149 resultados para Cereus pernambucensis


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A entrada das mulheres no mercado de trabalho, a dificuldade de locomoção do local de trabalho até a residência, a falta de tempo para o preparo das refeições e o preço mais acessível fez com que a escolha por lanches e refeições rápidas tenha crescido muito, nos últimos anos. Entretanto, esses alimentos estão sujeitos a contaminação desde seu preparo até o momento do consumo, além da manutenção em temperaturas inadequadas. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar microbiológica lanches e salgados comercializados em lanchonetes, “lojas de conveniência” e trailers das principais áreas da cidade de Botucatu, deacordo com os padrões estabelecidos pela ANVISA (RDC N º 12, 2001). As análises foram realizadas de acordo com o Compendium (APHA, 2001). Foram analisadas 122 amostras de salgados de carne, coxinhas, risoles de queijo, camarão e palmito, enrolado de salsicha além de salgado de frios e sanduíches, das quais 17 (13,9%) excederam aos limites microbiológicos. Excesso de coliformes termotolerantes foram encontrados 2 coxinhas, 2 risoles de palmito e 6 salgados de carne, no total de 10 amostras (8,2%). A presença Salmonella spp. foi detectada em duas amostras (1,6%) e clostrídios sulfito redutores apresentaram concentrações acima dos limites em somente uma (0,8%) amostra de salgado de carne. Não foram encontradas amostras com excesso de Bacillus cereus. Staphyloccocus aureus foi observado em valores acima dos permitidos em 8 amostras (6,6%) (5 coxinhas, 2 risoles de frios e 1 salgado). A partir das amostras analisadas, os resultados obtidos indicam que a maioria dos salgados estava dentro dos limites microbiológicos estabelecidos pela ANVISA (2001). Entretanto, 9% das amostras apresentaram patógenos, expondo a população a riscos. É necessária maior vigilância das autoridades competentes e, principalmente, conscientização por parte dos vendedores


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Collective food services have been increasing worldwide, and the self-service restaurant has been the current preference by consumers. Considering the importance of hygienic quality of food, the microbiological composition of ready-to-eat food was assessed. In the second semester of 2008, 20 samples of meals, mainly meat-based foods, were collected from different self-service restaurants in Araçatuba city, SP. Bacteriological analyses were performed following the conventional methodologies, and the results were compared with the standards established by the effective Brazilian legislation. Coliforms at 35ºC were detected in 90% of analyzed samples. Coliforms at 45°C were found in 55% of the samples and, among these, in 63.63%, the occurrence of Escherichia coli was confirmed. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were detected in 10% of samples and no sample showed Salmonella spp. or Bacillus cereus contamination. Sulfite reducing clostridia at 42o C were not investigated in this study. These findings indicate the need for a rigorous approach for improving the sanitary conditions during preparation and presentation of ready-to-eat food, as the consumption of contaminated products represents a potential risk to public health.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a product grown in tropical and subtropical regions and from it we can extract products like guacamole which is highly consumed in the Mexican culinary. The most used varieties for guacamole are the Hass and Fuerte. The present research had as objective to evaluate the microbiological and sensorial quality of the guacamole conserved through cold with no addition of additives. The microbiological analyses have shown the product reached satisfactory results as for the analysis of total and thermoenduring coliform < 3,0 UFC/g, Salmonella absent in 25g, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus < 100 UFC/g, presenting values within the patterns set by RDC of Anvisa 12 of January 2nd 2001. The analyses of mesophile bacteria and the counting of mold and yeast reached values between 102 and 104 UFC/g and the psychrotropic bactéria presented values < 100 UFC/g. The sensorial anlyses have shown that the polyethylene package isn't effective in keeping the analysed sensorial parameters. Although the polyethylene and nylon packages had better results, however they didn't differentiate themselves so as the vacuum use.


