889 resultados para Bombing and gunnery ranges.
Neal, M., Meta-stable memory in an artificial immune network, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems {ICARIS}, Springer, 168-180, 2003,LNCS 2787/2003
Purpose. To study thermal stability of Aspirin and define thermal events that are associated with the thermal degradation of aspirin. Methods. Experiments were performed using a DSC 823e (Mettler Toledo, Swiss). Aspirin is prone to thermal degradation upon exposure to high temperatures. The melting point of aspirin is 140.1±0.4ºC (DSC). Aspirin has been examined by heating samples to 120ºC, 155ºC and 185ºC with subsequent cooling to -55ºC and a final heating to 155ºC. Although different heating and cooling ranges have been used, only results obtained at a rate of 10ºC/min will be presented. All runs where conducted in hermetically sealed pans. Results. Upon heating the sample to 120ºC no significant thermal event can be detected. After cooling the sample and reheating a glass transition can be observed at ~-8ºC, followed by the melting of aspirin at ~139ºC. By heating the sample to 155ºC melting of aspirin has been detected at ~139ºC. On cooling and subsequent heating a glass transition occurs at ~-32ºC, together with a broad crystallisation (onset at ~38ºC and peak maximum at ~57ºC) followed by a broad melting with an onset at 94ºC and peak maximum at ~112ºC. Finally, by heating the sample to 185ºC melting at ~ 139ºC was observed, and upon cooling and reheating a glass transition was detected at ~-26ºC and no further events could be recorded. Conclusions. This research demonstrates that the degradation steps of Aspirin depend on the thermal treatment. The main degradation products of different thermal treatments are currently unknown it is clear that acetic acid, which is one of the degradation products, acts as an antiplasticiser by lowering the glass transition temperature. In addition, due to the presence of the degradation products in liquid form (observed by hot stage microscopy), Aspirin is still present in the sample and recrystallises during the second heating step and melts at much lower temperatures.
The Mediterranean Sea is located in a crossroad of mid-latitude and subtropical climatic modes that enhance contrasting environmental conditions over both latitudinal and longitudinal ranges. Here, we show that the large-scale environmental forcing is reflected in the basin scale trends of the adult population of the calanoid copepod Centropages typicus. The species is distributed over the whole Mediterranean basin, and maximal abundances were found in the north-western basin associated to oceanic fronts, and in the Adriatic Sea associated to shallow and semi enclosed waters. The peak of main abundances of C. typicus correlates with the latitudinal temperature gradient and the highest seasonal abundances occurred in spring within the 14–18°C temperature window. Such thermal cline may define the latitudinal geographic region where C. typicus seasonally dominates the >200 μm-sized spring copepod community in the Mediterranean Sea. The approach used here is generally applicable to investigate the large-scale spatial patterns of other planktonic organisms and to identify favourable environmental windows for population development.
Three-dimensional reconstruction from volumetric medical images (e.g. CT, MRI) is a well-established technology used in patient-specific modelling. However, there are many cases where only 2D (planar) images may be available, e.g. if radiation dose must be limited or if retrospective data is being used from periods when 3D data was not available. This study aims to address such cases by proposing an automated method to create 3D surface models from planar radiographs. The method consists of (i) contour extraction from the radiograph using an Active Contour (Snake) algorithm, (ii) selection of a closest matching 3D model from a library of generic models, and (iii) warping the selected generic model to improve correlation with the extracted contour.
This method proved to be fully automated, rapid and robust on a given set of radiographs. Measured mean surface distance error values were low when comparing models reconstructed from matching pairs of CT scans and planar X-rays (2.57–3.74 mm) and within ranges of similar studies. Benefits of the method are that it requires a single radiographic image to perform the surface reconstruction task and it is fully automated. Mechanical simulations of loaded bone with different levels of reconstruction accuracy showed that an error in predicted strain fields grows proportionally to the error level in geometric precision. In conclusion, models generated by the proposed technique are deemed acceptable to perform realistic patient-specific simulations when 3D data sources are unavailable.
Camera traps are used to estimate densities or abundances using capture-recapture and, more recently, random encounter models (REMs). We deploy REMs to describe an invasive-native species replacement process, and to demonstrate their wider application beyond abundance estimation. The Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicus is a high priority endemic of conservation concern. It is threatened by an expanding population of non-native, European hares L. europaeus, an invasive species of global importance. Camera traps were deployed in thirteen 1 km squares, wherein the ratio of invader to native densities were corroborated by night-driven line transect distance sampling throughout the study area of 1652 km2. Spatial patterns of invasive and native densities between the invader’s core and peripheral ranges, and native allopatry, were comparable between methods. Native densities in the peripheral range were comparable to those in native allopatry using REM, or marginally depressed using Distance Sampling. Numbers of the invader were substantially higher than the native in the core range, irrespective of method, with a 5:1 invader-to-native ratio indicating species replacement. We also describe a post hoc optimization protocol for REM which will inform subsequent (re-)surveys, allowing survey effort (camera hours) to be reduced by up to 57% without compromising the width of confidence intervals associated with density estimates. This approach will form the basis of a more cost-effective means of surveillance and monitoring for both the endemic and invasive species. The European hare undoubtedly represents a significant threat to the endemic Irish hare.
