615 resultados para Body image--Social aspects.
The current study examined the association between involvement in bullying and victimization and internalizing difficulties such as self-esteem, social anxiety, depression and body image. Possible gender differences were also examined. The participants, high school students from Southern Ontario (N=533), were drawn from a larger, data set as part ofa study that was completed by the Youth Lifestyle Choices: Community Research Alliance (YLCCURA). The students completed a self-report questionnaire on a number ofmeasures; including, bullying, victimization, self-esteem, social anxiety, depression and body image. The results of this study suggest that those students who self-identified as victims and bully-victims also report higher levels of anxiety and depression than controls and bullies. Severe victims and bullyvictims had a lower body image than severe bullies and controls, whereas severe bullies seem to have a higher body image score than controls. These results are relevant when considering treatments and interventions for students experiencing adjustment difficulties who may also be at risk for bullying victimization. The results also suggest that particular attention needs to be focused on those adolescents who play multi-roles in bullying situations (i.e., bully-victims), since these students may come to the attention ofthe school system for externalizing behaviours, but may also need assistance for internalizing maladjustments.
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of bullying in physical education and its influence on students' intention to participate in the class in the future. Additionally, the study researched the relationship between bullying and body image as well as bullying and physical competency in physical education. A survey was utilized that collected both quantitative and qualitative data about students' experiences in physical education. Two-hundred and thirty-four grade 10 students (144 female and 90 male) from 8 different secondary schools participated in the study. Data analyses were completed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0. Results showed thaLapproximately 18.3% of respondents had .experienced physical bullying in physical education; 23.7% had experienced verbal bullying; and 20.4% experienced social bullying. Furthermore, those who experienced frequent bullying in physical education did not intend on taking the class in the future. The relationship between body image and bullying was not found to be significant. However, physical competence was found to significantly predict bullying in physical education. These results show how prevalent bullying is in physical education classes and how it negatively impacts future participation in the class.
Although family eating practices (FEPs) playa role in the formation of eating practices in children, there is a lack of evidence regarding the role of FEPs on obesity (DB) risk. The purpose of this thesis was to assess the role of child, mother 'and father eating practices (CEPs; MEPS; FaEPs) on nutrient intakes, dietary patterns and body composition. Data were collected on approximately 2,400 peri-adolescents (s250 with complete covariate data). Dietary patterns were assessed using scores that reflected how closely participants followed DASH and Health Canada (HC) recommendations. In girls, poor CEPs, MEPs and FaEPs were associated with increased BMI and risk of overweight and poor dietary patterns according to DASH, and DASH and HC, respectively. In boys, poor CEPs and FaEPs were associated with increased monounsaturated and trans fat, and Vitamin C intakes, respectively. These findings suggest FEPs are associated with DB risk, particularly in girls.
Les six dimensions du concept d’espace social alimentaire ont été structurées pour faciliter l’analyse de l’aspect proprement social de l’acte alimentaire. Analysée à travers ce concept, une cuisine régionale révèle le vécu alimentaire des personnes qui la consomment. Car la promotion d’une cuisine régionale se base sur des produits emblématiques qui ne sont pas nécessairement consommés au quotidien. Dans le village provençal de Sault, village resté à peu près hors des sentiers du tourisme de masse, je m’intéresserai aux habitudes alimentaires de la population. Ces habitudes correspondent-elles à ce que nous a habitué la promotion culinaire et diététique de la cuisine provençale ? En abordant l’aspect proprement social de l’acte alimentaire des habitants de Sault, je verrai la particularité composite des habitudes de consommation alimentaire illustrée par une identité provençale, un discours micro-régional et des habitudes françaises.
Vulvovaginal pain problems are major health concerns in women of childbearing age. Controlled studies have shown that vulvovaginal pain can adversely affect women and their partners’ general psychological well-being, relationship adjustment and overall quality of life. These women have significantly lower levels of sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction, as well as a lower intercourse frequency than normal controls. They also report more anxiety and depression, in addition to more distress about their body image and genital self-image. Empirical studies indicate that specific psychological and relationship factors may increase vulvovaginal pain intensity and its psychosexual sequelae. Randomized clinical trials have shown that psychosexual interventions, namely cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), are efficacious in reducing vulvovaginal pain and improving associated psychosexual outcomes. Women reporting significant psychological, sexual and/or relationship distress should be referred for psychosexual treatment. A multimodal approach to care integrating psychosexual and medical management is thought to be optimal.
