961 resultados para Big business


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The authors identify the firm-specific core competencies that Panera Bread has relied on to achieve a competitive advantage in its business domain. The study illustrates how the company scans the dynamically changing environments and tailors their products and services in accordance with these changes.


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Ongoing debates within the professional and academic communities have raised a number of questions specific to the international audit market. This dissertation consists of three related essays that address such issues. First, I examine whether the propensity to switch between auditors of different sizes (i.e., Big 4 versus non-Big 4) changes as adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) becomes a more common phenomenon, arguing that smaller auditors have an opportunity to invest in necessary skills and training needed to enter this market. Findings suggest that clients are relatively less (more) likely to switch to (away from) a Big 4 auditor if the client's adoption of IFRS occurs in more recent years. ^ In the second essay, I draw on these inferences and test whether the change in audit fees in the year of IFRS adoption changes over time. As the market becomes less concentrated, larger auditors becomes less able to demand a premium for their services. Consistent with my arguments, results suggest that the change in audit service fees declines over time, although this effect seems concentrated among the Big 4. I also find that this effect is partially attributable to a differential effect of the auditors' experience in pricing audit services related to IFRS based on the period in which adoption occurs. The results of these two essays offer important implications to policy debates on the costs and benefits of IFRS adoption. ^ In the third essay, I differentiate Big 4 auditors into three classifications—Parent firms, Brand Name affiliates, and Local affiliates—and test for differences in audit fee premiums (relative to non-Big 4 auditors) and audit quality. Results suggest that there is significant heterogeneity between the three classifications based on both of these characteristics, which is an important consideration for future research. Overall, this dissertation provides additional insights into a variety of aspects of the global audit market.^


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Il lavoro presentato in questo elaborato tratterà lo sviluppo di un sistema di alerting che consenta di monitorare proattivamente una o più sorgenti dati aziendali, segnalando le eventuali condizioni di irregolarità rilevate; questo verrà incluso all'interno di sistemi già esistenti dedicati all'analisi dei dati e alla pianificazione, ovvero i cosiddetti Decision Support Systems. Un sistema di supporto alle decisioni è in grado di fornire chiare informazioni per tutta la gestione dell'impresa, misurandone le performance e fornendo proiezioni sugli andamenti futuri. Questi sistemi vengono catalogati all'interno del più ampio ambito della Business Intelligence, che sottintende l'insieme di metodologie in grado di trasformare i dati di business in informazioni utili al processo decisionale. L'intero lavoro di tesi è stato svolto durante un periodo di tirocinio svolto presso Iconsulting S.p.A., IT System Integrator bolognese specializzato principalmente nello sviluppo di progetti di Business Intelligence, Enterprise Data Warehouse e Corporate Performance Management. Il software che verrà illustrato in questo elaborato è stato realizzato per essere collocato all'interno di un contesto più ampio, per rispondere ai requisiti di un cliente multinazionale leader nel settore della telefonia mobile e fissa.


