982 resultados para Buried object detection


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This paper presents methods for moving object detection in airborne video surveillance. The motion segmentation in the above scenario is usually difficult because of small size of the object, motion of camera, and inconsistency in detected object shape etc. Here we present a motion segmentation system for moving camera video, based on background subtraction. An adaptive background building is used to take advantage of creation of background based on most recent frame. Our proposed system suggests CPU efficient alternative for conventional batch processing based background subtraction systems. We further refine the segmented motion by meanshift based mode association.


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Detection of Objects in Video is a highly demanding area of research. The Background Subtraction Algorithms can yield better results in Foreground Object Detection. This work presents a Hybrid CodeBook based Background Subtraction to extract the foreground ROI from the background. Codebooks are used to store compressed information by demanding lesser memory usage and high speedy processing. This Hybrid method which uses Block-Based and Pixel-Based Codebooks provide efficient detection results; the high speed processing capability of block based background subtraction as well as high Precision Rate of pixel based background subtraction are exploited to yield an efficient Background Subtraction System. The Block stage produces a coarse foreground area, which is then refined by the Pixel stage. The system’s performance is evaluated with different block sizes and with different block descriptors like 2D-DCT, FFT etc. The Experimental analysis based on statistical measurements yields precision, recall, similarity and F measure of the hybrid system as 88.74%, 91.09%, 81.66% and 89.90% respectively, and thus proves the efficiency of the novel system.


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This thesis presents a perceptual system for a humanoid robot that integrates abilities such as object localization and recognition with the deeper developmental machinery required to forge those competences out of raw physical experiences. It shows that a robotic platform can build up and maintain a system for object localization, segmentation, and recognition, starting from very little. What the robot starts with is a direct solution to achieving figure/ground separation: it simply 'pokes around' in a region of visual ambiguity and watches what happens. If the arm passes through an area, that area is recognized as free space. If the arm collides with an object, causing it to move, the robot can use that motion to segment the object from the background. Once the robot can acquire reliable segmented views of objects, it learns from them, and from then on recognizes and segments those objects without further contact. Both low-level and high-level visual features can also be learned in this way, and examples are presented for both: orientation detection and affordance recognition, respectively. The motivation for this work is simple. Training on large corpora of annotated real-world data has proven crucial for creating robust solutions to perceptual problems such as speech recognition and face detection. But the powerful tools used during training of such systems are typically stripped away at deployment. Ideally they should remain, particularly for unstable tasks such as object detection, where the set of objects needed in a task tomorrow might be different from the set of objects needed today. The key limiting factor is access to training data, but as this thesis shows, that need not be a problem on a robotic platform that can actively probe its environment, and carry out experiments to resolve ambiguity. This work is an instance of a general approach to learning a new perceptual judgment: find special situations in which the perceptual judgment is easy and study these situations to find correlated features that can be observed more generally.


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In the absence of cues for absolute depth measurements as binocular disparity, motion, or defocus, the absolute distance between the observer and a scene cannot be measured. The interpretation of shading, edges and junctions may provide a 3D model of the scene but it will not inform about the actual "size" of the space. One possible source of information for absolute depth estimation is the image size of known objects. However, this is computationally complex due to the difficulty of the object recognition process. Here we propose a source of information for absolute depth estimation that does not rely on specific objects: we introduce a procedure for absolute depth estimation based on the recognition of the whole scene. The shape of the space of the scene and the structures present in the scene are strongly related to the scale of observation. We demonstrate that, by recognizing the properties of the structures present in the image, we can infer the scale of the scene, and therefore its absolute mean depth. We illustrate the interest in computing the mean depth of the scene with application to scene recognition and object detection.


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Garment information tracking is required for clean room garment management. In this paper, we present a camera-based robust system with implementation of Optical Character Reconition (OCR) techniques to fulfill garment label recognition. In the system, a camera is used for image capturing; an adaptive thresholding algorithm is employed to generate binary images; Connected Component Labelling (CCL) is then adopted for object detection in the binary image as a part of finding the ROI (Region of Interest); Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with the BP (Back Propagation) learning algorithm are used for digit recognition; and finally the system is verified by a system database. The system has been tested. The results show that it is capable of coping with variance of lighting, digit twisting, background complexity, and font orientations. The system performance with association to the digit recognition rate has met the design requirement. It has achieved real-time and error-free garment information tracking during the testing.


