999 resultados para Bowditch, Nathaniel, 1773-1838.
An indenture dated October 1, 1773 between Mary Willson (daughter of Andrew Willson) and Hill Carney and Sarah his wife and Mary their daughter. Mary "hath put herself and by this presents doth voluntarily and of her own free will and accord put herself Apprentice to Hill Carney Sarah his wife and Mary their daughter".
An invoice for goods bought in Port Robinson, 28, May 1838. The list of goods includes: Blue cloth, buttons & thread, high lace shoes etc. There is also a note which reads "To Mr. W. Cowen, Dear Sir, The above is the quantity of goods you wanted and as ---- the quality as may be. I hope they will suit him. I have not all the ------- for the vest & pant above, but have sent what I have. I could not procure a silk handkerchief of any kind. I think Mr. Donaldson will be up soon he is now at Toronto. Give my compliments to Mrs. Cowan & family no more at present" Robert Elliot
Agreement between S.D. Woodruff and Nathaniel Dyment of Barrie. S.D. Woodruff is the owner of license no. 198 of season 1877/78 for berth no. 198. S.D. Woodruff has agreed to sell this license, Nov. 23, 1877.
According to legend, the Burning Springs were discovered by early natives in the Niagara Peninsula. Bridgewater Mills was built on the site of the spring. During the excavation of the factory; workmen uncovered the spring. Samuel Street and Thomas Clark recognized the potential of this as a tourist attraction so they built a wooden shelter over the spring. The spring was covered with a barrel with a pipe protruding from it. This became the first tourist attraction at Niagara. The Cave of the Winds was a cavern located behind the Bridal Veil Fall. It was originally named the Aeolus Cave. In 1920, a sudden rock fall from the ceiling killed 3 tourists. The cave was destroyed in 1955 as it was deemed dangerous. The captain of the Maid of the Mist was usually a farmer who owned the land where the ship docked. In 1846, the first steam powered Maid of the Mist was launched. By 1848, the first suspension bridge was built over the gorge and the main purpose of the Maid of the Mist was no longer to carry people who needed to travel, but now the focus was on people who wanted to view the Falls at close range. Source: http://www.niagarafrontier.com/burningsprings.html http://www.niagarafrontier.com/winds.html http://reservationsystems.com/niagara_daredevils/maid_of_the_mist.html
Letter to Colonel Robert Nelles, Commander of the 4th Regiment of Lincoln Militia from Colonel Nathaniel Coffin of York. His is enquiring about the post of collector at Niagara for his son-in-law Edward Pilkington. There is a small hole in this letter which affects the text slightly, Aug. 28, 1820.
Subscription to Lady’s Book of Philadelphia, a 3 year subscription from July 1835 – June 1838 made out to H. Nelles and signed by S.A. Godey. There is a note from the postmaster on the inner page of this subscription, May 19, 1838.
Resumen tomado del recurso
Ofrecer una visi??n comprensiva de una parte de la educaci??n en Catalu??a, a trav??s de la historia de una instituci??n docente como es la Escuela P??a. Conseguir una aproximaci??n al aspecto organizativo de los Colegios Escolapios del siglo XIX. El sistema educativo liberal en el siglo XIX, problem??tica educativa de los Escolapios y su acci??n educativa. Investiga sobre los Colegios Escolapios y la documentaci??n de cada uno de ellos para ver las cuestiones y problemas comunes. Encuadra la Instituci??n escolapia en el siglo XIX y en el sistema educativo liberal. Fuentes bibliogr??ficas y archiv??sticas. Interpretaci??n hist??rica de los datos obtenidos. La respuesta de los Escolapios al reto de la educaci??n en el periodo estudiado fue una aportaci??n progresiva a la demanda social, a la evoluci??n socio-pol??tica y a la necesidad cultural inmediata (ajust??ndose a la voluntad y vocaci??n de los propios Escolapios de estar en el campo de la ense??anza). Este trabajo no deja de ser un estudio parcial y complementario, que consolida algunos puntos conocidos de la historia escolapia, aporta nuevos y corrige otros, y abre caminos de investigaci??n cara al futuro.