988 resultados para Chaperone moléculaire


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Hek-293 cell line presents good production platform for recombinant therapeutic proteins, however little is known about the components that contribute to the cellular control of recombinant protein production. In this study, we generated a Hek-293 producing recombinant factor VIII (FVIII) and we evaluated the immunoglobulin-binding protein (BiP) and phytanoil-CoA α-hydroxylase (PAHX) expression levels which are known for diminishing FVIII production. Our analyses showed that the recombinant cell population expresses 3.1 ± 1.4 fold of BIP mRNA (P = 0.0054) and 97.8 ± 0.5 fold of PAHX mRNA (P = 0.0016) compared to nontransduced cells. The amount of these proteins was inversely correlated to the secreted FVIII. In conclusion, BIP and PAHX expression are augmented in human cells producing FVIII and they antagonize the amount of therapeutic factor VIII in the cell culture.


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Urease is a nickel-dependent enzyme that catalyzes hydrolysis of urea in the last step of organic nitrogen mineralization. Its active site contains a dinuclear center for Ni(II) ions that must be inserted into the apo-enzyme through the action of four accessory proteins (UreD, UreE, UreF, UreG) leading to activation of urease. UreE, acting as a metallo-chaperone, delivers Ni(II) to the preformed complex of apo-urease-UreDFG and has the capability to enhance the GTPase activity of UreG. This study, focused on characterization of UreE from Sporosarcina pasteurii (SpUreE), represents a piece of information on the structure/mobility-function relationships that control nickel binding by SpUreE and its interaction with SpUreG. A calorimetric analysis revealed the occurrence of a binding event between these proteins with positive cooperativity and a stoichiometry consistent with the formation of the (UreE)2-(UreG)2 hetero-oligomer complex. Chemical Shift Perturbations induced by the protein-protein interaction were analyzed using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, which allowed to characterize the molecular details of the protein surface of SpUreE involved in the complex formation with SpUreG. Moreover, backbone dynamic properties of SpUreE, determined using 15N relaxation analysis, revealed a general mobility in the nanoseconds time-scale, with the fastest motions observed at the C-termini. The latter analysis made it possible for the first time to characterize of the C-terminal portions, known to contain key residues for metal ion binding, that were not observed in the crystal structure of UreE because of disorder. The residues belonging to this portion of SpUreE feature large CSPs upon addition of SpUreG, showing that their chemical environment is directly affected by protein-protein interaction. Metal ion selectivity and affinity of SpUreE for cognate Ni(II) and non cognate Zn(II) metal ions were determined, and the ability of the protein to select Ni(II) over Zn(II), in consistency with the proposed role in Ni(II) cations transport, was established.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Analysenmethode auf Basis der Massenbestimmung über Elektrospray-Ionisation qualifiziert, mit der es möglich ist, den Gehalt beider in humanen Zellen vorliegenden isoformen Chaperone HSP90-alpha und HSP90-beta sowie deren Phosphorylierungsstatus in der sog. „charged linker“-Region (CLR) getrennt voneinander zu bestimmen. Die Quantifizierung dieser posttranslationalen Modifikation von HSP90 in der noch wenig untersuchten Region des Chaperons stellte eine besondere Herausforderung an das analytische Messsystem dar, da diese sich fast ausschließlich aus geladenen Aminosäuren zusammensetzt und eine hohe Sequenzhomologie der beiden Isoformen in humanen Zellen vorliegt. Mit dieser Methode ist es gelungen, sowohl die stärkere Expression beider Isoformen in Tumor-Zelllinien im Vergleich zu Nicht-Tumor-Zelllinien als auch signifikant höhere Level beider phosphorylierten Varianten in den Tumor-Zelllinien nachzuweisen. Des Weiteren konnte durch gezielte Arretierung der Tumor-Zelllinie HCT116 in der G0/G1-Phase des Zellzyklus der Nachweis erbracht werden, dass nur HSP90-alpha in diesem Ruhestadium der Zellteilung in der phosphorylierten Form vorliegt. rnDa die Phosphorylierung der CLR von HSP90 als ein Marker für die Substrataktivierung herangezogen werden kann, besteht jetzt die Möglichkeit, Auswirkungen von z. B. HSP90-Inhibitoren auf beide HSP90-Isoformen hinsichtlich ihrer Expression und Phosphorylierung durch die Casein Kinase II (CK II) im zellulären Umfeld zu testen.rnIn-vitro konnte die Phosphorylierung der CLR von HSP90-alpha und -beta mit der CK II an den rekombinant hergestellten Proteinen nachgestellt werden. Dieses typische Phosphorylierungs-Motiv (S-X-X-E/D) findet man bei sehr vielen Co-Chaperonen wie auch bei der Prostaglandin E Synthase p23, das ebenfalls durch eine in-vitro Kinase-Reaktion mit der CK II an drei Positionen phosphoryliert wurde. Durch ein Binde-Assay zeigte sich, dass p23 nur in dieser modifizierten Form an HSP90-alpha bindet. Das Bindeverhalten von p23 an die beta-Isoform wird durch diese Phosphorylierung jedoch nicht beeinflusst. Diese Erkenntnisse erweitern das Verständnis des bis dato beschriebenen Chaperon-Zyklus von HSP90 und zeigen deutliche Unterschiede in den Aktivierungszyklen beider Isoformen auf. Da die Casein Kinase II hier entscheidend in den durch HSP90 vermittelten Aktivierungsprozess eingreift, eröffnet sich ein weites Feld an Möglichkeiten, diese Prozesse an weiteren Co-Chaperonen und Substratproteinen zu studieren.rn


