988 resultados para CHO cells


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Growth-restricted fetuses are at risk for a variety of lifelong medical conditions. Preeclampsia, a life-threatening hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, is associated with fetuses who suffer from intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Recently, emerging evidence indicates that preeclamptic women harbor AT(1) receptor agonistic autoantibodies (AT(1)-AAs) that contribute to the disease features. However, the exact role of AT(1)-AAs in IUGR and the underlying mechanisms have not been identified. We report that these autoantibodies are present in the cord blood of women with preeclampsia and retain the ability to activate AT(1) receptors. Using an autoantibody-induced animal model of preeclampsia, we show that AT(1)-AAs cross the mouse placenta, enter fetal circulation, and lead to small fetuses with organ growth retardation. AT(1)-AAs also induce apoptosis in the placentas of pregnant mice, human villous explants, and human trophoblast cells. Finally, autoantibody-induced IUGR and placental apoptosis are diminished by either losartan or an autoantibody-neutralizing peptide. Thus, these studies identify AT(1)-AA as a novel causative factor of preeclampsia-associated IUGR and offer two possible underlying mechanisms: a direct detrimental effect on fetal development by crossing the placenta and entering fetal circulation, and indirectly through AT(1)-AA-induced placental damage. Our findings highlight AT(1)-AAs as important therapeutic targets.


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Vertebrates produce at least seven distinct beta-tubulin isotypes that coassemble into all cellular microtubules. The functional differences among these tubulin isoforms are largely unknown, but recent studies indicate that tubulin composition can affect microtubule properties and cellular microtubule-dependent behavior. One of the isotypes whose incorporation causes the largest change in microtubule assembly is beta5-tubulin. Overexpression of this isotype can almost completely destroy the microtubule network, yet it appears to be required in smaller amounts for normal mitotic progression. Moderate levels of overexpression can also confer paclitaxel resistance. Experiments using chimeric constructs and site-directed mutagenesis now indicate that the hypervariable C-terminal region of beta5 plays no role in these phenotypes. Instead, we demonstrate that two residues found in beta5 (Ser-239 and Ser-365) are each sufficient to inhibit microtubule assembly and confer paclitaxel resistance when introduced into beta1-tubulin; yet the single mutation of residue Ser-239 in beta5 eliminates its ability to confer these phenotypes. Despite the high degree of conservation among beta-tubulin isotypes, mutations affecting residue 365 demonstrate that amino acid substitutions can be context sensitive; i.e. an amino acid change in one isotype will not necessarily produce the same phenotype when introduced into a different isotype. Modeling studies indicate that residue Cys-239 of beta1-tubulin is close to a highly conserved Cys-354 residue suggesting the possibility that disulfide formation could play a significant role in the stability of microtubules formed with beta1- but not with beta5-tubulin.


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A series of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids were investigated by Southern blot analysis for the presence or absence of twenty-six molecular markers and three isozyme loci from human chromosome 19. Based on the co-retention of these markers in the various independent hybrid clones containing portions of human chromosome 19 and on pulsed field mapping, chromosome 19 is divided into twenty ordered regions. The most likely marker order for the chromosome is: (LDLR, C3)-(cen-MANNB)-D19S7-PEPD-D19S9-GPI-TGF$ \beta$-(CYP2A, NCA, CGM2, BCKAD)-PSG1a-(D19S8, XRCC1)-(D19S19, ATP1A3)-(D19S37, APOC2)-CKMM-ERCC2-ERCC1-(D19S62, D19S51)-D19S6-D19S50-D19S22-(CGB, FTL)-qter.^ The region of 19q between the proximal marker D19S7 and the distal gene coding for the beta subunit of chorionic gonadotropin (CGB) is about 37 Mb in size and covers about 37 cM genetic distance. The ration of genetic to physical distance on 19q is therefore very close to the genomic average OF 1 cM/Mb. Estimates of physical distances for intervals between chromosome 19 markers were calculated using a mapping function which estimates distances based on the number of breaks in hybrid clone panels. The consensus genetic distances between individual markers (established at HBM10) were compared to these estimates of physical distances. The close agreement between the two estimates suggested that spontaneously broken hybrids are as appropriate for this type of study as radiation hybrids.^ All three DNA repair genes located on chromosome 19 were found to have homologues on Chinese hamster chromosome 9, which is hemizygous in CHO cells, providing an explanation for the apparent ease with which mutations at these loci were identified in CHO cells. Homologues of CKMM and TGF$\beta$ (from human chromosome 19q) and a mini-satellite DNA specific to the distal region of human chromosome 19q were also mapped to Chinese hamster 9. Markers from 19p did not map to this hamster chromosome. Thus the q-arm of chromosome 19, at least between the genes PEPD and ERCC1, appears to be a linkage group which is conserved intact between humans and Chinese hamsters. ^


