988 resultados para Carbonate tufa
Zinc oxide can be obtained by thermal decomposition of hydrozincite, a topochemical reaction. This work reports the relation between zinc oxide morphology and the precursor zinc hydroxide carbonate precipitation time. The morphological evolution was monitored by SEM, IR and XRD. Zinc oxide obtained from initially precipitated hydrozincite consists of porous spherical aggregates and shows a single Zn-O IR vibrational band. At longer periods of precipitation time the aggregates were transformed into spherulitic-shaped zinc oxide particles showing the Zn-O split vibrational band. X-ray patterns show that the hexagonal zinc oxide phase is substantially increased as a function of hydrozincite precipitation time. © 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
Fuel cell as MCFC (molten carbonate fuel cell) operate at high temperatures, and due to this issue, cogeneration processes may be performed, sending heat for own process or other purposes as steam generation in an industry. The use of ethanol for this purpose is one of the best options because this is a renewable and less environmentally offensive fuel, and cheaper than oil-derived hydrocarbons (in the case of Brazil). In the same country, because of technical, environmental and economic advantages, the use of ethanol by steam reforming process have been the most investigated process. The objective of this study is to show a thermodynamic analysis of steam reforming of ethanol, to determine the best thermodynamic conditions where are produced the highest volumes of products, making possible a higher production of energy, that is, a most-efficient use of resources. To attain this objective, mass and energy balances are performed. Equilibrium constants and advance degrees are calculated to get the best thermodynamic conditions to attain higher reforming efficiency and, hence, higher electric efficiency, using the Nernst equation. The advance degree of reforming increases when the operation temperature also increases and when the operation pressure decreases. But at atmospheric pressure (1 atm), the advance degree tends to the stability in temperatures above 700°C, that is, the volume of supplemental production of reforming products is very small for the high use of energy resources necessary. Reactants and products of the steam-reforming of ethanol that weren't used may be used for the reforming. The use of non-used ethanol is also suggested for heating of reactants before reforming. The results show the behavior of MCFC. The current density, at same tension, is higher at 700°C than other studied temperatures as 600 and 650°C. This fact occurs due to smaller use of hydrogen at lower temperatures that varies between 46.8 and 58.9% in temperatures between 600 and 700°C. The higher calculated current density is 280 mA/cm 2. The power density increases when the volume of ethanol to be used also increases due to higher production of hydrogen. The highest produced power at 190 mW/cm 2 is 99.8, 109.8 and 113.7 mW/cm2 for 873, 923 and 973K, respectively. The thermodynamic efficiency has the objective to show the connection among operational conditions and energetic factors, which are some parameters that describes a process of internal steam reforming of ethanol.
Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)
High-resolution seismic-reflection data collected along the length of the Caloosahatchee River in southwestern Florida have been correlated to nannofossil biostratigraphy and strontium-isotope chemostratigraphy at six continuously cored boreholes. These data are interpreted to show a major Late Miocene(?) to Early Pliocene fluvial– deltaic depositional system that prograded southward across the carbonate Florida Platform, interrupting nearly continuous carbonate deposition since early in the Cretaceous. Connection of the platform top to a continental source of siliciclastics and significant paleotopography combined to focus accumulation of an immense supply of siliciclastics on the southeastern part of the Florida Platform. The remarkably thick (> 100 m), sand-rich depositional system, which is characterized by clinoformal progradation, filled in deep accommodation, while antecedent paleotopography directed deltaic progradation southward within the middle of the present-day Florida Peninsula. The deltaic depositional system may have prograded about 200 km southward to the middle and upper Florida Keys, where Late Miocene to Pliocene siliciclastics form the foundation of the Quaternary carbonate shelf and shelf margin of the Florida Keys. These far-traveled siliciclastic deposits filled accommodation on the southeastern part of the Florida Platform so that paleobathymetry was sufficiently shallow to allow Quaternary recovery of carbonate sedimentation in the area of southern peninsular Florida and the Florida Keys.
