947 resultados para Biochar, pirolisi, Py-GC-MS
The oily sludge is a complex mix of hydrocarbons, organic impurities, inorganic and water. One of the major problems currently found in petroleum industry is management (packaging, storage, transport and fate) of waste. The nanomaterials (catalysts) mesoporous and microporous are considered promising for refining and adsorbents process for environment protection. The aim of this work was to study the oily sludge from primary processing (raw and treated) and vacuum residue, with application of thermal analyses technique (pyrolysis), thermal and catalytic pyrolysis with nanomaterials, aiming at production petroleum derived. The sludge and vacuum residue were analyzed using a soxhlet extraction system, elemental analysis, thin layer chromatography, thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py GC MS). The catalysts AlMCM-41, AlSBA-15.1 e AlSBA-15.2 were synthesized with molar ratio silicon aluminum of 50 (Si/Al = 50), using tetraethylorthosilicante as source of silicon and pseudobuhemita (AlOOH) as source of aluminum. The analyzes of the catalysts indicate that materials showed hexagonal structure and surface area (783,6 m2/g for AlMCM-41, 600 m2/g for AlSBA-15.1, 377 m2/g for AlSBA-15.2). The extracted oily sludge showed a range 65 to 95% for organic components (oil), 5 to 35% for inorganic components (salts and oxides) and compositions different of derivatives. The AlSBA-15 catalysts showed better performance in analyzes for production petroleum derived, 20% increase in production of kerosene and light gas oil. The energy potential of sludge was high and it can be used as fuel in other cargo processed in refinery
This study investigates fast pyrolysis bio-oils produced from alkali-metal-impregnated biomass (beech wood). The impregnation aim is to study the catalytic cracking of the pyrolysis vapors as a result of potassium or phosphorus. It is recognized that potassium and phosphorus in biomass can have a major impact on the thermal conversion processes. When biomass is pyrolyzed in the presence of alkali metal cations, catalytic cracking of the pyrolysis liquids occurs in the vapor phase, reducing the organic liquids produced and increasing yields of water, char, and gas, resulting in a bio-oil that has a lower calorific value and an increased chance of phase separation. Beech wood was impregnated with potassium or phosphorus (K impregnation and P impregnation, respectively) in the range of 0.10-2.00 wt %. Analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) was used to examine the pyrolysis products during thermal degradation, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to examine the distribution of char and volatiles. Both potassium and phosphorus are seen to catalyze the pyrolytic decomposition of biomass and modify the yields of products. 3-Furaldehyde and levoglucosenone become more dominant products upon P impregnation, pointing to rearrangement and dehydration routes during the pyrolysis process. Potassium has a significant influence on cellulose and hemicellulose decomposition, not just on the formation of levoglucosan but also other species, such as 2(5H)-furanone or hydroxymethyl-cyclopentene derivatives. Fast pyrolysis processing has also been undertaken using a laboratory-scale continuously fed bubbling fluidized-bed reactor with a nominal capacity of 1 kg h-1 at the reaction temperature of 525 °C. An increase in the viscosity of the bio-oil during the stability assessment tests was observed with an increasing percentage of impregnation for both additives. This is because bio-oil undergoes polymerization while placed in storage as a result of the inorganic content. The majority of inorganics are concentrated in the char, but small amounts are entrained in the pyrolysis vapors and, therefore, end up in the bio-oil.
This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary and multi-analytical study of the amber beads, red pigments, lithic arrowheads and selected ceramics from the Museum of Évora’s collection of the Zambujeiro Dolmen. Amber beads were studied by Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and Pyrolysis coupled to Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) to confirm their chemical nature and provenance. The red pigments, frequently found in funerary Neolithic context of the Iberian Peninsula, were studied with micro-Raman, and Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled to Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) to identify their chemical nature and provenance. The lithic arrowheads were analysed by portable X-Ray Fluorescence (p-XRF), micro X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), SEM-EDS, and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The ceramic materials were studied to infer provenance and production technology by p-XRF, XRD and SEM-EDS; ceramic contents were evaluated by GC/MS. The studies have shown that while some materials travel hundreds or thousands of kilometres to arrive to the Zambujeiro Dolmen, local materials were also used in the items selected by the communities to honour their deceased.
