943 resultados para CaM kinase


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Menorca va ser declarada Reserva de la Biosfera per la UNESCO l’any 1993. Entre d’altres, un dels aspectes més emblemàtics de l’Illa és el Camí de Cavalls. Preservar la diversitat que aquest ofereix comporta una gestió complexa. Per això, és necessària per una millor gestió ambiental la realització prèvia d’una diagnosi per determinar en quina situació es troba actualment el Camí, i així poder optimitzar els mecanismes de gestió de l’espai. Aquesta diagnosi té com a objectius desenvolupar un sistema d’indicadors ambientals i socioeconòmics i validar-los per avaluar els canvis que es poden donar en el litoral de Menorca en els propers anys en relació a aquest espai. Dins d’aquest marc de treball, el sistema d’indicadors dissenyat a nivell teòric ha estat validat a través d’un exhaustiu treball de camp. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha volgut crear un disseny eficient, de forma que qualsevol persona que vulgui aplicar-lo al Camí de Cavalls o en altres tipologies de camí pugui fer-ho d’una manera correcte.


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Menorca va ser declarada Reserva de la Biosfera per la UNESCO l’any 1993. Entre d’altres, un dels aspectes més emblemàtics de l’Illa és el Camí de Cavalls. Preservar la diversitat que aquest ofereix comporta una gestió complexa. Per això, és necessària per una millor gestió ambiental la realització prèvia d’una diagnosi per determinar en quina situació es troba actualment el Camí, i així poder optimitzar els mecanismes de gestió de l’espai. Aquesta diagnosi té com a objectius desenvolupar un sistema d’indicadors ambientals i socioeconòmics i validar-los per avaluar els canvis que es poden donar en el litoral de Menorca en els propers anys en relació a aquest espai. Dins d’aquest marc de treball, el sistema d’indicadors dissenyat a nivell teòric ha estat validat a través d’un exhaustiu treball de camp. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha volgut crear un disseny eficient, de forma que qualsevol persona que vulgui aplicar-lo al Camí de Cavalls o en altres tipologies de camí pugui fer-ho d’una manera correcte.


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Arenaviruses perturb innate antiviral defense by blocking induction of type I interferon (IFN) production. Accordingly, the arenavirus nucleoprotein (NP) was shown to block activation and nuclear translocation of interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) in response to virus infection. Here, we sought to identify cellular factors involved in innate antiviral signaling targeted by arenavirus NP. Consistent with previous studies, infection with the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) prevented phosphorylation of IRF3 in response to infection with Sendai virus, a strong inducer of the retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)/mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS) pathway of innate antiviral signaling. Using a combination of coimmunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy, we found that LCMV NP associates with the IκB kinase (IKK)-related kinase IKKε but that, rather unexpectedly, LCMV NP did not bind to the closely related TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK-1). The NP-IKKε interaction was highly conserved among arenaviruses from different clades. In LCMV-infected cells, IKKε colocalized with NP but not with MAVS located on the outer membrane of mitochondria. LCMV NP bound the kinase domain (KD) of IKKε (IKBKE) and blocked its autocatalytic activity and its ability to phosphorylate IRF3, without undergoing phosphorylation. Together, our data identify IKKε as a novel target of arenavirus NP. Engagement of NP seems to sequester IKKε in an inactive complex. Considering the important functions of IKKε in innate antiviral immunity and other cellular processes, the NP-IKKε interaction likely plays a crucial role in arenavirus-host interaction.


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S’efectuarà una avaluació global de l’estat ambiental del camí a partir dels indicadors. A més a més, es crearà un SIG que permeti la representació gràfica dels resultats dels indicadors i de la seva avaluació. Es realitzarà una aproximació social al Camí de Cavalls que engloba la percepció dels actors de la societat menorquina rellevants en la seva gestió, així com el tipus d’usuari del camí. A partir d’aquí, s’elaboraran uns productes de comunicació: a nivell divulgatiu, es realitzarà una monografia sobre el sistema d’indicadors ambientals del Camí de Cavalls. A nivell científic, s’aportaran una sèrie d’indicadors que podran ser emprats per a qualsevol camí litoral del món.