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The ERCC1 (Excision Repair Cross-Complementing-1) gene is the presumptive mammalian homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD10 gene. In mammalian NER, the Ercc1/XpF complex functions as an endonuclease that specifically recognizes 5$\sp\prime$ double-strand-3$\sp\prime$ single-strand structures. In yeast, the analogous function is performed by the Rad1/Rad10 complex. These observations and the conservation of amino acid homology between the Rad1 and XpF and the Rad10 and Ercc1 proteins has led to a general assumption of functional homology between these genes.^ In addition to NER, the Rad1/Rad10 endonuclease complex is also required in certain specialized mitotic recombination pathways in yeast. However, a similiar requirement for the endonuclease function of the Ercc1/XpF complex during genetic recombination in mammalian cells has not been directly demonstrated. The experiments performed in these studies were designed to determine if ERCC1 deficiency would produce recombination-deficient phenotypes in CHO cells similar to those observed in RAD10 deletion mutants, including: (1) decreased single-reciprocal exchange recombination, and (2) inability to process 5$\sp\prime$ sequence heterology in recombination intermediates.^ Specifically, these studies describe: (1) The isolation and characterization of the ERCC1 locus of Chinese hamster ovary cells; (2) The production of an ERCC1 null mutant cell line by targeted knock-out of the endogenous ERCC1 gene in a Chinese hamster ovary cell line, CHO-ATS49tg, which contains an endogenous locus, APRT, suitable as a chromosomal target for homologous recombination; (3) The characterization of mutant ERCC1 alleles from a panel of Chinese hamster ovary cell ERCC1 mutants derived by conventional mutagenesis; (4) An investigation of the effects of ERCC1 mutation on mitotic recombination through targeting of the APRT locus in an ERCC1 null background.^ The results of these studies strongly suggest that the role of ERCC1 in homologous recombination in mammalian cells is analogous to that of the yeast RAD10 gene. ^


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The uptake, metabolism, and metabolic effects of the antitumor tricyclic nucleoside (TCN, NSC-154020) were studied in vitro. Uptake of TCN by human erythrocytes was concentrative, resulting mainly from the rapid intracellular phosphorylation of TCN. At high TCN doses, however, unchanged TCN was also concentrated within the erythrocytes. The initial linear rate of TCN uptake was saturable and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. TCN was metabolized chiefly to its 5'-monophosphate not only by human erythrocytes but also by wild-type Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In addition, three other metabolites were detected by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. The structures of these metabolites were elucidated by ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and further confirmed by incubations with catabolic enzymes and intact wild-type or variant CHO cells. All were novel types of oxidative degradation products of TCN. Two are proposed to be (alpha) and (beta) anomers of a D-ribofuranosyl nucleoside with a pyrimido{4,5-c}pyridazine-4-one base structure. The third metabolite is most likely the 5'-monophosphate of the (beta) anomer. A CHO cell line deficient in adenosine kinase activity failed to phosphorylate either TCN or the (beta) anomer. No further phosphorylation of the 5'-monophosphates by normal cells occurred. Although the pathways leading to the formation of these TCN metabolites have not been proven, a mechanism is proposed to account for the above observations. The same adenosine kinase-deficient CHO cells were resistant to 500 (mu)M TCN, while wild-type cells could not clone in the presence of 20 (mu)M TCN. Simultaneous addition of purines, pyrimidines, and purine precursors failed to reverse this toxicity. TCN-treatment strongly inhibited formate or glycine incorporation into ATP and GTP of wild-type CHO cells. Hypoxanthine incorporation inhibited to a lesser degree, with the inhibition of incorporation into GTP being more pronounced. Although precursor incorporation into GTP was inhibited, GTP concentrations were elevated rather than reduced after 4-hr incubations with 20 (mu)M or 50 (mu)M TCN. These results suggested an impairment of GTP utilization. TCN (50 (mu)M) inhibited leucine and thymidine incorporation into HClO(,4)-insoluble material to 30-35% of control throughout 5-hr incubations. Incorporation of five other amino acids was inhibited to the same extent as leucine. Pulse-labeling assays (45 min) with uridine, leucine, and thymidine failed to reveal selective inhibition of DNA or protein synthesis by 0.05-50 (mu)M TCN; however, the patterns of inhibition were similar to those of known protein synthesis inhibitors. TCN 5'-monophosphate inhibited leucine incorporation by rabbit reticulocyte lysates; the inhibition was 2000 times less potent than that of cycloheximide. The 5'-monophosphate failed to inhibit a crude nuclear DNA-synthesizing system. Although TCN 5'-monophosphate apparently inhibits purine synthesis de novo, its cytotoxicity is not reversed by exogenous purines. Consequently, another mechanism such as direct inhibition of protein synthesis is probably a primary mechanism of toxicity. ^


