228 resultados para Blink startle
We investigated the burst swimming performance of five species of Antarctic fish at -1.0degreesC. The species studied belonged to the suborder, Notothenioidei, and from the families, Nototheniidae and Bathydraconidae. Swimming performance of the fish was assessed over the initial 300 ms of a startle response using surgically attached miniature accelerometers. Escape responses in all fish consisted of a C-type fast start; consisting of an initial pronounced bending of the body into a C-shape, followed by one or more complete tail-beats and an un-powered glide. We found significant differences in the swimming performance of the five species of fish examined, with average maximum swimming velocities (U-max) ranging from 0.91 to 1.39 m s(-1) and maximum accelerations (A(max)) ranging from 10.6 to 15.6 m s(-2). The cryopelagic species, Pagothenia borchgrevinki, produced the fastest escape response, reaching a U-max and A(max) of 1.39 m s(-1) and 15.6 m s(-2), respectively. We also compared the body shapes of each fish species with their measures of maximum burst performance. The dragonfish, Gymnodraco acuticeps, from the family Bathdraconidae, did not conform to the pattern observed for the other four fish species belonging to the family Nototheniidae. However, we found a negative relationship between buoyancy of the fish species and burst swimming performance. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo a criação de uma interface humana, baseada na eletromiografia dos músculos orbicular do olho e frontalis. O algoritmo de programação do microcontrolador ATmega2560 deteta o piscar de olhos voluntário, conta o número de vezes que este acontece e verifica se preenche os requisitos necessários à execução de um comando. Para este efeito foram utilizados elétrodos para a captação do sinal eletromiográfico. O sinal analógico é condicionado pela Shield ECG/EMG da Olimex sendo enviado para o arduíno ATmega2560. Este microcontrolador administra todos os atuadores, dos quais o mais importante é um painel de comandos (quatro comandos diferentes), no qual existe um ponteiro motorizado que indica qual a ação a realizar. O código de execução é extremamente simples: se o utilizador piscar os olhos três vezes, o ponteiro movimenta-se para a secção do painel imediatamente à direita; e se o utilizador piscar os olhos quatro vezes, o ponteiro movimenta-se para a secção do painel imediatamente à esquerda. Os testes realizados com este dispositivo indicam que os utilizadores demoram menos de 10 minutos a aprender a utilizar e executar todos os comandos do painel. Apenas num dos testes realizados o dispositivo não funcionou. Dos utilizadores que realizaram o teste: vários usam óculos; um idoso com graves problemas auditivos, cegueira parcial e dificuldades locomotoras; nenhum foi incapaz de piscar, pelo menos, um dos olhos voluntariamente; e a maioria referiu que, com alguma concentração e principalmente se ouvirem o bip sonoro, a aprendizagem de utilização torna-se muito fácil. Apesar dos limites impostos à concretização de um projeto deste tipo (dos quais se evidenciam as dificuldades em conseguir voluntários com paralisia medular, bem como os limites orçamentais), pode-se afirmar que este dispositivo é eficaz e seria uma mais valia quando implementado num cenário de paralisia medular (total ou parcial). A melhoria de qualidade de vida de um utilizador com estes problemas físicos, ou outros que lhe comprometam a locomoção é garantida. O cenário em que vivem é tremendamente limitado sendo urgente criar soluções para tornar estas vidas mais cómodas. Com os devidos aplicativos, o utilizador poderia abrir portas ou janelas, acender ou apagar luzes, pedir ajuda, ajustar a posição da cama, controlar cadeiras de rodas, entre outros. É neste sentido que surge a minha motivação de criar algo que ajude estas pessoas.
