935 resultados para CHRONIC EXPOSURE
[EN] During exercise, fatigue is defined as a reversible reduction in force- or power-generating capacity and can be elicited by "central" and/or "peripheral" mechanisms. During skeletal muscle contractions, both aspects of fatigue may develop independent of alterations in convective O(2) delivery; however, reductions in O(2) supply exacerbate and increases attenuate the rate of accumulation. In this regard, peripheral fatigue development is mediated via the O(2)-dependent rate of accumulation of metabolic by-products (e.g., inorganic phosphate) and their interference with excitation-contraction coupling within the myocyte. In contrast, the development of O(2)-dependent central fatigue is elicited 1) by interference with the development of central command and/or 2) via inhibitory feedback on central motor drive secondary to the peripheral effects of low convective O(2) transport. Changes in convective O(2) delivery in the healthy human can result from modifications in arterial O(2) content, blood flow, or a combination of both, and they can be induced via heavy exercise even at sea level; these changes are exacerbated during acute and chronic exposure to altitude. This review focuses on the effects of changes in convective O(2) delivery on the development of central and peripheral fatigue.
[EN] 1. One to five weeks of chronic exposure to hypoxia has been shown to reduce peak blood lactate concentration compared to acute exposure to hypoxia during exercise, the high altitude 'lactate paradox'. However, we hypothesize that a sufficiently long exposure to hypoxia would result in a blood lactate and net lactate release from the active leg to an extent similar to that observed in acute hypoxia, independent of work intensity. 2. Six Danish lowlanders (25-26 years) were studied during graded incremental bicycle exercise under four conditions: at sea level breathing either ambient air (0 m normoxia) or a low-oxygen gas mixture (10 % O(2) in N(2), 0 m acute hypoxia) and after 9 weeks of acclimatization to 5260 m breathing either ambient air (5260 m chronic hypoxia) or a normoxic gas mixture (47 % O(2) in N(2), 5260 m acute normoxia). In addition, one-leg knee-extensor exercise was performed during 5260 m chronic hypoxia and 5260 m acute normoxia. 3. During incremental bicycle exercise, the arterial lactate concentrations were similar at sub-maximal work at 0 m acute hypoxia and 5260 m chronic hypoxia but higher compared to both 0 m normoxia and 5260 m acute normoxia. However, peak lactate concentration was similar under all conditions (10.0 +/- 1.3, 10.7 +/- 2.0, 10.9 +/- 2.3 and 11.0 +/- 1.0 mmol l(-1)) at 0 m normoxia, 0 m acute hypoxia, 5260 m chronic hypoxia and 5260 m acute normoxia, respectively. Despite a similar lactate concentration at sub-maximal and maximal workload, the net lactate release from the leg was lower during 0 m acute hypoxia (peak 8.4 +/- 1.6 mmol min(-1)) than at 5260 m chronic hypoxia (peak 12.8 +/- 2.2 mmol min(-1)). The same was observed for 0 m normoxia (peak 8.9 +/- 2.0 mmol min(-1)) compared to 5260 m acute normoxia (peak 12.6 +/- 3.6 mmol min(-1)). Exercise after acclimatization with a small muscle mass (one-leg knee-extensor) elicited similar lactate concentrations (peak 4.4 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.9 +/- 0.3 mmol l(-1)) and net lactate release (peak 16.4 +/- 1.8 vs. 14.3 mmol l(-1)) from the active leg at 5260 m chronic hypoxia and 5260 m acute normoxia. 4. In conclusion, in lowlanders acclimatized for 9 weeks to an altitude of 5260 m, the arterial lactate concentration was similar at 0 m acute hypoxia and 5260 m chronic hypoxia. The net lactate release from the active leg was higher at 5260 m chronic hypoxia compared to 0 m acute hypoxia, implying an enhanced lactate utilization with prolonged acclimatization to altitude. The present study clearly shows the absence of a lactate paradox in lowlanders sufficiently acclimatized to altitude.
