264 resultados para CUO
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aimed to evaluate the sensitiveness of the information obtained for the residual lignin from Eucalyptus grandis kraft pulps analyzed through the nitrobenzene oxidation, copper oxide (CuO) reduction and acidolysis techniques. The chips were cooked, resulting pulps of kappa number 14,5 and 16,9, respectively. Both lignins' pulps were evaluated through three methods (nitrobenzene oxidation, copper oxide oxidation and acidolysis). Then, they were subjected to an oxygen delignification stage. The 16,9 kappa number pulp resulted in higher levels of non-condensed lignin structures by the acidolysis method, higher syringyl/vanillin ratios (S/V) by the nitrobenzene and copper oxide methods and better performance in the oxygen delignification stage. The different methods allowed to differ the residual lignin pulps with kappa number 14,5 and 16,9, and the nitrobenzene oxidation method showed the highest sensitiveness in this study results.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Metal oxidenanocomposites were prepared by two different routes: polyol and sol-gel. Characterization by X ray diffraction showed that the first processproducesdirectly a two-phase material, while the sol-gelpowder never showed second phase below 600 degrees C. Light spectroscopy of the treated powders indicated similarities for the processed materials. Although the overall material compositions are about the same, different structural characteristics are found for each processing. With the exception of Ti-Zn materials, all the double metal oxide powders showed higher absorbance than either TiO2 powder.
Four new heterobimetallic metal carbonyls were synthesized by the reaction of [W(CO)4(bipy)] (1) with copper(I) compounds leading to species with the general formula [W(CO)4(bipy)(CuX)] (X = Cl, N3, ClO4, BF4) (2-5). The metal carbonyl compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared and UV -visible electronic spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The IR data for 2-5 show carbonyl stretching band patterns similar to compound 1 ; ie they exhibit the same number of bands. The UV - vis results show a dissociation reaction generating the starting compound 1 and CuX as consequence of a weak interaction between 1 and CuX. Thermal decomposition mechanisms as well as the thermal stability are influenced by the CuX fragments. The thermal stability decreases in the order [W(CO)4(bipy)] > [W(CO)4(bipy)(CuCl)] > [W(CO)4(bipy) (CuBF4)]. The X-ray results show the formation of WO3, CuWO4, Cu2O and CuO as final decomposition products.
Since the discovery of YBaCuO, experiments have shown that its superconducting properties are strongly affected by the oxygen content. More recently, anelastic relaxation measurements in La2CuO4+δ, showed that the decrease in the oxygen content can be related to two events. One is the decrease in mobility between two adjacent CuO planes, and the other is the increase in the number of tilting patterns of the CuO6 octahedra. In the case of the bismuth-based ceramic, it is known that the oxygen content, within some limits, does not affect its superconducting properties. In order to evaluate the mobility and the effect of the oxygen content on this material we have prepared BSCCO ceramic and tested regarding its internal friction and electrical resistivity as a function of the temperature while the oxygen content was being reduced by a sequence of vacuum annelaing at 620 K. The samples were prepared in the Bi:Sr:Ca:Cu = 2212 and 2223 proportion, using powder obtained by the sol-gel route and conventional solid state reaction. The anelastic relaxation measurements were performed using a torsion pendulum operating with frequency about 15-35 Hz between 77 to 700 K. The diffraction pattern of the as sintered and the vacuum annealed material were also presented. The results have shown complex anelastic relaxation structures that were associated to the jump of interstitial oxygen atoms between two adjacent CuO planes. The vacuum annealing showed to be deleterious to the critical temperature of the superconducting ceramic.
A structural study of CuO supported on a CeO2-TiO2 system was undertaken using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques. The results of XRD revealed the presence of only two phases, TiO2 anatase and CeO2 cerianite. A trend towards smaller TiO2 crystallites was observed when cerium content increased. When the amount of cerium increased, Ti K-edge XANES analysis showed an increasing distortion of Ti sites. The results of Ce LIII-edge EXAFS showed that Ce atoms are coordinated by eight oxygen atoms at 2.32 Å. For the sample containing a small amount of cerium, the EXAFS analysis indicated that the local structure around Ce atoms was highly distorted. The catalysts presented quite different Cu K-edge XANES spectra compared to the spectra of the CuO and Cu2O reference compounds. The Cu-O mean bond length was close to that of the CuO and the Cu atoms in the catalysts are surrounded by approximately four oxygen atoms in their first shell. Copper supported on the ceria-modified titania support catalysts displayed a better performance in the methanol dehydrogenation when compared to copper supported only on titania or on ceria. © 2002 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Ceria (CeO2) plays a vital role in emerging technologies for environmental and energy-related applications. The catalytic efficiency of ceria nanoparticles depends on its morphology. In this study, CeO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by a microwave-assisted hydrothermal method under different synthesis temperatures. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Raman scattering spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method. The X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering results indicated that all the synthesized samples had a pure cubic CeO2 structure. Rietveld analysis and Raman scattering also revealed the presence of structural defects due to an associated reduction in the valence of the Ce4+ ions to Ce3+ ions caused by an increasing molar fraction of oxygen vacancies. The morphology of the samples was controlled by varying the synthesis temperature. The TEM images show that samples synthesized at 80 degrees C consisted of spherical particles of about 5 nm, while those synthesized at 120 degrees C presented a mix of spherical and rod-like nanoparticles and the sample synthesized at 160 degrees C consisted of nanorods with 10 nm average diameter and 70 nm length. The microwave-assisted method proved to be highly efficient for the synthesis of CeO2 nanoparticles with different morphologies.