The aim of this work was in first place to define a methodology for the use of Py-GC/MS as a characterization technique for the organic compounds present in paper samples containing foxing stains, paper have a complex structure and mostly consist with cellulose fibers. Additionally, it was intent to characterize paper samples containing foxing stains with a batch of non-destructive analytical techniques. The work intent to deepen our knowledge on foxing stains, its chemical nature and morphological aspects. For characterization of the morphology of paper samples and foxing stains was used photography under different illuminations and optical microscopy. The presence of fibers disruption was observed with scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and also the nature of the fillers that is present in different areas. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) was used for identification of the sizing agents, determination of the chemical composition of additives that were used for production of paper, and comparison between foxing stains and unfoxed areas was allowed. Micro X-ray diffraction was used to evaluate the crystalline fillers in the sample. Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS was used for chemical analysis to identify the organic components and different classes of organic compounds; Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir, em primeiro lugar, uma metodologia para o uso de Py-GC / MS como técnica de caracterização dos compostos orgânicos presentes em amostras de papel contendo manchas de foxing, o papel tem uma estrutura complexa e consiste principalmente com fibras de celulose. Além disso, pretendia caracterizar amostras de papel contendo manchas de raposas com técnicas analíticas não destrutivas. Para a caracterização da morfologia das amostras de papel e das manchas de foxing foi usada fotografia sob diferentes iluminações e microscopia óptica. A presença de fibras de ruptura foi observada por microscopia electrónica de varrimento juntamente com espectroscopia dispersiva de energia (EDS-SEM), assim como a natureza dos materiais de enchimento que está presente em diferentes áreas. Espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier em modo de reflexão total atenuada (ATR-FTIR) foi utilizada na identificação dos agentes de colagem, e na determinação da composição química de aditivos usados na produção de papel, e a comparação entre foxing manchas e áreas unfoxed foi deixada. Micro difracção de raios X foi usada para avaliar o enchimentos cristalinos na amostra. Cromatografia pirólise-gasosa / espectrometria de massa (Py-GC / MS) foi utilizada para análise química para identificar os componentes orgânicos e diferentes classes de compostos orgânicos.
Il termine biochar definisce il prodotto solido derivante dalla pirolisi di un qualsiasi materiale organico, con lo specifico scopo di essere applicato nei suoli sia per fini agronomici che di gestione ambientale. Un suo utilizzo in maniera "responsabile" richiede però una piena comprensione delle sue proprietà e dei meccanismi che controllano la sua attività nel terreno, che dipendono dalla biomassa di partenza e dalle condizioni di sintesi tramite pirolisi. Infatti le condizioni di pirolisi, in particolare la temperatura di processo e il tempo di residenza, determinano biochar con caratteristiche differenti. In questo lavoro di tesi sono stati prodotti biochar da due diverse tipologie di biomassa residuale ampiamente disponibili (stocchi di mais e pollina). Per ciascuna biomassa sono state scelte tre condizioni di pirolisi (400°C x 20 minuti, 500°C x 10 minuti e 600°C x 5 minuti). Sui biochar ottenuti sono state effettuate le seguenti determinazioni: analisi