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Altered synaptic function is considered one of the first features of Alzheimer disease (AD). Currently, no treatment is available to prevent the dysfunction of excitatory synapses in AD. Identification of the key modulators of synaptopathy is of particular significance in the treatment of AD. We here characterized the pathways leading to synaptopathy in TgCRND8 mice and showed that c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is activated at the spine prior to the onset of cognitive impairment. The specific inhibition of JNK, with its specific inhibiting peptide D-JNKI1, prevented synaptic dysfunction in TgCRND8 mice. D-JNKI1 avoided both the loss of postsynaptic proteins and glutamate receptors from the postsynaptic density and the reduction in size of excitatory synapses, reverting their dysfunction. This set of data reveals that JNK is a key signaling pathway in AD synaptic injury and that its specific inhibition offers an innovative therapeutic strategy to prevent spine degeneration in AD.


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RESUME : Dans ce travail effectué chez le rat adulte, l'excitotoxicité rétinienne est élicitée par injection intravitréenne de NMDA. Les lésions en résultant sont localisées dans la rétine interne. Elles prennent la forme de pycnoses dans la couche des cellules ganglionnaires (corps cellulaires des cellules ganglionnaires et amacrines déplacées) et dans la partie interne de la couche nucléaire interne (cellules amacrines). Cette localisation est liée à la présence de récepteurs au glutamate de type NMDA sur ces cellules. L'activation de ces récepteurs entraîne un influx calcique et l'activation de diverses enzymes (phospholipase A, calpaïnes, calmoduline, synthase d'oxyde nitrique). La signalisation se poursuit en aval en partie par les voies des Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) : ERK, p38, ]NK. Dans les expériences présentées, toutes trois sont activées après l'injection de NMDA. Dans les cascades de signalisation de JNK, trois kinases s'ancrent sur une protéine scaffold. Les MAPKKK phosphorylent MKK4 et MKK7, qui phosphorylent JNK. JNK a de nombreuses cibles nucléaires (dont le facteur de transcription c-Jun) et cytoplasmiques. La voie de JNK est bloquée par l'inhibiteur peptidique D-JNKI-1 en empêchant l'interaction de la kinase avec son substrat. L'inhibiteur est formé de 20 acides aminés du domaine de liaison JBD et de 10 acides aminés de la partie TAT du virus HIV. L'injection intravitréenne de D-JNKI-1 permet une diminution des taux de JNK et c-Jun phosphorylés dans les lysats de rétine. L'effet prépondérant est la restriction importante des altérations histologiques des couches internes de la rétine. L'évaluation par électrorétinogramme met en sus en évidence une sauvegarde de la fonction cellulaire. Ce travail a ainsi permis d'établir la protection morphologique et fonctionnelle des cellules de la rétine interne par inhibition spécifique de la voie de JNK lors d'excitotoxicité. SUMMARY Excitotoxicity in the retina associates with several pathologies like retinal ischemia, traumatic optic neuropathy and glaucoma. In this study, excitotoxicity is elicited by intravitreal NMDA injection in adult rats. Lesions localise in the inner retina. They present as pyknotic cells in the ganglion cell layer (ganglion cells and displaced amacrines) and the inner nuclear layer (amacrine cells). These cells express NMDA glutamate receptors. The receptor activation leads to a calcium flow into the cell and hence enzyme activation (phospholipase, calpains, calmodulin, nitric oxide synthase). The subsequent signaling pathways can involve the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases (MAPK): ERK, p38 end JNK. These were all activated in our experiments. The signaling cascade organises around several scaffold proteins. The various MAPKKK phosphorylate MKK4 and MKK7, which phosphorylate JNK. JNK targets are of nuclear (c-Jun transcription factor) or cytoplasmic localisation. The peptidic inhibitor D-JNKI-1, 20 amino acids from the JNK binding domain JBD coupled to 10 amino acids of the TAT transporter, disrupts the binding of JNK with its substrate. Intravitreal injection of the inhibitor lowers phosphorylated forms of JNK and c-Jun in retinal extracts. It protects strongly against histological lesions in the inner retina and allows functional rescue.