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Im Genom des Cyanobakteriums Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 sind vier homologe Hsp70-Proteine kodiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten neue Erkenntnisse über die möglichen Funktionen der einzelnen Mitglieder der Hsp70-Proteinfamilie in dem Modellorganismus gewonnen bzw. bekannte Aufgabenbereiche erweitert werden. Wie für E. coli schon gezeigt, konnte auch für Synechocystis sp. nachgewiesen werden, dass eine Deletion des ribosomassoziierten Chaperons Trigger Factor ohne Beeinträchtigung der Zellviabilität möglich ist. Darüber hinaus war auch eine Doppeldeletion mit dnaK1 durchführbar. Als Auswirkung der Deletion ließ sich in den jeweiligen Deletionsstämmen eine veränderte Expression der homologen Hsp70-Proteine und Trigger Factor nachweisen. Mit Hilfe der Synechocystis sp.-Mutationsstämme ∆dnaK1, ∆dnaK2, ∆dnaK3, ∆tig und ∆dnaK1∆tig wurden Auswirkungen der Deletion bzw. Depletion umfassend dargestellt und daraus hervorgehende putative Funktionen eingehend diskutiert. Die Reduzierung der zellulären DnaK3-Konzentration um etwa 70 % führte im Depletionsstamm ΔdnaK3 zu weitreichenden physiologischen Änderungen hinsichtlich photosynthetischer Prozesse. Zusammen mit einer lichtabhängigen Expression, konnte DnaK3 als essentieller Faktor für die funktionelle Aufrechterhaltung der Thylakoidmembran identifiziert werden. Durch die Analyse des Proteoms und Lipidoms dunkeladaptierter Synechocystis sp.-Zellen konnte im Vergleich zu älteren Studien eine erheblich größere Anzahl von Proteinen detektiert und quantifiziert werden, womit neue Erkenntnisse über die physiologischen Veränderungen unter heterotrophem Wachstum sowie der Thylakoidmembranbiogenese gewonnen werden konnten.


