626 resultados para Biofilms.
BACKGROUND There is confusion over the definition of the term "viability state(s)" of microorganisms. "Viability staining" or "vital staining techniques" are used to distinguish live from dead bacteria. These stainings, first established on planctonic bacteria, may have serious shortcomings when applied to multispecies biofilms. Results of staining techniques should be compared with appropriate microbiological data. DISCUSSION Many terms describe "vitality states" of microorganisms, however, several of them are misleading. Authors define "viable" as "capable to grow". Accordingly, staining methods are substitutes, since no staining can prove viability.The reliability of a commercial "viability" staining assay (Molecular Probes) is discussed based on the corresponding product information sheet: (I) Staining principle; (II) Concentrations of bacteria; (III) Calculation of live/dead proportions in vitro. Results of the "viability" kit are dependent on the stains' concentration and on their relation to the number of bacteria in the test. Generally this staining system is not suitable for multispecies biofilms, thus incorrect statements have been published by users of this technique.To compare the results of the staining with bacterial parameters appropriate techniques should be selected. The assessment of Colony Forming Units is insufficient, rather the calculation of Plating Efficiency is necessary. Vital fluorescence staining with Fluorescein Diacetate and Ethidium Bromide seems to be the best proven and suitable method in biofilm research.Regarding the mutagenicity of staining components users should be aware that not only Ethidium Bromide might be harmful, but also a variety of other substances of which the toxicity and mutagenicity is not reported. SUMMARY - The nomenclature regarding "viability" and "vitality" should be used carefully.- The manual of the commercial "viability" kit itself points out that the kit is not suitable for natural multispecies biofilm research, as supported by an array of literature.- Results obtained with various stains are influenced by the relationship between bacterial counts and the amount of stain used in the test. Corresponding vitality data are prone to artificial shifting.- As microbiological parameter the Plating Efficiency should be used for comparison.- Ethidium Bromide is mutagenic. Researchers should be aware that alternative staining compounds may also be or even are mutagenic.
La presente tesis revisa y analiza algunos aspectos fundamentales relativos al comportamiento de los sensores basados en resonadores piezoeléctricos TSM (Thickness Shear Mode), así como la aplicación de los mismos al estudio y caracterización de dos medios viscoelásticos de gran interés: los fluidos magnetoreológicos y los biofilms microbianos. El funcionamiento de estos sensores está basado en la medida de sus propiedades resonantes, las cuales varían al entrar en contacto con el material que se quiere analizar. Se ha realizado un análisis multifrecuencial, trabajando en varios modos de resonancia del transductor, en algunas aplicaciones incluso de forma simultánea (excitación pulsada). Se han revisado fenómenos como la presencia de microcontactos en la superficie del sensor y la resonancia de capas viscoelásticas de espesor finito, que pueden afectar a los sensores de cuarzo de manera contraria a lo que predice la teoría convencional (Sauerbrey y Kanazawa), pudiéndonos llevar a incrementos positivos de la frecuencia de resonancia. Además, se ha estudiado el efecto de una deposición no uniforme sobre el resonador piezoeléctrico. Para ello se han medido deposiciones de poliuretano, modelándose la respuesta del resonador con estas deposiciones mediante FEM. El modelo numérico permite estudiar el comportamiento del resonador al modificar distintas variables geométricas (espesor, superficie, no uniformidad y zona de deposición) de la capa depositada. Se ha demostrado que para espesores de entre un cuarto y media longitud de onda aproximadamente, una capa viscoelástica no uniforme sobre la superficie del sensor, amplifica el incremento positivo del desplazamiento de la frecuencia de resonancia en relación con una capa uniforme. Se ha analizado también el patrón geométrico de la sensibilidad del sensor, siendo también no uniforme sobre su superficie. Se han aplicado sensores TSM para estudiar los cambios viscoelásticos que se producen en varios fluidos magneto-reológicos (FMR) al aplicarles distintos esfuerzos de cizalla controlados por un reómetro. Se ha podido ver que existe una relación directa entre diversos parámetros reológicos obtenidos con el reómetro (fuerza normal, G’, G’’, velocidad de deformación, esfuerzo de cizalla…) y los parámetros acústicos, caracterizándose los FMR tanto en ausencia de campo magnético, como con campo magnético aplicado a distintas intensidades. Se han estudiado las ventajas que aporta esta técnica de medida sobre la técnica basada en un reómetro comercial, destacando