178 resultados para CRASSOSTREA-VIRGINICA
Background: Studies of oyster microbiomes have revealed that a limited number of microbes, including pathogens, can dominate microbial communities in host tissues such as gills and gut. Much of the bacterial diversity however remains underexplored and unexplained, although environmental conditions and host genetics have been implicated. We used 454 next generation 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of individually tagged PCR reactions to explore the diversity of bacterial communities in gill tissue of the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas stemming from genetically differentiated beds under ambient outdoor conditions and after a multifaceted disturbance treatment imposing stress on the host. Results: While the gill associated microbial communities in oysters were dominated by few abundant taxa (i.e. Sphingomonas, Mycoplasma) the distribution of rare bacterial groups correlated to relatedness between the hosts under ambient conditions. Exposing the host to disturbance broke apart this relationship by removing rare phylotypes thereby reducing overall microbial diversity. Shifts in the microbiome composition in response to stress did not result in a net increase in genera known to contain potentially pathogenic strains. Conclusion: The decrease in microbial diversity and the disassociation between population genetic structure of the hosts and their associated microbiome suggest that disturbance (i.e. stress) may play a significant role for the assembly of the natural microbiome. Such community shifts may in turn also feed back on the course of disease and the occurrence of mass mortality events in oyster populations.
Mass mortalities of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas occur regularly when temperatures are high. Elevated temperatures facilitate the proliferation and spread of pathogens and simultaneously impose physiological stress on the host. Additionally, periods of high temperatures coincide with the oyster spawning season. Spawning is energetically costly and can further compromise oyster immunity. Most studies monitoring the underlying factors of oyster summer mortality in the field, point to the involvement of abiotic and biotic factors including low salinities, high temperatures, pollutants, toxic algae blooms, pathogen exposure and physical stress in conjunction with maturation. However, studies addressing more than two factors experi- mentally are missing thus far. Therefore, we investigated the combination of three main factors including abiotic as well as internal and external biotic stressors by conducting controlled infection experiments on pre-and post-spawning as well as on gravid oysters with opportunistic Vibrio sp. at two different tempera- tures. Based on mortality rates, infection intensity and cellular immune parameters, we provide experimental evidence that all three factors (i.e. reproductive investment, elevated temperatures and infection with oppor- tunistic Vibrio sp.) act additively to the phenomenon of oyster summer mortality, leaving post-spawning oyster more susceptible to SMS than pre-spawning and gravid oysters. While previous studies found that post-spawning oysters have a lower thermal tolerance and a reduced ability to withstand pathogen infec- tions, our study now allows to separate the relative contribution of different causative agents to oyster sum- mer mortality and pinpoint to infection with pathogenic Vibrio sp. being of highest importance. In addition we can add a mechanistic understanding for the higher losses after spawning during which the phagocytic ability of hemocytes was strongly impeded resulting in insufficient clearance of pathogens.
After detachment from benthic habitats, the epibiont assemblages on floating seaweeds undergo substantial changes, but little is known regarding whether succession varies among different seaweed species. Given that floating algae may represent a limiting habitat in many regions, rafting organisms may be unselective and colonize any available seaweed patch at the sea surface. This process may homogenize rafting assemblages on different seaweed species, which our study examined by comparing the assemblages on benthic and floating individuals of the fucoid seaweeds Fucus vesiculosus and Sargassum muticum in the northern Wadden Sea (North Sea). Species richness was about twice as high on S. muticum as on F. vesiculosus, both on benthic and floating individuals. In both seaweed species benthic samples were more diverse than floating samples. However, the species composition differed significantly only between benthic thalli, but not between floating thalli of the two seaweed species. Separate analyses of sessile and mobile epibionts showed that the homogenization of rafting assemblages was mainly caused by mobile species. Among these, grazing isopods from the genus Idotea reached extraordinarily high densities on the floating samples from the northern Wadden Sea, suggesting that the availability of seaweed rafts was indeed limiting. Enhanced break-up of algal rafts associated with intense feeding by abundant herbivores might force rafters to recolonize benthic habitats. These colonization processes may enhance successful dispersal of rafting organisms and thereby contribute to population connectivity between sink populations in the Wadden Sea and source populations from up-current regions.
Two marshes near Muscotah and Arrington, Atchison County, northeastern Kansas, yielded a pollen sequence covering the last 25,000 yrs of vegetation development. The earliest pollen spectra are comparable with surface pollen spectra from southern Saskatchewan and southeastern Manitoba and might indicate a rather open vegetation but with some pine, spruce, and birch as the most important tree species, with local stands of alder and willow. This type of vegetation changed about 23,000 yrs ago to a spruce forest, which prevailed in the region until at least 15,000 yrs ago. Because of a hiatus, the vegetation changes resulting in the spread of a mixed deciduous forest and prairie, which was present in the region from 11,000 to 9,000 yrs ago, remain unknown. Prairie vegetation, with perhaps a few trees along the valleys, covered the region until about 5,000 yrs ago, when a re-expansion of deciduous trees began in the lowlands.