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Ephrin-B/EphB family proteins are implicated in bidirectional signaling and were initially defined through the function of their ectodomain sequences in activating EphB receptor tyrosine kinases. Ephrin-B1-3 are transmembrane proteins sharing highly conserved C-terminal cytoplasmic sequences. Here we use a soluble EphB1 ectodomain fusion protein (EphB1/Fc) to demonstrate that ephrin-B1 transduces signals that regulate cell attachment and migration. EphB1/Fc induced endothelial ephrin-B1 tyrosine phosphorylation, migration and integrin-mediated (alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(5)beta(1)) attachment and promoted neovascularization, in vivo, in a mouse corneal micropocket assay. Activation of ephrin-B1 by EphB1/Fc induced phosphorylation of p46 JNK but not ERK-1/2 or p38 MAPkinases. By contrast, mutant ephrin-B1s bearing either a cytoplasmic deletion (ephrin-B1DeltaCy) or a deletion of four C-terminal amino acids (ephrin-B1DeltaPDZbd) fail to activate p46 JNK. Transient expression of intact ephin-B1 conferred EphB1/Fc migration responses on CHO cells, whereas the ephrin-B1DeltaCy and ephrin-B1DeltaPDZbd mutants were inactive. Thus ephrin-B1 transduces 'outside-in' signals through C-terminal protein interactions that affect integrin-mediated attachment and migration.


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The levels of histone mRNA increase 35-fold as selectively detached mitotic CHO cells progress from mitosis through G1 and into S phase. Using an exogenous gene with a histone 3' end which is not sensitive to transcriptional or half-life regulation, we show that 3' processing is regulated as cells progress from G1 to S phase. The half-life of histone mRNA is similar in G1- and S-phase cells, as measured after inhibition of transcription by actinomycin D (dactinomycin) or indirectly after stabilization by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Taken together, these results suggest that the change in histone mRNA levels between G1- and S-phase cells must be due to an increase in the rate of biosynthesis, a combination of changes in transcription rate and processing efficiency. In G2 phase, there is a rapid 35-fold decrease in the histone mRNA concentration which our results suggest is due primarily to an altered stability of histone mRNA. These results are consistent with a model for cell cycle regulation of histone mRNA levels in which the effects on both RNA 3' processing and transcription, rather than alterations in mRNA stability, are the major mechanisms by which low histone mRNA levels are maintained during G1.


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Certain inorganic nickel compounds such as crystalline NiS and Ni(,3)S(,2) are potent inducers of carcinogenesis and in vitro cell transformation, while several closely-related compounds such as amorphous NiS are essentially devoid of genotoxic activity. The phenomenon of selectivity of phagocytosis among such particulate nickel compounds has been hypothesized to account for their widely varying toxicological potency, yet the determinants of this selectivity have not been well characterized. Extracellular medium composition, particle dissolution, and particle surface charge were examined as potential determinants of selective phagocytosis for the carcinogenic crystalline and noncarcinogenic amorphous modifications of NiS. Selectivity and avidity of uptake of crystalline NiS by CHO cells was not dependent upon serum: phagocytosis of crystalline, but not amorphous NiS proceeded readily in a minimal salts/glucose medium at 37(DEGREES)C. The evolution of phagocytosis-inhibiting Ni(II) from the surface of amorphous NiS particles did not demonstrably contribute to the lower uptake of these noncarcinogenic particles despite their somewhat greater dissolution rate than the readily phagocytosed crystalline NiS particles. Significant differences in surface charge were noted between crystalline and amorphous NiS, the former being more negative in charge in distilled water suspension. Exposure of amorphous NiS particles to the vigorously reducing environment of a LiAlH(,4) solution under an inert atmosphere resulted in the particles' acquisition of a more negative surface charge. Amorphous NiS particles thus treated were phagocytosed by CHO cells to an extent similar to that of untreated crystalline NiS particles and likewise were shown to induce morphological transformation of primary Syrian hamster embryo cells with a similar potency. The potentiation of uptake characteristic of LiAlH(,4)-treated amorphous NiS was lost gradually upon storage of particles in ambient oxygenated atmosphere and was lost rapidly by apparent particle surface oxidation in aerated distilled water suspensions aged for up to 7 days. Concomitant with this loss of uptake there occurred a loss of negative surface charge. These results suggest the predominant role of particle surface charge rather than adsorbed serum components or particle dissolution as a determinant of selective phagocytosis among particulate nickel compounds. ^


