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Trace metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) enrichment, availability and contamination in superficial sediments of three interconnected urban lagoons localized in Concepción-Chile, were evaluated. According to the results of geochemical fracctionation analysis, Cu and Pb are rather associated with oxi-hydroxides, Cd is associated with exchangeable and carbonates fraction, while Zn is mainly associated with organic, oxi-hydroxides and residual fraction. The estimation of the availability percentages indicate that Cu is the most mobile metal and the less mobile is the Cd. An evaluation of the geo-accumulation index and urban industrial pollution allowed to classify the studied zone as moderately to highly contaminated.
This study investigates the use of wild animal hair of C. brachyurus, C. thous and L. pardalis as biomonitors of trace metal at Parque Nacional das Emas, Brazil. Results reveal a strong correlation between Cd and Pb as well as Cu and Zn, which suggests a single source of emission. Most metals showed a lower or equal concentration than those obtained in previous studies. The research shows that monitoring may be performed only with Zn, Pb, Cd, and Cr because of statistical similarity and of a non-natural occurrence of large amounts of the material under analysis.
This work describes methods for the simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and As by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry in Brazilian nuts. The samples (~ 0.300 g) were digested to clear solutions in a closed vessel microwave oven. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures for simultaneous determinations of Cd and Pb were 1100 and 2100 °C, respectively, using 0.5% (w v-1) NH4H2PO4 + 0.03% (w v-1) Mg(NO3)2 as chemical modifier. The limits of detection (3Δ) were 3.8 μg kg-1 for As, 0.86 μg kg-1 for Cd and 13 μg kg-1 for Pb. The reliability of the entire procedures was confirmed by peach leaves (No. 1547 - NIST) certified reference material analysis and addition and recovery tests. The found concentrations presented no statistical differences at the 95% confidence level.
Jundiaí river is the main stream in the Jundiaí Hydrographic Basin and its water is not considered safe for public supply. The water problem is getting worse with the development of the region. The Pirai stream, have been one of the last potable water resource. With the purpose of investigating the sediment quality, due to its influence on the water quality, bioavailable and total Cd and Pb were determined using TS-FF-AAS. Total Cd and Pb up to 2.47 and 24.7 µg g-1 were measured, respectively. The wastewater sludge showed concentrations of 4.01 and 171 µg g-1, for the same metals.
The objective of this study was to assess a new monitoring technique of particulate and trace metals in the atmosphere via the use of a passive sampler of air pollutants in the city of Goiânia. The average particulate weight and average concentrations of metals Fe, Cr, Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Cd were 0.1104 g and 257.5; 23.4; 17.8; 6.7; 1.9; 0.8; 0.2 μg/m²/day, respectively. Higher Pb and Cr concentrations were obtained in areas with intense traffic. This study revealed that it is possible to monitor trace metals with passive sampling, developed at a low cost and operational facility.
Cellulose acetate polymeric membranes had been prepared by a procedure of two steps, combining the method of phase inversion and the technique of hydrolysis-deposition. The first step was the preparation of the membrane, and together was organomodified with tetraethylortosilicate and 3-aminopropyltrietoxysilane. Parameters that exert influence in the complexation of the metallic ion, as pH, time of complexation, metal concentration, had been studied in laboratory using tests of metal removal. The membranes had presented resistance mechanics and reactivity to cations, being able to be an alternative for the removal, daily pay-concentration or in the study of the lability of metals complexed.
In order to evaluate the response of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf to Cd and Zn, plants were hydroponically exposed to 50 and 100 mmol L-1 of Cd and 500 and 2000 mmol L-1 of Zn. Metal content of shoots and roots was determined, as well as alterations in photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments, antioxidant metabolites and phytochelatin synthesis. Plants concentrated elevated levels of Cd and Zn, especially in roots. Zinc exposure negatively affected chlorophyll and β-carotene content, whereas the highest dose of Cd reduced VAZ cycle pigments and tocopherol levels in plant shoots. Cadmium was the maximum inducer of the phytochelatin synthesis pathway.
This work studies the effect of NTMP (nitrilotris(methylenephosphonic acid)) on the adsorption of Cu(II), Zn(II), and Cd(II) onto boehmite in the pH range 5-9.5. The data were analyzed using the 2-pK constant capacitance model (CCM) assuming ternary surface complex formation. Under stoichiometric conditions, NTMP is more effective for removing Cu(II) than Zn(II) from solution and the contribution of ternary surface complexes are important to model the adsorption of both metals. Under nonstoichiometric conditions and high surface loading with a Me(II)/NTMP ratio of 1:5, Cu(II) and Zn(II) adsorption is significantly suppressed. In the case of Cd(II) the free metal adsorption is the most dominant species.
A simultaneous solid phase extraction procedure for enrichment of Cu(II), Cd(II) and Mn(II) has been developed. The method is based on adsorption of Cu(II), Cd(II) and Mn(II) ions on polyethylene glycol-silica gel pre-conditioned with acetate buffer (pH 5.5). The adsorbed metal ions are eluted with nitric acid (1 mol L -1) and determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The calibration graph was linear in the range of 2-140 ng mL-1 for Cu(II), 1-40 ng mL-1 for Cd(II) and 4-100 ng mL-1 for Mn(II). The limits of detection were 0.66, 0.33 and 1.20 ng mL-1 for Cu(II), Cd(II) and Mn(II), respectively.
This paper describes the evaluation of a method for determination of Cd and Pb in xanthan gum samples by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF AAS) using NH4H2PO4 as the chemical modifier. The sample preparation was performed using a reflux system adapted in the digestion tubes. With this system it was possible to increase the temperature of the digester block above the boiling point of the reaction medium, preventing loss of analyte and excessive evaporation of acids during heating. Samples were digested with HNO3 for 3 h in a digester block at 220 ºC. The limits of detection for Cd and Pb were 2.2 and 33.8 ng g-1, respectively. The RSDs for both analytes were, on average, lower than 5.0% and accuracy was verified by recovery tests, yielding values in the 83-100% range.