The sensitivity of lithium plasma models to the underlying atomic data is investigated. Collisional-radiative modeling is carried out with both the Los Alamos and ADAS suite of codes. The effects of plane-wave Born, distorted-wave, and nonperturbative R -matrix with pseudostates and time-dependent close-coupling electron impact atomic data on derived plasma quantities such as the ionization balance and radiated power are studied. Density and temperature regimes are identified where nonperturbative excitation and ionization rate coefficients must be used. The electron temperature and density ranges investigated were 0.2 eV<or = T(e) <or =90 eV and 10(10) cm(-3) <or = N(e) <or = 10(14) cm(-3).
Background: Theoretically, each species’ ecological niche is phylogenetically-determined and expressed spatially as the species’ range. However, environmental stress gradients may directly or indirectly decrease individual performance, such that the precise process delimiting a species range may not be revealed simply by studying abundance patterns. In the intertidal habitat the vertical ranges of marine species may be constrained by their abilities to tolerate thermal and desiccation stress, which may act directly or indirectly, the latter by limiting the availability of preferred trophic resources. Therefore, we expected individuals at greater shore heights to show greater variation in diet alongside lower indices of physiological condition.
Methods: We sampled the grazing gastropod Echinolittorina peruviana from the desert coastline of northern Chile at three shore heights, across eighteen regionally-representative shores. Stable isotope values (δ13C and δ15N) were extracted from E. peruviana and its putative food resources to estimate Bayesian ellipse area, carbon and nitrogen ranges and diet. Individual physiological condition was tracked by muscle % C and % N.
Results: There was an increase in isotopic variation at high shore levels, where E. peruviana’s preferred resource, tide-deposited particulate organic matter (POM), appeared to decrease in dietary contribution, and was expected to be less abundant. Both muscle % C and % N of individuals decreased with height on the shore.
Discussion: Individuals at higher stress levels appear to be less discriminating in diet, likely because of abiotic forcing, which decreases both consumer mobility and the availability of a preferred resource. Abiotic stress might be expected to increase trophic variation in other selective dietary generalist species. Where this coincides with a lower physiological condition, this may be a direct factor in setting their range limit.
This paper presents a methodology for the design of oversampled narrow-band single-loop and multi-stage resonator-based bandpass Σ-Δ modulators that can accommodate different passband centre to sampling frequency ratios. These tunable bandpass configurations are designed by analytically determining the required compensation hardware to deliver good resolution. Thorough simulations demonstrate that comparatively superior in-band signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and dynamic ranges (DRs) are attributed to the inclusion of appropriate feedforward and feedback compensators within these structures.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientadora: Professora Doutora Celsa Maria de Carvalho Machado
Le traumatisme craniocérébral léger (TCCL) a des effets complexes sur plusieurs fonctions cérébrales, dont l’évaluation et le suivi peuvent être difficiles. Les problèmes visuels et les troubles de l’équilibre font partie des plaintes fréquemment rencontrées après un TCCL. En outre, ces problèmes peuvent continuer à affecter les personnes ayant eu un TCCL longtemps après la phase aiguë du traumatisme. Cependant, les évaluations cliniques conventionnelles de la vision et de l’équilibre ne permettent pas, la plupart du temps, d’objectiver ces symptômes, surtout lorsqu’ils s’installent durablement. De plus, il n’existe pas, à notre connaissance, d’étude longitudinale ayant étudié les déficits visuels perceptifs, en tant que tels, ni les troubles de l’équilibre secondaires à un TCCL, chez l’adulte. L’objectif de ce projet était donc de déterminer la nature et la durée des effets d’un tel traumatisme sur la perception visuelle et sur la stabilité posturale, en évaluant des adultes TCCL et contrôles sur une période d’un an. Les mêmes sujets, exactement, ont participé aux deux expériences, qui ont été menées les mêmes jours pour chacun des sujets. L’impact du TCCL sur la perception visuelle de réseaux sinusoïdaux définis par des attributs de premier et de second ordre a d’abord été étudié. Quinze adultes diagnostiqués TCCL ont été évalués 15 jours, 3 mois et 12 mois après leur traumatisme. Quinze adultes contrôles appariés ont été évalués à des périodes identiques. Des temps de réaction (TR) de détection de clignotement et de discrimination de direction de mouvement ont été mesurés. Les niveaux de contraste des stimuli de premier et de second ordre ont été ajustés pour qu’ils aient une visibilité comparable, et les moyennes, médianes, écarts-types (ET) et écarts interquartiles (EIQ) des TR correspondant aux bonnes réponses ont été calculés. Le niveau de symptômes