349 resultados para Broadnose sevengill sharks


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Acknowledgements We thank staff at the Cape Eleuthera Institute for assistance in the field, Dominique Barthelemy and Jean Goasdoue for providing samples, and Helen Hipperson for assistance in the lab.


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We thank Sean Tracey and Jaime McAllister for supplying albacore and southern bluefin tuna samples, Eva Giacomello for collecting the skipjack tuna sample, Elena Sarropoulou for providing the Atlantic bonito assembly, Helen Hipperson for assistance in the lab, Barbara Block and Ziheng Yang for advice, the editors and reviewers for comments, and the Leverhulme Trust and BBSRC for funding


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The ultimate goal of wildlife recovery is abundance growth of a species, though it must also involve the reestablishment of the species’ ecological role within ecosystems frequently modified by humans. Reestablishment and subsequent recovery may depend on the species’ degree of adaptive behavior as well as the duration of their functional absence and the extent of ecosystem alteration. In cases of long extirpations or extensive alteration, successful reestablishment may entail adjusting foraging behavior, targeting new prey species, and encountering unfamiliar predatory or competitive regimes. Recovering species must also increasingly tolerate heightened anthropogenic presence, particularly within densely inhabited coastal zones. In recent decades, gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) recovered from exploitation, depletion, and partial extirpation in the Northwest Atlantic. On Cape Cod, MA, USA, gray seals have reestablished growing breeding colonies and seasonally interact with migratory white sharks (Carcarodon carcharias). Though well-studied in portions of their range due to concerns over piscivorous impacts on valuable groundfish, there are broad knowledge gaps regarding their ecological role to US marine ecosystems. Furthermore, there are few studies that explicitly analyze gray seal behavior under direct risk of documented shark predation.

In this dissertation, I apply a behavioral and movement ecology approach to telemetry data to understand gray seal abundance and activity patterns along the coast of Cape Cod. This coastal focus complements extensive research documenting and describing offshore movement and foraging behavior and allows me to address questions about movement decisions and risk allocation. Using beach counts of seals visible in satellite imagery, I estimate the total regional abundance of gray seals using correction factors from haul out behavior and demonstrate a sizeable prey base of gray seals locally. Analyzing intra-annual space use patterns, I document small, concentrated home ranges utilizing nearshore habitats that rapidly expand with shifting activity budgets to target disperse offshore habitats following seasonal declines in white sharks. During the season of dense shark presence, seals conducted abbreviated nocturnal foraging trips structured temporally around divergent use of crepuscular periods. The timing of coastal behavior with different levels of twilight indicate risk allocation patterns with diel cycles of empirical white shark activity. The emergence of risk allocation to explain unique behavioral and spatial patterns observed in these gray seals points to the importance of the restored predator-prey dynamic in gray seal behavior along Cape Cod.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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This stock assessment provides detailed results for the most common sharks encountered by Queensland commercial fishers. These sharks come from the whaler (Carcharhinidae) and hammerhead (Sphyrnidae) families and comprise sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon taylori and R. oligolinx), the milk shark (R. acutus), the creek whaler (Carcharhinus fitzroyensis), the hardnose shark (C. macloti), the spot-tail shark (C. sorrah), the Australian blacktip shark (C. tilstoni), the common blacktip shark (C. limbatus), the spinner shark (C. brevipinna), bull and pigeye sharks (C. leucas and C. amboinensis), the winghead shark (Eusphyra blochii), the scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) and the great hammerhead (S. mokarran). Reef sharks were excluded because fishery observer data indicated that they were largely spatially segregated from sharks caught in the inshore net fisheries. The three common species of reef sharks in Queensland, which are all whaler sharks, are the grey reef shark Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, the blacktip reef shark C. melanopterus and the whitetip reef shark Triaenodon obesus.


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Tropical Australian shark fisheries target two morphologically indistinguishable blacktip sharks, the Australian blacktip (Carcharhinus tilstoni) and the common blacktip (C. limbatus). Their relative contributions to northern and eastern Australian coastal fisheries are unclear because of species identification difficulties. The two species differ in their number of precaudal vertebrae, which is difficult and time consuming to obtain in the field. But, the two species can be distinguished genetically with diagnostic mutations in their mitochondrial DNA ND4 gene. A third closely related sister species, the graceful shark C. amblyrhynchoides, can also be distinguished by species-specific mutations in this gene. DNA sequencing is an effective diagnostic tool, but is relatively expensive and time consuming. In contrast, real-time high-resolution melt (HRM) PCR assays are rapid and relatively inexpensive. These assays amplify regions of DNA with species-specific genetic mutations that result in PCR products with unique melt profiles. A real-time HRM PCR species-diagnostic assay (RT-HRM-PCR) has been developed based on the mtDNA ND4 gene for rapid typing of C. tilstoni, C. limbatus and C. amblyrhynchoides. The assay was developed using ND4 sequences from 66 C. tilstoni, 33. C. limbatus and five C. amblyrhynchoides collected from Indonesia and Australian states and territories; Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. The assay was shown to be 100% accurate on 160 unknown blacktip shark tissue samples by full mtDNA ND4 sequencing.


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Taxonomic distinction to species level of deep water sharks is complex and often impossible to achieve during fisheries-related studies. The species of the genus Etmopterus are particularly difficult to identify, so they often appear without species assignation as Etmopetrus sp. or spp. in studies, even those focusing on elasmobranchs. During this work, the morphometric traits of two species of Etmopterus, E. spinax and E. pusillus were studied using 27 different morphological measurements, relatively easy to obtain even in the field. These measurements were processed with multivariate analysis in order to find out the most important ones likely to separate the two species. Sexual dimorphism was also assessed using the same techniques, and it was found that it does not occur in these species. The two Etmopterus species presented in this study share the same habitats in the overlapping ranges of distribution and are caught together on the outer shelves and slopes of the north-eastern Atlantic.


