455 resultados para Buses


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This paper presents the modelling and analysis of voltage stability at AC commutation bus in LCC (Line commutated converters) based multi-infeed HVDC system. The paper also presents the analysis of effects of various operating control modes in HVDC as well as location of disturbance on the voltage stability of the system under study. A new method of modelling the LCC converters as time varying admittance at the AC commutation bus is also presented in this paper. In this paper, the modelling of STATCOM for provision of dynamic voltage support at one of the AC buses of the HVDC system is presented. The reactive power injected by STATCOM is controlled by regulating the voltage of the AC bus to which STATCOM is connected. The case study also discusses the effects of various possible combinations of location of STATCOM and disturbance considered, on the voltage stability of the multi-infeed HVDC system.


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This paper presents a new voltage stability index based on the tangent vector of the power flow jacobian. This index is capable of providing the relative vulnerability information of the system buses from the point of view of voltage collapse. In an effort to compare this index with a similar index, the popular voltage stability index L is studied and it is shown through system studies that the L index is not a very consistent indicator of the voltage collapse point of the system but is only a reasonable indicator of the vulnerability of the system buses to voltage collapse. We also show that the new index can be used in the voltage stability analysis of radial systems which is not possible with the L index. This is a significant result of this investigation since there is a lot of contemporary interest in distributed generation and microgrids which are by and large radial in nature. Simulation results considering several test systems are provided to validate the results and the computational needs of the proposed scheme is assessed in comparison with other schemes


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In this study, a new reactive power loss index (RPLI) is proposed for identification of weak buses in the system. This index is further used for determining the optimal locations for placement of reactive compensation devices in the power system for additional voltage support. The new index is computed from the reactive power support and loss allocation algorithm using Y-bus method for the system under intact condition and as well as critical/severe network contingencies cases. Fuzzy logic approach is used to select the important and critical/severe line contingencies from the contingency list. The inherent characteristics of the reactive power in system operation is properly addressed while determining the reactive power loss allocation to load buses. The proposed index is tested on sample 10-bus equivalent system and 72-bus practical equivalent system of Indian southern region power grid. The validation of the weak buses identification from the proposed index with that from other existing methods in the literature is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed index. Simulation results show that the identification of weak buses in the system from the new RPLI is completely non-iterative, thus requires minimal computational efforts as compared with other existing methods in the literature.


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In metropolitan cities, public transportation service plays a vital role in mobility of people, and it has to introduce new routes more frequently due to the fast development of the city in terms of population growth and city size. Whenever there is introduction of new route or increase in frequency of buses, the nonrevenue kilometers covered by the buses increases as depot and route starting/ending points are at different places. This non-revenue kilometers or dead kilometers depends on the distance between depot and route starting point/ending point. The dead kilometers not only results in revenue loss but also results in an increase in the operating cost because of the extra kilometers covered by buses. Reduction of dead kilometers is necessary for the economic growth of the public transportation system. Therefore, in this study, the attention is focused on minimizing dead kilometers by optimizing allocation of buses to depots depending upon the shortest distance between depot and route starting/ending points. We consider also depot capacity and time period of operation during allocation of buses to ensure parking safety and proper maintenance of buses. Mathematical model is developed considering the aforementioned parameters, which is a mixed integer program, and applied to Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) routes operating presently in order to obtain optimal bus allocation to depots. Database for dead kilometers of depots in BMTC for all the schedules are generated using the Form-4 (trip sheet) of each schedule to analyze depot-wise and division-wise dead kilometers. This study also suggests alternative locations where depots can be located to reduce dead kilometers. Copyright (C) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) took an initiative to check the overall benefits of introducing electric buses as a suitable replacement for the diesel buses to tackle the burgeoning pollution in the city of Bengaluru, India. For a trial run of three months, an electric bus was procured from a Chinese company `Build Your Dreams' (BYD). Data were collected by BMTC on the operation and maintenance of the bus. This new initiative, if rightly guided, could have a direct impact on the lives of those in the city. An economic analysis of the running as well as maintenance of the electric buses within the city limits was performed. For comparison, the same analysis was performed for the data from the existing diesel bus operating on the same route. On the basis of the study, it can be concluded that the introduction of electric buses as a means of public transport in the city would be beneficial both economically as well as environmentally. The electric bus also makes much less noise, thereby helping reduce noise pollution and makes less vibration when compared to the diesel bus. This results in a more comfortable journey for the passengers.


