933 resultados para Bipolar high-voltage pulses
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física - Física Aplicada pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
The reactive power management in distribution network with large penetration of distributed energy resources is an important task in future power systems. The control of reactive power allows the inclusion of more distributed recourses and a more efficient operation of distributed network. Currently, the reactive power is only controlled in large power plants and in high and very high voltage substations. In this paper, several reactive power control strategies considering a smart grids paradigm are proposed. In this context, the management of distributed energy resources and of the distribution network by an aggregator, namely Virtual Power Player (VPP), is proposed and implemented in a MAS simulation tool. The proposed methods have been computationally implemented and tested using a 32-bus distribution network with intensive use of distributed resources, mainly the distributed generation based on renewable resources. Results concerning the evaluation of the reactive power management algorithms are also presented and compared.
This paper presents the characterization of high voltage (HV) electric power consumers based on a data clustering approach. The typical load profiles (TLP) are obtained selecting the best partition of a power consumption database among a pool of data partitions produced by several clustering algorithms. The choice of the best partition is supported using several cluster validity indices. The proposed data-mining (DM) based methodology, that includes all steps presented in the process of knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), presents an automatic data treatment application in order to preprocess the initial database in an automatic way, allowing time saving and better accuracy during this phase. These methods are intended to be used in a smart grid environment to extract useful knowledge about customers’ consumption behavior. To validate our approach, a case study with a real database of 185 HV consumers was used.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energias Renováveis – Conversão Eléctrica e Utilização Sustentáveis
O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em projetar, construir e testar um protótipo em laboratório de uma fonte de alimentação de alta tensão que permita descargas elétricas {estáveis e de dimensões reduzidas}, de modo a que possa ser utilizada, dada a sua essencialidade, na fabricação de redes de período longo (LPG) em fibra ótica nos chamados turning points. Estes são pontos de elevada sensibilidade, fundamentais no desenvolvimento tecnológico de sensores em fibra ótica, em particular, de sensores refractométricos. O protótipo da fonte de alimentação é composto por um regulador do tipo BUCK, um inversor para alimentação do transformador de alta tensão, o circuito de realimentação e controlo PWM e um microcontrolador para o comando da fonte. Posteriormente procedeu-se à otimização dos parâmetros de descarga, o que conduziu a fabricação de redes de período longo com períodos inferiores a 150 micrómetros. Este é um resultado sem paralelo a nível internacional no que concerne ao uso da técnica do arco elétrico.
De modo a garantir as metas propostas pela União Europeia de diminuição de emissão de gases poluentes, alguns países membros apostaram na tecnologia eólica offshore. Com a evolução tecnológica, estes países pretendem aumentar as potências instaladas nos parques eólicos offshore, garantindo a sua otimização ao estarem em águas profundas, tendo assim um maior aproveitamento do potencial eólico. Com esta dissertação, realizou-se um estudo para analisar, sob o ponto de vista de modelos, as limitações dos sistemas de transmissão em HVAC (High Voltage Alternating Current) quando estabelecidos em cabos submarinos. Os mecanismos dos sistemas de alimentação em HVAC, na forma tradicional (linhas aérea), são confrontados com condicionalismos. Este tipo de infraestrutura submarina impõe restrições, pelo simples facto dos parâmetros de capacidade e indutância serem bastante significativos, que para uma situação de trânsito de energia, inviabilizam o transporte de energia, devido ao elevado consumo de potência reativa, bem como os seus custos extremamente elevados. Assim, os sistemas de alimentação em HVAC quando aplicados a parques eólicos offshore apresentam limitações. O recurso à tecnologia HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current), poderá ser a solução que se revela mais adequada para os sistemas de transmissão de energia associados aos parques eólicos offshore. Para além dos fatores técnicos é fundamental considerar os custos associados à construção e exploração do parque eólico, sendo fundamental analisar todos os dados relacionados com o projeto.
The present paper investigates the risks that arise from exposure to noise from powerpoles and powerlines in Serzedelo, in the municipality of Guimarães, in Portugal. This research focused on four guiding questions: Can powerlines cause noise? Do powerlines cause discomfort? Do powerlines cause discomfort due to noise? And can powerlines effect human health? Two groups were the basis of the study: people that were exposed to electromagnetic waves and people that were not. the research pointed to the harmful influence of the presence of powerlines and high-voltage masts in residential areas and the damage to the cells in the human body. This type of environmental noise, which has the spectral content of a low frequency, typically tonal noise and a very high speed of propagation, is a complex source to explain in terms of the health profiles of the human population living in Serzedelo, located in an area that is densely occupied by high voltage powerlines and powerpole.