que se consigue caracterizar con mayor detalle algunos aspectos relevantes del fluido como son la deposición de partículas (estabilidad del fluido), el proceso de ruptura de las estructuras formadas en los FMR tanto en presencia como en ausencia de campo magnético y la rigidez de los microcontactos que aparecen entre partículas y superficies. También se han utilizado sensores de cuarzo para monitorear en tiempo real la formación de biofilms de Staphylococcus epidermidis y Eschericia coli sobre los propios resonadores de cristal de cuarzo sin ningún tipo de recubrimiento, realizándose ensayos con cepas que presentan distinta capacidad de producir biofilm. Se mostró que, una vez que se ha producido una primera adhesión homogénea de las bacterias al sustrato, podemos considerar el biofilm como una capa semi-infinita, de la cual el sensor de cuarzo refleja las propiedades viscoelásticas de la región inmediatamente contigua al resonador, no siendo sensible a lo que sucede en estratos superiores del biofilm. Los experimentos han permitido caracterizar el módulo de rigidez complejo de los biofilms a varias frecuencias, mostrándose que el parámetro característico que indica la adhesión de un biofilm tanto en el caso de S. epidermidis como de E. coli, es el incremento de G’ (relacionado con la elasticidad o rigidez de la capa), el cual viene ligado a un incremento de la frecuencia de resonancia del sensor. ABSTRACT This thesis reviews and analyzes some key aspects of the behavior of sensors based on piezoelectric resonators TSM (Thickness Shear Mode) and their applications to the study and characterization in two viscoelastic media of great interest: magnetorheological fluids and microbial biofilms. The operation of these sensors is based on the analysis of their resonant properties that vary in contact with the material to be analyzed. We have made a multi-frequency analysis, working in several modes of resonance of the transducer, in some applications even simultaneously (by impulse excitation). We reviewed some phenomena as the presence of micro-contacts on the sensor surface and the resonance of viscoelastic layers of finite thickness, which can affect quartz sensors contrary to the conventional theory predictions (Sauerbrey and Kanazawa), leading to positive resonant frequency shifts. In addition, we studied the effect of non-uniform deposition on the piezoelectric resonator. Polyurethane stools have been measured, being the resonator response to these depositions modeled by FEM. The numerical model allows studying the behavior of the resonator when different geometric variables (thickness, surface non-uniformity and deposition zone) of the deposited layer are modified. It has been shown that for thicknesses between a quarter and a half of a wavelength approximately, non-uniform deposits on the sensor surface amplify the positive increase of the resonance frequency displacement compared to a uniform layer. The geometric pattern of the sensor sensitivity was also analyzed, being also non-uniform over its surface. TSM sensors have been applied to study the viscoelastic changes occurring in various magneto-rheological fluids (FMR) when subjected to different controlled shear stresses driven by a rheometer. It has been seen that there is a direct relationship between various rheological parameters obtained with the rheometer (normal force, G', G'', stress, shear rate ...) and the acoustic parameters, being the FMR characterized both in the absence of magnetic field, and when the magnetic field was applied at different intensities. We have studied the advantages of this technique over the characterization methods based on commercial rheometers, noting that TSM sensors are more sensitive to some relevant aspects of the fluid as the deposition of particles (fluid stability), the breaking process of the structures formed in the FMR both in the presence and absence of magnetic field, and the rigidity of the micro-contacts appearing between particles and surfaces. TSM sensors have also been used to monitor in real time the formation of biofilms of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli on the quartz crystal resonators themselves without any coating, performing tests with strains having different ability to produce biofilm. It was shown that, once a first homogeneous adhesion of bacteria was produced on the substrate, the biofilm can be considered as a semi-infinite layer and the quartz sensor reflects only the viscoelastic properties of the region immediately adjacent to the resonator, not being sensitive to what is happening in upper layers of the biofilm. The experiments allow the evaluation of the biofilm complex stiffness module at various frequencies, showing that the characteristic parameter that indicates the adhesion of a biofilm for the case of both S. epidermidis and E. coli, is an increased G' (related to the elasticity or stiffness of the layer), which is linked to an increase in the resonance frequency of the sensor.