a également été évalué pour le comparer aux données de TR. De façon générale, les TR des TCCL étaient plus longs et plus variables (plus grands ET et EIQ) que ceux des contrôles. De plus, les TR des TCCL étaient plus courts pour les stimuli de premier ordre que pour ceux de second ordre, et plus variables pour les stimuli de premier ordre que pour ceux de second ordre, dans la condition de discrimination de mouvement. Ces observations se sont répétées au cours des trois sessions. Le niveau de symptômes des TCCL était supérieur à celui des participants contrôles, et malgré une amélioration, cet écart est resté significatif sur la période d’un an qui a suivi le traumatisme. La seconde expérience, elle, était destinée à évaluer l’impact du TCCL sur le contrôle postural. Pour cela, nous avons mesuré l’amplitude d’oscillation posturale dans l’axe antéropostérieur et l’instabilité posturale (au moyen de la vitesse quadratique moyenne (VQM) des oscillations posturales) en position debout, les pieds joints, sur une surface ferme, dans cinq conditions différentes : les yeux fermés, et dans un tunnel virtuel tridimensionnel soit statique, soit oscillant de façon sinusoïdale dans la direction antéropostérieure à trois vitesses différentes. Des mesures d’équilibre dérivées de tests cliniques, le Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition (BOT-2) et le Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) ont également été utilisées. Les participants diagnostiqués TCCL présentaient une plus grande instabilité posturale (une plus grande VQM des oscillations posturales) que les participants contrôles 2 semaines et 3 mois après le traumatisme, toutes conditions confondues. Ces troubles de l’équilibre secondaires au TCCL n’étaient plus présents un an après le traumatisme. Ces résultats suggèrent également que les déficits affectant les processus d’intégration visuelle mis en évidence dans la première expérience ont pu contribuer aux troubles de l’équilibre secondaires au TCCL. L’amplitude d’oscillation posturale dans l’axe antéropostérieur de même que les mesures dérivées des tests cliniques d’évaluation de l’équilibre (BOT-2 et BESS) ne se sont pas révélées être des mesures sensibles pour quantifier le déficit postural chez les sujets TCCL. L’association des mesures de TR à la perception des propriétés spécifiques des stimuli s’est révélée être à la fois une méthode de mesure particulièrement sensible aux anomalies visuomotrices secondaires à un TCCL, et un outil précis d’investigation des mécanismes sous-jacents à ces anomalies qui surviennent lorsque le cerveau est exposé à un traumatisme léger. De la même façon, les mesures d’instabilité posturale se sont révélées suffisamment sensibles pour permettre de mesurer les troubles de l’équilibre secondaires à un TCCL. Ainsi, le développement de tests de dépistage basés sur ces résultats et destinés à l’évaluation du TCCL dès ses premières étapes apparaît particulièrement intéressant. Il semble également primordial d’examiner les relations entre de tels déficits et la réalisation d’activités de la vie quotidienne, telles que les activités scolaires, professionnelles ou sportives, pour déterminer les impacts fonctionnels que peuvent avoir ces troubles des fonctions visuomotrice et du contrôle de l’équilibre.
The study revealed that southwest monsoon rainfall in Kerala has been declining while increasing in post monsoon season. The annual rainfall exhibits a cyclic trend of 40-60 years, with a significant decline in recent decades. The intensity of climatological droughts was increasing across the State of Kerala through it falls under heavy rainfall zone due to unimodal rainfall pattern. The moisture index across the State of Kerala was moving from B4 to B3 humid, indicating that the State was moving from wetness to dryness within the humid climate.The study confirms that a warming Kerala is real as maximum, minimum and mean temperatures and temperature ranges are increasing. The rate of increase in maximum temperature was high (1.46°C) across the high ranges, followed by the coastal belt (1.09°C) of Kerala while the rate of increase was relatively marginal (0.25°C) across the midlands. The rate of increase in temperature across the high ranges is probably high because of deforestation. It indicates that the highranges and coastal belts in Kerala are vulnerable to global warming and climate change when compared to midlands.Interestingly, the trend in annual rainfall is increasing at Pampadumpara (Idukki), while declining at Ambalavayal across the highranges. In the case of maximum temperature, it was showing increasing trend at Pampadumpara while declining trend at Ambalavayal. In the case of minimum temperature it is declining at Pampadumpara while increasing in Ambalavalal.The paddy productivity in Kerala during kharif / virippu is unlikely to decline due to increasing temperature on the basis of long term climate change, but likely to decline to a considerable extent due to prolonged monsoon season, followed by unusual summer rains as noticed in 2007-08 and 2010-11.All the plantation crops under study are vulnerable to climate variability such as floods and droughts rather than long term changes in temperature and rainfall.