A Sociedade Europeia de Pesquisa do Sono realizou muito recentemente um estudo, onde mostrou que a prevalência média de adormecimento ao volante nos últimos 2 anos foi de 17%. Além disto, tem sido provado por todo o mundo que a sonolência durante a condução é uma das principais causas de acidentes de trânsito. Torna-se assim conveniente, o desenvolvimento de sistemas que analisem a suscetibilidade de um determinado condutor para adormecer no trânsito, bem como de ferramentas que monitorem em tempo real o estado físico e mental do condutor, para alertarem nos momentos críticos. Apesar do estudo do sono se ter iniciado há vários anos, a maioria das investigações focaram-se no ciclo normal do sono, estudando os indivíduos de forma relaxada e de olhos fechados. Só mais recentemente, têm surgido os estudos que se focam nas situações de sonolência em atividade, como _e o caso da condução. Uma grande parte Dos estudos da sonolência em condução têm utilizado a eletroencefalografia (EEG), de forma a perceber se existem alterações nas diferentes bandas de frequência desta, que possam indicar o estado de sonolência do condutor. Além disso, a evolução da sonolência a partir de alterações no piscar dos olhos (que podem ser vistas nos sinais EEG) também tem sido alvo de grande pesquisa, tendo vindo a revelar resultados bastante promissores. Neste contexto e em parceria com a empresa HealthyRoad, esta tese está integrada no projeto HealthyDrive, que visa o desenvolvimento de um sistema de alerta e deteção de sinais de fadiga e sonolência nos condutores de veículos automóveis. A contribuição desta tese no projeto prendeu-se com o estudo da sonolência dos indivíduos em condução a partir de sinais EEG, para desta forma investigar possíveis indicadores dos diferentes níveis desta que possam ser utilizados pela empresa no projeto. Foram recolhidos e analisados 17 sinais EEG de indivíduos em simulação de condução. Além disso foram desenvolvidos dois métodos de análise destes sinais: O primeiro para a deteção e análise dos piscar de olhos a partir de EEG, o segundo para análise do espetro de potência. Ambos os métodos foram utilizados para analisar os sinais recolhidos e investigar que tipo de relação existe entre a sonolência do condutor e as alterações nos piscares dos olhos, bem como as alterações do espetro do EEG. Os resultados mostraram uma correlação entre a duração do piscar de olhos e a sonolência do condutor. Com o aumento da sonolência velicou-se um aumento da duração do piscar, desencadeado principalmente pelo aumento na duração de fecho, que chegou aos 51.2%. Em relação ao espectro de potência, os resultados sugerem que a potência relativa de todas as bandas analisadas fornecem informações relevantes sobre a sonolência do condutor. Além disso, o parâmetro (_+_)/_ demostrou estar relacionado com variações da sonolência, diminuindo com o seu avanço e aumentando significativamente (111%) no instante em que os condutores adormeceram.
Embryo transfer, amygdala, neuropeptide Y, parvalbumin, maternal effect, genetic background, open field, elevated plus maze, acoustic startle response, intrauterine influences
El projecte ha permès finançar el suport tècnic necessari per a poder desenvolupar materials informatitzats corresponents a activitats teòrico-pràctiques de l’assignatura troncal de la llicenciatura de Psicologia (actualment també en el Grau) “Percepció i Atenció”. Els materials desenvolupats corresponen a diferents punts del programa de l’assignatura i són els següents: demostració de la tècnica d’ombrejat per l’anàlisi de l’atenció focalitzada; parpelleig atencional en sèries de presentacions ràpides d’informació visual (RSVP); canvis encoberts de l’atenció i el mecanisme d’inhibició de retorn; efectes dels filtrats sobre la percepció de la parla i la música; il·lusions auditives i els principis d’organització de la informació sonora complexa; la percepció categòrica dels sons de la parla i la naturalesa continua del processament lèxic (paradigma d’obertura successiva o gating). Per totes aquelles activitats amb continguts de llenguatge, s’han desenvolupat dues versions equivalents, catalana i castellana, per permetre que els estudiants fessin la pràctica en la seva llengua dominant. A la primera fase del projecte, al llarg del curs 2006-07, es van preparar els materials i la programació de les diferents pràctiques i es van poder identificar alguns problemes que es van solucionar posteriorment. En el curs 2007-08 totes les activitats de pràctiques ja es van fer accessibles als estudiants (Plataforma Moodle, Campus Virtual) i la valoració sobre el seu funcionament, feta pels estudiants mitjançant qüestionaris, va ser satisfactòria en més d’un 95% dels casos (els únics problemes detectats estaven relacionats amb les característiques dels ordinadors del usuaris i del navegador utilitzat per accedir als materials). La valoració de les activitats per part dels estudiants va ser globalment positiva i, en el seu ús continuat al llarg dels cursos 2008-09 i 2009-10, s’ha observat una participació creixent (accés voluntari a les activitats) i un aprofitament millor de la informació presentada, que es tradueix en millores en les puntuacions obtingudes en les avaluacions de l'assignatura.