This paper deals with a computing simulation for an offshore wind energy system taking into account the influence of the marine waves action throughout the floating platform. The wind energy system has a variable-speed turbine equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full-power five level converter, injecting energy into the electric grid through a high voltage alternate current link. A reduction on the unbalance of the voltage in the DC-link capacitors of the five-level converter is proposed by a strategic selection of the output voltage vectors. The model for the drive train of the wind energy system is a two mass model, including the dynamics of the floating platform. A case study is presented and the assessment of the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid is discussed.
A new integrated mathematical model for the simulation of an offshore wind system having a rectifier input voltage malfunction at one phase is presented in this paper. The mathematical model considers an offshore variable-speed wind turbine on a floating platform, equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using full-power three-level converter to inject energy into the electric network, through a high voltage direct current transmission submarine cable. The model for the drive train is a discrete three mass, incorporating the dynamic of the moving surface. A case study is presented to access conclusion about the malfunction.
გეოფიზიკის ინსტიტუტში შექმნილია კომპაქტური (1 კგ.) მაღალი ძაბვის (1200 ვოლტამდე) დენის წყარო ელექტროძიებისათვის. დენის წყაროს გამოცდამ საველე პირობებში დაადასტურა მისი მაღალი ეფექტურობა.
This article is devoted to the research of VoIP transmission quality over Digital Power Line Carrier channels. Assessment of quality transmission is performed using E-model. Paper considers the possibility of joint using of Digital Power Line carrier equipment with different architecture in one network. As a result of the research, the rule for constructing of multi-segment Digital Power Line Carrier channels was formulated. This rule allows minimizing the transmission delay and saving frequency resources of high voltage Power Line Carrier range.
Although active personal dosemeters (APDs) are not used quite often in hospital environments, the possibility to assess the dose and/or dose rate in real time is particularly interesting in interventional radiology and cardiology (IR/IC) since operators can receive relatively high doses while standing close to the primary radiation field.A study concerning the optimization of the use of APDs in IR/IC was performed in the framework of the ORAMED project, a Collaborative Project (2008-2011) supported by the European Commission within its 7th Framework Program. This paper reports on tests performed with APDs on phantoms using an X-ray facility in a hospital environment and APDs worn by interventionalists during routine practice in different European hospitals.The behaviour of the APDs is more satisfactory in hospitals than in laboratories with respect to the influence of the tube peak high voltage and pulse width, because the APDs are tested in scattered fields with dose equivalent rates generally lower than 1 Sv.h(-1).
Deletions on the short arm of chromosome 4 cause Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) and Pitt-Rogers-Danks syndrome (PRDS). WHS is associated with severe growth and mental retardation, microcephaly, a characteristic facies and congenital malformations. The PRDS phenotype is similar to WHS but generally less severe. Seizures occur in the majority of WHS and PRDS patients. Sgrò et al. [17] described a stereotypic electroclinical pattern in four unrelated WHS patients, consisting of intermittent bursts of 2-3 Hz high voltage slow waves with spike wave activity in the parietal areas during drowsiness and sleep associated with myoclonic jerks. We report a patient with PRDS and the typical EEG pattern and review 14 WHS patients with similar EEG findings reported in the literature. CONCLUSION: Awareness and recognition of the characteristic electroclinical findings in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and Pitt-Rogers-Danks syndrome might help in the early diagnosis of such patients.
Suuritehoisissa pumppu- ja puhallinkäytöissä käytetään usein suurnopeusmoottoria,jota syötetään välijännitteellä. Suurjännitetaajuudenmuuttajat ovat kalliita, eikä niitä ole aina edes mahdollista valmistaa. Tutkimuksen kohteena on rinnakkaisilla pienjännitetaajuudenmuuttajilla toteutettu sähkökäyttö, jossa pienjännite nostetaan moniensiöisellä muuntajalla suurjännitteeksi (6,6 kV) ja syötetään edelleen kuormana olevalle suurnopeusmoottorille. Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan moniensiöisen muuntajan syöttöä rinnakkaisilla taajuudenmuuttajilla sekä niiden aiheuttamia häiriöitä toisilleen. Työssä tutkitaan myös harmonisten yliaaltojen vaikutuksia muuntajan häviöihin ja magnetointiominaisuuksiin. Taajuudenmuuttajan lähtöjännite ja -virta suodatetaan sinisuotimella, jonka parametreja simuloidaan Simulink- ohjelmistolla. Tavoite on löytää optimaaliset parametrit taajuudenmuuttajanlähtösuotimelle käyrämuotojen ja suotimeen jäävän tehon suhteen. Työssä tarkasteltiin sinisuodinta, johon jää 3 prosenttia syöttöjännitteestä. LC-suodin kompensoi sähkökäytön loistehon lähes kokonaan, joten taajuudenmuuttajien antotehon kannalta suotimet ovat perusteltuja. Taajuudenmuuttajan näennäisteho putoaa 22 prosenttia, joten taajuudenmuuttajat voidaan vastaavasti mitoittaa pienemmiksi.