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Résumé : Introduction : L'objectif de cette étude était d'une part d'évaluer les caractéristiques histologiques des fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne après vitrectomie et pelage d'une membrane epirétinienne, et d'autre part de mettre en évidence des différences histologiques entre les cas opérés avec ou sans l'aide d'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5%. Méthodes Nous avons examiné rétrospectivement l'histologie de 88 spécimens de membranes épimaculaires contenant la limitante interne de la rétine, qui ont été enlevés chirurgicalement entre 1995 et 2003. L'analyse histologique a centré principalement l'attention sur la présence et les caractéristiques des fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne. L'analyse statistique a comparé les résultats entre le groupe I (chirurgie conventionnelle sans l'aide de l'ICG) et le groupe II (chirurgie à l'aide de l'ICG). Résultats Soixante et onze patients ont eu une vitrectomie sans l'aide de l'ICG (groupe I) et 17 avec l'aide de l'ICG (groupe II). Le nombre de débris de cellules de Müller à la surface rétinienne de la limitante interne était plus important dans le groupe I (sans ICG) que dans le groupe II (avec ICG) (40.8% versus 11.8% ; p = 0.024). Des larges fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne ont été plus fréquemment observés dans le groupe I (sans ICG) que dans le groupe II (avec ICG) (63.4% versus 23.5%; p= 0.003). Dans cinq (7%) cas du groupe I, de gros éléments cellulaires rétiniens ont été mis en évidence (des axones neuraux ou des vaisseaux sanguins). De tels éléments n'ont pas été retrouvés dans les spécimens du groupe II (avec ICG). Conclusions L'utilisation de l'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5% pour faciliter le pelage d'une membrane épimaculaire et notamment l'ablation de la limitante interne de la rétine semble diminuer de manière significative le nombre et la taille des débris des cellules de Muller adhérents à la face rétinienne de la membrane limitante interne de la rétine. Cette observation suggère que l'utilisation per-opératoire d'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5% facilite l'ablation de la limitante interne pendant la chirurgie de la membrane epirétinienne en diminuant l'adhérence de la limitante interne à la rétine.


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Purpose: To describe (1) the clinical profiles and the patterns of use of long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia at risk of nonadherence with oral antipsychotics, and in those who started treatment with LAI antipsychotics, (2) health care resource utilization and associated costs. Patients and methods: A total of 597 outpatients with schizophrenia at risk of nonadherence, according to the psychiatrist's clinical judgment, were recruited at 59 centers in a noninterventional prospective observational study of 1-year follow-up when their treatment was modified. In a post hoc analysis, the profiles of patients starting LAI or continuing with oral antipsychotics were described, and descriptive analyses of treatments, health resource utilization, and direct costs were performed in those who started an LAI antipsychotic. Results: Therapy modifications involved the antipsychotic medications in 84.8% of patients, mostly because of insufficient efficacy of prior regimen. Ninety-two (15.4%) patients started an LAI antipsychotic at recruitment. Of these, only 13 (14.1%) were prescribed with first-generation antipsychotics. During 1 year, 16.3% of patients who started and 14.9% of patients who did not start an LAI antipsychotic at recruitment relapsed, contrasting with the 20.9% who had been hospitalized only within the prior 6 months. After 1 year, 74.3% of patients who started an LAI antipsychotic continued concomitant treatment with oral antipsychotics. The mean (median) total direct health care cost per patient per month during the study year among the patients starting any LAI antipsychotic at baseline was 1,407 ( 897.7). Medication costs (including oral and LAI antipsychotics and concomitant medication) represented almost 44%, whereas nonmedication costs accounted for more than 55% of the mean total direct health care costs. Conclusion: LAI antipsychotics were infrequently prescribed in spite of a psychiatrist-perceived risk of nonadherence to oral antipsychotics. Mean medication costs were lower than nonmedication costs.


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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-restricted antigen presentation is essential for the function of dendritic cells (DCs). We show here that plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) differ from all other DC subsets with respect to expression of CIITA, the 'master regulator' of MHC class II genes. The gene encoding CIITA is controlled by three cell type-specific promoters: pI, pIII and pIV. With gene targeting in mice, we demonstrate that pDCs rely strictly on the B cell promoter pIII, whereas macrophages and all other DCs depend on pI. The molecular mechanisms driving MHC class II expression in pDCs are thus akin to those operating in lymphoid rather than myeloid cells.