Untersuchungen zur Expression der induzierbaren NO-Synthetase (NOS2) belegen eine häufige Expression dieses Enzyms in Tumoren unterschiedlicher Gewebe. Bislang ist jedoch ungeklärt, ob die Expression der NOS2 in Tumorzellen die apoptotische Eliminierung durch zytotoxische T-Zellen beeinflussen kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Folgen einer endogenen NO-Synthese auf die Apoptosesensitivität von HEK293-Zellen untersucht. Um primäre NO-Wirkungen von NO-induzierten, sekundären (kompensatorischen) Veränderungen zu trennen, wurde mit einem induzierbaren Vektorsystem gearbeitet. Die NOS2 wurde zunächst unter der Kontrolle eines Ecdyson-sensitiven Promoters in HEK293-Zellen kloniert. Es konnten regulierbare NOS2-Klone selektiert werden, die nach Ponasteronbehandlung dosisabhängig die NOS2 exprimieren und NO synthetisieren. Die NOS2-Expression wurde durch Western Blot Analyse und Immunfluoreszenzfärbung dargestellt und die NO-Produktion mit Hilfe der Griess-Reaktion gemessen. An den NOS2-induzierten Zellen wurde dann der Einfluss von NO auf die CD95-vermittelte Apoptose analysiert. Es zeigte sich nach Stimulation des CD95-Rezeptors eine deutliche Korrelation der Apoptoserate mit der NOS2-Expression. In Kokulturexperimenten mit Peptid-spezifischen zytotoxischen T-Zellen zeigte sich, dass NO-produzierende Zielzellen effektiver eliminiert werden konnten. Auch nach Behandlung der Zellen mit TRAIL ergab sich eine höhere Apoptoserate in NO-produzierenden Zellen. Die weitere Analyse der durch NO beeinflussten Signalwege ergab eine Beteiligung von ER-Stress-vermittelten Apoptosewegen. Dies zeigte sich an der Hochregulation des ER-Stress-Proteins Grp78 (BiP) nach NOS2-Expression und der Spaltung der am ER-lokalisierten Caspase-4. Darüber hinaus konnte der schnellere Verlust des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials in Abhängigkeit von der NOS2-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurde die Wirkung einer dauerhaften NO-Exposition auf die Apoptosesensitivität der Zellen untersucht. Auch ohne zusätzliche CD95-Stimulation induzierte eine kontinuierliche NOS2-Expression nach wenigen Tagen in den EcR293-NOS2-Zellen Apoptose. Diese Dauerbehandlung führte zum nahezu vollständigen Absterben der Kulturen. Einige Zellen überlebten jedoch diese Behandlung und wuchsen zu Zellklonen. Diese NO-resistenten Klone konnten isoliert werden. Sie zeigten eine zusätzliche Resistenz für CD95-vermittelte Apoptosesignale und waren besser vor dem Angriff Peptid-spezifischer CTLs geschützt. Die Apoptoseresistenz blieb auch nach längerer Kultur erhalten und scheint auf NO-induzierter Genotoxizität zu beruhen. Anhand dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass allein durch chronische NO-Behandlung eine Selektion apoptoseresistenter Zellen stattfinden kann.
Faxaflói bay is a short, wide and shallow bay situated in the southwest of Iceland. Although hosting a rather high level of marine traffic, this area is inhabited by many different species of cetaceans, among which the white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris), found here all year-round. This study aimed to evaluate the potential effect of increasing marine traffic on white-beaked dolphins distribution and behaviour, and to determine whether or not a variation in sighting frequencies have occurred throughout years (2008 – 2014). Data on sightings and on behaviour, as well as photographic one, has been collected daily taking advantage of the whale-watching company “Elding” operating in the bay. Results have confirmed the importance of this area for white-beaked dolphins, which have shown a certain level of site fidelity. Despite the high level of marine traffic, this dolphin appears to tolerate the presence of boats: no differences in encounter durations and locations over the study years have occurred, even though with increasing number of vessels, an increase in avoidance strategies has been displayed. Furthermore, seasonal differences in probabilities of sightings, with respect to the time of the day, have been found, leading to suggest the existence of a daily cycle of their movements and activities within the bay. This study has also described a major decline in sighting rates throughout years raising concern about white-beaked dolphin conservation status in Icelandic waters. It is therefore highly recommended a new dedicated survey to be conducted in order to document the current population estimate, to better investigate on the energetic costs that chronic exposure to disturbances may cause, and to plan a more suitable conservation strategy for white-beaked dolphin around Iceland.