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Bij de provincie Gelderland is per 01-01-2009 een reorganisatie doorgevoerd waarbij o.a. de ondersteunende disciplines zoals Financiën zijn samengevoegd binnen één centrale afdeling. Binnen de afdeling Financiën is een team ‘Business control’ gevormd waarin de Financieel adviseurs zijn ondergebracht. Daarbij is vanaf 2009, in verschillende termen en bewoordingen, steeds de ambitie uitgesproken om van de “Financieel expert” naar “Partner in business” te groeien. De ervaring tot dusver laat zien dat deze ambitie in de praktijk moeizaam te realiseren is. Dit onderzoek richt zich op verschillende facetten die samenhangen met bovengenoemde ambitie. Daarbij richt het onderzoek zich vooral op de vraag wat de invloed daarbij is van de persoonskenmerken van de medewerkers. De onderzoeksvraag is: Hoe beïnvloeden de persoonskenmerken de ontwikkeling naar “Partner in Business” bij het team Business control binnen de afdeling Financiën bij de provincie Gelderland? Uit het literatuuronderzoek blijkt dat New Public Management (NPM) een belangrijke externe ontwikkelingen is voor de publieke sector. NPM heeft als doel om publieke organisaties meer resultaatgericht, meer gecoördineerd en efficiënter te laten werken. Bij NPM gaat het o.a. om begrippen als resultaatgerichtheid, output en efficiency. Aangezien de controller het management adviseert bij het efficiënt realiseren van de organisatiedoelstellingen is NPM van invloed op de (rol van) de controller. Een verandering in de rol van de controller is ook het gevolg van de veranderingen in de financiële functie. Uit diverse onderzoeken blijkt dat de controllersfunctie zich ontwikkelt van een administratieve, ten behoeve van het top-management controlerende functie, naar een beslissingsondersteunende functie voor alle geledingen van het management. Conijn et al. (2005) beschrijven de ontwikkeling in de financiële functie aan de hand van een denkmodel met daarin vier fasen met de bijbehorende archetypes Scorekeeper, Financial controller, Managementcontroller en Businesspartner. Naast deze ontwikkelingen zijn ook persoonsgerelateerde factoren van invloed op de rol van een controller binnen een organisatie. Vanuit de organisatiepsychologie worden de persoonlijke eigenschappen van mensen dikwijls in vijf verschillende dimensies gevat, ook wel ‘the big five’ genoemd. Het big five factor model gaat ervan uit dat elk persoon in meer of mindere mate de volgende vijf persoonlijke dimensies heeft: Extraversie, Meegaandheid, Zorgvuldigheid, Openheid en Emotionele stabiliteit. De situatie bij de provincie Gelderland is onderzocht aan de hand van een enquête. De enquête is uitgezet bij de 28 Financieel adviseurs met 17 representatieve respondenten. Hieruit blijkt dat de Financieel adviseurs bij de provincie Gelderland voornamelijk activiteiten verrichten die horen bij de rol van Financial controller en in mindere mate die van respectievelijk Managementcontroller, Businesspartner en Scorekeeper. Daarbij beschikken de Managementcontrollers en de Businesspartners meer over de persoonskenmerken Extraversie, Openheid en Emotionele stabiliteit dan de Scorekeepers en Financial controllers. De Scorekeepers beschikken juist het minst over deze drie persoonskenmerken ten opzichte van de andere drie typen controllers. Voor wat betreft de persoonskenmerken Zorgvuldigheid en Meegaandheid laten de resultaten van de enquête geen eenduidig beeld zien in de relatie tot de typen controllers die de Financieel adviseurs vervullen. Op basis van dit onderzoek en met inachtneming van het aantal van 17 respondenten bij de enquête, lijkt er een relatie te zijn tussen de persoonskenmerken van controllers en de rol die zij als controller vervullen. De rol van Businesspartner vraagt blijkbaar om een hoge mate van Extraversie, Openheid en Emotionele stabiliteit. Voor de provincie Gelderland betekent dit concreet dat bij de gewenste ontwikkeling van Financieel expert naar Partner in business rekening gehouden moet worden met de persoonskenmerken van de Financieel adviseurs. Hierdoor kan er een goede aansluiting tot stand worden gebracht tussen de controller als persoon en zijn/haar controllersrol binnen de organisatie. Kortom; de juiste persoon op de juiste plaats.