The jointly voluntary and involuntary control of respiration, unique among essential physiological processes, the interconnection of breathing with and its influence on the autonomic nervous system, and disease states associated with the interface between psychology and respiration (e.g., anxiety disorders, hyperventilation syndrome, asthma) make the study of the relationship between respiration and emotion both theoretically and clinically of great relevance. However, the respiratory behavior during affective states is not yet completely understood. We studied breathing pattern responses to 13 picture series varying widely in their affective tone in 37 adults (18 men, 19 women, mean age 26). Time and volume parameters were recorded with the LifeShirt system (VivoMetrics Inc., Ventura, California, USA, see image). We also measured end-tidal pCO2 (EtCO2) with a Microcap Handheld Capnograph (Oridion Medical 1987 Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel) to determine if ventilation is in balance with metabolic demands and spontaneous eye-blinking to investigate the link between respiration and attention. At the end of each picture series, the participants reported their subjective feeling in the affective dimensions of pleasantness and arousal. Increasing self-rated arousal was associated with increasing minute ventilation but not with decreases in EtCO2, suggesting that ventilatory changes during picture viewing paralleled variations in metabolic activity. EtCO2 correlated with pleasantness, and eye-blink rate decreased with increasing unpleasantness in line with a negativity bias in attention. Like MV, inspiratory drive (i.e., mean inspiratory flow) increased with arousal. This relationship reflected increases in inspiratory volume rather than shortening of the time parameters. This study confirms that respiratory responses to affective stimuli are organized to a certain degree along the dimensions of pleasantness and arousal. It shows, for the first time, that during picture viewing, ventilatory increases with increasing arousal are in balance with metabolic activity and that inspiratory volume is modulated by arousal. MV emerges as the most reliable respiratory index of self-perceived arousal. Finally, end-tidal pCO2 is slightly lower during processing of negative as compared to positive picture contents, which is proposed to enhance sensory perception and reflect a negativity bias in attention.
The respiratory behavior during affective states is not completely understood. We studied breathing pattern responses to picture series in 37 participants. We also measured end-tidal pCO2 (EtCO2) to determine if ventilation is in balance with metabolic demands and spontaneous eye-blinking to investigate the link between respiration and attention. Minute ventilation (MV) and inspiratory drive increased with self-rated arousal. These relationships reflected increases in inspiratory volume rather than shortening of the time parameters. EtCO2 covaried with pleasantness but not arousal. Eye-blink rate decreased with increasing unpleasantness in line with a negativity bias in attention. This study confirms that respiratory responses to affective stimuli are organized to a certain degree along the dimensions of valence and arousal. It shows, for the first time, that during picture viewing, ventilatory increases with increasing arousal are in balance with metabolic activity and that inspiratory volume is modulated by arousal. MV emerges as the most reliable respiratory index of self-perceived arousal
Severe heart failure and cerebral stroke are broadly associated with the impairment of muscular function that conventional treatments struggle to restore. New technologies enable the construction of "smart" materials that could be of great help in treating diseases where the main problem is muscle weakness. These materials "behave" similarly to biological systems, because the material directly converts energy, for example electrical energy into movement. The extension and contraction occur silently like in natural muscles. The real challenge is to transfer this amazing technology into devices that restore or replace the mechanical function of failing muscle. Cardiac assist devices based on artificial muscle technology could envelope a weak heart and temporarily improve its systolic function, or, if placed on top of the atrium, restore the atrial kick in chronic atrial fibrillation. Artificial sphincters could be used to treat urinary incontinence after prostatectomy or faecal incontinence associated with stomas. Artificial muscles can restore the ability of patients with facial paralysis due to stroke or nerve injury to blink. Smart materials could be used to construct an artificial oesophagus including peristaltic movement and lower oesophageal sphincter function to replace the diseased oesophagus thereby avoiding the need for laparotomy to mobilise stomach or intestine. In conclusion, in the near future, smart devices will integrate with the human body to fill functional gaps due to organ failure, and so create a human chimera.
The serotonin-2A receptor (5-HT(2A)R) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and related inhibitory gating and behavioral inhibition deficits of schizophrenia patients. The hallucinogen psilocybin disrupts automatic forms of sensorimotor gating and response inhibition in humans, but it is unclear so far whether the 5-HT(2A)R or 5-HT(1A)R agonist properties of its bioactive metabolite psilocin account for these effects. Thus, we investigated whether psilocybin-induced deficits in automatic and controlled inhibition in healthy humans could be attenuated by the 5-HT(2A/2C)R antagonist ketanserin. A total of 16 healthy participants received placebo, ketanserin (40 mg p.o.), psilocybin (260 μg/kg p.o.), or psilocybin plus ketanserin in a double-blind, randomized, and counterbalanced order. Sensorimotor gating was measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle response. The effects on psychopathological core dimensions and behavioral inhibition were assessed by the altered states of consciousness questionnaire (5D-ASC), and the Color-Word Stroop Test. Psilocybin decreased PPI at short lead intervals (30 ms), increased all 5D-ASC scores, and selectively increased errors in the interference condition of the Stroop Test. Stroop interference and Stroop effect of the response latencies were increased under psilocybin as well. Psilocybin-induced alterations were attenuated by ketanserin pretreatment, whereas ketanserin alone had no significant effects. These findings suggest that the disrupting effects of psilocybin on automatic and controlled inhibition processes are attributable to 5-HT(2A)R stimulation. Sensorimotor gating and attentional control deficits of schizophrenia patients might be due to changes within the 5-HT(2A)R system.