Adenoids are a mass of lymphatic tissue located within the nasopharynge. This work aims assessing the relationship between the formation of bacterial biofilms on the adenoid surface and the incidence of infections in the pediatric age.
"HWRIC RR-071."
Microorganisms have been reported to induce settlement and metamorphosis in a wide range of marine invertebrate species. However, the primary cue reported for metamorphosis of coral larvae is calcareous coralline algae (CCA). Herein we report the community structure of developing coral reef biofilms and the potential role they play in triggering the metamorphosis of a scleractinian coral. Two-week-old biofilms induced metamorphosis in less than 10% of larvae, whereas metamorphosis increased significantly on older biofilms, with a maximum of 41% occurring on 8-week-old microbial films. There was a significant influence of depth in 4- and 8-week biofilms, with greater levels of metamorphosis occurring in response to shallow-water communities. Importantly, larvae were found to settle and metamorphose in response to microbial biofilms lacking CCA from both shallow and deep treatments, indicating that microorganisms not associated with CCA may play a significant role in coral metamorphosis. A polyphasic approach consisting of scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed that coral reef biofilms were comprised of complex bacterial and microalgal communities which were distinct at each depth and time. Principal-component analysis of FISH data showed that the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium of Bacteroidetes had the largest influence on overall community composition. A low abundance of Archaea was detected in almost all biofilms, providing the first report of Archaea associated with coral reef biofilms. No differences in the relative densities of each subdivision of Proteobacteria were observed between slides that induced larval metamorphosis and those that did not. Comparative cluster analysis of bacterial DGGE patterns also revealed that there were clear age and depth distinctions in biofilm community structure; however, no difference was detected in banding profiles between biofilms which induced larval metamorphosis and those where no metamorphosis occurred. This investigation demonstrates that complex microbial communities can induce coral metamorphosis in the absence of CCA.
Anaerobic digestion is a multistep process, mediated by a functionally and phylogenetically diverse microbial population. One of the crucial steps is oxidation of organic acids, with electron transfer via hydrogen or formate from acetogenic bacteria to methanogens. This syntrophic microbiological process is strongly restricted by a thermodynamic limitation on the allowable hydrogen or formate concentration. In order to study this process in more detail, we developed an individual-based biofilm model which enables to describe the processes at a microbial resolution. The biochemical model is the ADM1, implemented in a multidimensional domain. With this model, we evaluated three important issues for the syntrophic relationship: (i) is there a fundamental difference in using hydrogen or formate as electron carrier? (ii) Does a thermodynamic-based inhibition function produced substantially different results from an empirical function? and; (iii) Does the physical colocation of acetogens and methanogens follow directly from a general model. Hydrogen or formate as electron carrier had no substantial impact on model results. Standard inhibition functions or thermodynamic inhibition function gave similar results at larger substrate field grid sizes (> 10 mu m), but at smaller grid sizes, the thermodynamic-based function reduced the number of cells with long interspecies distances (> 2.5 mu m). Therefore, a very fine grid resolution is needed to reflect differences between the thermodynamic function, and a more generic inhibition form. The co-location of syntrophic bacteria was well predicted without a need to assume a microbiological based mechanism (e.g., through chemotaxis) of biofilm formation.