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Verschiedene Krankheiten gehen mit einer fehlerhaften Vaskularisierung einher. Allerdings ist der Erfolg der derzeitig vorhandenen Therapieansätze, die sich z.B. auf VEGF fokussieren, beschränkt. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, neue Strategien zur Regulation der Angiogenese zu entwickeln. Hierbei stehen neue Signaltransduktions-wege im Fokus, die sich als vielversprechend erweisen, um Angiogenese zu fördern oder zu inhibieren. Die Blutgefäßneubildung ist ein hochregulierter Prozess, der mit einer hohen Proteinsyntheserate verknüpft ist. Die Angiogenese wurde bereits mit dem ER-Stress Signaltransduktionsweg, der Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), in Verbindung gebracht (Zeng et al., 2013; Bouvier et al., 2012). Eine im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie durchgeführte histologische Untersuchung konnte eine Fehlregulierung der Expression von UPR beteiligten Proteinen in vivo unter pathologischen Bedingungen gezeigt werden. Bemerkenswerter Weise war BiP, der Hauptsensor der UPR, in Endothelzellen von Angiosarkomen sehr stark exprimiert. In in vitro Experimenten wurde gezeigt, dass das Herunterregulieren von BiP mittels RNAi Einfluss auf die inflammatorische Antwort und die Bildung angiogener Strukturen in Endothelzellen nimmt. Das Herunterregulieren des Proteins BiP verstärkte die inflammatorische Antwort von HUVEC, was sich in einer gesteigerten Bildung von IL-8 und ICAM-1 äußerte und wurde auf die Aktivierung der UPR durch die verringerte Menge an BiP zurückgeführt. Der Phänotyp BiP-herunterregulierter Zellen entsprach dem untransfizierter Zellen, welcher durch das Cytoskelett und die Expression des endothelspezifischen Markers CD31 charakterisiert wurde. Im Gegensatz dazu änderte sich der Grad der Glykosylierung in transfizierten Zellen. Im Hinblick auf die Blutgefäßbildung, zeigten sich eine gehemmte Migration und eine inhibierte Bildung Gefäß-ähnlicher Strukturen in BiP-herunterregulierten Zellen. In diesen Zellen war die Expression von KDR auffallend stark inhibiert, wohingegen die Flt-1 Expression sich als gleichbleibend herausstellte, was ebenfalls auf die Aktivierung der UPR zurückgeführt werden konnte. Alternativ wäre der reduzierte Level des Proteins BiP im Hinblick auf die Funktion als Helferenzym in der Proteinfaltung eine mögliche Erklärung für die gehemmte Expression von KDR. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie deuten darauf hin, dass stabile Spiegel von BiP die Regulierung der Angiogenese durch die Kontrolle der UPR in physiologischen Prozessen unterstützen könnte. Eine Fehlregulierung von BiP durch Unterdrückung der UPR, wie z.B. in malignen Tumoren, könnte Tumorzellen und beteiligten Endothelzellen einen Vorteil verschaffen und zu einer gestörten Vaskularisierung führen. Somit stellt das Stresssensorprotein BiP und die UPR einen potentiellen Angriffspunkt für die Regulation der Angiogenese dar.


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Intracellular copper routing in Enterococcus hirae is accomplished by the CopZ copper chaperone. Under copper stress, CopZ donates Cu(+) to the CopY repressor, thereby releasing its bound zinc and abolishing repressor-DNA interaction. This in turn induces the expression of the cop operon, which encodes CopY and CopZ, in addition to two copper ATPases, CopA and CopB. To gain further insight into the function of CopZ, the yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for proteins interacting with the copper chaperone. This led to the identification of Gls24, a member of a family of stress response proteins. Gls24 is part of an operon containing eight genes. The operon was induced by a range of stress conditions, but most notably by copper. Gls24 was overexpressed and purified, and was shown by surface plasmon resonance analysis to also interact with CopZ in vitro. Circular dichroism measurements revealed that Gls24 is partially unstructured. The current findings establish a novel link between Gls24 and copper homeostasis.


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Renal excretion of citrate, an inhibitor of calcium stone formation, is controlled mainly by reabsorption via the apical Na(+)-dicarboxylate cotransporter NaDC1 (SLC13A2) in the proximal tubule. Recently, it has been shown that the protein phosphatase calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK-506 induce hypocitraturia, a risk factor for nephrolithiasis in kidney transplant patients, but apparently through urine acidification. This suggests that these agents up-regulate NaDC1 activity. Using the Xenopus lævis oocyte and HEK293 cell expression systems, we examined first the effect of both anti-calcineurins on NaDC1 activity and expression. While FK-506 had no effect, CsA reduced NaDC1-mediated citrate transport by lowering heterologous carrier expression (as well as endogenous carrier expression in HEK293 cells), indicating that calcineurin is not involved. Given that CsA also binds specifically to cyclophilins, we determined next whether such proteins could account for the observed changes by examining the effect of selected cyclophilin wild types and mutants on NaDC1 activity and cyclophilin-specific siRNA. Interestingly, our data show that the cyclophilin isoform B is likely responsible for down-regulation of carrier expression by CsA and that it does so via its chaperone activity on NaDC1 (by direct interaction) rather than its rotamase activity. We have thus identified for the first time a regulatory partner for NaDC1, and have gained novel mechanistic insight into the effect of CsA on renal citrate transport and kidney stone disease, as well as into the regulation of membrane transporters in general.


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Cells use molecular chaperones and proteases to implement the essential quality control mechanism of proteins. The DegP (HtrA) protein, essential for the survival of Escherichia coli cells at elevated temperatures with homologues found in almost all organisms uniquely has both functions. Here we report a mechanism for DegP to activate both functions via formation of large cage-like 12- and 24-mers after binding to substrate proteins. Cryo-electron microscopic and biochemical studies revealed that both oligomers are consistently assembled by blocks of DegP trimers, via pairwise PDZ1-PDZ2 interactions between neighboring trimers. Such interactions simultaneously eliminate the inhibitory effects of the PDZ2 domain. Additionally, both DegP oligomers were also observed in extracts of E. coli cells, strongly implicating their physiological importance.