Existen importantes pruebas de valoración que miden habilidades o competencias motoras en el niño; a pesar de ello Colombia carece de estudios que demuestren la validez y la confiabilidad de un test de medición que permita emitir un juicio valorativo relacionado con las competencias motoras infantiles, teniendo presente que la intervención debe basarse en la rigurosidad que exigen los procesos de valoración y evaluación del movimiento corporal. Objetivo. El presente estudio se centró en determinar las propiedades psicométricas del test de competencias motoras Bruininiks Oseretsky –BOT 2- segunda edición. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas con 24 niños aparentemente sanos de ambos géneros, entre 4 y 7 años, residentes en las ciudades de Chía y Bogotá. La evaluación fue realizada por 3 evaluadores expertos; el análisis para consistencia interna se realizó utilizando el Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, el análisis de reproducibilidad se estableció a través del Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase –CCI- y para el análisis de la validez concurrente se utilizó el Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson, considerando un alfa=0.05. Resultados. Para la totalidad de las pruebas, se encontraron altos índices de confiabilidad y validez. Conclusiones. El BOT 2 es un instrumento válido y confiable, que puede ser utilizado para la evaluación e identificación del nivel de desarrollo en que se encuentran las competencias motoras en el niño.
Small-angle X-ray scattering was used to characterise aqueous micellar gels of triblock copolymers E137S18E137, E82S9E82, E76S5E76, E62P39E62, and of two mixtures: E137S18E137 and E62P39E62 (Mix 1) and ES2S9E82 and E62P39E62 (Mix 2), each 50/50 wt%. E = oxyethylene, CH2CH2O; S = oxyphenylethylene, OCH2CH(C6H5); and P = oxypropylene, OCH2CH(CH3)- Within the concentration and temperature ranges investigated (30-40 wt% copolymer, 20-80 degrees C), spherical micelles of copolymers E137S18E137, E82S9ES2 and E62P39E62 packed into bodycentred cubic (BCC) structures. Gels of E76S5E76 were stable only at high concentrations and low temperatures, and a 70 wt/o copolymer solution at T = 30 degrees C formed a hexagonal gel consistent with cylindrical micelles. It is likely that the mixed copolymers would form two distributions of micelles, and more complex structures were expected. However, gels of Mix 2 had well-ordered BCC structures, while the less ordered gels of Mix 1 were also best characterised as BCC. (c) 2006 Society of Chemical Industry.
In this paper ensembles of forecasts (of up to six hours) are studied from a convection-permitting model with a representation of model error due to unresolved processes. The ensemble prediction system (EPS) used is an experimental convection-permitting version of the UK Met Office’s 24- member Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS). The method of representing model error variability, which perturbs parameters within the model’s parameterisation schemes, has been modified and we investigate the impact of applying this scheme in different ways. These are: a control ensemble where all ensemble members have the same parameter values; an ensemble where the parameters are different between members, but fixed in time; and ensembles where the parameters are updated randomly every 30 or 60 min. The choice of parameters and their ranges of variability have been determined from expert opinion and parameter sensitivity tests. A case of frontal rain over the southern UK has been chosen, which has a multi-banded rainfall structure. The consequences of including model error variability in the case studied are mixed and are summarised as follows. The multiple banding, evident in the radar, is not captured for any single member. However, the single band is positioned in some members where a secondary band is present in the radar. This is found for all ensembles studied. Adding model error variability with fixed parameters in time does increase the ensemble spread for near-surface variables like wind and temperature, but can actually decrease the spread of the rainfall. Perturbing the parameters periodically throughout the forecast does not further increase the spread and exhibits “jumpiness” in the spread at times when the parameters are perturbed. Adding model error variability gives an improvement in forecast skill after the first 2–3 h of the forecast for near-surface temperature and relative humidity. For precipitation skill scores, adding model error variability has the effect of improving the skill in the first 1–2 h of the forecast, but then of reducing the skill after that. Complementary experiments were performed where the only difference between members was the set of parameter values (i.e. no initial condition variability). The resulting spread was found to be significantly less than the spread from initial condition variability alone.
Dielectric properties of BaTiO(3) ferroelectric ceramics were studied over wide frequency and temperature ranges. The materials showed complex dielectric behaviors, which included an anomalous increase of permittivity towards higher temperatures. Important, this property tended however to saturate to values that varied with grain-boundary density. Application of impedance spectroscopy and consideration of the series-layer model allowed a coherent discussion of these and other interesting observations from this work. In particular, analysis of the relationship existing in this model between macroscopic and microscopic dielectric properties rendered possible to account for grain vs. grain-boundary dielectric behaviors, in harmony with microstructure features, and to know the dielectric anomaly strength to be in fact expected from grain boundaries in such polycrystalline materials. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.