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Which 'actor' takes the management accountant role as an extravert business partner? Does a relation between the personal trait Extraversion and fulfilling a management accountant role as a business partner exist? Open Universiteit Nederland End thesis MSc Management, Accounting & Finance Support 1: Prof. dr. A.C.N. van de Ven RA Support 2: dr. P.C.M. Claes Examinator: dr. P. Kamminga Date of approval: September 3, 2014 student: P.R. van der Wal (studentnumber 839104017 email petervanderwal2003@yahoo.com The main question of this research is: Does a relation between the personal trait Extraversion and fulfilling a management accountant role as a business partner exist? This research is based on the dataset obtained by the controller survey 2013, executed in commission of the 'Open Universiteit' (Bork & van der Wal, 2014). From the literature review it is clear: among other management accountant roles we need business partners. And there is a relation between the personal trait Extraversion and fulfilling the role as business partner. At the same time a lack of necessary personal traits for this role has been noticed, among which is Extraversion. The factor- and cluster analyses reported by Bork & van der Wal (2014) resulted in the identification of two types of management accountant roles. In this extended research TYPE II is identified as a business partner because (s)he practices activity-combinations which are related to strategy, analyzing, supporting management in decision making, advisory, change-agency and representing the organization. 36% of the population of Dutch management accountants with a master degree (or similar) meet with the role of the business partner. Although the fulfillment of the role (TYPE II) is not purely business partnering. E.g. reporting and scorekeeping are still activities executed by TYPE II and it is not clear to what extent. Apart from that, role TYPE I executes change management and risk-management activities, which are (according to the definition) activities that belong to the business partner. The role as business partner is practiced but not that optimal as defined in theory. The logistic regression analyses on the survey-data show that Extraversion among three other triggers is significant for the prediction of the fulfillment of the management accountant role (Bork & van der Wal, 2014). A more extravert personal trait predicts a preference for TYPE II, which relates to the business partner. This 'in depth research' concentrated on the relation between the Big Five personal traits and the six activity-combinations (factors) instead of on the two clusters (I and II). The statistic analyses confirm the predicting influence of Extraversion on the business partner role. Although, except for one factor, no extra significance has been found in this additional research. The essential question can be confirmed positively: the management accountant role business partner exists in practice, some management accountants are more extravert then others, and there is a positive relation between extraversion and fulfilling the business partner role. Some formulated research limitations are related to the statistical weakness of some prediction outcomes and to interpretation differences that might occur. Further research can e.g. concentrate on the other personal traits and the significance for role-differentiation in education programs. The management accountant survey 2013 Management accountant roles in 2013 in the Netherlands Open Universiteit Nederland End thesis MSc Management, Accounting & Finance Support 1: Prof. dr. A.C.N. van de Ven RA Support 2: dr. P.C.M. Claes Examinator: dr. P. Kamminga Date of approval: September 3, 2014 student: P.R. van der Wal and H.J. Bork studentnumber: 839104017 and 838532340) email: petervanderwal2003@yahoo.com and hjbork@hotmail.com This paper describes the conceptual model and results of the 'management accountants survey 2013'. The survey is part of a longitudinal survey, earlier executed in 2004, 2007 and 2010 under responsibility of the 'Open Universiteit Nederland'. Secondly the dataset of this survey will be used by us to do our own analyses on the predicting value of the triggers 'personality factor: extraversion' and 'lever of control: interactive controls' on the management accounting role that comes close to a role defined as 'Business Partner'. Scientific research shows that there are different management accounting roles, and that these roles change and that preferences exist for certain roles (Verstegen B. , Loo, Mol, Slagter, & Geerkens, 2007). The main question that will be answered in this paper is which coherent combinations of activities are being executed by management accountants in 2013 in the Netherlands by master-graduates? And secondly which triggers of management accountants' activities predict to which cluster a management accountant belongs? The conceptual model of this research has been developed in 2004 (Verstegen B. , Loo, Mol, Slagter, & Geerkens, 2007). For this research the same 37 activities as in the former researches are included (appendix 1). In the trigger-set (appendix 1) some adaptations have been made for reasons of restricting the length of the survey and to pinpoint on particular research goals (e.g. personality and levers of control). The coherent combinations of activities were found by a factor-analysis and the groups of controllers by a cluster analysis. A regression analysis shows which trigger-items are most significant. The survey has been sent to 2.353 students that finished a controller-study on a Dutch University. There was a 9% (211) response with a completely filled survey. 137 of which indicated to work in a controller-function at the moment. These controllers have been included in the results. The factor-analysis results in six different coherent combinations of activities (factors). Shortly these factors are: advising top management on strategic level with result-effecting information (1), organizing internal reporting (2) organizing and representing the organization on external reporting (3), advising and managing changes by shortcomings in processes and control systems (4), maintaining and managing administrative organization- , information- and control systems (5) and organizing/executing risk management and internal audit (6). Factors 4, 5 and 6 are clustered in cluster TYPE I (125 controllers) and factors 1, 2 and 3 in cluster TYPE II (69 controllers). TYPE II can be associated with the management accountant role 'Business Partner', although the accountant keeps partly active in a scorekeeper role. The four most significant triggers for predicting being a TYPE II controller are 'Executing a risk-management task in order to meet compliance standards' (1), extraversion (2), company size in terms of fte (3) and gender (4).