El treball tracta d’ explicar quines són les conseqüències sobre la societat i el medi ambient dels països que reben els processos productius de les empreses tèxtils deslocalitzades. El treball es divideix en: una part teòrica, on es fa un breu recorregut per la història del tèxtil i una relació entre medi ambient -indústria tèxtil i multinacionals tèxtils-societat. I en una part pràctica, on s’ analitzen les deu empreses amb major índex de vendes de roba a Espanya i també es comfigura un índex d’ ètica d’ empresa en termes socials i ambientals. Aquest treball pretén ser una eina per a futurs treballs d’ educació per al consum, per tal que els consumidors puguin escollir uns o altres productes, tenint en compte variables que vagin més enllà del renom de la marca, el preu o els colors atraients dels envasos que els contenen
La lipoatrofia facial es uno de los efectos secundarios que con más frecuencia se presenta y afecta la calidad de vida del paciente con VIH que recibe tratamiento antiretroviral. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal que involucró 126 sujetos, a quienes se aplicó una encuesta semi-estructurada para determinar cómo percibe el paciente que la lipoatrofia facial lo afecta en áreas afectiva, social, laboral y ocupacional; evaluar la percepción de la imagen corporal; caracterizar sociodemográficamente; determinar la prevalencia de lipoatrofia facial y establecer si hay diferencias de percepción de la imagen corporal según la caracterización sociodemográfica. Resultados: La Prevalencia de lipoatrofia facial fue del 57.1%. El grado de satisfacción en cuanto a apariencia física tuvo un promedio de 5.01±2.69. El 88.7% y 80.3% de los pacientes evaluados sintieron tristeza y frustración con su apariencia respectivamente. El 53.5% y el 42.9% informaron menos oportunidades laborales y educativas. La orientación sexual reportada con mayor frecuencia fue homosexualidad. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grado de satisfacción de apariencia con aspectos sociodemográficos excepto en pacientes que recibieron apoyo psicológico. Conclusión: Primer estudio en el país que evalúa el impacto de la lipoatrofia facial en pacientes con VIH y tratamiento antiretroviral. Aunque la presencia de lipoatrofia facial sobre la cotidianidad no es estadísticamente significativa, si resulta trascendental pues existen porcentajes importantes de emociones y alteraciones psicológicas que afectan directamente a estos sujetos en las áreas afectiva, social, laboral y ocupacional. Se hace necesaria la realización de más estudios que permitan obtener mayor de evidencia.
El trasplante de órganos y/o tejidos es considerado como una opción terapéutica viable para el tratamiento tanto de enfermedades crónicas o en estadios terminales, como de afectaciones no vitales, pero que generen una disminución en la calidad de vida percibida por el paciente. Este procedimiento, de carácter multidimensional, está compuesto por 3 actores principales: el donante, el órgano/tejido, y el receptor. Si bien un porcentaje significativo de investigaciones y planes de intervención han girado en torno a la dimensión biológica del trasplante, y a la promoción de la donación; el interés por la experiencia psicosocial y la calidad de vida de los receptores en este proceso ha aumentado durante la última década. En relación con esto, la presente monografía se plantea como objetivo general la exploración de la experiencia y los significados construidos por los pacientes trasplantados, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta temática. Para ello, se plantearon unos objetivos específicos derivados del general, se seleccionaron términos o palabras claves por cada uno de estos, y se realizó una búsqueda en 5 bases de datos para revistas indexadas: Ebsco Host (Academic Search; y Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection); Proquest; Pubmed; y Science Direct. A partir de los resultados, se establece que si bien la vivencia de los receptores ha comenzado a ser investigada, aún es necesaria una mayor exploración sobre la experiencia de estos pacientes; exploración que carecería de objetivo si no se hiciera a través de las narrativas o testimonios de los mismos receptores
The pregnancy as a process in woman's life requires several biological, psychological, relational and socio-cultural changes for the preparation for motherhood. By modifying its capacity and, at the expense of these factors, it is observed that the physical, social and emotional problems experienced by women during pregnancy can affect their quality of life, especially related to health. It had as objectives of this research verifying the quality of life of women in the context of the Family Health Strategy in a municipality in Paraíba, in order to characterize the sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle habits, and obstetric care of pregnant women and to characterize the fields of quality of life of pregnant women according to the WHOQOL-bref. This is a descriptive exploratory study with cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The