981 resultados para Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614.
Esta investigación científica tiene como objetivo analizar y comparar las estrategias pedagógicas, y el tipo de comunicación desarrollados en los 7mos Años de las escuelas: “Ángel Isaac Chiriboga” y Pensionado “San Vicente” de Quito. 2012- 2013; en el primer quinquemestre; a través de, la aplicación de guías de observación de clase para conocer el tipo de estrategias pedagógicas desarrolladas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y el uso de encuestas a los/as alumnos/as para identificar la clase de interacción que existe entre alumno-maestro y alumno-alumno. De esta manera, reconocer los factores que contribuyen a generar la violencia escolar y brindar recomendaciones alternativas, que propicien la disminución de la violencia escolar. De hecho, este trabajo consta de la Introducción que contiene: planteamiento del problema, pregunta central de la investigación, propósito de la investigación, justificación, objetivos: general, específicos, antecedentes legales, alcances, limitaciones y metodología que guía el trabajo y tipo de fuentes. El Capítulo I aborda el Marco Contextual (descripción física y organización: funcional y estructural de la escuela). El Capítulo II describe al Marco Conceptual de: conceptualización básica de violencia, agresión, características y Teorías del Aprendizaje: Conductistas (Watson- Pavlo, Skinner), Cognoscitivas (Piaget, Vigotzky), y por Modelación (Bandura) y de la Inteligencia Emocional, (Goleman) El Capítulo III contiene el Marco Empírico que consiste en el análisis e interpretación de la información. Finalmente, constarán las conclusiones, recomendaciones, bibliografía y anexos.
In 1594, major decisions were made by the governors of London and the country about plays and playing. We need to learn what lay behind these events, such as what led James Burbage to build his Blackfriars theater in 1596. That initial fiasco might tell us much about what lay behind Shakespeare’s decision to join the new Chamberlain’s Men in 1594 and his subsequent commitment to them as a full-time playwright. When the Globe burned down in 1613, a majority of the shareholders decided to rebuild it at great cost, but Shakespeare withdrew. The rebuilding was old-fashioned thinking, reverting to the company’s desire, asserted in 1594, to play indoors in winter, which helps to clarify their decisions and Shakespeare’s own—to write plays rather than more long poems. The few surviving papers of the Privy Council and the London mayoralty from the time suggest that one of the two new companies of 1594 preferred to play indoors during the winter instead of at their allocated open playhouses in the suburbs. They tried to renew this traditional practice, first in 1594 and again in 1596 when James Burbage built the indoor Blackfriars playhouse for them. The renewal of the Globe in 1614 was part of the same thinking, although Shakespeare evidently opted out of the decision.
Perfil acadêmico do professor e pesquisador Isaac Epstein
Esta pesquisa apresenta uma proposta de construção de um índice de sustentabilidade ambiental para a agroindústria paulista da cana-de-açúcar – ISAAC. Tal proposta é motivada pela busca de sustentabilidade para a cadeia produtiva da cana, cujo energético principal, o etanol, é exigido, mundialmente, como biocombustível produzido em base socioeconômica responsável, proveniente de fonte renovável, ambientalmente limpa e redutora de emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa – GEE. Este estudo faz um diagnóstico da produção de cana, açúcar e álcool, bem como da bioenergia gerada no Estado de São Paulo, em 16 Unidades de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos – UGRHI[s], nas quais a agroindústria da cana-de-açúcar é significativa economicamente. O trabalho também aponta o ranking de produção das 164 usinas que operaram na safra 2007/2008, indica a ocupação do solo e a vegetação nativa nos 462 municípios canavieiros e inventaria, dentre outros, a geração de resíduos, as emissões de GEE, o uso da água, os postos de trabalho e o valor da produção. A pesquisa projeta ainda uma estimativa de custos para se mitigar, no horizonte de 30 anos, algumas externalidades negativas e realiza uma breve conceituação de responsabilidade socioambiental e desenvolvimento sustentável. Para o desenvolvimento do índice, empregou-se a metodologia Pressão-Estado-Resposta – PER, da Organização de Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômicos – OCDE, a partir da escolha de um conjunto de 30 indicadores, avalizados por meio de seis atributos de seleção e dez princípios norteadores. Na valoração ponderada dos subíndices, foram considerados o atual nível de conhecimento, a percepção acerca da sustentabilidade e as características próprias das UGRHI[s] estudadas. O conjunto dos indicadores e subíndices assim construído é apresentado à consulta das partes interessadas, via Câmara Ambiental Sucroalcooleira, da Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo – CETESB e Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas – CBH, em razão da forma participativa de atuação destes colegiados. Vislumbra-se que a CETESB implemente institucionalmente o ISAAC, por meio de relatório de sustentabilidade, o qual poderá se consolidar como instrumento eficaz da gestão ambiental da agroindústria da cana-de-açúcar.
Ilustração componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
The general objective of this dissertation is to analyze the metaphysical aspects of "rational mechanics" of Isaac Newton, clarifying, by scientific and philosophical discourse, their main elements, with emphasis to the presence of one entity infinitely rational behind all the phenomena of nature, and to the Newton's insight as certain empiricist which, however, accepts deductions metaphysics; a philosopher-scientist. The specific objectives are detailed below: a) brief presentation of the development of modern science, since the Pre-Socratics, seeking to understand the historical conjecture that enabled the rise of Newtonian mechanics; b) presentation of the elements of scientific methodology and philosophical, aimed at comprehension of certain "Newtonian methodology", understanding how this specific methodology able to present empirical aspects, mathematics, philosophic and religious in communion; c) to understand, from the Newtonian concepts, both concerning man's role in the world as the "notional notions" of mass, space, time and movement, necessary for analysis and understanding of certain metaphysical aspects in the Newtonian physics; d) to present the Newtonian concepts related to the ether, to understand why it necessarily assumes metaphysics characteristics and mediation between the bodies; e) to present and understand the factors that lead the empiricist Newton to assume the religion in his mechanics, as well as, the existence and functions of God in nature, to object to the higher content of his metaphysics; f) to highlight the metaphysical elements of his classical mechanics, that confirm the presence of concepts like God Creator and Preserver of the natural laws; g) at last, to analyze the importance of Newton to the modern metaphysics and the legacy to philosophy of science at sec. XVII to science contemporary
Objective: The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) is a standardized method that allows international and regional comparisons of asthma and allergic diseases prevalence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of rhinitis and related symptoms among 6-7 year-old children (SC) and 13-14 year-old adolescents (AD) from 20 Brazilian cities applying the ISAA C's standardized written questionnaire (WQ). Methods: ISAAC's WQ was applied to 23,422 SC and 58,144 AD living in different regions of Brazil: North (N), Northeast (NE), Middle West (MW), Southeast (SE), and South (S). Results: The prevalence of rhinoconjunctivitis in the last year ranged from 10.3% to 17.4% and from 8.9% to 28.5% among SC and AD, respectively. Considering SC the highest values were observed in SE region. In NE, the prevalence in countryside centres was higher than those along the coast. Among AD, the highest values were observed in N and S regions, mainly in Pará (Belém). The evaluation of populations probably with the same genetic background has shown higher prevalence among those living in urban centres (capital) in comparison to those in the countryside. Conclusions: The prevalence of rhinitis and related symptoms were variable and predominate in Brazilian N and NE centres.
Includes bibliography
Incluye Bibliografía