913 resultados para Benson, Evelyn Holford
Tendo em conta um enfoque comunicativo experiencial (Fernández- Corbacho, 2014) e uma pedagogia crítica emancipatória (Jiménez Raya, Lamb & Vieira, 2007), enriquecida por enfoques multissensoriais (Arslan, 2009), é nossa intenção, com este projeto, contribuir para a implementação de práticas que espelhem as variedades linguísticas e culturais da Hispanoamérica (Liceras, 1995; Beave, 2000) na aula de espanhol como língua estrangeira no ensino secundário português. Neste estudo, através duma perspetiva metodológica de índole qualitativa, pretendemos, como ponto de partida, analisar: a) as representações de alunos portugueses sobre o lugar da Hispanoamérica no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de espanhol como língua estrangeira (Altmann & Vences, 2004; Pérez, 2003), através de inquéritos por questionário; e, ainda, b) as abordagens das variedades linguísticas e culturais do espanhol, que surgem nos manuais utilizados no ensino secundário português. Por outro lado, através de um estudo de caso (Benson, Chik, Gao, Huang & Wang, 2009), procurámos evidenciar uma mostra de possíveis boas práticas didático-pedagógicas e materiais, com vista a um trabalho sistemático e próativo com as variedades linguísticas e culturais do espanhol, baseado numa (hiper)pedagogia crítica e encarando a língua enquanto objeto manipulável e potenciador de cidadãos verdadeiramente conscientes do mundo. Para tal, criámos materiais físicos e digitais, que foram posteriormente implementados com alunos do 11º ano de escolaridade, no nível de iniciação de espanhol, num agrupamento de escolas da região de Aveiro. Os resultados mostram que práticas e materiais desta natureza poderão favorecer aprendizagens comunicativas experienciais, quanto à criação de futuros cidadãos críticos e ativos, fomentando o desenvolvimento das suas competências comunicativa plurilingue e pluricultural e duma consciência cultural crítica (Byram, Gribkova & Starkey, 2002) dos alunos, no contexto de ensino-aprendizagem do ensino secundário.
The objective of this study is to identify subtypes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) and to analyze the presence of mutations associated to antiretroviral resistance in the protease (PR) and reverse transcriptase (RT) regions from 48 HIV-1 positive treatment naïve patients from an outpatient clinic in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. Sequencing was conducted using PR, partial RT and group-specific antigen gene (gag) nested PCR products from retrotranscribed RNA. Transmitted resistance was determined according to the Surveillance Drug Resistance Mutation List (SDRM) algorithm. Phylogenetic and SimPlot analysis of concatenated genetic segments classified sequences as subtype B 19/48 (39.6%), subtype C 12/48 (25%), subtype F 4/48 (8.3%), with 13/48 (27.1%) recombinant forms. Most recombinant forms were B mosaics (B/F 12.5%, B/C 10.4%), with one C/F (2.1%) and one complex B/C/F mosaic (2.1%). Low levels of transmitted resistance were found in this study, 2/48 (2.1% to NRTIs and 2.1% for PI). This preliminary data may subsidize the monitoring of the HIV evolution in the region.
Inorg. Chem., 2003, 42 (4), pp 938–940 DOI: 10.1021/ic0262886
Foram atendidas no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/USP, durante os anos de 1980 a 1989, 21 crianças vítimas de acidente crotálico, 16 das quais apresentaram sinais clínicos de envenenamento grave à admissão e 5, de envenenamento moderado. Quatro pacientes (20%) desenvolveram necrose tubular aguda, dois dos quais necessitaram métodos dialíticos. Um paciente (5%) foi a óbito no 13.° dia do acidente, após intercorrências graves, como hemorragia digestiva e insuficiência respiratória aguda. São apresentadas as características clínicas, laboratoriais e epidemiológicas do acidente crotálico nesses pacientes, enfatizando os conhecimentos atuais sobre a fisiopatologia do envenenamento por Crotalus durissus terrificus. Ao mesmo tempo, pretendeu-se contribuir para a correta abordagem terapêutica, no que diz respeito ao emprego adequado do soro antiveneno e à prevenção da necrose tubular aguda, a mais séria e grave complicação do acidente crotálico.
