959 resultados para CFD FLUENT fluidodinamica computazionale reazione chimica eterogenea reattori agitati
Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu lämpötilakerrostumien syntymistä RENATA-koelaitteistolla, joka muistutti geometrialtaan painevesireaktorin paineastian ylätilaa. Kokeet tehtiin siten, että aluksi RENATA täytettiin lämpimällä vedellä, jonka jälkeen koelaitteistoon juoksutettiin pohjasta käsin kylmää vettä. Kokeiden tuloksia verrattiin kirjallisuudessa esitettyyn korrelaatioon. Koetilanne mallinnettiin myös Fluent-virtauslaskentaohjelmalla, jolloin saatiin tietoa ohjelman kyvystä käsitellä lämpötilakerrostumia. Kokeiden tuloksissa havaittiin olevan selvää yhteyttä korrelaatioon. Korrelaation kriittistä rajaa suuremmilla arvoilla kylmä vesi kerrostui lämpimän veden alapuolelle. Lämpimän ja kylmän veden väliin muodostui muutaman senttimetrin paksuinen rajakerros, lämpötilakerrostuma, jossa lämpötilan muutos oli suurimmillaan parinkymmenen asteen luokkaa. Tämä lämpötilakerrostuma nousi hitaasti ylöspäin kokeen edetessä. Vastaavasti korrelaation kriittistä rajaa pienemmillä arvoilla lämmin ja kylmä vesi sekoittuivat keskenään. Myös Fluentilla lasketuissa simuloinneissa kylmä vesi kerrostui lämpimän veden alapuolelle. Lämpötilakerrostuma ei kuitenkaan noussut ylöspäin niin kuin kokeessa tapahtui, vaan se seisahtui koelaitteiston yläosaan.
Työssä on tutkittu CFX ja Fluent virtauslaskentaohjelmien soveltavuutta kuristet-tujen isotermisten vesivirtausten kolmidimensionaaliseen mallintamiseen. Teoriaosassa on esitelty virtausta hallitsevat perusyhtälöt sekä eri kavitaatioteori-oita kavitaatiokuplan syntymisestä tuhoutumiseen. Laskennallisessa osassa esitellään käytetyt virtauslaskentaohjelmat ja laskentatapaukset sekä verrataan saatuja tuloksia aiemmin suoritettuihin mittauksiin. Työn pääpaino oli tutkia käytettyjen virtauslaskentaohjelmien soveltuvuutta kuris-tettujen virtauksien mallinnukseen.
Tässä diplomityössä haluttiin mallintaa kuidutusrummun toimintaa Fluent virtausmallinusohjelman avulla. Aikaisempi tieto ja kehitystyö on perustunut kokemukseen ja käytännön kokeisiin. Kehitystyön alkuaikoina on suoritettu muutamia laskelmia koskien rummun tuottoa mutta sen jälkeen ei toimintaa ole laskennallisesti kuvattu. Työn ensimmäinen osa käsittelee yleisesti keräyspaperin käsittelyyn liittyviä laitteita ja menetelmiä. Toimintaperiaatteita on kuvattu yleisellä tasolla ja FibreFlow® rumpu on sitten käsitelty muita laitteita tarkemmin. Työn toinen osa sisältää sitten laboratoriotestit paikallisilta tahteilta hankittujen näytteiden viskositeettien ja tiheyksien määrittämiseksi. Kokeet suoritettiin Kemiantekniikan osastolla Brookfield viskoosimetrillä. Joitain alustavia laskentoja tuotosta suoritettiin aikaisempien tietojen perusteella. Rumpua kun on valmistettu vuodesta 1976, on tietoa kertynyt runsaasti vuosien mittaan. Laskelmia varten valittiin mallinnettavaksi alueeksi vain yksittäinen reikä sihdistä jolle laskettiin massavirta. Käytetyt laadut olivat OCC ja DIP. Myös eri rumpukoot otettiin jossain määrin huomioon.