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SSE1 and SSE2 encode the essential yeast members of the Hsp70-related Hsp110 molecular chaperone family. Both mammalian Hsp110 and the Sse proteins functionally interact with cognate cytosolic Hsp70s as nucleotide exchange factors. We demonstrate here that Sse1 forms high-affinity (Kd approximately 10-8 M) heterodimeric complexes with both yeast Ssa and mammalian Hsp70 chaperones and that binding of ATP to Sse1 is required for binding to Hsp70s. Sse1.Hsp70 heterodimerization confers resistance to exogenously added protease, indicative of conformational changes in Sse1 resulting in a more compact structure. The nucleotide binding domains of both Sse1/2 and the Hsp70s dictate interaction specificity and are sufficient for mediating heterodimerization with no discernible contribution from the peptide binding domains. In support of a strongly conserved functional interaction between Hsp110 and Hsp70, Sse1 is shown to associate with and promote nucleotide exchange on human Hsp70. Nucleotide exchange activity by Sse1 is physiologically significant, as deletion of both SSE1 and the Ssa ATPase stimulatory protein YDJ1 is synthetically lethal. The Hsp110 family must therefore be considered an essential component of Hsp70 chaperone biology in the eukaryotic cell.


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Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) plays a central role in protein homeostasis and quality control in conjunction with other chaperone machines, including Hsp90. The Hsp110 chaperone Sse1 promotes Hsp90 activity in yeast, and functions as a nucleotide exchange factor (NEF) for cytosolic Hsp70, but the precise roles Sse1 plays in client maturation through the Hsp70-Hsp90 chaperone system are not fully understood. We find that upon pharmacological inhibition of Hsp90, a model protein kinase, Ste11DeltaN, is rapidly degraded, whereas heterologously expressed glucocorticoid receptor (GR) remains stable. Hsp70 binding and nucleotide exchange by Sse1 was required for GR maturation and signaling through endogenous Ste11, as well as to promote Ste11DeltaN degradation. Overexpression of another functional NEF partially compensated for loss of Sse1, whereas the paralog Sse2 fully restored GR maturation and Ste11DeltaN degradation. Sse1 was required for ubiquitinylation of Ste11DeltaN upon Hsp90 inhibition, providing a mechanistic explanation for its role in substrate degradation. Sse1/2 copurified with Hsp70 and other proteins comprising the "early-stage" Hsp90 complex, and was absent from "late-stage" Hsp90 complexes characterized by the presence of Sba1/p23. These findings support a model in which Hsp110 chaperones contribute significantly to the decision made by Hsp70 to fold or degrade a client protein.


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The 90-kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp90) operates in the context of a multichaperone complex to promote maturation of nuclear and cytoplasmic clients. We have discovered that Hsp90 and the cochaperone Sba1/p23 accumulate in the nucleus of quiescent Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Hsp90 nuclear accumulation was unaffected in sba1Delta cells, demonstrating that Hsp82 translocates independently of Sba1. Translocation of both chaperones was dependent on the alpha/beta importin SRP1/KAP95. Hsp90 nuclear retention was coincident with glucose exhaustion and seems to be a starvation-specific response, as heat shock or 10% ethanol stress failed to elicit translocation. We generated nuclear accumulation-defective HSP82 mutants to probe the nature of this targeting event and identified a mutant with a single amino acid substitution (I578F) sufficient to retain Hsp90 in the cytoplasm in quiescent cells. Diploid hsp82-I578F cells exhibited pronounced defects in spore wall construction and maturation, resulting in catastrophic sporulation. The mislocalization and sporulation phenotypes were shared by another previously identified HSP82 mutant allele. Pharmacological inhibition of Hsp90 with macbecin in sporulating diploid cells also blocked spore formation, underscoring the importance of this chaperone in this developmental program.