Dental erosion develops through chronic exposure to extrinsic/intrinsic acids with a low pH. Enamel erosion is characterized by a centripetal dissolution leaving a small demineralized zone behind. In contrast, erosive demineralization in dentin is more complex as the acid-induced mineral dissolution leads to the exposure of collagenous organic matrix, which hampers ion diffusion and, thus, reduces further progression of the lesion. Topical fluoridation inducing the formation of a protective layer on dental hard tissue, which is composed of CaF(2) (in case of conventional fluorides like amine fluoride or sodium fluoride) or of metal-rich surface precipitates (in case of titanium tetrafluoride or tin-containing fluoride products), appears to be most effective on enamel. In dentin, the preventive effect of fluorides is highly dependent on the presence of the organic matrix. In situ studies have shown a higher protective potential of fluoride in enamel compared to dentin, probably as the organic matrix is affected by enzymatical and chemical degradation as well as by abrasive influences in the clinical situation. There is convincing evidence that fluoride, in general, can strengthen teeth against erosive acid damage, and high-concentration fluoride agents and/or frequent applications are considered potentially effective approaches in preventing dental erosion. The use of tin-containing fluoride products might provide the best approach for effective prevention of dental erosion. Further properly designed in situ or clinical studies are recommended in order to better understand the relative differences in performance of the various fluoride agents and formulations.
The last two decades have seen intense scientific and regulatory interest in the health effects of particulate matter (PM). Influential epidemiological studies that characterize chronic exposure of individuals rely on monitoring data that are sparse in space and time, so they often assign the same exposure to participants in large geographic areas and across time. We estimate monthly PM during 1988-2002 in a large spatial domain for use in studying health effects in the Nurses' Health Study. We develop a conceptually simple spatio-temporal model that uses a rich set of covariates. The model is used to estimate concentrations of PM10 for the full time period and PM2.5 for a subset of the period. For the earlier part of the period, 1988-1998, few PM2.5 monitors were operating, so we develop a simple extension to the model that represents PM2.5 conditionally on PM10 model predictions. In the epidemiological analysis, model predictions of PM10 are more strongly associated with health effects than when using simpler approaches to estimate exposure. Our modeling approach supports the application in estimating both fine-scale and large-scale spatial heterogeneity and capturing space-time interaction through the use of monthly-varying spatial surfaces. At the same time, the model is computationally feasible, implementable with standard software, and readily understandable to the scientific audience. Despite simplifying assumptions, the model has good predictive performance and uncertainty characterization.