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This paper presents the two datasets (ARENA and P5) and the challenge that form a part of the PETS 2015 workshop. The datasets consist of scenarios recorded by us- ing multiple visual and thermal sensors. The scenarios in ARENA dataset involve different staged activities around a parked vehicle in a parking lot in UK and those in P5 dataset involve different staged activities around the perimeter of a nuclear power plant in Sweden. The scenarios of each dataset are grouped into ‘Normal’, ‘Warning’ and ‘Alarm’ categories. The Challenge specifically includes tasks that account for different steps in a video understanding system: Low-Level Video Analysis (object detection and tracking), Mid-Level Video Analysis (‘atomic’ event detection) and High-Level Video Analysis (‘complex’ event detection). The evaluation methodology used for the Challenge includes well-established measures.


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This paper presents a quantitative evaluation of a tracking system on PETS 2015 Challenge datasets using well-established performance measures. Using the existing tools, the tracking system implements an end-to-end pipeline that include object detection, tracking and post- processing stages. The evaluation results are presented on the provided sequences of both ARENA and P5 datasets of PETS 2015 Challenge. The results show an encouraging performance of the tracker in terms of accuracy but a greater tendency of being prone to cardinality error and ID changes on both datasets. Moreover, the analysis show a better performance of the tracker on visible imagery than on thermal imagery.


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This paper describes the dataset and vision challenges that form part of the PETS 2014 workshop. The datasets are multisensor sequences containing different activities around a parked vehicle in a parking lot. The dataset scenarios were filmed from multiple cameras mounted on the vehicle itself and involve multiple actors. In PETS2014 workshop, 22 acted scenarios are provided of abnormal behaviour around the parked vehicle. The aim in PETS 2014 is to provide a standard benchmark that indicates how detection, tracking, abnormality and behaviour analysis systems perform against a common database. The dataset specifically addresses several vision challenges corresponding to different steps in a video understanding system: Low-Level Video Analysis (object detection and tracking), Mid-Level Video Analysis (‘simple’ event detection: the behaviour recognition of a single actor) and High-Level Video Analysis (‘complex’ event detection: the behaviour and interaction recognition of several actors).


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This paper introduces a novel method to detect texture objects from satellite images. First, a hierarchical strategy is developed to extract texture objects according to their roughness. Then, an artificial immune approach is presented to automatically generate segmentation thresholds and texture filters, which are used in the hierarchical strategy. In this approach, texture objects are regarded as antigens, and texture object filters and segmentation thresholds are regarded as antibodies. The clonal selection algorithm inspired by human immune system is employed to evolve antibodies. The population of antibodies is iteratively evaluated according to a statistical performance index corresponding to object detection ability, and evolves into the optimal antibody using the evolution principles of the clonal selection. Experimental results of texture object detection on satellite images are presented to illustrate the merit and feasibility of the proposed method.


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Subwindow search aims to find the optimal subimage which maximizes the score function of an object to be detected. After the development of the branch and bound (B&B) method called Efficient Subwindow Search (ESS), several algorithms (IESS [2], AESS [2], ARCS [3]) have been proposed to improve the performance of ESS. For nn images, IESS's time complexity is bounded by O(n3) which is better than ESS, but only applicable to linear score functions. Other work shows that Monge properties can hold in subwindow search and can be used to speed up the search to O(n3), but only applies to certain types of score functions. In this paper we explore the connection between submodular functions and the Monge property, and prove that sub-modular score functions can be used to achieve O(n3) time complexity for object detection. The time complexity can be further improved to be sub-cubic by applying B&B methods on row interval only, when the score function has a multivariate submodular bound function. Conditions for sub-modularity of common non-linear score functions and multivariate submodularity of their bound functions are also provided, and experiments are provided to compare the proposed approach against ESS and ARCS for object detection with some nonlinear score functions.