BACKGROUND: After no research in humans for >40 years, there is renewed interest in using lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in clinical psychiatric research and practice. There are no modern studies on the subjective and autonomic effects of LSD, and its endocrine effects are unknown. In animals, LSD disrupts prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle response, and patients with schizophrenia exhibit similar impairments in PPI. However, no data are available on the effects of LSD on PPI in humans. METHODS: In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study, LSD (200 μg) and placebo were administered to 16 healthy subjects (8 women, 8 men). Outcome measures included psychometric scales; investigator ratings; PPI of the acoustic startle response; and autonomic, endocrine, and adverse effects. RESULTS: Administration of LSD to healthy subjects produced pronounced alterations in waking consciousness that lasted 12 hours. The predominant effects induced by LSD included visual hallucinations, audiovisual synesthesia, and positively experienced derealization and depersonalization phenomena. Subjective well-being, happiness, closeness to others, openness, and trust were increased by LSD. Compared with placebo, LSD decreased PPI. LSD significantly increased blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, pupil size, plasma cortisol, prolactin, oxytocin, and epinephrine. Adverse effects produced by LSD completely subsided within 72 hours. No severe acute adverse effects were observed. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to marked hallucinogenic effects, LSD exerts methylenedioxymethamphetamine-like empathogenic mood effects that may be useful in psychotherapy. LSD altered sensorimotor gating in a human model of psychosis, supporting the use of LSD in translational psychiatric research. In a controlled clinical setting, LSD can be used safely, but it produces significant sympathomimetic stimulation.
The effects of postnatal amitraz exposure on physical and behavioral parameters were studied in Wistar rats, whose lactating dams received the pesticide (10 mg/kg) orally on days 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19 of lactation; control dams received distilled water (1 ml/kg) on the same days. A total of 18 different litters (9 of them control and 9 experimental) born after a 21-day gestation were used. The results showed that the median effective time (ET50) for fur development, eye opening, testis descent and onset of the startle response were increased in rats postnatally exposed to amitraz (2.7, 15.1, 21.6 and 15.3 days, respectively) compared to those of the control pups (1.8, 14.0, 19.9 and 12.9 days, respectively). The ages of incisor eruption, total unfolding of the external ears, vaginal and ear opening and the time taken to perform the grasping hindlimb reflex were not affected by amitraz exposure. Pups from dams treated with amitraz during lactation took more time (in seconds) to perform the surface righting reflex on postnatal days (PND) 3 (25.0 ± 2.0), 4 (12.3 ± 1.2) and 5 (8.7 ± 0.9) in relation to controls (10.6 ± 1.2; 4.5 ± 0.6 and 3.4 ± 0.4, respectively); the climbing response was not changed by amitraz. Postnatal amitraz exposure increased spontaneous motor activity of male and female pups in the open-field on PND 16 (140 ± 11) and 17 (124 ± 12), and 16 (104 ± 9), 17 (137 ± 9) and 18 (106 ± 8), respectively. Data on spontaneous motor activity of the control male and female pups were 59 ± 11 and 69 ± 10 for days 16 and 17 and 49 ± 9, 48 ± 7 and 56 ± 7 for days 16, 17 and 18, respectively. Some qualitative differences were also observed in spontaneous motor behavior; thus, raising the head, shoulder and pelvis matured one or two days later in the amitraz-treated offspring. Postnatal amitraz exposure did not change locomotion and rearing frequencies or immobility time in the open-field on PND 30, 60 and 90. The present findings indicate that postnatal exposure to amitraz caused transient developmental and behavioral changes in the exposed offspring and suggest that further investigation of the potential health risk of amitraz exposure to developing human and animal offsprings may be warranted.