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The positive transcription elongation factor (P-TEFb) consists of CDK9, a cyclin-dependent kinase and its cyclin T partner. It is required for transcription of most class II genes. Its activity is regulated by non-coding RNAs. The 7SK cellular RNA turns the HEXIM cellular protein into a P-TEFb inhibitor that binds its cyclin T subunit. Thus, P-TEFb activity responds to variations in global cellular transcriptional activity and to physiological conditions linked to cell differentiation, proliferation or cardiac hypertrophy. In contrast, the Tat activation region RNA plays an activating role. This feature at the 5' end of the human immunodeficiency (HIV) viral transcript associates with the viral protein Tat that in turn binds cyclin T1 and recruits active P-TEFb to the HIV promoter. This results in enhanced P-TEFb activity, which is critical for an efficient production of viral transcripts. Although discovered recently, the regulation of P-TEFb becomes a paradigm for non-coding RNAs that regulate transcription factors. It is also a unique example of RNA-driven regulation of a cyclindependent kinase.


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RESUMESuite à un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ischémique, les cellules gliales ducerveau deviennent activées, de nombreuses cellules inflammatoires pénètrent dans letissu lésé et sécrètent une grande variété de cytokines et chémokines. Aujourd'hui, ilexiste des interrogations sur les effets bénéfiques ou délétères de cette inflammation surla taille de la lésion et le pronostic neurologique.Ce projet vise à évaluer l'effet d'un peptide neuroprotecteur, D-JNKI1, inhibiteur de lavoie pro-apoptotique de signalisation intracellulaire c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), surl'inflammation post-ischémique.Nous montrons d'abord que la microglie est largement activée dans toute la région lésée48 h après l'induction d'une ischémie chez la souris. Cependant, malgré l'inhibition dela mort neuronale par D-JNKI1 évaluée à 48 h, nous n'observons de modification ni del'activation de la microglie, ni de son nombre. Ensuite, nous montrons que le cerveaupeut être protégé même s'il y a une augmentation massive de la sécrétion de médiateursinflammatoires dans la circulation systémique très tôt après induction d'un AVCischémique. De plus, nous notons que la sécrétion de molécules inflammatoires dans lecerveau n'est pas différente entre les animaux traités par D-JNKI1 ou une solutionsaline, bien que nous ayons obtenu une neuroprotection significative chez les animauxtraités.En conclusion, nous montrons que l'inhibition de la voie de JNK par D-JNKI1n'influence pas directement l'inflammation post-ischémique. Ceci suggère quel'inhibition de l'inflammation n'est pas forcément nécessaire pour obtenir en hautdegré de neuroprotection du parenchyme lésé après ischémie cérébrale, et que lesmécanismes inflammatoires déclenchés lors d'une ischémie cérébrale ne sont pasforcément délétères pour la récupération du tissu endommagé.SUMMARYAfter cerebral ischemia, glial cells become activated and numerous inflammatory cellsinfiltrate the site of the lesion, secreting a large variety of cytokines and chemokines. Itis controversial whether this brain inflammation is detrimental or beneficial and how itinfluences lesion size and neurological outcome.This project was aimed at critically evaluating whether the neuroprotective peptide DJNKI,an inhibitor of the pro-apopotic c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway,modulates post-ischemic inflammation in animal models of stroke. Specifically, it wasasked whether JNK inhibition prevents microglial activation and the release ofinflammatory mediators.In the first part of this study, we showed that microglia was activated throughout thelesion 48 h after experimental stroke. However, the activation and accumulation ofmicroglia was not reduced by D-JNKI1, despite a significant reduction of the lesionsize. In the second part of this project, we demonstrated that neuroprotection measuredat 48 h occurs even though inflammatory mediators are released in the plasma veryearly after the onset of cerebral ischemia. Furthermore, we found that secretion ofinflammatory mediators in the brain was not different in groups treated with D-JNKI1or not, despite a significant reduction of the lesion size in the treated group.Altogether, we show that inhibition of the JNK pathway using D-JNKI1 does notinfluence directly post-stroke inflammation. Inhibition of inflammation is therefore notnecessarily required for neuroprotection after cerebral ischemia. Thus, post-strokeinflammation might not be detrimental for the tissue recovery.