elementare, Pirolisi‐GC‐MS, idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (IPA), acidi grassi volatili (VFA), azoto ammoniacale (N‐NH4 +), pH, conduttività elettrica e ritenzione idrica. Infine i biochar sintetizzati sono stati utilizzati per fare due test di germinazione per valutare l'effetto sulla formazione delle prime strutture di crescita delle plantule, tramite test di tossicità brevi con piastre Petri. Il primo test è stato condotto a concentrazione crescente di miscele acqua/biochar (2, 5, 40 e 100 g/L sulla base delle quantità di biochar utilizzate come ammendante nel suolo), sulla germinazione seguendo la metodologia normata dalla ISO 11269:2012. I semi utilizzati nel primo test sono stati quelli del crescione (Lepidium sativum L.) come specie dicotiledone, e del sorgo (Sorghum saccharatum M.) come monocotiledone. Il secondo saggio di tossicità eseguito è stato quello descritto dalla normativa in materia UNI 11357, valutando l'eventuale effetto di tossicità alla massima concentrazione delle varie tipologie di biochar, utilizzando come specie dicotiledoni il cetriolo (Cucumis sativus L.) ed il crescione (Lepidium sativum L.), come monocotiledone il sorgo (Sorghum saccharatum M.). Per i biochar da stocchi di mais, rappresentativi di biomasse erbacee e con diverso grado di carbonizzazione, non si osservano effetti apprezzabili alle condizioni di uso agricolo. Nel caso dei biochar da pollina si osservano invece inibizioni alla germinazione sin dalle concentrazioni più basse. In particolare, quello pirolizzato a 400°C mostra un potenziale effetto tossico più marcato, probabilmente associato ad un contenuto di IPA e VFA superiore a quello degli altri biochar.
Questa tesi ha riguardato lo studio di potenziali combustibili dalla pirolisi catalitica di varie tipologie di biomasse. Durante l’attività di laboratorio sono state condotte pirolisi intermedie e con zeolite di campioni di Arthrospira platensis (microalghe), residui della pesca, Ulva lactuca (macroalghe) e segatura di pino (Pinus sylvestris). Il cracking termico è stato condotto a 460 °C, con un reattore pirolitico da banco, e i vapori sono condensati in trappole fredde al termine del sistema. Nella pirolisi catalitica, i vapori prodotti nelle stesse condizioni sperimentali attraversano uno strato di catalizzatore (H-ZSM-5) dove subiscono il cracking. L’obiettivo principale di questo studio è la valutazione del processo di upgrading dei vapori di pirolisi per ottenere bio-oli arricchiti in idrocarburi. Dalle prove di pirolisi, catalitica e non, sono state raccolte frazioni solide e liquide, di cui sono state determinate le rese: biochar (solido), frazione liquida organica e acquosa e, nel caso delle pirolisi catalitiche, coke e una frazione volatile solubile in eptano. Delle frazioni organiche ed eptanica è stata caratterizzata la composizione elementare e mediante analisi GC-MS. Per le biomasse di partenza sono state effettuate analisi elementari, prossimali e degli acidi grassi totali. I risultati mostrano differenze sostanziali tra le frazioni organiche delle pirolisi e pirolisi catalitiche. Microalghe, macroalghe e residui della pesca contengono proteine che producono oli ricchi in composti azotati, mentre la segatura di pino produce oli ricchi in composti ossigenati derivati dalla lignina. In seguito al cracking catalitico si ha una diminuzione dei composti azotati e ossigenati e gli oli sono costituiti per la maggior parte da idrocarburi aromatici. L’olio da cracking catalitico ha una composizione simile a quella dei combustibili tradizionali, ma una migliore qualità di composizione del bio-olio comporta rese più basse. Il processo può presentare potenzialità solo per la trasformazione di biomasse di scarto.