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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is being developed as a transportation fuel for heavy vehicles such as trucks and transit buses, to lessen the dependency on oil and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The LNG stations are properly designed to prevent the venting of natural gas (NG) from LNG tanks, which can cause evaporative greenhouse gas emissions and result in fluctuations of fuel flow and changes of fuel composition. Boil-off is caused by the heat added into the LNG fuel during the storage and fueling. Heat can leak into the LNG fuel through the shell of tank during the storage and through hoses and dispensers during the fueling. Gas from tanks onboard vehicles, when returned to LNG tanks, can add additional heat into the LNG fuel. A thermodynamic and heat transfer model has been developed to analyze different mechanisms of heat leak into the LNG fuel. The evolving of properties and compositions of LNG fuel inside LNG tanks is simulated. The effect of a number of buses fueled each day on the possible total fuel loss rate has been analyzed. It is found that by increasing the number of buses, fueled each day, the total fuel loss rate can be reduced significantly. It is proposed that an electric generator be used to consume the boil-off gas or a liquefier be used to re-liquefy the boiloff gas to reduce the tank pressure and eliminate fuel losses. These approaches can prevent boil-off of natural gas emissions, and reduce the costs of LNG as transportation fuel.


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Analisis de viabilidad de la combinación de las funcionalidades de dos módulos/dispositivos GW (Gateway).Dichos módulos realizan el intercambio de datos entre los diferentes buses embarcados en un tren.


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18 p.


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[EU]Goierriko eskualdean egun batean burutzen diren bidai guztien %9a bakarrik burutzen da garraio publiko bidez. Hau gertatzearen bizilagunen “aitzakia” nagusia honakoa da: zerbitzua oso txarra da. Niri ordea, ondorengo zalantza datorkit burura: nahiz eta zerbitzua hobea izan, garraio publikoa gehiago erabiliko litzateke? Hau biraka dabilen gurpil zoroa da. Zerbitzua txarra delako ez dabil jende gehiago, baina ez du merezi zerbitzua hobetzea jende gutxi ibiltzen delako. Guzti hau argitzearren eta Goierriko garraio publikoaren hobekuntza sustatzeko zer egin daitekeen aztertzeko garatu da lan hau. Hobekuntza termino hau autobus gehiago jartzearekin erlazionatzen dugu gehienetan, baina nik beste planteamendu bat eman nahi izan diot. Bidaiari gutxi daudenez, ezin dira maiztasun handiz autobusak ezarri, proiektua ez baita bideragarria. Horregatik dagoen zerbitzua, gutxi bada ere, bizilagunei erabat moldatua egotea mahaigaineratu nahi izan dut, bizilagun hauen sentsibilizazioari arreta berezia eskainiz.


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A propriedade de auto-cura, em redes inteligente de distribuição de energia elétrica, consiste em encontrar uma proposta de reconfiguração do sistema de distribuição com o objetivo de recuperar parcial ou totalmente o fornecimento de energia aos clientes da rede, na ocorrência de uma falha na rede que comprometa o fornecimento. A busca por uma solução satisfatória é um problema combinacional cuja complexidade está ligada ao tamanho da rede. Um método de busca exaustiva se torna um processo muito demorado e muitas vezes computacionalmente inviável. Para superar essa dificuldade, pode-se basear nas técnicas de geração de árvores de extensão mínima do grafo, representando a rede de distribuição. Porém, a maioria dos estudos encontrados nesta área são implementações centralizadas, onde proposta de reconfiguração é obtida por um sistema de supervisão central. Nesta dissertação, propõe-se uma implementação distribuída, onde cada chave da rede colabora na elaboração da proposta de reconfiguração. A solução descentralizada busca uma redução no tempo de reconfiguração da rede em caso de falhas simples ou múltiplas, aumentando assim a inteligência da rede. Para isso, o algoritmo distribuído GHS é utilizado como base na elaboração de uma solução de auto-cura a ser embarcada nos elementos processadores que compõem as chaves de comutação das linhas da rede inteligente de distribuição. A solução proposta é implementada utilizando robôs como unidades de processamento que se comunicam via uma mesma rede, constituindo assim um ambiente de processamento distribuído. Os diferentes estudos de casos testados mostram que, para redes inteligentes de distribuição compostas por um único alimentador, a solução proposta obteve sucesso na reconfiguração da rede, indiferentemente do número de falhas simultâneas. Na implementação proposta, o tempo de reconfiguração da rede não depende do número de linhas nela incluídas. A implementação apresentou resultados de custo de comunicação e tempo dentro dos limites teóricos estabelecidos pelo algoritmo GHS.