Optimization of the main parameters of SWASV using boron-doped diamond electrode was described for the simultaneous determination of Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu free in coconut water. The values of electroanalytical parameters studied were optimized with the factorial design and center composite design. The optimized parameters for the preconcentration of metals were -1.50 V for potential, and 240 s for deposition time. For SWV, the optimized value was 11.56 mV for step potential. In addition, frequency and pulse height were defined at 100 Hz and 55 mV, respectively. Furthermore, the concentration of the supporting electrolyte (acetate buffer, pH 4.7) was optimized in 0.206 mol L-1. The optimized procedure was applied in two samples of coconut water: natural and processed. The limits of detection (LOD) obtained for Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu were 7.2; 4.4; 3.3 and 1.5 µg L-1, respectively. The concentrations of Cd and Pb were not detected. On the other hand, the values found for the concentrations of Zn and Cu were: < LOD (29 µg L-1) and (6.8 ± 0.9) µg L-1 for the natural sample; and (85.8 ± 4.2) µg L-1 and (7.7 ± 0.6) µg L-1 for the processed sample, respectively.
Estudou-se a distribuição de Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd e Pb em frações de substâncias húmicas (SH) de diferentes tamanhos moleculares. As SH foram extraídas de amostras de água (SHA) e de sedimentos de superfície (SHSS), interface/água (SHSI) e fundo (SHSF) coletados no reservatório de captação de água superficial Anhumas, localizado no município de Araraquara-SP. Para a extração das SH utilizaram-se os procedimentos recomendados pela Sociedade Internacional de Substâncias Húmicas. Após purificação por diálise, as SH foram fracionadas com base no tamanho molecular utilizando-se sistema de fracionamento seqüencial por ultrafiltração e fluxo tangencial. O fracionamento das amostras de SHA permitiu caracterizar uma distribuição de massa relativamente uniforme dentre as frações de diferentes tamanhos moleculares, com valores maiores nas frações F2 (20,8%) e F4 (23,8%). Exceto para os íons Pb(II) e Cu(II) os quais apresentaram concentrações relativamente mais altas nas frações F2 e F4, respectivamente, de maneira geral, crômio, níquel, cádmio e chumbo têm distribuições similares nas cinco frações com tamanhos moleculares maiores e médios (F1 a F5). Quanto às distribuições de massa nas diferentes frações de substâncias húmicas extraídas de amostras de sedimento de superfície (SHSS), sedimento interface/água (SHSI) e sedimento de fundo (SHSF), as três amostras apresentaram 42-48% das SH nas frações com maiores tamanhos moleculares (F1 e F2), 29-31% nas frações intermediárias (F3 e F4) e 13-20% nas frações com menores tamanhos moleculares (F5 e F6). De modo geral, caracterizaram-se para os íons metálicos, distribuições similares dentre as respectivas frações F1 a F6. Exceções para Pb(II) e Ni(II) em sedimento de superfície com concentrações relativamente menores nas frações F2 e F4, respectivamente.
Este trabalho descreve a síntese e caracterização da sílica gel modificada com grupos 2-aminotiazol (SiAT), os resultados de um estudo de adsorção e de pré-concentração (em batelada, e em fluxo utilizando-se a técnica de coluna) de íons Cd(II) em meio aquoso. A capacidade máxima de adsorção de íons Cd(II) determinada para SiAT foi de 1,12 mmol g-1 . Os resultados obtidos nos experimentos em fluxo, mostraram uma recuperação de 98% dos íons Cd(II) adsorvidos em coluna empacotada com 1 g de SiAT, utilizando-se 5 mL de HCl 1 mol L-1 como eluente. A metodologia proposta mostrou-se linear na faixa de concentração de 10 - 100 mg L-1, com limite de detecção de 0,80 mg L-1 e desvio padrão relativo de 3%. O fator de enriquecimento determinado foi de 29 vezes (considerando-se a percolação de 150 mL de solução 25 mg L-1 de Cd(II), 5 mL de eluato). A sorção-desorção quantitativa dos íons Cd(II), permitiram a aplicação do método na pré-concentração e posterior quantificação de traços de Cd(II) em amostras de águas naturais por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama.
A co-polimerização eletroquímica de misturas de anilina e ácido 3-aminobenzenosulfônico foi realizada por voltametria cíclica em solução de ácido sulfúrico.O grau de polimerização aumentou com o crescimento da acidez e da concentração de anilina em solução. Os eletrodos cobertos com filme de mercúrio e polianilina sulfonada foram avaliados para a análise de metais traço por voltametria de redissolução anódica. Os limites de detecção para o chumbo e cádmio foram 6,96 e 15,3 nmol L-1, respectivamente. O eletrodo modificado foi usado para determinar os metais em amostras ambientais reais.
The lability of Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Pb(II) complexed by humic substances (HSs) was investigated by means of ion exchange on cellulose modified with p-aminobenzoic groups (Cell-PAB), using a batch procedure. The HSs were extracted from water samples using adsorption in a column packed with XAD 8 resin. The metal-HS complexes were prepared by adding solutions containing all the aforementioned metal ions ( Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Pb(II) ). The results indicated that the distribution coefficients (Kd) of Cell-PAB decreased with the presence of HSs, and that the lability of metal fractions complexed by HSs decreases in pH values > 4.0, complexation time > 10 h and HS concentration > 500 mg L-1. The metal exchange between HSs and Cell-PAB exhibited the following order of metal ion lability: Cd < Pb < Mn @ Cr < Cu.