The aim of this work is to study flow properties at T-junction of pipe, pressure loss suffered by the flow after passing through T-junction and to study reliability of the classical engineering formulas used to find head loss for T-junction of pipes. In this we have compared our results with CFD software packages with classical formula and made an attempt to determine accuracy of the classical formulas. In this work we have studies head loss in T-junction of pipes with various inlet velocities, head loss in T-junction of pipes when the angle of the junction is slightly different from 90 degrees and T-junction with different area of cross-section of the main pipe and branch pipe. In this work we have simulated the flow at T-junction of pipe with FLUENT and Comsol Multiphysics and observed flow properties inside the T-junction and studied the head loss suffered by fluid flow after passing through the junction. We have also compared pressure (head) losses obtained by classical formulas by A. Vazsonyi and Andrew Gardel and formulas obtained by assuming T-junction as combination of other pipe components and observations obtained from software experiments. One of the purposes of this study is also to study change in pressure loss with change in angle of T-junction. Using software we can have better view of flow inside the junction and study turbulence, kinetic energy, pressure loss etc. Such simulations save a lot of time and can be performed without actually doing the experiment. There were no real life experiments made, the results obtained completely rely on accuracy of software and numerical methods used.
Una empresa familiar d’embotits ecològics especialitzada en l’elaboració de xoriç, volampliar la seva producció. Té com apart clau el procés d’estufatge i l’assecament. Aquests processos, que tenen lloc alsassecadors, consisteixen en fer re-circular aire a unes temperatures determinades durant unscerts temps, refredant aquest aire quan surt de la sala per extreure’n part del vapor d’aiguaque conté, i tornant-lo a escalfar per poder absorbir més aigua en tornar entrar a la sala.L’abast d’aquest projecte consisteix en la descripció del funcionament dels assecadors,i la realització de simulacions de flux d’aire i temperatura per tal de poder optimitzar unassecador concret. Dins aquest assecador es faran modificacions com pot ser l’alçada lliure quequeda entre la filera més elevada de xoriç i el sostre o el radi inferior que tenen aquestsaparells per tal d’obtenir una geometria òptima d’una sala d’assecatge. L’estudi que es duu a terme consta del comportament del flux d’aire i del flux detemperatura per tal de poder observar els punts crítics i poder determinar els paràmetres queinflueixen en el seu bon funcionament
It is often assumed that total head losses in a sand filter are solely due to the filtration media and that there are analytical solutions, such as the Ergun equation, to compute them. However, total head losses are also due to auxiliary elements (inlet and outlet pipes and filter nozzles), which produce undesirable head losses because they increase energy requirements without contributing to the filtration process. In this study, ANSYS Fluent version 6.3, a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software program, was used to compute head losses in different parts of a sand filter. Six different numerical filter models of varying complexities were used to understand the hydraulic behavior of the several filter elements and their importance in total head losses. The simulation results show that 84.6% of these were caused by the sand bed and 15.4% were due to auxiliary elements (4.4% in the outlet and inlet pipes, and 11.0% in the perforated plate and nozzles). Simulation results with different models show the important role of the nozzles in the hydraulic behavior of the sand filter. The relationship between the passing area through the nozzles and the passing area through the perforated plate is an important design parameter for the reduction of total head losses. A reduced relationship caused by nozzle clogging would disproportionately increase the total head losses in the sand filter
Aquest projecte té com a objectiu la simulació numérica de la carrosseria d’ un vehicle de curses de muntanya de categoria CM
In the paper machine, it is not a desired feature for the boundary layer flows in the fabric and the roll surfaces to travel into the closing nips, creating overpressure. In this thesis, the aerodynamic behavior of the grooved roll and smooth rolls is compared in order to understand the nip flow phenomena, which is the main reason why vacuum and grooved roll constructions are designed. A common method to remove the boundary layer flow from the closing nip is to use the vacuum roll construction. The downside of the use of vacuum rolls is high operational costs due to pressure losses in the vacuum roll shell. The deep grooved roll has the same goal, to create a pressure difference over the paper web and keep the paper attached to the roll or fabric surface in the drying pocket of the paper machine. A literature review revealed that the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll is not very well known. In this thesis, the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll in interaction with a permeable or impermeable wall is studied by varying the groove properties. Computational fluid dynamics simulations are utilized as the research tool. The simulations have been performed with commercial fluid dynamics software, ANSYS Fluent. Simulation results made with 3- and 2-dimensional fluid dynamics models are compared to laboratory scale measurements. The measurements have been made with a grooved roll simulator designed for the research. The variables in the comparison are the paper or fabric wrap angle, surface velocities, groove geometry and wall permeability. Present-day computational and modeling resources limit grooved roll fluid dynamics simulations in the paper machine scale. Based on the analysis of the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll, a grooved roll simulation tool is proposed. The smooth roll simulations show that the closing nip pressure does not depend on the length of boundary layer development. The surface velocity increase affects the pressure distribution in the closing and opening nips. The 3D grooved roll model reveals the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll. With the optimal groove size it is possible to avoid closing nip overpressure and keep the web attached to the fabric surface in the area of the wrap angle. The groove flow friction and minor losses play a different role when the wrap angle is changed. The proposed 2D grooved roll simulation tool is able to replicate the grooved aerodynamic behavior with reasonable accuracy. A small wrap angle predicts the pressure distribution correctly with the chosen approach for calculating the groove friction losses. With a large wrap angle, the groove friction loss shows too large pressure gradients, and the way of calculating the air flow friction losses in the groove has to be reconsidered. The aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll is based on minor and viscous losses in the closing and opening nips as well as in the grooves. The proposed 2D grooved roll model is a simplification in order to reduce computational and modeling efforts. The simulation tool makes it possible to simulate complex paper machine constructions in the paper machine scale. In order to use the grooved roll as a replacement for the vacuum roll, the grooved roll properties have to be considered on the basis of the web handling application.
