967 resultados para CLOUD-POINT CURVES
Growth of Red, GIFT and Supreme Nile tilapia strains were evaluated. Fish were cultivated in indoor recirculation systems in 0.5 m³ tanks with controlled temperatures of 22, 28 and 30°C. Random samples of 20 fish from each strain (10 fish tank-1) were weighed at day 7, 30, 60, 90 and 120. Exponential model (y=AeKx) and Gompertz model (y = Aexp(-Be-Kx)) were fitted and the estimates parameters were obtained by Weighted Least Squares. At 22°C, Red, GIFT and Supreme strain presented similar growth and fit of exponential model. GIFT and Supreme strain presented higher growth rate at 30°C of cultivation when compared to Red strain. Temperature influences weight and age at the inflection point. The temperature of cultivation influences the growth description of Red, GIFT and Supreme tilapia strains. It changes the age and weight at inflection point and the qualities of growth model fits, changing the variation of the batch.
No hemisfério norte, o censo de aves é fundamental para gerar informações que auxiliam na compreensão de tendências populacionais. Tais censos, devido à marcada sazonalidade deste hemisfério, são realizados durante dois momentos distintos: na estação reprodutiva (aves residentes) e no inverno (quando as aves migratórias deixam determinadas regiões). Na região neotropical, porém, dependendo da localidade, as aves podem se reproduzir durante qualquer ou vários períodos do ano; podem ou não migrar, e aquelas que o fazem podem apresentar um padrão assincrônico. Em contraste com o hemisfério norte, tendências populacionais são desconhecidas, bem como o impacto das taxas rápidas de urbanização e desmatamento, que também são pouco monitoradas. Para melhor entender padrões temporais de riqueza e abundância de aves, e avaliar como um censo similar pode ser implementado na América tropical, foram utilizados pontos de escuta ao longo de 12 meses em uma localidade no Estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Os censos ocorreram duas vezes por dia (manhãs/tardes) em uma floresta semidecidual ao longo de transecções com 10 pontos (20 pontos por dia) distantes 200 m entre si e com raio de detecção limitado em 100 m. Ambas as riquezas e abundâncias de aves foram maiores durante as manhãs, mas as curvas de acumulação sugerem que os censos vespertinos com maior esforço amostral podem fornecer resultados similares aos censos matutinos. Riqueza e abundância das aves não variam de acordo com estações (i.e., sem padrão aparente entre reprodução e migração), enquanto espécies exclusivas foram encontradas todos os meses e relativamente poucas espécies (20%) foram registradas em todos os meses do ano. Durante este ano, 84% de todas as aves florestais da área estudada foram registradas. Sugerimos que a metodologia de pontos de escuta pode ser utilizada à semelhança dos censos do hemisfério norte. Recomendamos ainda que o esforço amostral em transecções deva incluir ao menos 20 pontos, e que o início da contagem das aves deva ser sazonal, utilizando o período de migração das espécies austrais (e os seis meses seguintes) para coordenar pontos de escuta. Por último, sugerimos que os censos no Brasil e até mesmo na América Latina podem ajudar no entendimento de tendências populacionais, mas também demandam maior esforço do que o observado em latitudes temperadas, devido à maior riqueza de espécies e diferenças nas dinâmicas de reprodução e migração. Por meio do uso de censos de aves coordenados poderá ser desenvolvida uma técnica para os trópicos que irá gerar informações que permitam acompanhar tendências populacionais, com benefícios para a conservação das aves, similarmente aos censos realizados em países do hemisfério norte.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Adjusting autoregressive and mixed models to growth data fits discontinuous functions, which makes it difficult to determine critical points. In this study we propose a new approach to determine the critical stability point of cattle growth using a first-order autoregressive model and a mixed model with random asymptote, using the deterministic portion of the models. Three functions were compared: logistic, Gompertz, and Richards. The Richards autoregressive model yielded the best fit, but the critical growth values were adjusted very early, and for this purpose the Gompertz model was more appropriate.