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Sensitive assays utilizing a cell-free and an intracellular system were employed to study the molecular bases of the DNA-damaging reactions of neocarzinostatin (NCS). In the cell-free DNA system, super-helical form I DNA from the bacteriophage PM2 was used as the substrate. The three forms of DNA present after treatment with NCS were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. When NCS-damaged DNA was assayed under neutral conditions, there was a progressive decrease in the amount of surviving form I DNA and a corresponding increase in form II (nicked, relaxed circular) DNA, but very little increase in form III (linear duplex) DNA. This indicates that NCS introduces primarily single-strand breaks. However later studies showed that there were some site-specific double-strand breaks mediated by NCS on PM2 DNA. Seven such specific sites were mapped on the PM2 genome. When the damage was assayed under nondenaturing alkaline conditions or with the apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease IV, there was a slightly greater decrease in the amount of surviving form I DNA compared with neutral conditions indicating the presence of some alkali-labile sites.^ NCS-mediated DNA damage and repair were examined with cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using either alkaline elution for analysis of single-strand breaks or neutral elution for analysis of double-strand breaks. Most of the strand breaks introduced by NCS were capable of being rejoined. However, there was a small amount of residual DNA damage remaining unrejoined at 24-hr after removal of the drug. The amount of residual DNA damage was higher in a CHO mutant cell line (EM9) having a higher sensitivity to killing by NCS than its parental strain (AA8). Other lesions, DNA-protein complexes and alkali-labile sites, were detected after NCS treatment but they constituted only a small fraction of the DNA damage.^ Based on the above information, it can be postulated that NCS introduces some very lethal DNA damage. It is likely that the lethal lesions are a subset of the total DNA lesions representing the residual DNA damage. This DNA damage may be composed of site-specific, unrejoinable double-strand breaks and are thus the primary lesion leading to NCS-mediated lethality.^