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PURPOSE: Tumor-associated TIE-2-expressing monocytes (TEM) are highly proangiogenic cells critical for tumor vascularization. We previously showed that, in human breast cancer, TIE-2 and VEGFR pathways control proangiogenic activity of TEMs. Here, we examine the contribution of these pathways to immunosuppressive activity of TEMs. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We investigated the changes in immunosuppressive activity of TEMs and gene expression in response to specific kinase inhibitors of TIE-2 and VEGFR. The ability of tumor TEMs to suppress tumor-specific T-cell response mediated by tumor dendritic cells (DC) was measured in vitro. Characterization of TEM and DC phenotype in addition to their interaction with T cells was done using confocal microscopic images analysis of breast carcinomas. RESULTS: TEMs from breast tumors are able to suppress tumor-specific immune responses. Importantly, proangiogenic and suppressive functions of TEMs are similarly driven by TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity. Furthermore, we show that tumor TEMs can function as antigen-presenting cells and elicit a weak proliferation of T cells. Blocking TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity induced TEMs to change their phenotype into cells with features of myeloid dendritic cells. We show that immunosuppressive activity of TEMs is associated with high CD86 surface expression and extensive engagement of T regulatory cells in breast tumors. TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity was also necessary to maintain high CD86 surface expression levels and to convert T cells into regulatory cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that TEMs are plastic cells that can be reverted from suppressive, proangiogenic cells into cells that are able to mediate an antitumoral immune response. Clin Cancer Res; 19(13); 3439-49. ©2013 AACR.


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NK cell function is regulated by a dual receptor system, which integrates signals from triggering receptors and MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors. We show here that the src family kinase Fyn is required for efficient, NK cell-mediated lysis of target cells, which lack both self-MHC class I molecules and ligands for NKG2D, an activating NK cell receptor. In contrast, NK cell inhibition by the MHC class I-specific receptor Ly49A was independent of Fyn, suggesting that Fyn is specifically required for NK cell activation via non-MHC receptor(s). Compared to wild type, significantly fewer Fyn-deficient NK cells expressed the inhibitory Ly49A receptor. The presence of a transgenic Ly49A receptor together with its H-2(d) ligand strongly reduced the usage of endogenous Ly49 receptors in Fyn-deficient mice. These data suggest a model in which the repertoire of inhibitory Ly49 receptors is formed under the influenced of Fyn-dependent NK cell activation as well as the respective MHC class I environment. NK cells may acquire Ly49 receptors until they generate sufficient inhibitory signals to balance their activation levels. Such a process would ensure the induction of NK cell self-tolerance.


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Four virus clones were derived from the Edmonston strain of measles virus by repeated plaque purification. These clones were compared with the vaccine strains Schwarz and CAM-70 in terms of biological activities including plaque formation, hemagglutination, hemolysis and replication in Vero cells and chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF). Two clones of intermediate plaque yielded mixed plaque populations on subcultivation whereas the other two, showing small and large plaque sizes, showed stable plaque phenotypes. The vaccine strains showed consistent homogeneous plaque populations. All the Edmonston clones showed agglutination of monkey erythrocytes in isotonic solution while both vaccine strains hemagglutinated only in the presence of high salt concentrations. Variation in the hemolytic activity was observed among the four clones but no hemolytic activity was detected for the vaccine virus strains. Vaccine strains replicated efficiently both in Vero cells and CEF. All four clones showed efficient replication in Vero cells but different replication profiles in CEF. Two of them replicated efficiently, one was of intermediate efficiency and the other showed no replication in CEF. Two of the clones showed characteristics similar to vaccine strains. One in terms of size and homogeneity of plaques, the other for a low hemolytic activity and both for the efficiency of propagation in CEF.