I processi microbiologici rivestono una grande importanza nello sviluppo di combustibili e sostanze chimiche da fonti rinnovabili (biomassa), quali: il biometano e le bioplastiche, come i poli(idrossialcanoati), PHA. I PHA sono poliesteri ottenuti per condensazione di 3-idrossiacidi, il più comune dei quali è il poli(3-idrossibutirrato, PHB). Gli alti costi di produzione del PHA da colture microbiche singole ha portato a valutare nuove strategie, tra cui l’utilizzo di colture microbiche miste (MMC) e substrati di scarto. Il bio-olio ottenuto dalla pirolisi di biomassa potrebbe essere un substrato interessante per la produzione di biogas e PHA. Gli acidi a catena corta (acidi grassi volatili, VFA), infatti, sono i prodotti intermedi nella produzione sia di biogas che di PHA. L’analisi di questi ultimi viene normalmente effettuata tramite GC-FID o GC-MS. La degradazione termica (pirolisi, Py) di PHA produce acidi alchenoici caratteristici, come l’acido crotonico. Il metodo tradizionale per la determinazione del PHA è la metanolisi seguita da un’analisi GC-MS, una procedura laboriosa con uso di solventi clorurati e sostanze corrosive. Lo scopo principale di questa tesi è stato quello di sviluppare un nuovo metodo di analisi dei PHA. Il metodo studiato si basa sulla pirolisi diretta della biomassa e determinazione degli acidi alchenoici prodotti dalla degradazione del PHA in GC-FID. La pirolisi analitica è stata studiata tramite analisi di polimeri puri (per la calibrazione) e poi è stata applicata a campioni batterici derivanti da MMC e a ceppi selezionati. Il confronto con il metodo convenzionale ha dimostrato che la Py/GC-FID è un metodo valido per l’identificazione dei PHA e per la loro quantificazione nelle matrici batteriche. Il pre-trattamento del campione è minimo e non richiede l’uso di solventi e reagenti chimici. Inoltre, è stata applicata una tecnica di analisi dei VFA nei test di biometanazione basata sull’estrazione con una microquantità di dimetilcarbonato.
Linear alkylbenzenes, LAB, formed by the Alel3 or HF catalyzed alkylation of benzene are common raw materials for surfactant manufacture. Normally they are sulphonated using S03 or oleum to give the corresponding linear alkylbenzene sulphonates In >95 % yield. As concern has grown about the environmental impact of surfactants,' questions have been raised about the trace levels of unreacted raw materials, linear alkylbenzenes and minor impurities present in them. With the advent of modem analytical instruments and techniques, namely GCIMS, the opportunity has arisen to identify the exact nature of these impurities and to determine the actual levels of them present in the commercial linear ,alkylbenzenes. The object of the proposed study was to separate, identify and quantify major and minor components (1-10%) in commercial linear alkylbenzenes. The focus of this study was on the structure elucidation and determination of impurities and on the qualitative determination of them in all analyzed linear alkylbenzene samples. A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, (GCIMS) study was performed o~ five samples from the same manufacturer (different production dates) and then it was followed by the analyses of ten commercial linear alkylbenzenes from four different suppliers. All the major components, namely linear alkylbenzene isomers, followed the same elution pattern with the 2-phenyl isomer eluting last. The individual isomers were identified by interpretation of their electron impact and chemical ionization mass spectra. The percent isomer distribution was found to be different from sample to sample. Average molecular weights were calculated using two methods, GC and GCIMS, and compared with the results reported on the Certificate of Analyses (C.O.A.) provided by the manufacturers of commercial linear alkylbenzenes. The GC results in most cases agreed with the reported values, whereas GC/MS results were significantly lower, between 0.41 and 3.29 amu. The minor components, impurities such as branched alkylbenzenes and dialkyltetralins eluted according to their molecular weights. Their fragmentation patterns were studied using electron impact ionization mode and their molecular weight ions confirmed by a 'soft ionization technique', chemical ionization. The level of impurities present i~ the analyzed commercial linear alkylbenzenes was expressed as the percent of the total sample weight, as well as, in mg/g. The percent of impurities was observed to vary between 4.5 % and 16.8 % with the highest being in sample "I". Quantitation (mg/g) of impurities such as branched alkylbenzenes and dialkyltetralins was done using cis/trans-l,4,6,7-tetramethyltetralin as an internal standard. Samples were analyzed using .GC/MS system operating under full scan and single ion monitoring data acquisition modes. The latter data acquisition mode, which offers higher sensitivity, was used to analyze all samples under investigation for presence of linear dialkyltetralins. Dialkyltetralins were reported quantitatively, whereas branched alkylbenzenes were reported semi-qualitatively. The GC/MS method that was developed during the course of this study allowed identification of some other trace impurities present in commercial LABs. Compounds such as non-linear dialkyltetralins, dialkylindanes, diphenylalkanes and alkylnaphthalenes were identified but their detailed structure elucidation and the quantitation was beyond the scope of this study. However, further investigation of these compounds will be the subject of a future study.