The formation and properties of carbonate adducts of some organic hydroxy compounds in aqueous medium were investigated. Fatty alcohols and sugars were chosen as representative classes of biological interest, and the medium was carbonated aqueous solution with pH ranging from 3.0 to 8.3. Capillary electrophoresis with two capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectors (C4Ds) was used for quantitation and to obtain the mobility of the monoalkyl carbonates (MACs), which were used to determine the equilibrium and kinetic constants of the reaction as well as the diffusion coefficients. For increasing chain length of the alcohols, the equilibrium constant tends to the unit, which suggests that fatty alcohols can form the corresponding MACs. The formation of MACs for cyclohexanol and cyclopentanol also suggest the existence of similar species for sterols. Carbonate adducts of fructose, glucose, and sucrose were also detected, which suggests that these counterparts of the well-known phosphates can also occur in the cytosol. Our calculations suggest that one in 1000 to one in 10 000 molecules of these hydroxy compounds would be available as the corresponding MAC in such a medium. Experiments carried out at pH values less than 3.0 showed that there is a catalytic effect of hydronium on the interconversion of bicarbonate and a MAC. Taking into account the great number of hydroxy compounds similar to the ones investigated and that bicarbonate is ubiquitous in living cells, one can anticipate the existence of a whole new class of carbonate adducts of these metabolites.
Calcium carbonate is one of the most important biominerals, and it is the main constituent of pearls, seashells, and teeth. The in vitro crystallization of calcium carbonate using different organic matrices as templates has been reported. In this work, the growth of calcium carbonate thin films on special organic matrices consisting of layer-by-layer (LbL) polyelectrolyte films deposited on a pre-formed phospholipid Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film has been studied. Two types of randomly coiled polyelectrolytes have been used: lambda-carrageenan and poly(acrylic acid). A precoating comprised of LB films has been prepared by employing a negatively charged phospholipid, the sodium salt of dimyristoilphosphatidyl acid (DMPA), or a zwitterionic phospholipid, namely dimyristoilphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE). This approach resulted in the formation of particulate calcium carbonate continuous films with different morphologies, particle sizes, and roughness, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The crystalline structure of the calcium carbonate particles was analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. The randomly coiled conformation of the polyelectrolytes seems to be the main reason for the formation of continuous films rather than CaCO3 isolated crystals. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stable carbon isotopic fractionation during calcium carbonate precipitation induced by urease-catalysed hydrolysis of urea was experimentally investigated in artificial water at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C. Carbon isotope fractionation during urea hydrolysis follows a Rayleigh distillation trend characterized by a C-13-enrichment factor of -20 to -22 parts per thousand. CaCO3 precipitate is up to 17.9 parts per thousand C-13-depleted relative to the urea substrate (-48.9 +/- 0.07 parts per thousand). Initial CaCO3 precipitate forms close to isotopic equilibrium with dissolved inorganic carbon. Subsequent precipitation occurs at -2 to -3 parts per thousand offset from isotopic equilibrium, suggesting that the initial delta C-13 value of CaCO3 is reset through dissolution followed by reprecipitation with urease molecules playing a role in offsetting the delta C-13 value of CaCO3 from isotopic equilibrium. Potentially, this isotopic systematics may provide a tool for the diagnosis of ureolytically-formed carbonate cements used as sealing agent. Moreover, it may serve as a basis to develop a carbon isotope tool for the quantification of ureolytically-induced CO2 sequestration. Finally, it suggests carbon isotope disequilibrium as a hallmark of past enzymatic activity in ancient microbial carbonate formation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lodenafil carbonate is a new phosphodiesterase Type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor used in treatment of erectile dysfunction. Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of lodenafil carbonate after administering ascending (1 - 100 mg) single oral doses to healthy male volunteers (n = 33). Methods: The study was an open-label, dose-escalation, Phase I clinical trial involving the administration of single oral doses of lodenafil carbonate. Lodenafil carbonate was administered sequentially, escalating in single doses of 1 mg - 100 mg with a washout period of at least 1 week between each dose. The progression to the next dose was allowed after clinical and laboratory exams, Ambulatory Monitoring of Arterial Pressure (AMAP) without relevant clinical modifications and adverse events without clinical relevancy. Blood samples were collected at pre-dose, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 24 h post-dosing. Plasma samples for measurement of lodenafil carbonate and lodenafil were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Results: No serious adverse events were observed, and none of the subjects discontinued the study due to intolerance. The AMAP measurements, clinical and laboratory exams and ECG revealed no significant changes even at higher doses. Lodenafil carbonate was not detected in any samples, indicating that it acts as a prodrug. The mean lodenafil pharmacokinetic parameters for t(max) and t(1/2) were 1.6 (+/- 0.4) h and 3.3 (+/- 1.1) h, respectively. This study demonstrated that lodenafil carbonate was well tolerated and showed a good safety profile in healthy male volunteers.