Le celle a combustibile ad ossido solido (SOFC) sono dei sistemi elettrochimici in grado di trasformare direttamente l’energia chimica di un combustibile (generalmente H2) e di un comburente (O2) in energia elettrica, senza l’intervento intermedio di un ciclo termico. Le SOFCs rappresentano un sistema energetico pulito, efficiente e sicuro, tuttavia questa tecnologia presenta costi di produzione ancora elevati e necessita di un maggiore sviluppo. L’argomento della presente tesi si colloca nell’ambito dello studio e realizzazione di materiali per l’elettrolita di SOFCs ed il contributo scientifico che si propone di fornire trova spazio nella necessità di migliorare la sinterizzazione di tali materiali e nell’ottimizzazione dei processi di formatura per produzioni facilmente scalabili a livello industriale con costo contenuto ed ecocompatibili. L’approccio di ricerca adottato è stato quello di approfondire le conoscenze relative ad un ossido di cerio drogato con gadolinio (GDC), scelto come elettrolita, cercando di comprendere su quali parametri intervenire per promuovere la densificazione ed ottimizzare il seguente processo di formatura. La ricerca si è articolata nei seguenti punti: a) Studio del processo di sinterizzazione in relazione alle caratteristiche morfologiche delle polveri di GDC pura ed esaminando l’influenza dell’ossido di rame, aggiunto come drogante, sul comportamento in sinterizzazione e microstruttura finale. I risultati indicano che il processo di sinterizzazione è enormemente influenzato dalla presenza del CuO, dalla sua morfologia e dalla procedura usata per il drogaggio b) Realizzazione di un inchiostro serigrafico a base di GDC in matrice acquosa da depositare su anodi in verde. La serigrafia rappresenta un’importante tecnica di formatura, facilmente adattabile ad una produzione industriale, con cui è possibile ottenere film di GDC densi. L’ottimizzazione dei processi in matrice acquosa porta un enorme contributo per la diminuzione dei costi di produzione e per la realizzazione di un processo maggiormente ecocompatibile. Questo obiettivo è stato raggiunto con la corretta scelta e caratterizzazione di tutti gli additivi di formatura c) Assemblaggio della semicella SOFC anodo supportante e relativo trattamento in co-firing. La messa a punto di un idoneo ciclo di burn out degli organici ha contribuito a preservare l’integrità ed omogeneità dei film depositati che dopo sinterizzazione risultano perfettamente densi e privi di cricche.
documentstyle[12pt,german]{article} pagestyle{empty} topmargin-1.5cm textheight24.5cm footskip-1.5cm % % begin{document} % begin{center} {Large {it Hern'{a}n Rodr'{i}guez}}\ vspace{24pt} {Large {bf Elektronische Transporteigenschaften von YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$/PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$ Dreifachschichten und "Ubergittern senkrecht zur Lagenstruktur}} end{center} vspace{24pt} noindent In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Transporteigenschaften senkrecht zu den CuO$_{2}$--Ebenen von Hochtemperatur Supraleitern an YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$/\ PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$/ YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$ Dreifachschichten und [(YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$)$_{n}$\/(PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$)$_{m}$]$_{times M}$ "Ubergittern untersucht. Um die Transporteigenschaften senkrecht zu den Grenzfl"achen in Mehrlagenstrukturen messen zu k"onnen, ist ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von planaren Bauelemente verwendet worden. Die Untersuchungen an YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$/PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$ Dreifachschichten und "Ubergittern zeigen, da"s die Substrattemperatur w"ahrend des Wachstums die elektronischen Eigenschaften entlang der $c$--Achse stark beeinflusst. Bei Senkung der Abscheidetemperatur ergibt sich eine "Anderung von normalmetallischem zu tunnelkontaktartigem Verhalten. Die bei 840$^circ$C hergestellten Vielfachschichten weisen sowohl eine konstante Hintergrundleitf"ahigkeit als auch eine "Uberschu"sleitf"ahigkeit bei niedrigen Spannungen auf. Dies deutet darauf hin, da"s es sich um einen Supraleiter--Normalleiter--Supraleiter (S--N--S) Kontakt handelt. Dagegen zeigen Vielfachschichten, die bei 760$^circ$C deponiert wurden, deutlich unterschiedliches Verhalten verglichen mit den bei 840$^circ$C pr"aparierte Proben. Die Leitf"ahigkeit nimmt mit der Spannung zu, wobei der Leitf"ahigkeithintergrund eine ``V''--Form darstellt. Dar"uber hinaus zeigen die Leitf"ahigkeitskennlinien bei niedrigen Spannungen eine starke Abh"angigkeit sowohl von der Bias Spannung als auch von der Temperatur. Bei Dreifachschichten mit 20 nm PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$ tritt ein Leitf"ahigkeitmaximun bei Null--Spannung auf. Die Wechselwirkung zwischen tunnelnden Quasiteilchen und magnetischen Momenten in der Barriere ruft dieses Maximun hervor. Das "Ubergitter mit ($n/m$) = (4/5) Modulation zeigt Supraleiter--Isolator--Supraleiter (S--I--S) Tunnelkontakt--Verhalten mit Strukturen, die von der Energiel"ucke des Supraleiters hervorgerufen werden. Das S--N-- bzw., S--I--Kontaktverhalten der Heterostrukturen wurden ebenfalls mit Messungen der Leitf"ahigkeit bei tiefern Temperaturen weit au"serhalb der supraleitenden Energiel"ucke best"atigt. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf die M"oglichkeit hin, durch Einstellen der Substrattemperaturen bei der Deposition das Auftreten von S--N--S und S--I--S Verhalten der Kontakte zu steuern. vspace{24pt} noindent Datum: 05.07.2004\ Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Hermann Adrian %Name des Betreuers, daneben dessen Unterschrift end{document}