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Etmoplerus spinax and Etmopterus pusillus are captured in large quantities in some deep-water fisheries along the Portuguesc coast and are always discarded. Specimens were collected from February 2003 to May 2004 from deep-water fisheries and classified as mature or immature. Maturity ogives were fitted and size at first maturity estimated for each sex of each of each species. Both species are late maturing, with the maturity size varying between 75% and 87% of the maximum observed sizes, depending on species and sex. For both species, females tended to mature at and grow to larger sizes than males. The late maturation of these deep-water shark species make these populations extremely vulnerable to increasing fishing mortality.


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Despite Springer’s (1964) revision of the sharpnose sharks (genus Rhizoprionodon), the taxonomic definition and ranges of Rhizoprionodon in the western Atlantic Ocean remains problematic. In particular, the distinction between Rhizoprionodon terraenovae and R. porosus, and the occurrence of R. terraenovae in South American waters are unresolved issues involving common and ecologically important species in need of fishery management in Caribbean and southwest Atlantic waters. In recent years, molecular markers have been used as efficient tools for the detection of cryptic species and to address controversial taxonomic issues. In this study 415 samples of the genus Rhizoprionodon captured in the western Atlantic Ocean from Florida to southern Brazil were examined for sequences of the COI gene and the D-loop and evaluated for nucleotide differences. The results on nucleotide composition, AMOVA tests, and relationship distances using Bayesian-likelihood method and haplotypes network, corroborates Springer’s (1964) morphometric and meristic finding and provide strong evidence that supports consideration of R. terraenovae and R. porosus as distinct species.


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This book comprises 34 chapters (35 including the initial keynote paper), each written as a stand-alone scientific paper, that are grouped in functional categories. The keynote paper is followed by 11 papers addressing Distribution and Abundance, 6 papers on Age, Growth and Reproduction, 6 papers on Ecology and Physiology, and 10 papers on Fisheries, Assessment and Management, and Conservation. Some of the papers are based upon presentations that were given at the First International Symposium on the Management and Biology of Dogfish Sharks, held in Seattle, WA in 2005.


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This study investigated how and to what degree “hybrid photography”—the simultaneous use of indexical and fictional properties and strategies— innovates the representation of animals within animalcentric, ecocentric frameworks. Design theory structured this project’s Practice-led, Visual research methodology framework. Grounded theory processes articulated emerging categories of hybrid photography through systematically and comparatively treating animal photography works for reflexive analysis. Design theory then applied and clarified categories, developing practice that re-visualised shark perspectives as new ecological discourse. Shadows, a creative practice installation, realised a full-scale photographic investigation into shark and marine animal realities of a specific environment—Heron Island and Gladstone, Great Barrier Reef—facing ecological crisis from dredging and development at Gladstone Harbour. Works rendered and explored hybrid photography’s capacity for illuminating nonhuman animals, in particular, sharks, and comprise 65% of this project’s weighting. This exegetical paper offers a definition, strategies and evaluation of hybrid photography in unsettling animal perspectives as effective ecological discourse, and comprises 35%.


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We report on the development and characterization of 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the zebra shark (Stegostoma fasciatum). Five tetranucleotide and nine dinucleotide loci were polymorphic with heterozygosities ranging from 0.400 to 0.967 and from three to 22 alleles per locus. Cross-species amplification of these zebra shark primers on four other species of orectolobid sharks was not successful.


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The distribution of the river shark Glyphis in northern Australia is extended with new records of occurrence in the Gulf of Carpentaria and a reassessment of historical survey data from Cape York Peninsula. Nine new specimens of Glyphis sp. A were collected in 2005 from the Weipa region on the Queensland coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria. A re-examination of archival records from 1978-86 marine and estuarine fish surveys in the Gulf of Carpentaria and along the northern Queensland East Coast allowed a further nineteen Glyphis specimens to be identified. Combined this gives twenty-eight new records of Glyphis specimens from the coasts of Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Common habitat characteristics for all captures were turbid, shallow, fast running tidal water in the upper reaches of coastal rivers. The substrate was generally muddy and the rivers lined with mangrove. In all surveys the representation of Glyphis was low, being less than 1% of the total shark captures historically and 0.002 sharks 50 m net hour-1 in Weipa 2005. The size range captured was 1000-1800 mm total length historically and 705-1200 mm total length from Weipa 2005, with none recorded as sexually mature. Diagnostic characteristics of the Weipa specimens, identified as Glyphis sp. A, were: lower jaw teeth protruding and "spear-like"; second dorsal fin greater than half the height of the first dorsal fin; the snout relatively short and fleshy in the lateral view; pectoral fin ventral surface black in colouration; the precaudal vertebral count between 118 and 123; and the total vertebral count between 204 and 209.


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Three data sets were examined to define the level of interaction of reef associated sharks with the commercial Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery within the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Data were examined from fishery logbooks, an observer program within the fishery and a fishery-independent survey conducted as part of the Effects of Line Fishing (ELF) Experiment. The majority of the identified catch was comprised of grey reef (62-72%), whitetip reef (16-29%) and blacktip reef (6-13%) sharks. Logbook data revealed spatially and temporally variable landings of shark from the GBR. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) through time was stable for the period from 1989 to 2006 with no evidence of increase or decline. Data from observer and ELF data sets indicated no differences in CPUE among regions. The ELF data set demonstrated that CPUE was higher in Marine National Park zones (no fishing) when compared to General Use zones (open to fishing). The ongoing and consistent catches of reef sharks in the fishery and effectiveness of no-fishing zones suggest that management zones within the GBR Marine Park are effective at protecting a portion of the reef shark population from exploitation.