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The DNA breakage effect of the anticancer agent 3,6-diaziridinyl-2,5-bis(carboethoxyamino)-1,4-benzoquinone (AZQ, NSC-182986) on bacteriophage PM2 DNA was investigated using agarose gel electrophoresis. AZQ caused both single-stranded and double-stranded breaks after reduction with NaBH(,4), but it was not active in the native state. At 120 (mu)M, it degraded 50% of the closed circular form I DNA into 40% form II DNA (single-stranded break) and 10% form III DNA (double-stranded break). It produced a dose-response breakage between 1 (mu)M and 320 (mu)M. The DNA breakage exhibited a marked pH dependency. At 320 (mu)M, AZQ degraded 80% and 60% of form I DNA at pH 4 and 10 respectively, but none between pH 6 to 8. The DNA breakage at physiologic pH was greatly enhanced when 10 (mu)M cupric sulfate was included in the incubation mixture. The DNA strand scission was inhibited by catalase, glutathione, KI, histidine, Tiron, and DABCO. These results suggest that the DNA breakage may be caused by active oxygen metabolites including hydroxyl free radical. The bifunctional cross-linking activity of reduced AZQ on isolated calf thymus DNA was investigated by ethidium fluorescence assay. The cross-linking activity exhibited a similar pH dependency; highest in acidic and alkaline pH, inactive under neutral conditions. Using the alkaline elution method, we found that AZQ induced DNA single-stranded breaks in Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with 50 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The single-stranded break frequencies in rad equivalents were 17 with 50 (mu)M and 140 with 100 (mu)M of AZQ. In comparison, DNA cross-links appeared in cells treated with only 1 to 25 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The cross-linking frequencies in rad equivalents were 39 and 90 for 1 and 5 (mu)M of AZQ, respectively. Both DNA-DNA and DNa-protein cross-links were induced by AZQ in CHO cells as revealed by the proteinas K digestion assay. DNA cross-links increased within the first 4 hr of incubation in drug-free medium and slightly decreased by 12 hr, and most of the cross-links disappeared after cells were allowed to recovered for 24 hr.^ By electrochemical analysis, we found that AZQ was more readily reduced at acidic pH. However, incubation of AZQ with NaBH(,4) at pH 7.8 or 10, but not at 4, produced superoxide anion. The opening of the aziridinyl rings of AZQ at pH 4 was faster in the presence of NaBH(,4) than in its absence; no ring-opening was detected at pH 7.8 regardless of the inclusion of NaBH(,4). . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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The DNA repair gene, XPF, is implicated in numerous processes relating to maintenance of genomic stability. The experiments presented herein were designed to investigate the role of XPF in homologous recombination processes. Specifically, the role of XPF in plasmid-chromosome and intrachromosomal recombination was evaluated. To interrogate the mechanistic role of XPF in plasmid-chromosome recombination, a homologous gene targeting system at the APRT locus in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells was used. The targeting vector is linearized within 900 base pairs of heterology, which generates a substrate with long, nonhomologous 3′-OH ends that must be efficiently processed, presumably by the Xpf/Ercc1 heterodimer, prior to a productive recombination event. These experiments demonstrated a significant decrease in the targeted gene recombination frequency and a significant change to the recombinant product distributions in XPF- and ERCC1-deficient CHO cell lines, which suggest that the Xpf/Ercc1 heterodimer is essential for strand invasion recombination involving the processing of long, nonhomologous tails. In order to evaluate the role of XPF in intrachromosomal recombination, direct APRT repeat constructs at the chromosomal APRT locus in XPF-proficient and XPF-deficient CHO cells were used in spontaneous and DSB-induced recombination experiments. A defect in intrachromosomal recombination was only shown for UV41-derived XPF -deficient CHO cells, which have a severe interstrand crosslinking phenotype. The results of these studies demonstrate a requirement for XPF function in both plasmid-chromosome and intrachromosomal recombination, specifically in removal of long, single-stranded 3′-OH DNA ends. In addition, these studies identified a correlation between the interstrand cross-linking phenotype and the intrachromosomal recombination phenotype of each CHO cell line, but did not demonstrate a correlation between the interstrand cross-linking phenotype and the plasmid-chromosome recombination phenotype of these CHO cell lines. ^


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The mechanisms responsible for anti-cancer drug (including Taxol) treatment failure have not been identified. In cell culture model systems, many β-tubulin, but very few α-tubulin, mutations have been associated with resistance to Taxol. To test what, if any, mutations in α-tubulin can cause resistance, we transfected a randomly mutagenized α-tubulin cDNA into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and isolated drug resistant cell lines. A total of 12 mutations were identified in this way and all of them were confirmed to confer Taxol resistance. Furthermore, all cells expressing mutant α-tubulin had less microtubule polymer. Some cells also had abnormal nuclei and enlarged cell bodies. The data indicate that α-tubulin mutations confer Taxol resistance by disrupting microtubule assembly, a mechanism consistent with a large number of previously described β-tubulin mutations. ^ Because α- and β-tubulin are almost identical in their three dimensional structure, we hypothesized that mutations discovered in one subunit, when introduced into the other, would produce similar effects on microtubule assembly and drug resistance. 9 α- and 2 β-tubulin mutations were tested. The results were complex. Some mutations produced similar changes in microtubule assembly and drug resistance irrespective of the subunit in which they were introduced, but others produced opposite effects. Still one mutation produced resistance when present in one subunit, yet had no effect when present on the other; and one mutation that produced Taxol resistance when present in α-tubulin, resulted in assembly-defective tubulin when it was present in β-tubulin. The results suggest that in most cases, the same amino acid modification in α- and β-tubulin affects the microtubule structure and assembly in a similar way. ^ Finally, we tested whether three β-tubulin mutations found in patient tumors could confer resistance to Taxol by recreating the mutations in a β-tubulin cDNA and transfecting it into CHO cells. We found that all three mutations conferred Taxol resistance, but to different extents. Again, microtubule assembly in the transfectants was disrupted, suggesting that mutations in β-tubulin are a potential problem in cancer therapeutics. ^