The volatile composition of different apple varieties of Malus domestica Borkh. species from different geographic regions at Madeira Islands, namely Ponta do Pargo (PP), Porto Santo (PS), and Santo da Serra (SS) was established by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) procedure followed by GC-MS (GC-qMS) analysis. Significant parameters affecting sorption process such as fiber coating, extraction temperature,extractiontime,sampleamount,dilutionfactor,ionicstrength,anddesorption time,wereoptimizedanddiscussed.TheSPMEfibercoatedwith50/30 lmdivinylbenzene/carboxen/PDMS (DVB/CAR/PDMS) afforded highest extraction efficiency of volatile compounds, providing the best sensitivity for the target volatiles, particularly whenthesampleswereextractedat508Cfor30 minwithconstantmagneticstirring. A qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis between the investigated apple species has been established. It was possible to identify about 100 of volatile compounds amongpulp(46,45,and39),peel(64,60,and64),andentirefruit(65,43,and50)inPP, PS,andSSapples,respectively.Ethylesters,terpenes,andhigheralcoholswerefound tobethemostrepresentativevolatiles. a-Farnesene,hexan-1-olandhexyl2-methylbutyratewerethecompoundsfoundinthevolatileprofileofstudiedappleswiththelargestGCarea,representing,onaverage,24.71,14.06,and10.80%ofthetotalvolatilefractionfromPP,PS,andSSapples.InPPentireapple,themostabundantcompoundsidentified were a-farnesene (30.49%), the unknown compound m/z (69, 101, 157) (21.82%) andhexylacetate(6.57%).RegardingPSentireapplethemajorcompoundswere a-farnesene(16.87%),estragole(15.43%),hexan-1-ol(10.94),andE-2-hexenal(10.67).a-Farnesene(30.3%),hexan-1-ol(18.90%),2-methylbutanoicacid(4.7%),andpentan-1-ol(4.6%) werealsofoundasSSentireapplevolatilespresentinahigherrelativecontent.Principal component analysis (PCA) of the results clustered the apples into three groups according to geographic origin. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was performed in order to detect the volatile compounds able to differentiate the three kinds of apples investigated. The most important contributions to the differentiation of the PP, PS, and SS apples were ethyl hexanoate, hexyl 2-methylbutyrate, E,E-2,4-heptadienal, pethylstyrene,andE-2-hexenal.
