974 resultados para Caries dental.
The present study describes the experience of dental caries in Indians communities of the Xingu, in order to supply parameters for further analysis of trends of the disease in Indians. We performed oral health examination in 288 Indians from four communities (Yawalapiti, Aweti, Mehinaku and Kamaiura) living in the southern part of the Xingu National Park, using international criteria defined by the World Health Organization. The outcome measures were the DMFT and dmft scores, and the care index. Indians of the Upper Xingu presented high levels of caries, in all age groups. The average DMFT for 11 to 13-year-old children - 5.93 - was lower than the index measured in 1993 for 12-year-old schoolchildren in nearby cities - 8.23 -, whose United Nations' human development index ranked medium. However, Indians presented a much lower care index, per age group, than these cities, and a high ratio of missing teeth for persons above 20 years old. These observations indicate low incorporation of dental care services. The irregularity of the services programmed for these communities, and the changing dietary and cultural patterns, mainly derived from their contact with the non-indigenous population of Brazil, reinforce the pressing need for health promotion initiatives aimed at these groups.
BACKGROUND: Dietary fluoride supplements were first introduced to provide systemic fluoride in areas where water fluoridation is not available. Since 1990, the use of fluoride supplements in caries prevention has been re-evaluated in several countries. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy of fluoride supplements for preventing dental caries in children. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (to 12 October 2011), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2011, Issue 3), MEDLINE via OVID (1950 to 12 October 2011), EMBASE via OVID (1980 to 12 October 2011), WHOLIS/PAHO/MEDCARIB/LILACS/BBO via BIREME (1982 to 12 October 2011), and Current Controlled Trials (to 12 October 2011). We handsearched reference lists of articles and contacted selected authors. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing, with minimum follow-up of 2 years, fluoride supplements (tablets, drops, lozenges) with no fluoride supplement or with other preventive measures such as topical fluorides in children less than 16 years of age at the start. The main outcome was caries increment measured by the change in decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces (DMFS). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors, independently and in duplicate, assessed the eligibility of studies for inclusion, and carried out risk of bias assessment and data extraction. In the event of disagreement, we sought consensus and consulted a third review author. We contacted trial authors for missing information. We used the prevented fraction (PF) as a metric for evaluating the efficacy of the intervention. The PF is defined as the mean caries increment in controls minus mean caries increment in the treated group divided by mean caries increment in controls. We conducted random-effects meta-analyses when data could be pooled. We assessed heterogeneity in the results of the studies by examining forest plots and by using formal tests for homogeneity. We recorded adverse effects (fluorosis) when the studies provided relevant data. MAIN RESULTS: We included 11 studies in the review involving 7196 children.In permanent teeth, when fluoride supplements were compared with no fluoride supplement (three studies), the use of fluoride supplements was associated with a 24% (95% confidence interval (CI) 16 to 33%) reduction in decayed, missing and filled surfaces (D(M)FS). The effect of fluoride supplements was unclear on deciduous or primary teeth. In one study, no caries-inhibiting effect was observed on deciduous teeth while in another study, the use of fluoride supplements was associated with a substantial reduction in caries increment.When fluoride supplements were compared with topical fluorides or with other preventive measures, there was no differential effect on permanent or deciduous teeth.The review found limited information on the adverse effects associated with the use of fluoride supplements. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: This review suggests that the use of fluoride supplements is associated with a reduction in caries increment when compared with no fluoride supplement in permanent teeth. The effect of fluoride supplements was unclear on deciduous teeth. When compared with the administration of topical fluorides, no differential effect was observed. We rated 10 trials as being at unclear risk of bias and one at high risk of bias, and therefore the trials provide weak evidence about the efficacy of fluoride supplements.
Dental caries and dental fear and anxiety (DFA) are common interrelated problems but so far little is known about these problems in Estonia. The aim was to study dental health in relation to DFA, some fear-related factors, and to study the effect of a caries prevention program in children of fearful mothers. Dental health and DFA were assessed in two Estonian [2-4-year-olds (n=472) and 8-10-year-olds (n=344)], and the effect of some medical conditions on DFA in one Finnish child group [3-year-olds (n=148)]. 120 mother-child-pairs participated in the xylitol-based prevention program. Dental health was examined using the WHO or the ICDAS criteria and expressed as dmft/DMFT-indices. The modified children’s fear survey schedule dental subscale (MCFSS-DS) was used to assess DFA of schoolchildren, one single question to assess parental DFA, and the Corah’s dental anxiety scale (DAS) to assess DFA of mothers in the prevention study. Dentine caries was diagnosed in 42% of the 2-4-year-old and in 93% of the 8-10-year-old Estonian children. DFA of 8-10-year-olds (17%) was associated with experience of dental treatment, and maternal and paternal DFA. Dental apprehension at 9 years of age was associated with frequent exposure to invasive medical care. The xylitol-based prevention was successful irrespective of poor dental hygiene habits and maternal severe DFA. In conclusion, experience of operative dental treatment and DFA of Estonian children were closely associated. Invasive medical care and parental DFA were also linked to children’s DFA. Habitual use of xylitol by mothers was effective in preventing caries even in children of severely fearful mothers.