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The prospection of biological control agents in similar environments to the microbe application improves the chances of microorganisms establishment added to the environment. The low survival of these beneficial microorganisms added to hydroponic environment is a problem for the growth promotion and root rot biological control success in hydroponic crops. Because of the environmental similarity between hydroponic systems and mangrove ecosystems, the aim of this work was to evaluate the ability of mangrove microbes to control root rot caused by Pythium aphanidermatum and to improve plant growth in hydroponic cucumbers. Among the 28 strains evaluated for disease control in small-hydroponic system using cucumber seedlings, Gordonia rubripertincta SO-3B-2 alone or in combination with Pseudomonas stutzeri (MB-P3A- 49, MB-P3-C68 and SO-3L-3), and Bacillus cereus AVIC-3-6 increased the seedlings survival and were subsequently evaluated in hydroponic cucumbers in a greenhouse. Bacillus cereus AVIC-3-6 protected the plants from stunting caused by the pathogen and Gordonia rubripertincta SO-3B-2 and Pseudomonas stutzeri MB-P3A-49 increased the plant growth. We concluded that microorganisms from mangroves are useful as biocontrol agents and for improving plant growth in hydroponic crops.


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The hexameric purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Bacillus subtilis (BsPNP233) displays great potential to produce nucleoside analogues in industry and can be exploited in the development of new anti-tumor gene therapies. In order to provide structural basis for enzyme and substrates rational optimization, aiming at those applications, the present work shows a thorough and detailed structural description of the binding mode of substrates and nucleoside analogues to the active site of the hexameric BsPNP233. Here we report the crystal structure of BsPNP233 in the apo form and in complex with 11 ligands, including clinically relevant compounds. The crystal structure of six ligands (adenine, 2'deoxyguanosine, aciclovir, ganciclovir, 8-bromoguanosine, 6-chloroguanosine) in complex with a hexameric PNP are presented for the first time. Our data showed that free bases adopt alternative conformations in the BsPNP233 active site and indicated that binding of the co-substrate (2'deoxy) ribose 1-phosphate might contribute for stabilizing the bases in a favorable orientation for catalysis. The BsPNP233-adenosine complex revealed that a hydrogen bond between the 5' hydroxyl group of adenosine and Arg(43*) side chain contributes for the ribosyl radical to adopt an unusual C3'-endo conformation. The structures with 6-chloroguanosine and 8-bromoguanosine pointed out that the Cl-6 and Br-8 substrate modifications seem to be detrimental for catalysis and can be explored in the design of inhibitors for hexameric PNPs from pathogens. Our data also corroborated the competitive inhibition mechanism of hexameric PNPs by tubercidin and suggested that the acyclic nucleoside ganciclovir is a better inhibitor for hexameric PNPs than aciclovir. Furthermore, comparative structural analyses indicated that the replacement of Ser(90) by a threonine in the B. cereus hexameric adenosine phosphorylase (Thr(91)) is responsible for the lack of negative cooperativity of phosphate binding in this enzyme.


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The aims of this research study is to explore the opportunity to set up Performance Objectives (POs) parameters for specific risks in RTE products to propose for food industries and food authorities. In fact, even if microbiological criteria for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes Ready-to-Eat (RTE) products are included in the European Regulation, these parameters are not risk based and no microbiological criteria for Bacillus cereus in RTE products is present. For these reasons the behaviour of Salmonella enterica in RTE mixed salad, the microbiological characteristics in RTE spelt salad, and the definition of POs for Bacillus cereus and Listeria monocytogenes in RTE spelt salad has been assessed. Based on the data produced can be drawn the following conclusions: 1. A rapid growth of Salmonella enterica may occurr in mixed ingredient salads, and strict temperature control during the production chain of the product is critical. 2. Spelt salad is characterized by the presence of high number of Lactic Acid Bacteria. Listeria spp. and Enterobacteriaceae, on the contrary, did not grow during the shlef life, probably due to the relevant metabolic activity of LAB. 3. The use of spelt and cheese compliant with the suggested POs might significantly reduce the incidence of foodborne intoxications due to Bacillus cereus and Listeria monocytogenes and the proportions of recalls, causing huge economic losses for food companies commercializing RTE products. 4. The approach to calculate the POs values and reported in my work can be easily adapted to different food/risk combination as well as to any changes in the formulation of the same food products. 5. The optimized sampling plans in term of number of samples to collect can be derive in order to verify the compliance to POs values selected.