Roads and highways present a unique challenge to wildlife as they exhibit substantial impacts on the surrounding ecosystem through the interruption of a number of ecological processes. With new roads added to the national highway system every year, an understanding of these impacts is required for effective mitigation of potential environmental impacts. A major contributor to these negative effects is the deposition of chemicals used in winter deicing activities to nearby surface waters. These chemicals often vary in composition and may affect freshwater species differently. The negative impacts of widespread deposition of sodium chloride (NaCl) have prompted a search for an `environmentally friendly' alternative. However, little research has investigated the potential environmental effects of widespread use of these alternatives. Herein, I detail the results of laboratory tests and field surveys designed to determine the impacts of road salt (NaCl) and other chemical deicers on amphibian communities in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Using larval amphibians I demonstrate the lethal impacts of a suite of chemical deicers on this sensitive, freshwater species. Larval wood frogs (Lithobates sylvatica) were tolerant of short-term (96 hours) exposure to urea (CH4N2O), sodium chloride (NaCl), and magnesium chloride (MgCl2). However, these larvae were very sensitive to acetate products (C8H12CaMgO8, CH3COOK) and calcium chloride (CaCl2). These differences in tolerance suggest that certain deicers may be more harmful to amphibians than others. Secondly, I expanded this analysis to include an experiment designed to determine the sublethal effects of chronic exposure to environmentally realistic concentrations of NaCl on two unique amphibian species, L. sylvatica and green frogs (L. clamitans). L. sylvatica tend to breed in small, ephemeral wetlands and metamorphose within a single season. However, L. clamitans breed primarily in more permanent wetlands and often remain as tadpoles for one year or more. These species employ different life history strategies in this region which may influence their response to chronic NaCl exposure. Both species demonstrated potentially harmful effects on individual fitness. L. sylvatica larvae had a high incidence of edema suggesting the NaCl exposure was a significant physiologic stressor to these larvae. L. clamitans larvae reduced tail length during their exposure which may affect adult fitness of these individuals. In order to determine the risk local amphibians face when using these roadside pools, I conducted a survey of the spatial distribution of chloride in the three northernmost counties of Michigan. This area receives a relatively low amount of NaCl which is confined to state and federal highways. The chloride concentrations in this region were much lower than those in urban systems; however, amphibians breeding in the local area may encounter harmful chloride levels arising from temporal variations in hydroperiods. Spatial variation of chloride levels suggests the road-effect zone for amphibians may be as large as 1000 m from a salt-treated highway. Lastly, I performed an analysis of the use of specific conductance to predict chloride concentrations in natural surface water bodies. A number of studies have used this regression to predict chloride concentrations from measurements of specific conductance. This method is often chosen in the place of ion chromatography due to budget and time constraints. However, using a regression method to characterize this relationship does not result in accurate chloride ion concentration estimates.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by emphysema and chronic bronchitis and is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Tobacco smoke and deficiency in α1-antitrypsin (AAT) are the most prominent environmental and genetic risk factors, respectively. Yet the pathogenesis of COPD is not completely elucidated. Disease progression appears to include a vicious circle driven by self-perpetuating lung inflammation, endothelial and epithelial cell death, and proteolytic degradation of extracellular matrix proteins. Like AAT, serpinB1 is a potent inhibitor of serine proteases including neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G. Because serpinB1 is expressed in myeloid and lung epithelial cells and is protective during lung infections, we investigated the role of serpinB1 in preventing age-related and cigarette smoke-induced emphysema in mice. Fifteen-month-old mice showed increased lung volume and decreased pulmonary function compared with young adult mice (3 mo old), but no differences were observed between serpinB1-deficient (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice. Chronic exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke resulted in structural emphysematous changes compared with respective control mice, but no difference in lung morphometry was observed between genotypes. Of note, the different pattern of stereological changes induced by age and cigarette smoke suggest distinct mechanisms leading to increased airway volume. Finally, expression of intracellular and extracellular protease inhibitors were differently regulated in lungs of WT and KO mice following smoke exposure; however, activity of proteases was not significantly altered. In conclusion, we showed that, although AAT and serpinB1 are similarly potent inhibitors of neutrophil proteases, serpinB1 deficiency is not associated with more severe emphysema.
