992 resultados para Boston Globe


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Contemporary food production, given the degree of technology being applied in it and the present state of scientific knowledge, should be able to feed the world. Corresponding statistics show that in fact the volumes of modern food production confirm this statement. Yet, the present nutritional situation across the globe leaves much to be desired: on the one hand the numbers of undernourished and malnourished people are still high and even growing in some regions, and on the other hand there is an increasing number of overweight and obese people who are experiencing (or are at risk of) adverse health impacts as consequences. The question arises how this situation is possible given the present state of food production and knowledge, and also in terms of nutrition basics when talking about the latter. When arguing about the main causes of the present situation with nutrition across the globe, it is the modern food system with its distortions that is often criticised with emphasis placed on inappropriate food distribution as one of the key problems. However it is not only food distribution that shapes inequalities in terms of food availability and accessibility – there is a number of other factors contributing to this situation including political influences. Each of the drivers of the present situation might affect more than one part and have outcomes in different dimensions. Therefore it makes sense to apply a holistic approach when viewing the modern food system, embracing all the elements and existing relationships between them for this will facilitate taking appropriate actions in order to target the desired outcome in the best possible way. Applying a systematic approach and linking various elements with corresponding interactions among them allows for picturing all the possible outcomes and hence finding the way for a better solution on global level – a solution to the present problem with nutritional disbalance across the globe.


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Interviews with more than 40 leaders in the Boston area health care industry have identified a range of broadly-felt critical problems. This document synthesizes these problems and places them in the context of work and family issues implicit in the organization of health care workplaces. It concludes with questions about possible ways to address such issues. The defining circumstance for the health care industry nationally as well as regionally at present is an extraordinary reorganization, not yet fully negotiated, in the provision and financing of health care. Hoped-for controls on increased costs of medical care – specifically the widespread replacement of indemnity insurance by market-based managed care and business models of operation--have fallen far short of their promise. Pressures to limit expenditures have produced dispiriting conditions for the entire healthcare workforce, from technicians and aides to nurses and physicians. Under such strains, relations between managers and workers providing care are uneasy, ranging from determined efforts to maintain respectful cooperation to adversarial negotiation. Taken together, the interviews identify five key issues affecting a broad cross-section of occupational groups, albeit in different ways: Staffing shortages of various kinds throughout the health care workforce create problems for managers and workers and also for the quality of patient care. Long work hours and inflexible schedules place pressure on virtually every part of the healthcare workforce, including physicians. Degraded and unsupportive working conditions, often the result of workplace "deskilling" and "speed up," undercut previous modes of clinical practice. Lack of opportunities for training and advancement exacerbate workforce problems in an industry where occupational categories and terms of work are in a constant state of flux. Professional and employee voices are insufficiently heard in conditions of rapid institutional reorganization and consolidation. Interviewees describe multiple impacts of these issues--on the operation of health care workplaces, on the well being of the health care workforce, and on the quality of patient care. Also apparent in the interviews, but not clearly named and defined, is the impact of these issues on the ability of workers to attend well to the needs of their families--and the reciprocal impact of workers' family tensions on workplace performance. In other words, the same things that affect patient care also affect families, and vice versa. Some workers describe feeling both guilty about raising their own family issues when their patients' needs are at stake, and resentful about the exploitation of these feelings by administrators making workplace policy. The different institutions making up the health care system have responded to their most pressing issues with a variety of specific stratagems but few that address the complexities connecting relations between work and family. The MIT Workplace Center proposes a collaborative exploration of next steps to probe these complications and to identify possible locations within the health care system for workplace experimentation with outcomes benefiting all parties.


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En el año 2010 el gobierno de Canadá pública su estrategia de política exterior hacia el Ártico, en la cual manifiesta que esta región es una de las principales prioridades del Gobierno de Stephen Harper en materia de política exterior. Así las cosas, a partir de la perspectiva teórica del realismo neoclásico la investigación se enfoca en analizar por qué la seguridad nacional y la prosperidad económica son los principales intereses de este Gobierno en la zona.


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El proyecto GLOBE es un programa internacional práctico de ciencia y educación ambiental. En él participan estudiantes que realizan mediciones ambientales con rigurosidad científica, de modo que los resultados puedan ser utilizados por los científicos. Se aplican los denominados protocolos GLOBE, que detallan los pasos a seguir para realizar las mediciones. Los alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato del IES Ana Ozores colaboran en este proyecto. Se apoyan los contenidos sobre educación ambiental que se imparten en el centro y, además, la metodología del programa GLOBE permite un aprendizaje significativo y riguroso de las técnicas y procedimientos utilizados en investigación ambiental. Los objetivos principales son aprender que la Tierra es un sistema compuesto de varios subsistemas que interactúan entre ellos; tener en cuenta la existencia de límites para la explotación de los recursos naturales; investigar los problemas ambientales mediante la recogida y análisis de datos, elaboración de conclusiones, y realización de un informe final; y proteger el medio ambiente a escala local y global, apoyando propuestas que ayuden a mejorarlo. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto es necesaria la adaptación de las programaciones de las áreas y materias implicadas y también se requiere una coordinación de las actividades con el fin de conseguir un enfoque multidisciplinar de la educación ambiental. Los alumnos de 1õ de ESO realizan mediciones relativas a la atmósfera; en 2õ de ESO se trabaja con la hidrología; en 3õ de ESO las mediciones son sobre el suelo y la hidrología; y en 4õ de ESO se aplican protocolos de suelos y cobertura vegetal, de investigación con GPS, y de teledetección. Por último, los alumnos de 1õ de Bachillerato siguen los protocolos de suelos e hidrología. Se elaboran materiales para su uso en las prácticas de laboratorio y en el trabajo de campo. Se incluyen en anexos y en CD un listado de objetivos a alcanzar con la aplicación de cada protocolo, contenidos desarrollados, actividades realizadas y formularios para la toma de datos.


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