabalhadores de um hospital e nove restaurantes no Rio de Janeiro. O segundo artigo comparou as propriedades psicométricas do DCSQ no contexto dos trabalhadores de hospital no Brasil e na Suécia. O terceiro artigo apresentou uma meta-análise dos estudos de associação entre alta exigência no trabalho e hipertensão arterial. Os resultados evidenciaram que o instrumento DCSQ tem estrutura tridimensional e equivalente nas versões brasileira e sueca (original), representada por demandas psicológicas, uso de habilidades e autonomia para a decisão. O modelo de melhor ajuste excluiu a dimensão apoio social no trabalho e o item trabalho repetitivo (uso de habilidades). A meta-análise revelou que os estudos foram heterogêneos, a população-alvo foi restrita a países da Europa, EUA e Japão, sem evidência de associação entre alta exigência no trabalho, demanda e controle, e hipertensão arterial.
In spectra of jet-cooled C2H2 recorded with an FTIR spectrometer, the ν5, ν4 + ν5, ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 bands all exhibit an intensity distribution corresponding to ∼6 K for rotation, with no evidence of nuclear spin conversion. Spectra of C2H2 isolated in solid p-H2 show no evidence of rotation of C2H2. The strong interaction between ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 in the gas phase is diminished in solid p-H2. Lines associated with dimer, trimer and tetramer of C2H2 are identified. Spectral features characteristic of solid state acetylene are observed under jet-cooled conditions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Herein, we report the densities and speeds of sound in binary mixtures of three hydrophobic and one hydrophilic ionic liquids: 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, [C4mim][NTf2], 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, [C4mpyr][NTf2], 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, [C3mim][NTf2] and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate, [C2mim][SCN], with water at 298.15 K and 0.1 MPa. The concentration range of water, which encompassed relatively small values well below the saturation point, is often regarded as an impurity for hydrophobic ionic liquids. On the basis of experimental results the molar volume, adiabatic molar compressibility, partial molar volume and apparent molar volume, as well as, partial molar and apparent molar isentropic compressibility properties were then calculated. Interesting results are obtained using the solutions based on the hydrophilic [C2mim][SCN], since these mixtures are characterized by relatively low density and high values of speed of sound. Furthermore, the partial molar volumes and partial molar adiabatic compressibilities of water in solution with [C2mim][SCN] are the lowest among the investigated in mixtures with ionic liquids. However, in the case of the hydrophobic ionic liquid solutions, only small differences are observed for molar adiabatic compressibilities with the change of the cation structure, i.e. for water + [C4mim][NTf2] or + [C4mpyr][NTf2]. A more pronounced difference has been observed for the partial molar compressibility of water in solutions with these two ionic liquids.