BACKGROUND Acute exposure to high altitude stimulates free radical formation in lowlanders, yet whether this persists during chronic exposure in healthy, well-adapted and maladapted highlanders suffering from chronic mountain sickness (CMS) remains to be established. METHODS Oxidative-nitrosative stress (as determined by the presence of the biomarkers ascorbate radical [A •- ], via electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and nitrite [NO 2 2 ], via ozone-based chemiluminescence) was assessed in venous blood of 25 male highlanders in Bolivia living at 3,600 m with CMS (n 5 13, CMS 1 ) and without CMS (n 5 12, CMS 2 ). Twelve age- and activity-matched, healthy, male lowlanders were examined at sea level and during acute hypoxia. We also measured fl ow-mediated dilatation (FMD), arterial stiffness defined by augmentation index normalized for a heart rate of 75 beats/min (AIx-75), and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). RESULTS Compared with normoxic lowlanders, oxidative-nitrosative stress was moderately increased in the CMS 2 group ( P , .05), as indicated by elevated A •- (3,191 457 arbitrary units [AU] vs 2,640 445 AU) and lower NO 2 2 (206 55 nM vs 420 128 nM), whereas vascular function remained preserved. This was comparable to that observed during acute hypoxia in lowlanders in whom vascular dysfunction is typically observed. In contrast, this response was markedly exaggerated in CMS 1 group (A •- , 3,765 429 AU; NO 2 2 , 148 50 nM) compared with both the CMS 2 group and lowlanders ( P , .05). This was associated with systemic vascular dysfunction as indicated by lower ( P , .05 vs CMS 2 ) FMD (4.2% 0.7% vs 7.6% 1.7%) and increased AIx-75 (23% 8% vs 12% 7%) and carotid IMT (714 127 m M vs 588 94 m M). CONCLUSIONS Healthy highlanders display a moderate, sustained elevation in oxidative-nitrosative stress that, unlike the equivalent increase evoked by acute hypoxia in healthy lowlanders, failed to affect vascular function. Its more marked elevation in patients with CMS may contribute to systemic vascular dysfunction.
BACKGROUND: Exposure of adherent cells to DNA damaging agents, such as the bacterial cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) or ionizing radiations (IR), activates the small GTPase RhoA, which promotes the formation of actin stress fibers and delays cell death. The signalling intermediates that regulate RhoA activation and promote cell survival are unknown. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrate that the nuclear RhoA-specific Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factor (GEF) Net1 becomes dephosphorylated at a critical inhibitory site in cells exposed to CDT or IR. Expression of a dominant negative Net1 or Net1 knock down by iRNA prevented RhoA activation, inhibited the formation of stress fibers, and enhanced cell death, indicating that Net1 activation is required for this RhoA-mediated responses to genotoxic stress. The Net1 and RhoA-dependent signals involved activation of the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase p38 and its downstream target MAPK-activated protein kinase 2. SIGNIFICANCE: Our data highlight the importance of Net1 in controlling RhoA and p38 MAPK mediated cell survival in cells exposed to DNA damaging agents and illustrate a molecular pathway whereby chronic exposure to a bacterial toxin may promote genomic instability.
AIMS This study's objective is to assess the safety of non-therapeutic atomoxetine exposures reported to the US National Poison Database System (NPDS). METHODS This is a retrospective database study of non-therapeutic single agent ingestions of atomoxetine in children and adults reported to the NPDS between 2002 and 2010. RESULTS A total of 20 032 atomoxetine exposures were reported during the study period, and 12 370 of these were single agent exposures. The median age was 9 years (interquartile range 3, 14), and 7380 were male (59.7%). Of the single agent exposures, 8813 (71.2%) were acute exposures, 3315 (26.8%) were acute-on-chronic, and 166 (1.3%) were chronic. In 10 608 (85.8%) cases, exposure was unintentional, in 1079 (8.7%) suicide attempts, and in 629 (5.1%) cases abuse. Of these cases, 3633 (29.4 %) were managed at health-care facilities. Acute-on-chronic exposure was associated with an increased risk of a suicidal reason for exposure compared with acute ingestions (odds ratio 1.44, 95% confidence interval 1.26-1.65). Most common clinical effects were drowsiness or lethargy (709 cases; 5.7%), tachycardia (555; 4.5%), and nausea (388; 3.1%). Major toxicity was observed in 21 cases (seizures in nine (42.9%), tachycardia in eight (38.1%), coma in six (28.6%), and ventricular dysrhythmia in one case (4.8%)). CONCLUSIONS Non-therapeutic atomoxetine exposures were largely safe, but seizures were rarely observed.