The objective of the present experiment was to assess ethyl alcohol (ETOH) dependence brought about by a semivoluntary intermittent intake regimen in rats. Male Wistar rats weighing 150-250 g at the onset of the experiment were assigned to the following groups: 0% ETOH (N = 11), 5% ETOH (N = 20), 20% ETOH (N = 20) and 40% ETOH (N = 18). ETOH solutions were offered at the end of the day and overnight from Monday to Friday, and throughout weekends, for 90 days. The concentration of the ETOH solutions was increased in a stepwise fashion allowing the rats to get used to the taste of alcohol. Reposition of pure water was permitted during 1-h water drinking periods in the morning. Daily volume intake (± SEM) averaged 25.4 ± 0.4 ml (0% ETOH), 23.8 ± 0.6 ml (5% ETOH), 17.6 ± 0.7 ml (20% ETOH) and 17.5 ± 0.6 ml (40% ETOH). ETOH consumption differed significantly (P<0.05) among groups, averaging 4.4 ± 0.2 g kg-1 day-1 (5% ETOH), 10.3 ± 0.3 g kg-1 day-1 (20% ETOH) and 26 ± 1.2 g kg-1 day-1 (40% ETOH). Furthermore, ETOH detection in plasma 10-12 h after offering the solution indicated that its consumption in the 40% ETOH group was sufficient to override its metabolism. Overt signs of ETOH dependence, such as increased thirst, hyperactivity, puffing, hair ruffling and startle responsiveness as well as reduced drowsiness, were significantly increased in the 20% and 40% ETOH groups compared to the 0% and 5% groups. Accordingly, the model described here proved to be a useful tool for the evaluation of subtle or moderate behavioral and physical consequences of long-term ETOH intake
We investigated the effects of lead exposure during the pre- and postnatal period on the neurobehavioral development of female Wistar rats (70-75 days of age, 120-150 g) using a protocol of lead intoxication that does not affect weight gain. Wistar rats were submitted to lead acetate intoxication by giving their dams 1.0 mM lead acetate. Control dams received deionized water. Growth and neuromotor development were assessed by monitoring daily the following parameters in 20 litters: body weight, ear unfolding, incisor eruption, eye opening, righting, palmar grasp, negative geotaxis, cliff avoidance and startle reflex. Spontaneous alternation was assessed on postnatal day 17 using a T maze. The animals' ability to equilibrate on a beaker rim was measured on postnatal day 19. Lead intoxication was confirmed by measuring renal, hepatic and cerebral lead concentration in dams and litters. Lead treatment hastened the day of appearance of the following parameters: eye opening (control: 13.5 ± 0.6, N = 88; lead: 12.9 ± 0.6, N = 72; P<0.05), startle reflex (control: 13.0 ± 0.8, N = 88; lead: 12.0 ± 0.7, N = 72; P<0.05) and negative geotaxis. On the other hand, spontaneous alternation performance was hindered in lead-exposed animals (control: 37.6 ± 19.7; lead: 57.5 ± 28.3% of alternating animals; P<0.05). These results suggest that lead exposure without concomitant undernutrition alters rat development, affecting specific subsets of motor skills.
We investigated the behavioral correlates of the activity of serotonergic and non-serotonergic neurons in the nucleus raphe pallidus (NRP) and nucleus raphe obscurus (NRO) of unanesthetized and unrestrained cats. The animals were implanted with electrodes for recording single unit activity, parietal oscillographic activity, and splenius, digastric and masseter electromyographic activities. They were tested along the waking-sleep cycle, during sensory stimulation and during drinking behavior. The discharge of the serotonergic neurons decreased progressively from quiet waking to slow wave sleep and to fast wave sleep. Ten different patterns of relative discharge across the three states were observed for the non-serotonergic neurons. Several non-serotonergic neurons showed cyclic discharge fluctuations related to respiration during one, two or all three states. While serotonergic neurons were usually unresponsive to the sensory stimuli used, many non-serotonergic neurons responded to these stimuli. Several non-serotonergic neurons showed a phasic relationship with splenius muscle activity during auditory stimulation. One serotonergic neuron showed a tonic relationship with digastric muscle activity during drinking behavior. A few non-serotonergic neurons exhibited a tonic relationship with digastric and/or masseter muscle activity during this behavior. Many non-serotonergic neurons exhibited a phasic relationship with these muscle activities, also during this behavior. These results suggest that the serotonergic neurons in the NRP and NRO constitute a relatively homogeneous population from a functional point of view, while the non-serotonergic neurons form groups with considerable functional specificity. The data support the idea that the NRP and NRO are implicated in the control of somatic motor output.