1 OBJETIVOS Evaluar el impacto de las bajas temperaturas, la interacción entre P. fluorescens (Pf) y L. monocytogenes (Lm) en biofilms (BF) mixtos y la capacidad para persistir de Lm sobre (i) la capacidad de Lm para desarrollar BF; (ii) los parámetros estructurales de los BF formados; (iii) la respuesta de las células adheridas de Lm frente al tratamiento con quitosano; (iiii) y su capacidad para recuperarse tras el tratamiento, tanto a nivel de densidad celular como estructural. Además, se pretendió valorar el quitosano como agente de limpieza y desinfección de los BF en la industria alimentaria, profundizando en su impacto sobre la estructura. 2 METODOLOGÍA Para llevar a cabo estos objetivos se seleccionaron un total de 10 cepas de Lm (6 persistentes y 3 esporádicas aisladas por Ortiz y col. (2010) de una industria cárnica y la cepa Lm Scott A como referencia) y la cepa Pf ATCC 948TM para formar BF puros, de cada especie, y mixtos, de Pf y cada una de las cepas de Lm, iniciando los cultivos a un nivel de cada una de las bacterias de 104 UFC·ml-1. Para la formación de BF se empleó un sistema en batch, en el que cupones de vidrio desechables (22x22 mm) semisumergidos actuaron como soporte para la adhesión. Los BF se desarrollaron a 20°C (BF “templados”) y 4°C (BF “fríos”). Los tratamientos con quitosano al 1% (w/v) consistieron en la inmersión durante 1h. Para la recuperación, los cupones tratados se revitalizaron en medio fresco (Trytone Soya Broth, TSB) a 20°C/48h. La densidad celular adherida antes, después y durante la revitalización se determinó mediante siembra del BF residual recogido del cupón en medios generales, o selectivos en el caso de los BF mixtos. Para la determinación de la biomasa adherida mediante densitometría (λ=520-570 nm), los BF fueron teñidos con una solución al 1‰ de azul de coomassie. Para las observaciones de la estructura mediante microscopía confocal láser de barrido (CLSM) las muestras se tiñeron con diferentes fluorocromos, procesándose las imágenes obtenidas mediante el software Imaris 8.2. El tratamiento estadístico de los datos se hizo con el software Statgraphics Centurion...
Humanity is shaped by its relationships with microbes. From bacterial infections to the production of biofuels, industry and health often hinge on our control of microbial populations. Understanding the physiological and genetic basis of their behaviors is therefore of the highest importance. To this end I have investigated the genetic basis of plastic adhesion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mechanistic and evolutionary dynamics of mixed species biofilms with Escherichia coli and S. cerevisiae, and the induction of filamentation in E. coli. Using a bulk segregant analysis on experimentally evolved populations, I detected 28 genes that are likely to mediate plastic adhesion in S. cerevisiae. With a variety of imaging and culture manipulation techniques, I found that particular strains of E. coli are capable of inducing flocculation and macroscopic biofilm formation via coaggregation with yeast. I also employed experimental evolution and microbial demography techniques to find that selection for mixed species biofilm association leads to lower fecundity in S. cerevisiae. Using culture manipulation and imaging techniques, I also found that E. coli are capable of inducing a filamentous phenotype with a secreted signal that has many of the qualities of a quorum sensing molecule.
Chronic lung infection with bacteria from the Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC), and in particular B. cenocepacia, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). B. cenocepacia can spread from person to person and exhibits intrinsic broad-spectrum antibiotic resistance. Recently, atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasmas (APNTPs) have gained increasing attention as a novel approach to the prevention and treatment of a variety of hospital-acquired infections. In this study, we evaluated an in-house-designed kHz-driven plasma source for the treatment of biofilms of a number of clinical CF B. cenocepacia isolates. The results demonstrated that APNTP is an effective and efficient tool for the eradication of B. cenocepacia biofilms but that efficacy is highly variable across different isolates. Determination of phenotypic differences between isolates in an attempt to understand variability in plasma tolerance revealed that isolates which are highly tolerant to APNTP typically produce biofilms of greater biomass than their more sensitive counterparts. This indicates a potential role for biofilm matrix components in biofilm tolerance to APNTP exposure. Furthermore, significant isolate-dependent differences in catalase activity in planktonic bacteria positively correlated with phenotypic resistance to APNTP by isolates grown in biofilms.
Chitosan biofilms were prepared with and without plasticizer (glycerol and sorbitol). The physical and mechanical properties of chitosan biofilms with and without plasticizer were evaluated. Chitosan was obtained from shrimp wastes and characterized. The film forming solution (FFS) was obtained through chitosan dissolution and drying. The solution had its pH adjusted to 6.0 and oven dried (40 8C, 24 h) with forced air circulation. Chitosan biofilms without plasticizer showed a tensile strength about 36% higher than biofilms produced with plasticizer. On the other hand, biofilms with plasticizer presented superior values of elongation. The permeability of the water vapor and color presented significant difference (p<0.05) between all biofilms. Chitosan/plasticizer biofilms showed higher values of water vapor permeability in relation to chitosan biofilms without plasticizer.