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Glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX complex, the second most abundant receptor expressed on the platelet surface, plays critical roles in haemostasis and thrombosis by binding to its ligand, von Willebrand factor (vWF). Defect or malfunction of the complex leads to severe bleeding disorders, heart attack or stroke. Comprised of three type I transmembrane subunits—GPIbα, GPIbβ and GPIX, efficient expression of the GPIb-IX complex requires all three subunits, as evident from genetic mutations identified in the patients and reproduced in transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. However, how the subunits are assembled together and how the complex function is regulated is not fully clear. By probing the interactions among the three subunits in transfected cells, we have demonstrated that the transmembrane domains of the three subunits interact with one another, facilitating formation of the two membrane-proximal disulfide bonds between GPIbα and GPIbβ. We have also identified the interface between extracellular domains of GPIbβ and GPIX, and provided evidence suggesting a direct interaction between extracellular domains of GPIbα and GPIX. All of these interactions are not only critical for correct assembly and consequently efficient expression of the GPIb-IX complex on the cell surface, but also for its function, such as the proper ligand binding, since removing the two inter-subunit disulfide bonds significantly hampers vWF binding to the complex under both static and physiological flow conditions. The two inter-subunit disulfide bonds are also critical for regulating the ectodomain shedding of GPIbα by the GPIbβ cytoplasmic domain. Mutations in the juxtamembrane region of the GPIbβ cytoplasmic domain deregulate GPIbα shedding, and such deregulation is further enhanced when the two inter-subunit disulfide bonds are removed. In summary, we have established the overall organization of the GPIb-IX complex, and the importance of proper organization on its function. ^


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The neuropeptide somatostatin is a widely distributed general inhibitor of endocrine, exocrine, gastrointestinal and neural functions. The biological actions of somatostatin are initiated by interaction with high affinity, plasma membrane somatostatin receptors (sst receptors). Five sst receptor subtypes have been cloned and sequence analysis shows they are all members of the G protein coupled receptor superfamily. The G proteins play a pivotal role in sst receptor signal transduction and the specificity of somatostatin receptor-G protein coupling defines the possible range of cellular responses. However, the data for endogenous sst receptor and G protein coupling is very limited, and even when it is available, the sst receptor subtypes involved in G protein coupling and signal transduction are unknown due to the expression of multiple sst receptor subtypes in target cell lines or tissues of somatostatin.^ In an effort to characterize each individual sst receptor subtypes, antisera against unique C-terminal regions of different sst receptor subtypes have been developed in our lab. In this report, antisera made against the sst1, sst2A and sst4 receptors are characterized. They are highly specific to their corresponding receptors and efficiently immunoprecipitate the sst receptors. Using these antibodies, the cell lines expressing these sst receptor subtypes were identified with both immunoprecipitation and Western blot methods. The development of sst receptor subtype specific antibodies make it possible to determine the specificity of the sst receptor subtype and G protein coupling in target cells or tissues expressing multiple sst receptors, two questions were addressed by this thesis: (1) whether different cellular environments affect receptor subtype and G protein coupling; (2) whether different sst receptors couple to different G proteins in similar cellular environments.^ Taken together our findings, both sst1 and sst2A receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i1},$ G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in CHO cells, G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in GH$\sb4$C$\sb1$ cells. Further, sst2A receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i1},$ G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in AR4-2J cells while sst4 receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in CHO cells. Therefore, the G protein coupling of the same sst receptors in different cell lines is basically similar in that they all couple with multiple $\alpha$-subunits of the G$\rm \sb{i}$ proteins, suggesting cellular environment has little effect on receptor and G protein coupling. Moreover, different sst receptors have similar G protein coupling specificities in the same cell line, suggesting components other than receptor and G$\alpha$ subunits in the signal transduction pathways may contribute to specific functions of each sst receptor subtype. This series of experiments represent a novel approach in dissecting signal transduction pathways and may have general application in the field. Furthermore, this is the first systematic study of sst receptor subtype and G protein $\alpha$-subunit interaction in both transfected cells and in normal cell lines. The information generated will be very useful in our understanding of sst receptor signal transduction pathways and in directing future sst receptor research. ^