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The environmental impact of diesel-fueled buses can potentially be reduced by the adoption of alternative propulsion technologies such as lean-burn compressed natural gas (LB-CNG) or hybrid electric buses (HEB), and emissions control strategies such as a continuously regenerating trap (CRT), exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), or selective catalytic reduction with trap (SCRT). This study assessed the environmental costs and benefits of these bus technologies in Greater London relative to the existing fleet and characterized emissions changes due to alternative technologies. We found a >30% increase in CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions for CNG buses, a <5% change for exhaust treatment scenarios, and a 13% (90% confidence interval 3.8-20.9%) reduction for HEB relative to baseline CO2e emissions. A multiscale regional chemistry-transport model quantified the impact of alternative bus technologies on air quality, which was then related to premature mortality risk. We found the largest decrease in population exposure (about 83%) to particulate matter (PM2.5) occurred with LB-CNG buses. Monetized environmental and investment costs relative to the baseline gave estimated net present cost of LB-CNG or HEB conversion to be $187 million ($73 million to $301 million) or $36 million ($-25 million to $102 million), respectively, while EGR or SCRT estimated net present costs were $19 million ($7 million to $32 million) or $15 million ($8 million to $23 million), respectively.


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在基于不同总线标准的个人计算机、工程工作站以及一些工业控制机间建立高速的并行通信通道,将它们构成多机系统,能够以较小的代价获得增强的系统特性.本文引入了一种在系统总线间提供并行数据通道的异种总线互连底板——总线桥的概念,讨论了它的结构和工作原理,提出了其实现方案,并着重描述了为总线桥定义的双向并行通讯协议 BBP(Bus Bridge Prtocol)


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Environmental concerns relating to gaseous emissions from transport have led to growth in the use of compressed natural gas vehicles worldwide with an estimated 13 million Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) currently in operation. Across Europe, many countries are replacing traditional diesel oil in captive fleets such as buses used for public transport and heavy and light goods vehicles used for freight and logistics with CNG vehicles. Initially this was to reduce localised air pollution in urban environments. However, with the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions CNG is seen as a cleaner more energy efficient and environmental friendly alternative. This paper briefly examines the growth of NGVs in Europe and worldwide. Then a case study on CNG the introduction in Spain and Italy is presented. As part of the case study, policy interventions are examined. Finally, a statistical analysis of private and public refuelling stations in both countries is also provided. CNG can also be mixed with biogas. This study and the role of CNG is relevant because of the existing European Union Directive 2009/28/EC target, requiring that 10% of transport energy come from renewable sources, not alone biofuels such as biogas. CNG offers another alternative transport fuel.


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In this paper we present a new event recognition framework, based on the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, which combines the evidence from multiple atomic events detected by low-level computer vision analytics. The proposed framework employs evidential network modelling of composite events. This approach can effectively handle the uncertainty of the detected events, whilst inferring high-level events that have semantic meaning with high degrees of belief. Our scheme has been comprehensively evaluated against various scenarios that simulate passenger behaviour on public transport platforms such as buses and trains. The average accuracy rate of our method is 81% in comparison to 76% by a standard rule-based method.


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This paper presents an event recognition framework, based on Dempster-Shafer theory, that combines evidence of events from low-level computer vision analytics. The proposed method employing evidential network modelling of composite events, is able to represent uncertainty of event output from low level video analysis and infer high level events with semantic meaning along with degrees of belief. The method has been evaluated on videos taken of subjects entering and leaving a seated area. This has relevance to a number of transport scenarios, such as onboard buses and trains, and also in train stations and airports. Recognition results of 78% and 100% for four composite events are encouraging.