The objective of the work is to study fluid flow behavior through a pinch valve and to estimate the flow coefficient (KV ) at different opening positions of the valve. The flow inside a compressed valve is more complex than in a straight pipe, and it is one of main topics of interest for engineers in process industry. In the present work, we have numerically simulated compressed valve flow at different opening positions. In order to simulate the flow through pinch valve, several models of the elastomeric valve tube (pinch valve tube) at different opening positions were constructed in 2D-axisymmetric and 3D geometries. The numerical simulations were performed with the CFD packages; ANSYS FLUENT and ANSYS CFX by using parallel computing. The distributions of static pressure, velocity and turbulent kinetic energy have been studied at different opening positions of the valve in both 2D-axisymmetric and 3D experiments. The flow coefficient (KV ) values have been measured at different valve openings and are compared between 2D-axisymmetric and 3D simulation results.
Transitional flow past a three-dimensional circular cylinder is a widely studied phenomenon since this problem is of interest with respect to many technical applications. In the present work, the numerical simulation of flow past a circular cylinder, performed by using a commercial CFD code (ANSYS Fluent 12.1) with large eddy simulation (LES) and RANS (κ - ε and Shear-Stress Transport (SST) κ - ω! model) approaches. The turbulent flow for ReD = 1000 & 3900 is simulated to investigate the force coefficient, Strouhal number, flow separation angle, pressure distribution on cylinder and the complex three dimensional vortex shedding of the cylinder wake region. The numerical results extracted from these simulations have good agreement with the experimental data (Zdravkovich, 1997). Moreover, grid refinement and time-step influence have been examined. Numerical calculations of turbulent cross-flow in a staggered tube bundle continues to attract interest due to its importance in the engineering application as well as the fact that this complex flow represents a challenging problem for CFD. In the present work a time dependent simulation using κ – ε, κ - ω! and SST models are performed in two dimensional for a subcritical flow through a staggered tube bundle. The predicted turbulence statistics (mean and r.m.s velocities) have good agreement with the experimental data (S. Balabani, 1996). Turbulent quantities such as turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate are predicted using RANS models and compared with each other. The sensitivity of grid and time-step size have been analyzed. Model constants sensitivity study have been carried out by adopting κ – ε model. It has been observed that model constants are very sensitive to turbulence statistics and turbulent quantities.
The condensation rate has to be high in the safety pressure suppression pool systems of Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) in order to fulfill their safety function. The phenomena due to such a high direct contact condensation (DCC) rate turn out to be very challenging to be analysed either with experiments or numerical simulations. In this thesis, the suppression pool experiments carried out in the POOLEX facility of Lappeenranta University of Technology were simulated. Two different condensation modes were modelled by using the 2-phase CFD codes NEPTUNE CFD and TransAT. The DCC models applied were the typical ones to be used for separated flows in channels, and their applicability to the rapidly condensing flow in the condensation pool context had not been tested earlier. A low Reynolds number case was the first to be simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-31 was operated near the conditions between the ’quasi-steady oscillatory interface condensation’ mode and the ’condensation within the blowdown pipe’ mode. The condensation models of Lakehal et al. and Coste & Lavi´eville predicted the condensation rate quite accurately, while the other tested ones overestimated it. It was possible to get the direct phase change solution to settle near to the measured values, but a very high resolution of calculation grid was needed. Secondly, a high Reynolds number case corresponding to the ’chugging’ mode was simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-28 was chosen, because various standard and highspeed video samples of bubbles were recorded during it. In order to extract numerical information from the video material, a pattern recognition procedure was programmed. The bubble size distributions and the frequencies of chugging were calculated with this procedure. With the statistical data of the bubble sizes and temporal data of the bubble/jet appearance, it was possible to compare the condensation rates between the experiment and the CFD simulations. In the chugging simulations, a spherically curvilinear calculation grid at the blowdown pipe exit improved the convergence and decreased the required cell count. The compressible flow solver with complete steam-tables was beneficial for the numerical success of the simulations. The Hughes-Duffey model and, to some extent, the Coste & Lavi´eville model produced realistic chugging behavior. The initial level of the steam/water interface was an important factor to determine the initiation of the chugging. If the interface was initialized with a water level high enough inside the blowdown pipe, the vigorous penetration of a water plug into the pool created a turbulent wake which invoked the chugging that was self-sustaining. A 3D simulation with a suitable DCC model produced qualitatively very realistic shapes of the chugging bubbles and jets. The comparative FFT analysis of the bubble size data and the pool bottom pressure data gave useful information to distinguish the eigenmodes of chugging, bubbling, and pool structure oscillations.