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This keynote presentation will report some of our research work and experience on the development and applications of relevant methods, models, systems and simulation techniques in support of different types and various levels of decision making for business, management and engineering. In particular, the following topics will be covered. Modelling, multi-agent-based simulation and analysis of the allocation management of carbon dioxide emission permits in China (Nanfeng Liu & Shuliang Li Agent-based simulation of the dynamic evolution of enterprise carbon assets (Yin Zeng & Shuliang Li) A framework & system for extracting and representing project knowledge contexts using topic models and dynamic knowledge maps: a big data perspective (Jin Xu, Zheng Li, Shuliang Li & Yanyan Zhang) Open innovation: intelligent model, social media & complex adaptive system simulation (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A framework, model and software prototype for modelling and simulation for deshopping behaviour and how companies respond (Shawkat Rahman & Shuliang Li) Integrating multiple agents, simulation, knowledge bases and fuzzy logic for international marketing decision making (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A Web-based hybrid intelligent system for combined conventional, digital, mobile, social media and mobile marketing strategy formulation (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A hybrid intelligent model for Web & social media dynamics, and evolutionary and adaptive branding (Shuliang Li) A hybrid paradigm for modelling, simulation and analysis of brand virality in social media (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) Network configuration management: attack paradigms and architectures for computer network survivability (Tero Karvinen & Shuliang Li)


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“La Business Intelligence per il monitoraggio delle vendite: il caso Ducati Motor Holding”. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di illustrare cos’è la Business Intelligence e di mostrare i cambiamenti verificatisi in Ducati Motor Holding, in seguito alla sua adozione, in termini di realizzazione di report e dashboard per il monitoraggio delle vendite. L’elaborato inizia con una panoramica generale sulla storia e gli utilizzi della Business Intelligence nella quale vengono toccati i principali fondamenti teorici: Data Warehouse, data mining, analisi what-if, rappresentazione multidimensionale dei dati, costruzione del team di BI eccetera. Si proseguirà mediante un focus sui Big Data convogliando l’attenzione sul loro utilizzo e utilità nel settore dell’automotive (inteso nella sua accezione più generica e cioè non solo come mercato delle auto, ma anche delle moto), portando in questo modo ad un naturale collegamento con la realtà Ducati. Si apre così una breve overview sull’azienda descrivendone la storia, la struttura commerciale attraverso la quale vengono gestite le vendite e la gamma dei prodotti. Dal quarto capitolo si entra nel vivo dell’argomento: la Business Intelligence in Ducati. Si inizia descrivendo le fasi che hanno fino ad ora caratterizzato il progetto di Business Analytics (il cui obiettivo è per l'appunto introdurre la BI i azienda) per poi concentrarsi, a livello prima teorico e poi pratico, sul reporting sales e cioè sulla reportistica basata sul monitoraggio delle vendite.


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In 2014 over 70% of people in Great Britain accessed the Internet every day. This resource is an optimal vector for malicious attackers to penetrate home computers and as such compromised pages have been increasing in both number and complexity. This paper presents X-Secure, a novel browser plug-in designed to present and raise the awareness of inexperienced users by analysing web-pages before malicious scripts are executed by the host computer. X-Secure was able to detect over 90% of the tested attacks and provides a danger level based on cumulative analysis of the source code, the URL, and the remote server, by using a set of heuristics, hence increasing the situational awareness of users browsing the internet.


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The purpose of this Master’s Thesis was to study the suitability of transportation of liquid wastes to the portfolio of the case company. After the preliminary study the waste types were narrowed down to waste oil and oily waste from ports. The thesis was executed by generating a business plan. The qualitative research of this Master’s Thesis was executed as a case study by collecting information from multiple sources. The business plan was carried out by first familiarizing oneself with literature related to business planning which was then used as a base for the interview of the customer and interviews of the personnel of the case company. Additionally, internet sources and informal conversational interviews with the personnel of the case company were used and these interviews took place during the preliminary study and this thesis. The results of this thesis describe the requirements for the case company that must be met to be able to start operations. Import of waste oil fits perfectly to the portfolio of the case company and it doesn’t require any big investments. Success of the import of waste oil is affected by price of crude oil, exchange rate of ruble and legislation among others. Transportation of oily waste from ports, in turn, is not a core competence of the case company so more actions are required to start operating such as subcontracting with a waste management company.