Micellar solutions of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene and polystyrene-block-polyisoprene in propane are found to exhibit significantly lower cloud pressures than the corresponding hypothetical nonmicellar solutions. Such a cloud-pressure reduction indicates the extent to which micelle formation enhances the apparent diblock solubility in near-critical and hence compressible propane. Concentration-dependent pressure-temperature points beyond which no micelles can be formed, referred to as the micellization end points, are found to depend on the block type, size, and ratio. The cloud-pressure reduction and the micellization end point measured for styrene-diene diblocks in propane should be characteristic of all amphiphilic diblock copolymer solutions that form micelles in compressible solvents.
Atmospheric aerosol particles serving as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) are key elements of the hydrological cycle and climate. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of CCN in the atmosphere is essential to understand and describe the effects of aerosols in meteorological models. In this study, CCN properties were measured in polluted and pristine air of different continental regions, and the results were parameterized for efficient prediction of CCN concentrations.The continuous-flow CCN counter used for size-resolved measurements of CCN efficiency spectra (activation curves) was calibrated with ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride aerosols for a wide range of water vapor supersaturations (S=0.068% to 1.27%). A comprehensive uncertainty analysis showed that the instrument calibration depends strongly on the applied particle generation techniques, Köhler model calculations, and water activity parameterizations (relative deviations in S up to 25%). Laboratory experiments and a comparison with other CCN instruments confirmed the high accuracy and precision of the calibration and measurement procedures developed and applied in this study.The mean CCN number concentrations (NCCN,S) observed in polluted mega-city air and biomass burning smoke (Beijing and Pearl River Delta, China) ranged from 1000 cm−3 at S=0.068% to 16 000 cm−3 at S=1.27%, which is about two orders of magnitude higher than in pristine air at remote continental sites (Swiss Alps, Amazonian rainforest). Effective average hygroscopicity parameters, κ, describing the influence of chemical composition on the CCN activity of aerosol particles were derived from the measurement data. They varied in the range of 0.3±0.2, were size-dependent, and could be parameterized as a function of organic and inorganic aerosol mass fraction. At low S (≤0.27%), substantial portions of externally mixed CCN-inactive particles with much lower hygroscopicity were observed in polluted air (fresh soot particles with κ≈0.01). Thus, the aerosol particle mixing state needs to be known for highly accurate predictions of NCCN,S. Nevertheless, the observed CCN number concentrations could be efficiently approximated using measured aerosol particle number size distributions and a simple κ-Köhler model with a single proxy for the effective average particle hygroscopicity. The relative deviations between observations and model predictions were on average less than 20% when a constant average value of κ=0.3 was used in conjunction with variable size distribution data. With a constant average size distribution, however, the deviations increased up to 100% and more. The measurement and model results demonstrate that the aerosol particle number and size are the major predictors for the variability of the CCN concentration in continental boundary layer air, followed by particle composition and hygroscopicity as relatively minor modulators. Depending on the required and applicable level of detail, the measurement results and parameterizations presented in this study can be directly implemented in detailed process models as well as in large-scale atmospheric and climate models for efficient description of the CCN activity of atmospheric aerosols.
This PhD thesis discusses the impact of Cloud Computing infrastructures on Digital Forensics in the twofold role of target of investigations and as a helping hand to investigators. The Cloud offers a cheap and almost limitless computing power and storage space for data which can be leveraged to commit either new or old crimes and host related traces. Conversely, the Cloud can help forensic examiners to find clues better and earlier than traditional analysis applications, thanks to its dramatically improved evidence processing capabilities. In both cases, a new arsenal of software tools needs to be made available. The development of this novel weaponry and its technical and legal implications from the point of view of repeatability of technical assessments is discussed throughout the following pages and constitutes the unprecedented contribution of this work
The report explores the problem of detecting complex point target models in a MIMO radar system. A complex point target is a mathematical and statistical model for a radar target that is not resolved in space, but exhibits varying complex reflectivity across the different bistatic view angles. The complex reflectivity can be modeled as a complex stochastic process whose index set is the set of all the bistatic view angles, and the parameters of the stochastic process follow from an analysis of a target model comprising a number of ideal point scatterers randomly located within some radius of the targets center of mass. The proposed complex point targets may be applicable to statistical inference in multistatic or MIMO radar system. Six different target models are summarized here – three 2-dimensional (Gaussian, Uniform Square, and Uniform Circle) and three 3-dimensional (Gaussian, Uniform Cube, and Uniform Sphere). They are assumed to have different distributions on the location of the point scatterers within the target. We develop data models for the received signals from such targets in the MIMO radar system with distributed assets and partially correlated signals, and consider the resulting detection problem which reduces to the familiar Gauss-Gauss detection problem. We illustrate that the target parameter and transmit signal have an influence on the detector performance through target extent and the SNR respectively. A series of the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves are generated to notice the impact on the detector for varying SNR. Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence is applied to obtain the approximate mean difference between density functions the scatterers assume inside the target models to show the change in the performance of the detector with target extent of the point scatterers.