Atherosclerosis and vascular calcification (VC) progression in chronic kidney disease is favored by disturbances of mineral metabolism. We compared the effect of phosphate binder lanthanum (La) carbonate with sevelamer-HCl on atherosclerosis, VC and bone structure and function in mice with chronic renal failure (CRF). Apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE(-/-)) mice were randomized to one non-CRF and three CRF groups, fed with standard diet (one non-CRF and one CRF) or diet supplemented with either 3% lanthanum carbonate (La3%) or 3% sevelamer-HCl (Sev3%). Both La3% and Sev3% supplemented CRF mice displayed a decrease of serum phosphorus, calcification at both intimal and medial aortic sites and atherosclerosis. This was associated with a reduction of plaque Type I collagen expression by both binders and of positive nitrotyrosine staining in response to sevelamer-HCl only. Increased mineral apposition and bone formation rates in unsupplemented CRF mice were reduced by Sev3% but not by La3%. The beneficial effects of La carbonate and sevelamer-HCl on the progression of VC and atherosclerosis in CRF mice could be mainly due to a decrease in phosphate retention and likewise a reduction of arterial Type I collagen expression. The effect of La carbonate differed from that of sevelamer-HCl in that it did not appear to exert its vascular effects via changes in oxidative stress or bone remodeling in the present model.
Active tufas in the form of waterfalls and dams occur along drainage channels in the Serra do Andre Lopes region (State of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil) and are associated with the karst system that developed on a dolomitic plateau with a superhumid subtropical climate. The predominance of autogenic waters enables the groundwater to become enriched in calcium carbonate, with low terrigenous sediment content. The tufas that were studied are composed of calcite and have high calcium contents and low magnesium contents. Eroded tufa beds that originate from changes in the position of fluvial channels or river flow rates also occur in this region. In the Sapatu deposit, phytohermal tufas with complex morphologies are arranged in levels constituting various temporally repeated sequences that were deposited between 10,570 and 4,972 cal years BP. In the Frias deposit, distal fluvial deposits of tufa are massive with a relatively greater quantity of terrigenous material and show evidence of dissolution and reprecipitation. The base of this deposit is composed of a cemented breccia dated at 25,390 years BP, which is younger than the overlying tufas ([42,000 years BP). In the two deposits, the levels of terrigenous sediments (quartz sand and lithic pebbles) and terrestrial gastropod shells are interpreted as phases of increased flow rate of rivers during intervals of higher rainfall.