BACKGROUND Even among HIV-infected patients who fully suppress plasma HIV RNA replication on antiretroviral therapy, genetic (e.g. CCL3L1 copy number), viral (e.g. tropism) and environmental (e.g. chronic exposure to microbial antigens) factors influence CD4 recovery. These factors differ markedly around the world and therefore the expected CD4 recovery during HIV RNA suppression may differ globally. METHODS We evaluated HIV-infected adults from North America, West Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa and Asia starting non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitorbased regimens containing efavirenz or nevirapine, who achieved at least one HIV RNA level <500/ml in the first year of therapy and observed CD4 changes during HIV RNA suppression. We used a piecewise linear regression to estimate the influence of region of residence on CD4 recovery, adjusting for socio-demographic and clinical characteristics. We observed 28 217 patients from 105 cohorts over 37 825 person-years. RESULTS After adjustment, patients from East Africa showed diminished CD4 recovery as compared with other regions. Three years after antiretroviral therapy initiation, the mean CD4 count for a prototypical patient with a pre-therapy CD4 count of 150/ml was 529/ml [95% confidence interval (CI): 517–541] in North America, 494/ml (95% CI: 429–559) in West Africa, 515/ml (95% CI: 508–522) in Southern Africa, 503/ml (95% CI: 478–528) in Asia and 437/ml (95% CI: 425–449) in East Africa. CONCLUSIONS CD4 recovery during HIV RNA suppression is diminished in East Africa as compared with other regions of the world, and observed differences are large enough to potentially influence clinical outcomes. Epidemiological analyses on a global scale can identify macroscopic effects unobservable at the clinical, national or individual regional level.
The heparan sulfate (HS)-fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling system is a ubiquitous regulator that senses local environmental changes and mediates cell-to-cell communication. This system consists of three mutually interactive components. These are regulatory polypeptides (FGF), FGF receptor (FGFR) and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (FGFRHS). All four FGFR genes are expressed in the adult liver. Expression of the FGFR1–3 genes is generally associated with non-parenchymal cells while expression of the FGFR4 gene is associated with parenchymal hepatocytes. We showed that livers of mice lacking FGFR4 exhibited normal morphology and regenerated normally in response to partial hepatectomy. However, the FGFR4 (−/−) mice exhibited depleted gallbladders, an elevated bile acid pool and elevated excretion of bile acids. Cholesterol- and bile acid-controlled liver cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (Cyp7a), the limiting enzyme for bile acid synthesis, was elevated, unresponsive to dietary cholesterol, but repressed normally by dietary cholate. These results indicated that FGFR4 was not directly involved in liver growth but exerted negative control on liver bile acid synthesis. This was confirmed in transgenic mice overexpressing the constitutively active human FGFR4 in livers. The transgenic mice exhibited decreased fecal bile acid excretion, bile acid pool size, and expression of Cyp7a. Introduction of this constitutively active human FGFR4 into FGFR4 (−/−) mice restored the inhibition of bile acid synthesis. Activation of the c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) pathway by FGFR4 correlated with the repressive effect on bile acid synthesis. ^ To determine whether FGFR4 played a broader role in liver-specific metabolic function, we examined the impact of both acute and chronic exposure to CCl 4 in FGFR4 (−/−) mice. Following acute CCl4 exposure, the FGFR4 (−/−) mice exhibited accelerated liver injury, a significant increase in liver mass and delayed hepatolobular repair, with no apparent effect on liver cell proliferation and restoration of cellularity. Chronic CCl4 exposure resulted in severe fibrosis in livers of FGFR4 (−/−) mice compared to normal mice. Analysis at both mRNA and protein levels indicated an 8 hr delay in FGFR4-deficient mice in the down-regulation of cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) protein, the major enzyme whose products underlie CCl 4-induced injury. These results show that hepatocyte FGFR4 protects against acute and chronic insult to the liver and prevents accompanying fibrosis. ^ Of the 23 FGF polypeptides, FGF1 and FGF2 are present at significant levels in the liver. To determine whether FGF1 and FGF2 played a role in CCl 4-induced liver injury and fibrosis, we examined the impact of both acute and chronic exposure to CCl4 in both wild-type and FGF1-FGF2 double-knockout mice. Following acute CCl4 exposure, FGF1(−/−)FGF2(−/−) mice exhibited accelerated liver injury, overall normal liver growth and repair, and decreased liver collagen α1(I) induction. Liver fibrosis resulting from chronic CCl4 exposure was markedly decreased in livers of FGF1(−/−)FGF2(−/−) mice compared to wild-type mice. This study suggests a role for FGF1 and FGF2 in hepatic fibrogenesis. ^ In summary, our three part study shows that specific components of the ubiquitous HS-FGF signaling family in the liver context interfaces with metabolite- and xenobiotic-controlled networks to regulate liver function, but has no apparent direct effect on liver cell growth. ^