Recently, the ROSINA mass spectrometer suite on board the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft discovered an abundant amount of molecular oxygen, O2, in the coma of Jupiter family comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko of O2/H2O = 3.80 ± 0.85%. It could be shown that O2 is indeed a parent species and that the derived abundances point to a primordial origin. Crucial questions are whether the O2 abundance is peculiar to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko or Jupiter family comets in general, and also whether Oort cloud comets such as comet 1P/Halley contain similar amounts of molecular oxygen. We investigated mass spectra obtained by the Neutral Mass Spectrometer instrument during the flyby by the European Space Agency's Giotto probe of comet 1P/Halley. Our investigation indicates that a production rate of O2 of 3.7 ± 1.7% with respect to water is indeed compatible with the obtained Halley data and therefore that O2 might be a rather common and abundant parent species.
Compaction curves for 11 samples from the mixed sediments and calcareous chalk with clay from the Caribbean Sites 999 and 1001 are discussed with reference to compaction curves for calcareous ooze and chalk of the Ontong Java Plateau (Leg 130). The burial history is discussed from preconsolidation data and present burial conditions and suggests a removal of ~400 m of sediment at the hiatus 166 meters below seafloor (mbsf) at Site 1001. This interpretation predicts a previous burial to >500 mbsf for depth intervals containing microstylolites, which corresponds to observations at Sites 999 and 807 (Ontong Java Plateau). Thus, data from three sites from two widely separate regions indicate that microstylolites in carbonates form at minimum burial depths deeper than 500 m. No direct link between formation of microstylolites and cementation was found, suggesting that dissolution and precipitation are not necessarily related. Porosity rebound during core retrieval could not be detected for soft sediments, whereas a porosity rebound of ~2% was deduced for deeper, cemented intervals. Comparing the compaction curves, two distinct rates of porosity loss are noted: (1) samples dominated by clay (>45% insoluble residue) compact at a higher rate than samples dominated by fine-grained carbonate and (2) fine-grained carbonate supported samples (with <45% insoluble residue) compact at the same rate irrespective of the content of nonsupporting microfossils or pore-filling clay.
Two 7-day mesocosm experiments were conducted in October 2012 at the Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas (INDP), Mindelo, Cape Verde. Surface water was collected at night before the start of the respective experiment with RV Islândia south of São Vicente (16°44.4'N, 25°09.4'W) and transported to shore using four 600L food safe intermediate bulk containers. Sixteen mesocosm bags were distributed in four flow-through water baths and shaded with blue, transparent lids to approximately 20% of surface irradiation. Mesocosm bags were filled from the containers by gravity, using a submerged hose to minimize bubbles. The accurate volume inside the individual bags was calculated after addition of 1.5 mmol silicate and measuring the resulting silicate concentration. The volume ranged from 105.5 to 145 L. The experimental manipulation comprised addition of different amounts of inorganic N and P. In the first experiment, the P supply was changed at constant N supply in thirteen of the sixteen units, while in the second experiment the N supply was changed at constant P supply in twelve of the sixteen units. In addition to this, "cornerpoints" were chosen that were repeated during both experiments. Four cornerpoints should have been repeated, but setting the nutrient levels in one mesocosm was not succesfull and therefore this mesocosm also was set at the center point conditions. Experimental treatments were evenly distributed between the four water baths. Initial sampling of the mesocosms on day 1 of each run was conducted between 9:45 and 11:30. After nutrient manipulation, sampling was conducted on a daily basis between 09:00 and 10:30 for days 2 to 8.