[EN]Carbonate system variables were measured in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean along a transect from South Africa to the southern limit of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) from February to March 2008. Eddies detached from the retroflection of the Agulhas Current increased the gradients observed along the fronts. Minima in the fugacity of CO2, fCO2, and maxima in pH on either side of the frontal zone were observed, noting that within the frontal zone fCO2 reached maximum values and pH was at a minimum.Vertical distributions of water masses were described by their carbonate system properties and their relationship to CFC concentrations. Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) offered pHT,25 values of 7.56 and 7.61, respectively. The UCDW also had higher concentrations of CFC-12 (>0.2 pmol kg?1) as compared to deeper waters, revealing that UCDW was mixed with recently ventilated waters. Calcite and aragonite saturation states ( ) were also affected by the presence of these two water masses with high carbonate concentrations. The aragonite saturation horizon was observed at 1000m in the subtropical area and north of the Subantarctic Front. At the position of the Polar Front, and under the influence of UCDW and LCDW, the aragonite saturation horizon deepened from 800m to 1500m at 50.37_ S, and reached 700m south of 57.5_ S. High latitudes proved to be the most sensitive areas to predicted anthropogenic carbon increase. Buffer coefficients related to changes in [CO2], [H+] and with changes in dissolved inorganic carbon (CT)and total alkalinity (AT) offered minima values in the Antarctic IntermediateWater and UCDWlayers. These coefficients suggest that a small increase in CT will sharply decrease the status of pH and carbonate saturation. Here we present data that suggest that south of 55_ S, surface water will be under-saturated with respect to aragonite within the next few decades.
The majority of carbonate reservoir is oil-wet, which is an unfavorable condition for oil production. Generally, the total oil recovery after both primary and secondary recovery in an oil-wet reservoir is low. The amount of producible oil by enhanced oil recovery techniques is still large. Alkali substances are proven to be able to reverse rock wettability from oil-wet to water-wet, which is a favorable condition for oil production. However, the wettability reversal mechanism would require a noneconomical aging period to reach the maximum reversal condition. An intermittent flow with the optimum pausing period is then combined with alkali flooding (combination technique) to increase the wettability reversal mechanism and as a consequence, oil recovery is improved. The aims of this study are to evaluate the efficiency of the combination technique and to study the parameters that affect this method. In order to implement alkali flooding, reservoir rock and fluid properties were gathered, e.g. interfacial tension of fluids, rock wettability, etc. The flooding efficiency curves are obtained from core flooding and used as a major criterion for evaluation the performance of technique. The combination technique improves oil recovery when the alkali concentration is lower than 1% wt. (where the wettability reversal mechanism is dominant). The soap plug (that appears when high alkali concentration is used) is absent in this combination as seen from no drop of production rate. Moreover, the use of low alkali concentration limits alkali loss. This combination probably improves oil recovery also in the fractured carbonate reservoirs in which oil is uneconomically produced. The results from the current study indicate that the combination technique is an option that can improve the production of carbonate reservoirs. And a less quantity of alkali is consumed in the process.
The carbonate outcrops of the anticline of Monte Conero (Italy) were studied in order to characterize the geometry of the fractures and to establish their influence on the petrophysical properties (hydraulic conductivity) and on the vulnerability to pollution. The outcrops form an analog for a fractured aquifer and belong to the Maiolica Fm. and the Scaglia Rossa Fm. The geometrical properties of fractures such as orientation, length, spacing and aperture were collected and statistically analyzed. Five types of mechanical fractures were observed: veins, joints, stylolites, breccias and faults. The types of fractures are arranged in different sets and geometric assemblages which form fracture networks. In addition, the fractures were analyzed at the microscale using thin sections. The fracture age-relationships resulted similar to those observed at the outcrop scale, indicating that at least three geological episodes have occurred in Monte Conero. A conceptual model for fault development was based on the observations of veins and stylolites. The fracture sets were modelled by the code FracSim3D to generate fracture network models. The permeability of a breccia zone was estimated at microscale by and point counting and binary image methods, whereas at the outcrop scale with Oda’s method. Microstructure analysis revealed that only faults and breccias are potential pathways for fluid flow since all veins observed are filled with calcite. According this, three scenarios were designed to asses the vulnerability to pollution of the analogue aquifer: the first scenario considers the Monte Conero without fractures, second scenario with all observed systematic fractures and the third scenario with open veins, joints and faults/breccias. The fractures influence the carbonate aquifer by increasing its porosity and hydraulic conductivity. The vulnerability to pollution depends also on the presence of karst zones, detric zones and the material of the vadose zone.