983 resultados para Beta-lactam Antibiotics


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Broad-spectrum antibiotics with heterocyclic side chains strongly inhibit peroxidase-catalyzed iodination in the presence of metallo--lactamase. This suggests that antibiotic resistance due to hydrolysis of the -lactam ring in antibiotics would have negative effects on thyroid activity.


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This study aims in identifying MBLs particularly Zn requiring Molecular Class B enzymes produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii. The resistance by these organisms are in a rise against all antibiotics including carbapenems and no prescribed CLSI guidelines is available for detecting them. Clinical isolates antibiotic susceptibility was determined by number of phenotypic tests by addition of 50mM of 10 mu l zinc as cofactor for metallo beta lactamase production along with 0.5M ETDA of 5 mu l (930 mu g per disk) plain disks. Increase in zone size of the meropenem -EDTA disk compared to the meropenem disk without EDTA was recorded positive. For Zn requiring MBLs zone towards both disks of EDTA and Zn along with meropenem is detected by DDST.


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Techniques for screening porcine samples for antimicrobial residues in the EU usually involve analysis of samples taken post slaughter, and are either time consuming or expensive. Some of the positive test results at this screening stage could be avoided by allowing the animal sufficient withdrawal time following drug treatment. A method is described that can detect the presence of five major antibiotics in porcine urine at concentrations below 1 mu g ml(-1) for each of the compounds. The test uses Bacillus subtilis, which is already widely employed in antimicrobial inhibition assays, and when combined with a colorimetric substrate, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, can detect inhibitory substances within an assay time of four and a half hours. The method, which uses microtitre plate technology, could be developed into a convenient test kit for use at farm level to determine whether animals were still excreting antimicrobials in their urine prior to their submission for slaughter.


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Lipopolysaccharide is a major component of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and provides a permeability barrier to many commonly used antibiotics. ADP-heptose residues are an integral part of the LPS inner core, and mutants deficient in heptose biosynthesis demonstrate increased membrane permeability. The heptose biosynthesis pathway involves phosphorylation and dephosphorylation steps not found in other pathways for the synthesis of nucleotide sugar precursors. Consequently, the heptose biosynthetic pathway has been marked as a novel target for antibiotic adjuvants, which are compounds that facilitate and potentiate antibiotic activity. D-alpha,beta-D-heptose-1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase (GmhB) catalyzes the third essential step of LPS heptose biosynthesis. This study describes the first crystal structure of GmhB and enzymatic analysis of the protein. Structure-guided mutations followed by steady state kinetic analysis, together with established precedent for HAD phosphatases, suggest that GmhB functions through a phosphoaspartate intermediate. This study provides insight into the structure-function relationship of GmhB, a new target for combatting gram-negative bacterial infection.