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The major goal of this work was to define the role of accessory protein, NARJ, in assembly of nitrate reductase which is a membrane-bound multisubunit enzyme that can catalyze the reduction of nitrate to nitrite under anaerobic growth in E. coli. Nitrate reductase is encoded by the nar GHJI operon under control of the narG promoter. The purified nitrate reductase is composed of three subunits: $\alpha,\ \beta,$ and $\gamma.$ The NARJ protein which is encoded by the third gene (narJ) is not found to be associated with any of the purified preparations of the enzyme, but is required for active nitrate reductase. In this study the product of the narJ gene was identified. NARJ appeared to be produced at a reduced level, compared to the other proteins encoded by the nar operon. Since NARJ could not be overexpressed to a level for an efficient purification, NARJ was expressed and purified as a recombinant protein with polyhistidine tag. The recombinant protein NARJ-6His could functionally replace native NARJ. Purified NARJ-6His is a dimeric protein which contains no identifiable cofactors or unique secondary structure. NARJ was localized in the cytoplasm, and was not associated with nitrate reductase in the membrane. In vivo NARJ activated the $\alpha\beta$ complex and stabilized the $\alpha$ subunit against protease degradation. In the absence of the membrane-bound $\gamma$ subunit, NARJ formed an intermediate complex with $\alpha\beta$ in the cytosol. Based on these studies, NARJ fits the formal definition of a molecular chaperone. It appears to be required only for the biogenesis of nitrate reductase and, therefore, is defined as a private chaperone specifically involved in the assembly of nitrate reductase system. ^


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The Ssel/Hsp110 molecular chaperones are a poorly understood subgroup of the Hsp70 chaperone family. Hsp70 can refold denatured polypeptides via a carboxyl-terminal peptide binding domain (PBD), which is regulated by nucleotide cycling in an amino-terminal ATPase domain. However, unlike Hsp70, both Sse1 and mammalian Hsp110 bind unfolded peptide substrates but cannot refold them. To test the in vivo requirement for interdomain communication, SSE1 alleles carrying amino acid substitutions in the ATPase domain were assayed for their ability to complement sse1Δ phenotypes. Surprisingly, all mutants predicted to abolish ATP hydrolysis complemented the temperature sensitivity of sse1Δ, whereas mutations in predicted ATP binding residues were non-functional. Remarkably, the two domains of Ssel when expressed in trans functionally complement the sse1Δ growth phenotype and interact by coimmunoprecipitation analysis, indicative of a novel type of interdomain communication. ^ Relatively little is known regarding the interactions and cellular functions of Ssel. Through co-immunoprecipitation analysis, we found that Ssel forms heterodimeric complexes with the abundant cytosolic Hsp70s Ssa and Ssb in vivo. Furthermore, these complexes can be efficiently reconstituted in vitro using purified proteins. The ATPase domains of Ssel and the Hsp70s were found to be critical for interaction as inactivating point mutations severely reduced interaction efficiency. Ssel stimulated Ssal ATPase activity synergistically with the co-chaperone Ydj1 via a novel nucleotide exchange activity. Furthermore, FES1, another Ssa nucleotide exchange factor, can functionally substitute for SSE1/2 when overexpressed, suggesting that Hsp70 nucleotide exchange is the fundamental role of the Sse proteins in yeast, and by extension, the Hsp110 homologs in mammals. ^ Cells lacking SSE1 were found to accumulate prepro-α-factor, but not the cotranslationally imported protein Kar2, similar to mutants in the Ssa chaperones. This indicates that the interaction between Ssel and Ssa is functionally significant in vivo. In addition, sse10 cells are compromised for cell wall strength, likely a result of decreased Hsp90 chaperone activity with the cell integrity MAP kinase SIC. Taken together, this work established that the Hsp110 family must be considered an essential component of Hsp70 chaperone biology in the eukaryotic cell.^


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ClpA, a member of the Clp/Hsp100 family of ATPases, is a molecular chaperone and, in combination with a proteolytic component ClpP, participates in ATP-dependent proteolysis. We investigated the role of ClpA in protein degradation by ClpAP by dissociating the reaction into several discrete steps. In the assembly step, ClpA–ClpP–substrate complexes assemble either by ClpA–substrate complexes interacting with ClpP or by ClpA–ClpP complexes interacting with substrate; ClpP in the absence of ClpA is unable to bind substrates. Assembly requires ATP binding but not hydrolysis. We discovered that ClpA translocates substrates from their binding sites on ClpA to ClpP. The translocation step specifically requires ATP; nonhydrolyzable ATP analogs are ineffective. Only proteins that are degraded by ClpAP are translocated. Characterization of the degradation step showed that substrates can be degraded in a single round of ClpA–ClpP–substrate binding followed by ATP hydrolysis. The products generated are indistinguishable from steady-state products. Taken together, our results suggest that ClpA, through its interaction with both the substrate and ClpP, acts as a gatekeeper, actively translocating specific substrates into the proteolytic chamber of ClpP where degradation occurs. As multicomponent ATP-dependent proteases are widespread in nature and share structural similarities, these findings may provide a general mechanism for regulation of substrate import into the proteolytic chamber.