In recent years, the area of advanced materials has been considerably, especially when it comes to materials for industrial use, such as is the case with structured porosity of catalysts suitable for catalytic processes. The use of catalysts combined with the fast pyrolysis process is an alternative to the oxygenate production of high added value, because, in addition to increasing the yield and quality of products, allows you to manipulate the selectivity to a product of interest, and therefore allows greater control over the characteristics of the final product. Based on these arguments, in this work were prepared titanium catalysts supported on MCM-41 for use in catalytic pyrolysis of biomass, called elephant grass. The reactions of pyrolysis of biomass were performed in a micro pyrolyzer, Py-5200, coupled to GC / MS, the company CDS Corporation, headquartered in the United States. The catalysts Ti-MCM-41 in different molar ratios were characterized by XRD, TG / DTG, FT-IR, SEM, XRF, UV-visible adsorption of nitrogen and the distribution of particle diameter and specific surface area measurement by the BET method. From the catalytic tests it was observed that the catalysts synthesized showed good results for the pyrolysis reaction.The main products were obtained a higher yield of aldehydes, ketones and furan. It was observed that the best reactivity is a direct function of the ratio Si/Ti, nature and concentration of the active species on mesoporous supports. Among the catalysts Ti-MCM-41 (molar ratio Si / Ti = 25 and 50), the ratio Si / Ti = 25 (400 ° C and 600 ° C) favored the cracking of oxygenates such as acids , aldehydes, ketones, furans and esters. Already the sample ratio Si / Ti = 50 had the highest yield of aromatic oxygenates
The fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass is a thermochemical conversion process for production energy which have been very atratactive due to energetic use of its products: gas (CO, CO2, H2, CH4, etc.), liquid (bio-oil) and charcoal. The bio-oil is the main product of fast pyrolysis, and its final composition and characteristics is intrinsically related to quality of biomass (ash disposal, moisture, content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and efficiency removal of oxygen compounds that cause undesirable features such as increased viscosity, instability, corrosiveness and low calorific value. The oxygenates are originated in the conventional process of biomass pyrolysis, where the use of solid catalysts allows minimization of these products by improving the bio-oil quality. The present study aims to evaluate the products of catalytic pyrolysis of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) using solid catalysts as tungsten oxides, supported or not in mesoporous materials like MCM-41, derived silica from rice husk ash, aimed to reduce oxygenates produced in pyrolysis. The biomasss treatment by washing with heated water (CEL) or washing with acid solution (CELix) and application of tungsten catalysts on vapors from the pyrolysis process was designed to improve the pyrolysis products quality. Conventional and catalytic pyrolysis of biomass was performed in a micro-pyrolyzer, Py-5200, coupled to GC/MS. The synthesized catalysts were characterized by X ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, X ray fluorescence, temperature programmed reduction and thermogravimetric analysis. Kinetic studies applying the Flynn and Wall model were performed in order to evaluate the apparent activation energy of holoceluloce thermal decomposition on samples elephant grass (CE, CEL and CELix). The results show the effectiveness of the treatment process, reducing the ash content, and were also observed decrease in the apparent activation energy of these samples. The catalytic pyrolysis process converted most of the oxygenate componds in aromatics such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, etc
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Deutsch:Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Spurenbestimmung von Silicium in organischen und anorganischen Matrices unter Verwendung der massenspektrometrischen Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse (MSIVA) an einem hochauflösenden induktiv gekoppelten Plasma-Massenspektrometer (HR-ICP-MS). Zusätzlich zur Elementspurenbestimmung wurde eine GC/HR-ICP-MS Kopplung entwickelt, die zur Analyse linearer und cyclischer Siloxane verwendet wurde.Die hier entwickelte Analysenmethode erlaubt Nachweisgrenzen für Silicium sowohl in organischen als auch in anorganischen Matrices im oberen ng/g-Bereich und ergab für die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit analysierten Proben Reproduzierbarkeiten von < 20%. Durch einfache Verdünnung nach der Probenvorbereitung in Verbindung mit dem sehr empfindlichen Detektionsverfahren sowie der internen Standardisierung mittels MSIVA erlaubt das Verfahren eine präzise Bestimmung von Silicium in jeglicher Matrix. Neben der Schnelligkeit und Einfachheit eignet sich die hier entwickelte Methode besonders für die Routineanalytik. Die gute Reproduzierbarkeit und der Vergleich mit Ergebnissen von zwei Interlaborstudien unterstreicht zusätzlich die Fähigkeit präzise und richtige Ergebnisse zur Zertifizierung an Standardreferenzmaterialien bezüglich des Siliciums im Spurenbereich zu liefern.Neben dem Gesamtgehalt von Silicium konnten medizinisch relevante Siliciumverbindungen analysiert und quantifiziert werden. Hierbei wurden niedermolekulare Polydimethlysiloxane (PDMS) untersucht, die als Nebenprodukte vor allem in Brustimplantaten auftreten. Grundlage für die Bestimmung dieser Siliciumspezies ist die Kopplung eines hochauflösenden ICP-MS an einen Gaschromatographen. Der hohe Ionisierungsgrad des ICP, gerade unter trockenen Plasmabedingungen, und der elementspezifische und sehr empfindliche massenspektrometrische Detektor erlauben in Verbindung mit dem GC die Bestimmung von Siloxanen bis in den pg/g-Bereich. Aus der Bestimmung des Gesamtgehalts an Silicium und der Bestimmung des Gehalts an den untersuchten Siliciumverbindungen können Vergleiche gemacht werden. Die Analyse beider Parameter ist mit Hilfe in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Methode möglich.Zusätzlich zur Siliciumbestimmung wurde der Gehalt an Platin in Humanproben analysiert, da bei der Herstellung der Füllung von Siliconimplantaten Platinkatalysatoren verwendet werden.