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As carbapenemases, serínicas e metalo-β-lactamases (MBLs), formam um grupo cada vez mais importante de β-lactamases capazes de tornar as bactérias resistentes a antibióticos β-lactâmicos, incluindo carbapenemos utilizados como antibióticos de último recurso no tratamento de infecções causadas por bactérias multirresistentes. De modo a compreender melhor a relação estrutura-função deste grupo de enzimas, prosseguimos com a caracterização bioquímica e estrutural das carbapenemases SFC-1 e Sfh-I específicas de Serratia fonticola UTAD54, uma estirpe ambiental isolada previamente de águas de consumo não tratadas no Nordeste de Portugal. Ambas as β-lactamases foram sobre-expressas em Escherichia coli e purificadas por cromatografia líquida. A SFC-1 recombinante, uma carbapenemase serínica, hidrolisa eficientemente antibióticos β-lactâmicos de todas as classes e exibe, comparativamente a enzimas relacionadas (ex. KPC), uma maior eficiência contra a ceftazidima e uma menor susceptibilidade aos inibidores convencionais das β-lactamases. As estruturas do cristal da SFC-1 nativa e de complexos de mutantes, obtidos por mutagénese dirigida, com o meropenemo não hidrolisado e na forma de acetilenzima foram determinados por substituição molecular utilizando cristalografia de raios-X. A estrutura da SFC-1 contém todas as características conservadas do centro activo das carbapenemases de classe A. Nas estruturas dos mutantes o meropenemo aparece orientado no centro activo por Thr236 e Thr238, posicionando-o próximo da Ser130 para a transferência do protão. Nas enzimas de classe A inibidas por carbapenemos, a interacção com a Arg244 impõe uma orientação diferente do meropenemo ligado, prejudicando a transferência do protão. Estas constituem as primeiras estruturas de uma carbapenemase de classe A com um carbapenemo no centro activo e revelam que estas enzimas alteram a orientação do meropenemo ligado para promover a catálise, sem alteração significativa da estrutura geral. A Sfh-I, tal como as outras MBLs da subclasse B2, apresenta um perfil de substratos reduzido, que inclui maioritariamente os carbapenemos. A Sfh-I hidrolisa imipenemo e meropenemo com um kcat de 51 e 109 s-1 e um KM de 79 e 215 μM, respectivamente. A Sfh-I liga um equivalente de zinco, como demonstrado por espectrometria de massa. Contrariamente a enzimas da subclasse B2 previamente caracterizadas, a Sfh-I hidrolisa a cefepima, mostrando que a Sfh-I é uma MBL da subclasse B2 com propriedades únicas. Por espectroscopia de fluorescência mostrou-se que a Sfh-I é capaz de ligar até 3 equivalentes de zinco (Kd2 = 95 μM; Kd3 = 2.3 mM). A estrutura do cristal da Sfh-I, determinada por substituição molecular utilizando a CphA como modelo, é a primeira para uma MBL da subclasse B2 não ligada. Esta estrutura revela a disposição das moléculas de água no centro activo corroborando um mecanismo catalítico para as MBLs da subclasse B2 no qual a His118, em vez do Asp120 proposto anteriormente, activa a molécula de água nucleofílica.


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Last-resort antibiotics are the final line of action for treating serious infections caused by multiresistant strains. Over the years the prevalence of resistant bacteria has been increasing. Natural environments are reservoirs of antibiotic resistance, highly influenced by human-driven activities. The importance of aquatic systems on the evolution of antibiotic resistance is highlighted from the assumption that clinically-relevant resistance genes have originated in strains ubiquitous in these environments. We hypothesize that: a) rivers are reservoirs and disseminators of antibiotic resistance; b) anthropogenic activities potentiate dissemination of resistance to last-resort antibiotics. Hence, the main goal of the work is to compare the last-resort antibiotics resistome, in polluted and unpolluted water. Rivers from the Vouga basin, exposed to different anthropogenic impacts, were sampled. Water quality parameters were determined to classify rivers as unpolluted or polluted. Two bacterial collections were established enclosing bacteria resistant to cefotaxime (3rd generation cephalosporin) and to imipenem (carbapenem). Each collection was characterized regarding: phylogenetic diversity, antibiotic susceptibility, resistance mechanisms and mobile genetic elements. The prevalence of cefotaxime- and imipenem-resistant bacteria was higher in polluted water. Results suggested an important role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance for Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas and Aeromonas. The occurrence of bacteria resistant to non-beta-lactams was higher among isolates from polluted water as also the number of multiresistant strains. Among strains resistant to cefotaxime, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) genes were detected (predominantly blaCTX-M-like) associated to mobile genetic elements previously described in clinical strains. ESBL-producers were often multiresistant as a result of co-selection mechanisms. Culture-independent methods showed clear differences between blaCTX-M-like sequences found in unpolluted water (similar to ancestral genes) and polluted water (sequences identical to those reported in clinical settings). Carbapenem resistance was mostly related to the presence of intrinsically resistant bacteria. Yet, relevant carbapenemase genes were detected as blaOXA-48-like in Shewanella spp. (the putative origin of these genes), and blaVIM-2 in Pseudomonas spp. isolated from polluted rivers. Culture-independent methods showed an higher than the previously reported diversity of blaOXA-48-like genes in rivers. Overall, clear differences between polluted and unpolluted systems were observed, regarding prevalence, phylogenetic diversity and susceptibility profiles of resistant bacteria and occurrence of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes, thus validating our hypotheses. In this way, rivers act as disseminators of resistance genes, and anthropogenic activities potentiate horizontal gene transfer and promote the constitution of genetic platforms that combine several resistance determinants, leading to multiresistance phenotypes that may persist even in the absence of antibiotics.