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The speed with which data has moved from being scarce, expensive and valuable, thus justifying detailed and careful verification and analysis to a situation where the streams of detailed data are almost too large to handle has caused a series of shifts to occur. Legal systems already have severe problems keeping up with, or even in touch with, the rate at which unexpected outcomes flow from information technology. The capacity to harness massive quantities of existing data has driven Big Data applications until recently. Now the data flows in real time are rising swiftly, become more invasive and offer monitoring potential that is eagerly sought by commerce and government alike. The ambiguities as to who own this often quite remarkably intrusive personal data need to be resolved – and rapidly - but are likely to encounter rising resistance from industrial and commercial bodies who see this data flow as ‘theirs’. There have been many changes in ICT that has led to stresses in the resolution of the conflicts between IP exploiters and their customers, but this one is of a different scale due to the wide potential for individual customisation of pricing, identification and the rising commercial value of integrated streams of diverse personal data. A new reconciliation between the parties involved is needed. New business models, and a shift in the current confusions over who owns what data into alignments that are in better accord with the community expectations. After all they are the customers, and the emergence of information monopolies needs to be balanced by appropriate consumer/subject rights. This will be a difficult discussion, but one that is needed to realise the great benefits to all that are clearly available if these issues can be positively resolved. The customers need to make these data flow contestable in some form. These Big data flows are only going to grow and become ever more instructive. A better balance is necessary, For the first time these changes are directly affecting governance of democracies, as the very effective micro targeting tools deployed in recent elections have shown. Yet the data gathered is not available to the subjects. This is not a survivable social model. The Private Data Commons needs our help. Businesses and governments exploit big data without regard for issues of legality, data quality, disparate data meanings, and process quality. This often results in poor decisions, with individuals bearing the greatest risk. The threats harbored by big data extend far beyond the individual, however, and call for new legal structures, business processes, and concepts such as a Private Data Commons. This Web extra is the audio part of a video in which author Marcus Wigan expands on his article "Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences" and discusses how businesses and governments exploit big data without regard for issues of legality, data quality, disparate data meanings, and process quality. This often results in poor decisions, with individuals bearing the greatest risk. The threats harbored by big data extend far beyond the individual, however, and call for new legal structures, business processes, and concepts such as a Private Data Commons.


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I Big Data stanno guidando una rivoluzione globale. In tutti i settori, pubblici o privati, e le industrie quali Vendita al dettaglio, Sanità, Media e Trasporti, i Big Data stanno influenzando la vita di miliardi di persone. L’impatto dei Big Data è sostanziale, ma così discreto da passare inosservato alla maggior parte delle persone. Le applicazioni di Business Intelligence e Advanced Analytics vogliono studiare e trarre informazioni dai Big Data. Si studia il passaggio dalla prima alla seconda, mettendo in evidenza aspetti simili e differenze.


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Objectives: To discuss how current research in the area of smart homes and ambient assisted living will be influenced by the use of big data. Methods: A scoping review of literature published in scientific journals and conference proceedings was performed, focusing on smart homes, ambient assisted living and big data over the years 2011-2014. Results: The health and social care market has lagged behind other markets when it comes to the introduction of innovative IT solutions and the market faces a number of challenges as the use of big data will increase. First, there is a need for a sustainable and trustful information chain where the needed information can be transferred from all producers to all consumers in a structured way. Second, there is a need for big data strategies and policies to manage the new situation where information is handled and transferred independently of the place of the expertise. Finally, there is a possibility to develop new and innovative business models for a market that supports cloud computing, social media, crowdsourcing etc. Conclusions: The interdisciplinary area of big data, smart homes and ambient assisted living is no longer only of interest for IT developers, it is also of interest for decision makers as customers make more informed choices among today's services. In the future it will be of importance to make information usable for managers and improve decision making, tailor smart home services based on big data, develop new business models, increase competition and identify policies to ensure privacy, security and liability.


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