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Bacillus anthracis, the etiological agent of anthrax, manifests a particular bimodal lifestyle. This bacterial species alternates between short replication phases of 20-40 generations that strictly require infection of the host, normally causing death, interrupted by relatively long, mostly dormant phases as spores in the environment. Hence, the B. anthracis genome is highly homogeneous. This feature and the fact that strains from nearly all parts of the world have been analysed for canonical single nucleotide polymorphisms (canSNPs) and variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) has allowed the development of molecular epidemiological and molecular clock models to estimate the age of major diversifications in the evolution of B. anthracis and to trace the global spread of this pathogen, which was mostly promoted by movement of domestic cattle with settlers and by international trade of contaminated animal products. From a taxonomic and phylogenetic point of view, B. anthracis is a member of the Bacillus cereus group. The differentiation of B. anthracis from B. cereus sensu strict, solely based on chromosomal markers, is difficult. However, differences in pathogenicity clearly differentiate B. anthracis from B. cereus and are marked by the strict presence of virulence genes located on the two virulence plasmids pXO1 and pXO2, which both are required by the bacterium to cause anthrax. Conversely, anthrax-like symptoms can also be caused by organisms with chromosomal features that are more closely related to B. cereus, but which carry these virulence genes on two plasmids that largely resemble the B. anthracis virulence plasmids. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bovine Bacillus anthracis isolates from Cameroon were genetically characterized. They showed a strong homogeneity, and they belong, together with strains from Chad, to cluster A beta, which appears to be predominant in western Africa. However, one strain that belongs to a newly defined clade (D) and cluster (D1) is penicillin resistant and shows certain phenotypes typical of Bacillus cereus.


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A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for rapid identification of Bacillus anthracis in environmental samples. These samples often harbor Bacillus cereus bacteria closely related to B. anthracis, which may hinder its specific identification by resulting in false positive signals. The assay consists of two duplex real-time PCR: the first PCR allows amplification of a sequence specific of the B. cereus group (B. anthracis, B. cereus, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus weihenstephanensis, Bacillus pseudomycoides, and Bacillus mycoides) within the phosphoenolpyruvate/sugar phosphotransferase system I gene and a B. anthracis specific single nucleotide polymorphism within the adenylosuccinate synthetase gene. The second real-time PCR assay targets the lethal factor gene from virulence plasmid pXO1 and the capsule synthesis gene from virulence plasmid pXO2. Specificity of the assay is enhanced by the use of minor groove binding probes and/or locked nucleic acids probes. The assay was validated on 304 bacterial strains including 37 B. anthracis, 67 B. cereus group, 54 strains of non-cereus group Bacillus, and 146 Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria strains. The assay was performed on various environmental samples spiked with B. anthracis or B. cereus spores. The assay allowed an accurate identification of B. anthracis in environmental samples. This study provides a rapid and reliable method for improving rapid identification of B. anthracis in field operational conditions.


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Revision of the Argentine Cactaceae. The autor corrects the name Echinopsis oreopogon for E. oreopepon as it was denominated, establishes a nov. nom. Gymnocalycium astertum for G. stellatum, records Pereskia aculeata and Phyllocactus oxypetalus as new species of the Argentine flora, studies Cereus lamprochlorus var. salinicola Speg., Opuntia sulphurea Gill. In Don emend. Schum., O. maculacantha Foerst., O. pampeana Speg- and gives the keys to distinguish the sections and subsections of the subgenus Platyopuntia with the respective list of the species belonging to the Argentine flora.