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We describe a cross-sectional, survey to identify risk factors for colonisation of neonates by extended-spectrum P-Lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. This occurred following exposure to a colonised healthcare worker during an outbreak in an intermediate-risk neonatal. unit. In total, 120 neonates admitted consecutively during a three-month period were screened for ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae by rectal swabbing and 27 were identified as colonised. Multivariate analysis showed colonisation to be independently associated with use of antibiotics and absence of breastfeeding. Previous use of antibiotics presented an odds ratio (OR) of 12.3 [95% confidence interval. (Cl): 3.66-41.2, P < 0.001]. The most commonly used antibiotics were penicillin and amikacin. Breastfeeding was associated with reduced risk for colonisation (OR: 0.22; 95% Cl: 0.05-0.99; P = 0.049). Nine isotates recovered during the first stage of the outbreak and 27 isolates from surveillance cultures were typed thereafter by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, revealing six different profiles (A-F). Clones A, C, and E were implicated in the first stage of the outbreak, whereas among the 27 strains recovered from surveillance cultures, all six clones were identified. Clone A was also found on the hand of a nursing auxiliary with onychomycosis. We concluded that prior antimicrobial use predisposed to colonisation. The possible role of breastfeeding as a protective factor needs to be further elucidated. Detection of different genotypes of ESBL-producing K. pneumonioe suggests that dissemination of mobile genetic elements bearing the ESBL gene may have been superimposed on the simple dissemination of a clone during the outbreak. (c) 2008 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Os estafilococos coagulase-negativos (ECN), embora reconhecidos como saprófitas por muito tempo, têm emergido como agentes etiológicos de uma série de infecções, sendo atualmente os principais responsáveis por sepse em UTI neonatal. Tendo em vista estas características, este estudo objetivou a identificação de estafilococos coagulase-negativos isolados de processos infecciosos em recém-nascidos, bem como a determinação da produção de beta-lactamase e sensibilidade às drogas pelas linhagens isoladas. O Staphylococcus epidermidis foi a espécie mais freqüentemente isolada (77,8%). O estudo da produção de beta-lactamase revelou esta característica na maioria das linhagens de ECN isoladas (71,8%). As linhagens de ECN mostraram, ainda, resistência múltipla aos antibióticos utilizados, com 63,2% dos isolados apresentando resistência a cinco ou mais drogas. A elevada transmissibilidade de plasmídios entre estas linhagens e o uso abusivo de drogas antimicrobianas têm-se constituído em importantes fatores na seleção de amostras multirresistentes e na transferência de genes de resistência.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As beta-lactamases são produzidas por bactérias gram-positivas e gram-negativas. Cerca de 40% a 50% das mulheres desenvolveram um infecção urinária durante a sua vida adulta. O objetivo o presente trabalho foi realizar a caracterização dos genes Bla SHV, Bla TEM e Bla CTX-M produtoras de beta-lactamases de espectro estendido em E. coli e Klebsiella spp isoladas de gestante com infecção do trato urinário atendidas na Unidade Básica de Saúde de Imperatriz - MA no período de maio a agosto de 2012. Participaram do presente estudo 50 de mulheres grávidas maiores de 18 anos, que apresentaram sintomas com caracterização clínica de infecção do trato urinário (ITU), referenciadas no ambulatório na Unidade Básica de Saúde Imperatriz - MA. Foi coletada urina, para realização