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Optimum subwindow search for object detection aims to find a subwindow so that the contained subimage is most similar to the query object. This problem can be formulated as a four dimensional (4D) maximum entry search problem wherein each entry corresponds to the quality score of the subimage contained in a subwindow. For n x n images, a naive exhaustive search requires O(n4) sequential computations of the quality scores for all subwindows. To reduce the time complexity, we prove that, for some typical similarity functions like Euclidian metric, χ2 metric on image histograms, the associated 4D array carries some Monge structures and we utilise these properties to speed up the optimum subwindow search and the time complexity is reduced to O(n3). Furthermore, we propose a locally optimal alternating column and row search method with typical quadratic time complexity O(n2). Experiments on PASCAL VOC 2006 demonstrate that the alternating method is significantly faster than the well known efficient subwindow search (ESS) method whilst the performance loss due to local maxima problem is negligible.


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The recognition of activities from sensory data is important in advanced surveillance systems to enable prediction of high-level goals and intentions of the target under surveillance. The problem is complicated by sensory noise and complex activity spanning large spatial and temporal extents. This paper presents a system for recognising high-level human activities from multi-camera video data in complex spatial environments. The Abstract Hidden Markov mEmory Model (AHMEM) is used to deal with noise and scalability The AHMEM is an extension of the Abstract Hidden Markov Model (AHMM) that allows us to represent a richer class of both state-dependent and context-free behaviours. The model also supports integration with low-level sensory models and efficient probabilistic inference. We present experimental results showing the ability of the system to perform real-time monitoring and recognition of complex behaviours of people from observing their trajectories within a real, complex indoor environment.


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In order to enable high-level semantics-based video annotation and interpretation, we tackle the problem of automatic decomposition of motion pictures into meaningful story units, namely scenes. Since a scene is a complicated and subjective concept, we first propose guidelines from film production to determine when a scene change occurs in film. We examine different rules and conventions followed as part of Film Grammar to guide and shape our algorithmic solution for determining a scene boundary. Two different techniques are proposed as new solutions in this paper. Our experimental results on 10 full-length movies show that our technique based on shot sequence coherence performs well and reasonably better than the color edges-based approach.


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We present a system to detect parked vehicles in a typical parking complex using multiple streams of images captured through IP connected devices. Compared to traditional object detection techniques and machine learning methods, our approach is significantly faster in detection speed in the presence of multiple image streams. It is also capable of comparable accuracy when put to test against existing methods. And this is achieved without the need to train the system that machine learning methods require. Our approach uses a combination of psychological insights obtained from human detection and an algorithm replicating the outcomes of a SVM learner but without the noise that compromises accuracy in the normal learning process. Performance enhancements are made on the algorithm so that it operates well in the context of multiple image streams. The result is faster detection with comparable accuracy. Our experiments on images captured from a local test site shows very promising results for an implementation that is not only effective and low cost but also opens doors to new parking applications when combined with other technologies.


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Geometric object detection has many applications, such as in tracking. Particle tracking microrheology is a technique for studying mechanical properties by accurately tracking the motion of the immersed particles undergoing Brownian motion. Since particles are carried along by these random undulations of the medium, they can move in and out of the microscope's depth of focus, which results in halos (lower intensity). Two-point particle tracking microrheology (TPM) uses a threshold to find those particles with peak, which leads to the broken trajectory of the particles. The halos of those particles which are out of focus are circles and the centres can be accurately tracked in most cases. When the particles are sparse, TPM will lose certain useful information. Thus, it may cause inaccurate microrheology. An efficient algorithm to detect the centre of those particles will increase the accuracy of the Brownian motion. In this paper, a hybrid approach is proposed which combines the steps of TPM for particles in focus with a circle detection step using circular Hough transform for particles with halos. As a consequence, it not only detects more particles in each frame but also dramatically extends the trajectories with satisfactory accuracy. Experiments over a video microscope data set of polystyrene spheres suspended in water undergoing Brownian motion confirmed the efficiency of the algorithm.