population consisted of 120 pregnant women in primary care in the municipality of Sousa-PB. Data collection occurred over a period of two months by the own master's degree student and two nursing students in applying a standard form about sociodemographic characteristics, and obstetric care and the WHOQOL-bref instrument. The data collected were organized into an electronic database of the Microsoft Excel application, coded, tabulated and presented in tables, charts and figures with their respective percentage distributions. Of the surveyed, the predominant were age group of 20 to 25 years, Catholic religion, with a steady partner, low education, no employment, wage income of 01 minimum wage. As for the data and obstetric care, almost all had never aborted and reported to the care received as excellent. The most frequent complaints were back pain and in lower abdomen. Regarding quality of life according to the WHOQOL-bref, dissatisfactions that predominated in the areas were in the physical pain and discomfort, sleep, rest, energy and fatigue. In the psychological domain, body image and appearance, memory, concentration and negative feelings. In the field of social relationships, sexual activity and the environment domain, the greatest dissatisfaction with facets scored: financial resources, leisure opportunities and transport. It is concluded that the quality of life of the users interviewed were deemed unsatisfactory for these facets, indicating that assistance to this target audience should be done comprehensively and holistically, in order to accommodate the affected facets to improve the quality of life pregnant women attended in primary care
Mudanças notáveis nos hábitos alimentares, acompanhadas de práticas fisioculturistas intensas, são a tônica dos dias atuais, com registros de carências nutricionais e de obesidade bastante preocupantes, do ponto de vista da saúde pública, entre crianças, jovens e adultos. Mas o que conhecem as crianças e os adolescentes sobre o processo de digestão-nutrição, os conceitos básicos envolvidos e as condutas alimentares adequadas à boa saúde humana? Como é desenvolvido esse tema nas escolas públicas e particulares de ensino? Tais questionamentos desencadearam um estudo sobre a natureza das práticas desenvolvidas por professores de ciências e biologia e o conhecimento apresentado por alunos de escolas públicas e particulares. Os resultados revelaram inadequação no tratamento metodológico de ensino do processo de digestão e conceitos envolvidos nesse tema, que levam os alunos ao desinteresse e a manterem praticamente inalterados os conhecimentos ordinários que possuem. O processo de digestão e nutrição, bem como suas implicações para a saúde, configuraram-se como fenômenos desvinculados do aluno, à semelhança do que observamos nos livros didáticos por eles utilizados. A dinâmica das inter-relações alimentares entre seres vivos são superficialmente consideradas em ecologia e passam ao largo das adaptações comportamentais, morfológicas e fisiológicas envolvidas. Considerando esses resultados, propõe-se conteúdo baseado em abordagem ecológica, voltado para determinadas atividades experimentais, jogos e interações coevolutivas de seres vivos - aspectos biológicos e sociais, para o despertar de posturas reflexivas e críticas diante das transformações sociais em curso e de nossas necessidades biológicas no que se refere à alimentação e saúde.
Percepção da imagem corporal de adultos após acidente vascular encefálico: uma abordagem psicofísica
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
This paper deals with psychological aspects involving bodybuilders nowadays, through their interests, motivations, factors that favor them to practice physical activity, frequent body image disorders, and major benefits that can be acquired when weight training the right way, whether physical or psychological. During the work is addressed to the Theory of Self-Determination and its characteristics, and behavioral aspects of the individual. We explore the types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and their regulatory mechanisms. Did the relationship with weight training and the environment that surrounds it as the interaction between those involved in practice between the student and teacher performance and results and the effects that this interference can have on motivation and individual behavior. Also we relate body image factors, the perception of bodybuilders in relation to his own body, and the possible disorders that can promote. Describe the Vigorexia and their characteristics, we made a list of body image and self-esteem, approach standards set by society, the aesthetic influence and media disclosure. Finally, we explore the key benefits that well-directed physical activity can provide its practitioners. Physical, mental and social beneficial, improved self-esteem and in one's relationship skills. We address the growing strength in recent years, and their improvements in the various age groups and the population's quality of life