da urinocultura e antibiograma, posteriormente foi realizado a Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) detectar a presença dos genes Bla SHV, Bla TEM e Bla CTX-M produtores das enzimas Beta-lactamases. A média de idade destes pacientes foi de 21 anos, sendo 42% estando na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos, 70% destas tem residência fixa em Imperatriz e os outros 30% são oriundos de outros municípios. Entre estas, 24% das voluntárias já apresentaram ITU durante a gravidez e fora do estado gravídico e 80% delas afirmaram fazer o uso de antibióticos sem prescrição médica. Das 12 amostras com crescimento microbiológico positivo, 11 foram positivas para Escherichia coli com resultados do antibiograma que apresentaram resistência para o antibiótico cefalotina, em 91,7%. Sendo isolado, uma cepa de Klebsiella ssp, e esta apresentou resistência a todos os antibióticos testados. Pela análise dos resultados da PCR das amostras isoladas, os três genes Bla SHV, Bla TEM e Bla CTX-M, não foram observadas nas amostras P9, P11 e P12, porém nas demais amostras houve a ocorrência de pelo menos um dos genes. Este estudo confirmou a presença dos três tipos de genes (Bla SHV, Bla TEM e Bla CTX-M) entre as amostras estudada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lupulones, hops beta-acids, are one of the main constituents of the hops resin and have an important contribution to the overall bacteriostatic activity of hops during beer brewing. The use of lupulones as natural alternatives to antibiotics is increasing in the food industry and also in bioethanol production. However, lupulones are easy oxidizable and have been shown to be very reactive toward 1-hydroxyethyl radical with apparent bimolecular rate constants close to diffusion control k = 2.9 x 10(8) and 2.6 x 10(8) L mol(-1) s(-1) at 25.0 +/- 0.2 degrees C in ethanol water solution (10% of ethanol (v/v)) as probed by EPR and ESI-IT-MS/MS spin-trapping competitive kinetics, respectively. The free energy change for an electron-transfer mechanism is Delta G degrees = 106 kJ/mol as calculated from the oxidation peak potential experimentally determined for lupulones (1.1 V vs NHE) by cyclic voltammetry and the reported reduction potential for 1-hydroxyethyl radical. The major reaction products identified by LC-ESI-IT-MS/MS and ultrahigh-resolution accurate mass spectrometry (orbitrap FT-MS) are hydroxylated lupulone derivatives and 1-hydroxyethyl radical adducts. The lack of pH dependence for the reaction rate constant, the calculated free energy change for electron transfer, and the main reaction products strongly suggest the prenyl side chains at the hops beta-acids as the reaction centers rather than the beta,beta'-triketone moiety.


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From cultures of thermophilic soil fungus Humicola grisea var thermoidea, a delta-lactam derivative (3-(2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-oxoethyl)-5,6-dihydropyridin-2( 1H)-one) that displayed anti-allergic activity was isolated, which was predicted by in silico computational chemistry approaches. The in vitro anti-allergic activity was investigated by beta-hexosaminidase release assay in rat basophilic leukaemia RBL-2H3 cells. The delta-lactam derivative exhibited similar anti-allergic activity (IC50 = 18.7 +/- 6.7 mu M) in comparison with ketotifen fumarate (IC50 = 15.0 +/- 1.3 mu M) and stronger anti-allergic activity than azelastine (IC50 = 32.0 mu M). Also, the MTT cytotoxicity assay with RBL-2H3 cells showed that delta-lactam does not display cytotoxicity at concentrations lower than 50 mu M. This study suggests that the delta-lactam derivative has the potential to be used as a lead compound in the development of anti-allergic drugs for clinical use in humans.