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Estudi dut a terme dins de l'equip col·laboratiu CLIL-SI, sobre el treball en petit grup en una aula AICLE de ciències en anglès, partint d'una perspectiva sociocultural de l'aprenentatge, i parant especial atenció a la distinció entre tasca (material proposat pel docent) i activitat (allò que els alumnes fan per a realitzar la tasca de manera comunicativa) que proposa la Teoria de l'Activitat. L'objectiu és comprendre millor la dinàmica de grup en el desenvolupament d'una tasca AICLE, i observar les instàncies d'integració de continguts i llengua, per la qual cosa es descriuen i categoritzen les activitats que fan els alumnes


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Les médicaments anticancéreux sont souvent caractérisés par une importante variabilité pharmacocinétique interindividuelle, des relations entre concentration et réponse clinique et une marge thérapeutique étroite. Pourtant, le suivi thérapeutique des concentrations de ces médicaments (TDM) est encore rare en oncologie. Les bases scientifiques justifiant un TDM des nouvelles thérapies ciblées orales sont encore très hétérogènes. Cependant, d'assez solides évidences existent pour l'imatinib et certaines apparaissent progressivement pour d'autres composés. A côté de cela, le TDM est aussi pratiqué dans des situations spécifiques de traitement par certaines chimiothérapies conventionnelles. Des efforts considérables restent toutefois à réaliser pour mieux caractériser la pharmacocinétique de ces médicaments, pour préciser leurs relations concentration-effet et pour conduire des études prospectives randomisées évaluant le bénéfice clinique de l'approche TDM en oncologie.


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This communication reports the specific induction of calmodulin kinase IV by the thyroid hormone 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner at a very early stage of brain differentiation using a fetal rat telencephalon primary cell culture system, which can grow and differentiate under chemically defined conditions. The induction of the enzyme that can be observed both on the mRNA and on the protein level is T3-specific, i.e. it cannot be induced by retinoic acid or reverse T3, and can be inhibited on both the transcriptional and the translational level by adding to the culture medium actinomycin D or cycloheximide, respectively. The earliest detection of calmodulin kinase IV in the fetal brain tissue of the rat is at days E16/E17, both on the mRNA as well as on the protein level. This is the first report in which a second messenger-dependent kinase involved in the control of cell regulatory processes is itself controlled by a primary messenger, the thyroid hormone.


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Background: Inhibition of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway by the TAT-coupled peptide XG-102 (formerly D-JNKI1) induces strong neuroprotection in ischemic stroke in rodents. We investigated the effect of JNK inhibition in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Methods: Three hours after induction of ICH by intrastriatal collagenase injection in mice, the animals received an intravenous injection of 100 mu g/kg of XG-102. The neurological outcome was assessed daily and the mice were sacrificed at 6 h, 1, 2 or 5 days after ICH. Results: XG-102 administration significantly improved the neurological outcome at 1 day (p < 0.01). The lesion volume was significantly decreased after 2 days (29 +/- 11 vs. 39 +/- 5 mm(3) in vehicle-treated animals, p < 0.05). There was also a decreased hemispheric swelling (14 +/- 13 vs. 26 +/- 9% in vehicle-treated animals, p < 0.05) correlating with increased aquaporin 4 expression. Conclusions: XG-102 attenuates cerebral edema in ICH and functional impairment at early time points. The beneficial effects observed with XG-102 in ICH, as well as in ischemic stroke, open the possibility to rapidly treat stroke patients before imaging, thereby saving precious time.