Objectives: To measure the prevalence and severity of dental caries in adolescents of the city of Porto, Portugal, and to assess socioeconomic and behavioural covariates of dental caries experience. Methods: A sample of 700 thirteen-year-old schoolchildren was examined. Results from the dental examination were linked to anthropometric information and to data supplied by two structured questionnaires assessing nutritional factors, socio-demographic characteristics and behaviour related to health promotion. Dental caries was measured using the DMFT index, and two dichotomous outcomes, one assessing the prevalence of dental caries (DMFT>0); the other assessing the prevalence of a high level of dental caries (DMFT=4). Results: Consuming soft drinks derived from cola (irrespective of sugared or diet) two or more times per week, attending a public school, being female and having parents with low educational attainment were identified as risk factors both for having dental caries and for having a high level of dental caries. Conclusion: Caries levels were positively associated with frequency of intake of sweetened foods and drinks.
Objectives. To assess the prevalence of untreated dental caries in children with cerebral palsy and to assess socio-demographic, behavioural, and clinical covariates. Design. Cross-sectional assessment of 200 children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (2-17 years old) enrolled in a specialized healthcare unit in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The dental examination followed the World Health Organization`s guidelines for oral health surveys; familial caretakers informed on socio-economic status and behaviour; the patient`s medical record informed their clinical status. Results. The proportion of children that presented at least one tooth affected by untreated caries was 49.5%. Poor socio-economic standings and a higher frequency of sugar consumption associated with a worse profile of dental health; different types of cerebral palsy (spastic, tetraparesis) did not. The prevalence of untreated caries was higher than reference values assessed for the overall population of the same age range. Conclusions. The high burden of untreated dental caries on cerebral palsy patients reinforces the importance of the dentist in the interdisciplinary healthcare team attending these children. Factors associated with this outcome are the same for the general population; these findings underscore the necessity of implementing effective caries prevention in this population of cerebral palsy children.
Aim It is well reported in the scientific literature that there is a high level of periodontal disease and lower caries prevalence in Down Syndrome (DS) individuals, when compared with age-matched non DS individuals. This study was conducted to investigate the process of dental caries in DS children. Materials and methods In this study the following parameters were considered: oral hygiene habits, levels of Streptococcus mutans (SM) and Lactobacillus spp. (LB), Modified Gingival Index (MGI), and Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S). A case group with DS children (n=69) and a control group of non DS children (n=69) were formed to perform this study Dental caries severity was determined using the DMFT index. Samples of non-stimulated saliva were collected to determine the Lactobacillus spp levels. For SM levels, MSB agar plates were used. Results The findings revealed that the case group attended, dental check-ups more frequently brushed their teeth more times per day, flossed less, and also more frequently had SM levels classified as ""high count"". The MGI was higher and the OHI-S was lower than the control group (p<0.001). Conclusion No significant differences were found between the DMFT indexes of children from the two groups (p=0.345). The logistic regression analysis showed that in the case group, age, MGI, and SM count were positively related to dental caries (p<0.05).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study determined the presence of mutans streptococci and Candida spp. in supragingival. dental plaque and infected dentine of caries-free children, with early childhood caries and caries. Pooled samples of dental plaque and infected dentine were collected from 56 children aged 1-5 years, which were divided into 3 groups: early childhood caries (ECC); caries and caries-free. Infected dentine was collected in ECC and caries groups to compare the frequency of these microorganisms in the collected sites. The samples were inoculated in SB20 and SA medium, for mutans streptococci and Candida spp., respectively, and incubated at 37 degrees C for 48 h. Colony growth was verified and the identification was performed by biochemical tests and CHROMagar Candida. Fisher's test or chi-square (chi(2)) were applied (p = 0.05). The more prevalent species were S. mutans and Candida albicans in ECC (85.4% and 60.4%, respectively), independently of the sample site. S. mutans only was significantly associated with carious teeth, whether in early childhood caries or not. However, the frequency of C. albicans in ECC was higher when compared to caries and caries-free groups. There is a significant association between the presence of C. albicans and early childhood caries. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O objetivo do presente artigo é investigar a relação fluorose/cáries em escolas, de acordo com o nível de fluoreto no abastecimento público de água. A amostra consistiu em 360 alunos de doze anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam as escolas próximas da região em que nasceram. As escolas foram classificadas em três grupos de acordo com a presença de fluoreto no abastecimento de água: 1) fluoretação na Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA); 2) fluoretação direta em poços; e 3) áreas não fluoretadas (ANF). Os testes deχe de Goodman (significância = 5%) foram utilizados para avaliar a associação entre a origem da água e o grau de fluorose. Os resultados mais predominantes foram presença de cáries em toda a amostra (P<0,05); ausência de fluorose em ambos gêneros, para indivíduos brancos e aqueles vivendo em áreas abastecidas com água fluoretada diretamente de poços e não fluoretadas (P<0,05). Não houve diferença no grau de severidade da fluorose entre as fontes de abastecimento de água (P>0,05). As cáries ainda são uma importante questão nessa população, apesar do estabelecimento de medida preventiva. A observação da fluorose em alunos vivendo em áreas não fluoretadas confirma a presença de outras fontes de fluorose.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)