A universal and robust analytical method for the determination of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and two of its metabolites Δ9-(11-OH)-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC) and 11-nor-Δ9-carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH) in human whole blood was developed and validated for use in forensic toxicology. Protein precipitation, integrated solid phase extraction and on-line enrichment followed by high-performance liquid chromatography separation and detection with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer were combined. The linear ranges used for the three cannabinoids were from 0.5 to 20 ng/mL for THC and 11-OH-THC and from 2.5 to 100 ng/mL for THC-COOH, therefore covering the requirements for forensic use. Correlation coefficients of 0.9980 or better were achieved for all three analytes. No relevant hydrolysis was observed for THC-COOH glucuronide with this procedure--in contrast to our previous GC-MS procedure, which obviously lead to an artificial increase of the THC-COOH concentration due to the hydrolysis of the glucuronide-conjugate occurring at high pH during the phase-transfer catalyzed methylation step.
The main terminal processes of organic matter mineralization in anoxic Black Sea sediments underlying the sulfidic water column are sulfate reduction in the upper 2-4 m and methanogenesis below the sulfate zone. The modern marine deposits comprise a ca. 1-m-deep layer of coccolith ooze and underlying sapropel, below which sea water ions penetrate deep down into the limnic Pleistocene deposits from >9000 years BP. Sulfate reduction rates have a subsurface maximum at the SO4[2-]-CH4 transition where H2S reaches maximum concentration. Because of an excess of reactive iron in the deep limnic deposits, most of the methane-derived H2S is drawn downward to a sulfidization front where it reacts with Fe(III) and with Fe2+ diffusing up from below. The H2S-Fe2+ transition is marked by a black band of amorphous iron sulfide above which distinct horizons of greigite and pyrite formation occur. The pore water gradients respond dynamically to environmental changes in the Black Sea with relatively short time constants of ca. 500 yr for SO4[2-] and 10 yr for H2S, whereas the FeS in the black band has taken ca. 3000 yr to accumulate. The dual diffusion interfaces of SO4[2-]-CH4 and H2S-Fe2+ cause the trapping of isotopically heavy iron sulfide with delta34S = +15 to +33 per mil at the sulfidization front. A diffusion model for sulfur isotopes shows that the SO4[2-] diffusing downward into the SO4[2-]-CH4 transition has an isotopic composition of +19 per mil, close to the +23 per mil of H2S diffusing upward. These isotopic compositions are, however, very different from the porewater SO4[2-] (+43 per mil) and H2S (-15 per mil) at the same depth. The model explains how methane-driven sulfate reduction combined with a deep H2S sink leads to isotopically heavy pyrite in a sediment open to diffusion. These results have general implications for the marine sulfur cycle and for the interpretation of sulfur isotopic data in modern sediments and in sedimentary rocks throughout earth's history.