In the present work, liquid-solid flow in industrial scale is modeled using the commercial software of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ANSYS Fluent 14.5. In literature, there are few studies on liquid-solid flow in industrial scale, but any information about the particular case with modified geometry cannot be found. The aim of this thesis is to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the multiphase models, when a large-scale application is studied within liquid-solid flow, including the boundary-layer characteristics. The results indicate that the selection of the most appropriate multiphase model depends on the flow regime. Thus, careful estimations of the flow regime are recommended to be done before modeling. The computational tool is developed for this purpose during this thesis. The homogeneous multiphase model is valid only for homogeneous suspension, the discrete phase model (DPM) is recommended for homogeneous and heterogeneous suspension where pipe Froude number is greater than 1.0, while the mixture and Eulerian models are able to predict also flow regimes, where pipe Froude number is smaller than 1.0 and particles tend to settle. With increasing material density ratio and decreasing pipe Froude number, the Eulerian model gives the most accurate results, because it does not include simplifications in Navier-Stokes equations like the other models. In addition, the results indicate that the potential location of erosion in the pipe depends on material density ratio. Possible sedimentation of particles can cause erosion and increase pressure drop as well. In the pipe bend, especially secondary flows, perpendicular to the main flow, affect the location of erosion.
Kandidaatintyössä tarkastellaan kaasujäähdytteistä nopeaa reaktoria, joka on yksi monista tulevaisuuden ydinvoimalaitosten konsepteista. Aluksi esitellään lyhyesti kaupalliset reaktorisukupolvet ja tulevan neljännen sukupolven tärkeimmät linjaukset. Teoriaosuudessa esitellään CFD-laskennan pääperiaatteet ja käsitellään hieman turbulenssin mallinnusta ja työssä käytettyä OpenFOAM-ohjelmistoa. Työhön liittyy CFD-laskenta, jossa polttoaineen virtauskanavan painehäviö lasketaan eri ripakonstruktioilla. Simulaatioiden perusteella pohditaan myös turbulenttisen virtauksen vaikutusta lämmönsiirron tehokkuuteen. Tarkkoja mittauksia ja CFDlaskentoja tarvitaan, jotta voidaan tehdä tarkkoja korrelaatioita painehäviöille ja lämmönsiirtokertoimille termohydrauliikan mallinnusohjelmia varten.
In-package pasteurization is the most used method for beer microbiological stabilization. The search for safer and better quality food has created a need to better understand the processes involved in producing it. However, little is known about the temperature and velocity profiles during the thermal processes of liquid foods in commercial packaging, which results in over-dimensioned processes to guarantee safety, decreasing the sensorial and nutritional characteristics of the product and increasing process costs. Simulations using Computational Fluid-Dynamics (CFD) have been used by various authors to evaluate those processes. The objective of the present paper was to evaluate the effect of packaging orientation in the pasteurization of beer in a commercial aluminum can using CFD. A heating process was simulated at 60 ºC up to 15 PUs (a conventional beer process, in which 1 Pasteurization Unit (PU) is equivalent to 1minute at 60 ºC). The temperature profile and convection current velocity along the process and the variation of the PUs were evaluated in relation to time considering the cans in the conventional, inverted, and horizontal positions. The temperature and velocity profiles were similar to those presented in the literature. The package position did not result in process improvement.