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This volume contains the Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium held at Kansas State University on September 21, 1996. The program included 10 oral presentations and 14 posters. Some of the papers describe the progress of ongoing projects, and others contain the results of completed projects. Only brief summaries are given of some of the papers; many of the papers will be published in full elsewhere. A listing of those who attended is given below. ContentsForeign Protein Production from SV40 Early Promoter in Continuous Cultures of Recombinant CHO Cells - Gautam Banik, Paul Todd, and Dhinakar Kampala Enhanced Cell Recruitment Due to Cell-Cell Interactions - Brad Farlow and Matthias Nollert The Recirculation of Hybridoma Suspension Cultures: Effects on Cell Death, Metabolism and Mab Productivity - Peng Jin and Carole A. Heath The Importance of Enzyme Inactivation and Self-Recovery in Cometabolic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Solvents - Xi-Hui Zhang, Shanka Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai Phytoremediation of VOC contaminated Groundwater using Poplar Trees - Melissa Miller, Jason Dana, L.C. Davis, Murlidharan Narayanan, and L.E. Erickson Biological Treatment of Off-Gases from Aluminum Can Production: Experimental Results and Mathematical Modeling - Adeyma Y. Arroyo, Julio Zimbron, and Kenneth F. Reardon Inertial Migration Based Separation of Chlorella Microalgae in Branched Tubes - N.M. Poflee, A.L. Rakow, D.S. Dandy, M.L. Chappell, and M.N. Pons Contribution of Electrochemical Charge to Protein Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems - Weiyu Fan and Charles C. Glatz Biodegradation of Some Commercial Surfactants Used in Bioremediation - Jun Gu, G.W. Preckshot, S.K. Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai Modeling the Role of Biomass in Heavy Metal Transport Ln Vadose Zone - K.V. Nedunuri, L.E. Erickson, and R.S. Govindaraju Multivariable Statistical Methods for Monitoring Process Quality: Application to Bioinsecticide Production by 73 89 Bacillus Thuringiensis - c. Puente and M.N. Karim The Use of Polymeric Flocculants in Bacterial Lysate Streams - H. Graham, A.S. Cibulskas and E.H. Dunlop Effect of Water Content on transport of Trichloroethylene in a Chamber with Alfalfa Plants - Muralidharan Narayanan, Jiang Hu, Lawrence C. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Detection of Specific Microorganisms using the Arbitrary Primed PCR in the Bacterial Community of Vegetated Soil - X. Wu and L.C. Davis Flux Enhancement Using Backpulsing - V.T. Kuberkar and R.H. Davis Chromatographic Purification of Oligonucleotides: Comparison with Electrophoresis - Stephen P. Cape, Ching-Yuan Lee, Kevin Petrini, Sean Foree, Micheal G. Sportiello and Paul Todd Determining Singular Arc Control Policies for Bioreactor Systems Using a Modified Iterative Dynamic Programming Algorithm - Arun Tholudur and W. Fred Ramirez Pressure Effect on Subtilisins Measured via FTIR, EPR and Activity Assays, and Its Impact on Crystallizations - J.N. Webb, R.Y. Waghmare, M.G. Bindewald, T.W. Randolph, J.F. Carpenter, C.E. Glatz Intercellular Calcium Changes in Endothelial Cells Exposed to Flow - Laura Worthen and Matthias Nollert Application of Liquid-Liquid Extraction in Propionic Acid Fermentation - Zhong Gu, Bonita A. Glatz, and Charles E. Glatz Purification of Recombinant T4 Lysozyme from E. Coli: Ion-Exchange Chromatography - Weiyu Fan, Matt L. Thatcher, and Charles E. Glatz Recovery and Purification of Recombinant Beta-Glucuronidase from Transgenic Corn - Ann R. Kusnadi, Roque Evangelista, Zivko L. Nikolov, and John Howard Effects of Auxins and cytokinins on Formation of Catharanthus Roseus G. Don Multiple Shoots - Ying-Jin Yuan, Yu-Min Yang, Tsung-Ting Hu, and Jiang Hu Fate and Effect of Trichloroethylene as Nonaqueous Phase Liquid in Chambers with Alfalfa - Qizhi Zhang, Brent Goplen, Sara Vanderhoof, Lawrence c. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Oxygen Transport and Mixing Considerations for Microcarrier Culture of Mammalian Cells in an Airlift Reactor - Sridhar Sunderam, Frederick R. Souder, and Marylee Southard Effects of Cyclic Shear Stress on Mammalian Cells under Laminar Flow Conditions: Apparatus and Methods - M.L. Rigney, M.H. Liew, and M.Z. Southard