Chronic exposure of the airways to cigarette smoke induces inflammatory response and genomic instability that play important roles in lung cancer development. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), the major intracellular mediator of inflammatory signals, is frequently activated in preneoplastic and malignant lung lesions. ^ Previously, we had shown that a lung tumor suppressor GPRC5A is frequently repressed in human non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) cells and lung tumor specimens. Recently, other groups have shown that human GPRC5A transcript levels are higher in bronchial samples of former than of current smokers. These results suggested that smoking represses GPRC5A expression and thus promotes the occurrence of lung cancer. We hypothesized that cigarette smoking or associated inflammatory response repressed GPRC5A expression through NF-κB signaling. ^ To determine the effect of inflammation, we examined GPRC5A protein expression in several lung cell lines following by TNF-α treatment. TNF-α significantly suppressed GPRC5A expression in normal small airway epithelial cells (SAEC) as well as in Calu-1 cells. Real-time PCR analysis indicated that TNF-α inhibits GPRC5A expression at the transcriptional level. NF-κB, the major downstream effectors of TNF-α signaling, mediates TNF-α-induced repression of GPRC5A because over-expression of NF-κB suppressed GPRC5A. To determine the region in the GPRC5A promoter through which NF-κB acts, we examined the ability of TNF-α to inhibit a series of reporter constructs with different deletions of GPRC5A promoter. The luciferase assay showed that the potential NF-κB binding sites containing region are irresponsible for TNF-α-induced suppression. Further analysis using constructs with different deletions in p65 revealed that NF-κB-mediated repression of GPRC5A is transcription-independent. Co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that NF-κB could form a complex with RAR/RXR heterodimer. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of NF-κB has been found to be proportional to NF-κB/RAR ratio in luciferase assay. Finally, Chromatin IP demonstrated that NF-κB/p65 bound to GPRC5A promoter as well as RAR/RXR and suppressed transcription. Taken together, we propose that inflammation-induced NF-κB activation disrupts the RA signaling and suppresses GPRC5A expression and thus contributes to the oncogenesis of lung cancer. Our studies shed new light on the pathogenesis of lung cancer and potentially provide novel interventions for preventing and treating this disease. ^
Unpredictable changes in the environment stimulate the avian hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis to produce corticosterone, which induces behavioural and metabolic changes that enhance survival in the face of adverse environmental conditions. In addition to profound environmental perturbations, such as severe weather conditions and unpredictable food shortages, many Arctic-breeding birds are also confronted with chronic exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), some of which are known to disrupt endocrine processes. This study investigated the adrenocortical function of a top predator in the Arctic marine environment, the glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus). High concentrations of organochlo-rines, brominated flame retardants and metabolically-derived products in blood plasma of incubating glaucous gulls were associated with high baseline corticosterone concentrations in both sexes and a reduced stress response in males. Contaminant-related changes in corticosterone concentration occurred over and above differences in body condition and seasonal variation. Chronically high corticosterone concentrations and/or a compromised adrenocortical response to stress can have negative effects on the health of an individual. The results of the present study suggest that exposure to POPs may increase the vulnerability of glaucous gulls to environmental stressors and thus could potentially compromise their ability to adapt to the rapidly changing environmental conditions associated with climate change that are currently seen in the Arctic.