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The centrifugal liquid membrane (CLM) cell has been utilized for chiroptical studies of liquid-liquid interfaces with a conventional circular dichroism (CD) spectropolarimeter. These studies required the characterization of optical properties of the rotating cylindrical CLM glass cell, which was used under the high speed rotation. In the present study, we have measured the circular and linear dichroism (CD and LD) spectra and the circular and linear birefringence (CB and LB) spectra of the CLM cell itself as well as those of porphyrine aggregates formed at the liquid-liquid interface in the CLM cell, applying Mueller matrix measurement method. From the results, it was confirmed that the CLM-CD spectra of the interfacial porphyrin aggregates observed by a conventional CD spectropolarimeter should be correct irrespective of LD and LB signals in the CLM cell.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the histologic features of cellular retinal fragments on the internal limiting membrane (ILM) removed during idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane (MEM) peeling surgery with and without the aid of indocyanine green (ICG) diluted in 5% glucose. METHODS: ILM specimens removed from 88 eyes during idiopathic MEM surgery between 1995 and 2003 were reviewed retrospectively. Histologic analysis focused on the presence and characteristics of retinal fragments on the retinal surface of the ILM. Statistical analysis compared the results between group I (conventional surgery) and group II (ICG-assisted peeling). RESULTS: Seventy-one eyes underwent MEM surgery without the aid of ICG (group I) and seventeen underwent MEM ICG-assisted surgery (group II). The amount of Müller cell debris on the retinal surface of the ILM was more significant in the group I than in the group II (40.8 vs. 11.8; P = 0.024). Large fragments of Müller cells were more frequently observed in the group I (no ICG) than in the group II (ICG) (63.4 vs. 23.5%; P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The use of ICG diluted with 5% glucose in ILM removal during MEM surgery was associated with less retinal debris attached to the retinal face of the ILM compared with surgery in which ICG was not used.


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The goal of this work is to develop a method to objectively compare the performance of a digital and a screen-film mammography system in terms of image quality. The method takes into account the dynamic range of the image detector, the detection of high and low contrast structures, the visualisation of the images and the observer response. A test object, designed to represent a compressed breast, was constructed from various tissue equivalent materials ranging from purely adipose to purely glandular composition. Different areas within the test object permitted the evaluation of low and high contrast detection, spatial resolution and image noise. All the images (digital and conventional) were captured using a CCD camera to include the visualisation process in the image quality assessment. A mathematical model observer (non-prewhitening matched filter), that calculates the detectability of high and low contrast structures using spatial resolution, noise and contrast, was used to compare the two technologies. Our results show that for a given patient dose, the detection of high and low contrast structures is significantly better for the digital system than for the conventional screen-film system studied. The method of using a test object with a large tissue composition range combined with a camera to compare conventional and digital imaging modalities can be applied to other radiological imaging techniques. In particular it could be used to optimise the process of radiographic reading of soft copy images.


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In an era of increasing concern for limited water resources a wise joint management of conventional and nonconventional water resources must be considered. Water scarcity aggravates in coastal zones which are often characterised by high population density, intense economic activity and tourism; meaning heavy seasonal water demands. The relationships between sea and land-water can also compromise the quality of available freshwater. In this context, the use of non-conventional water increases the availability of water supplies. Non-conventional water resources of low quality could be directed to meet several needs (like watering lawns, washing cars, flushing toilets and cooling systems, among others). Therefore, significantly more potable water would be available to meet human demand for safe water.


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Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4; CD152) is of pivotal importance for self-tolerance, with deficiency or unfavorable polymorphisms leading to autoimmune disease. Tolerance to self-antigens is achieved through thymic deletion of highly autoreactive conventional T (Tconv) cells and generation of FoxP3(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells. The main costimulatory molecule, CD28, augments the negative selection of Tconv cells and promotes the generation of FoxP3(+) Treg cells. The role of its antagonistic homolog CTLA-4, however, remains a topic of debate. To address this topic, we investigated the thymic development of T cells in the presence and absence of CTLA-4 in a T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mouse model specific for the myelin basic protein peptide Ac1-9. We reveal that CTLA-4 is expressed in the corticomedullary region of the thymus. Its absence alters the response of CD4(+)CD8(-) thymocytes to self-antigen recognition, which affects the quantity of the Treg cells generated and broadens the repertoire of peripheral Tconv cells. T-cell repertoire alteration after deletion of CTLA-4 results from changes in TCR Vα and Jα segment selection as well as CDR3α composition in Tconv and Treg cells. CTLA-4, therefore, regulates the early development of self-reactive T cells in the thymus and plays a key role in central tolerance.


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Fibreoptic intubation remains a key technique for the management of difficult intubation. We randomly compared the second generation single-use Ambu(®) aScope? 2 videoscope with a standard re-usable flexible intubating fibrescope in 50 tracheal intubations in patients with a difficult airway simulated by a semirigid collar. All patients' tracheas were intubated successfully with the aScope 2 or the re-usable fibrescope. The median (IQR [range]) time to intubate was significantly longer with the aScope 2 70 (55-97 [41?-226]) s vs 50 (40-59 [27-175]) s, p = 0.0003) due to an increased time to see the carina. Quality of vision was significantly lower with the aScope 2 (excellent 24 (48%) vs 49 (98%), p = 0.0001; good 22 (44%) vs 1 (2%), p = 0.0001; poor 4 (8%) vs 0, p = 0.12) but with no difference in the subjective ease to intubate (easy score of 31 (62%) vs 38 (76%), p = 0.19; intermediate 12 (24%) vs 7 (14%), p = 0.31; difficult 7 (14%) vs 5 (5%), p = 0.76). The longer times to intubate and the poorer scores for quality of vision do not support the use of the single-use aScope 2 videoscope as an alternative to the re-usable fibrescope.


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Selostus: Palkoviljojen ja rypsipuristeiden koostumus, aminohappojen ohutsuolisulavuus sekä rehuarvo sikojen ruokinnassa