Taking a Media Anthropology’s approach to dynamics of mediated selfrepresentation in migratory contexts, this thesis starts by mapping radio initiatives produced by, for and/or with migrants in Portugal. To further explore dynamics of support of initial settlement in the country, community-making, cultural reproduction, and transnational connectivity - found both in the mapping stage and the minority media literature (e.g. Kosnick, 2007; Rigoni & Saitta, 2012; Silverstone & Georgiou, 2005) - a case study was selected: the station awarded with the first bilingual license in Portugal. The station in question caters largely to the British population presenting themselves as “expats” and residing in the Algarve. The ethnographic strategy to research it consisted of “following the radio” (Marcus, 1995) beyond the station and into the events and establishments it announces on air, so as to relate production and consumption realms. The leading research question asks how does locally produced radio play into “expats” processes of management of cultural identity – and what are the specificities of its role? Drawing on conceptualizations of lifestyle migration (Benson & O’Reilly, 2009), production of locality (Appadurai 1996) and the public sphere (Butsch, 2007; Calhoun & et al, 1992; Dahlgren, 2006), this thesis contributes to valuing radio as a productive gateway to research migrants’ construction of belonging, to inscribe a counterpoint in the field of minority media, and to debate conceptualizations of migratory categories and flows. Specifically, this thesis argues that the station fulfills similar roles to other minority radio initiatives but in ways that are specific to the population being catered to. Namely, unlike other minority stations, radio facilitates the process of transitioning between categories along on a continuum linking tourists and migrants. It also reflects and participates in strategies of reterritorialization that rest on functional and partial modes of incorporation. While contributing to sustain a translocality (Appadurai, 1996) it indexes and fosters a stance of connection that is symbolically and materially connected to the UK and other “neighborhoods” but is, simultaneously, oriented to engaging with the Algarve as “home”. Yet, besides reifying a British cultural identity, radio’s oral, repetitive and ephemeral discourse particularly trivializes the reproduction of an ambivalent stance of connection with place that is shared by other “expats”. This dynamic is related to migratory projects driven by social imaginaries fostered by international media that stimulate the search for idealized ways of living, which the radio associates with the Algarve. While recurrently localizing and validating the narrative projecting an idealized “good life”, radio amplifies dynamics among migrants that seem to reaffirm the migratory move as a good choice.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi estudar a incidência e intensidade de ataque da praga "Broca do tronco" (Cratosomus sp.) na graviola (Annona muricataL.) em um sistema de dois tipos de consórcio de fruteiras. 0 estudo foi realizado na área do projeto "Sistema de Produção Comerciado de Fruteiras", instalado em /977 e se encontra localizado na E.E.S.T. do INPA, Km 41 da BR - 774 no Município de Manaus, foram utiliza das 6 espécies de fruteiras: graviola (Annona muricataL.), côco (Cocos nucíferaL.), pupunha (Bactris gasipaesH.B.K.), caju (Anacardium ocidentaleL.) birlbá (Rollinia mu cosa (Jacq.) Baill e o mapati (Pouroma cecropiazfoliaMart.). Os sistemas comerciados empregados são: Consórcio simples constituído pelas 6 espécies de fruteiras com 16 plantas cada subparcela e o Consórcio misto as 6 espécies de fruteiras foram plantadas al-ternadamente usando o mapati para separar as demais: neste consórcio contém o seguinte número de plantas: 8 graviolas, 8 biribás, 8 cajus, 14 cocos, 14 pupunhas e 98 mapati. 0 delineamento empregado é bloco casualizados com 20 repetições. Avaliaram-se o grau de infestação pelo inseto (Cratosomussp.) e número de plantas atacadas em cada tipo de consórcio, na qual uma planta foi considerada atacada apenas quando apresentou um ata -que ativo, ataques velhos não foram considerados. Os dados sobre o ataque foram coleta dos nos meses de junho/79 a julho/80. Concluiu-se que, apesar da hipótese de que plantas comerciadas sofreriam menor incidência de ataque em plantas de graviola nas parcelas heterogêneas nos primeiros anos do desenvolvimento da plantação. Entretanto, reconhece-se a necessidade de estudos mais especializados sobre o ciclo biológico desta pra ga e sobre diferentes tipos de comércios para fornecer recomendações mais seguras sobre quais são os sistemas de plantio economicamente mais viáveis.
Qualitative and quantitative collections of ants made in the region of Manaus, Brazil (evergreen tropical humid forest), and in western North Carolina, USA (deciduous temperate/wet forest), were undertaken to investigate. latitudinal patterns of ant diversity and community organization on regional and local scales. We have found to date 307 ant species in the Municipality of Manaus. Totals ranging from 134 to 270+ species have been reported in the literature for other tropical regions of less than 10,000km2. In contrast, temperate ant surveys generally report only SO to 150 species in similar or larger areas. Sampling at sardine baits set 10m apart on square grids, we found forest ecosystems near Manaus to be much richer and more diverse in ants than those sampled in North Carolina: 28 species vs. 5-10 species in 50 collections and 16 vs. 3 previously unrecorded species discovered with each doubling of sample size. Room's (1975a) results from climatically simllar Papua New Guinea forest agree closely with those from Manaus. We suggest that one important factor contributing to the increased diversity of tropical, omnivorous ants may be greater variety of nest sites available for specialization.
Given the limitations of different types of remote sensing images, automated land-cover classifications of the Amazon várzea may yield poor accuracy indexes. One way to improve accuracy is through the combination of images from different sensors, by either image fusion or multi-sensor classifications. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine which classification method is more efficient in improving land cover classification accuracies for the Amazon várzea and similar wetland environments - (a) synthetically fused optical and SAR images or (b) multi-sensor classification of paired SAR and optical images. Land cover classifications based on images from a single sensor (Landsat TM or Radarsat-2) are compared with multi-sensor and image fusion classifications. Object-based image analyses (OBIA) and the J.48 data-mining algorithm were used for automated classification, and classification accuracies were assessed using the kappa index of agreement and the recently proposed allocation and quantity disagreement measures. Overall, optical-based classifications had better accuracy than SAR-based classifications. Once both datasets were combined using the multi-sensor approach, there was a 2% decrease in allocation disagreement, as the method was able to overcome part of the limitations present in both images. Accuracy decreased when image fusion methods were used, however. We therefore concluded that the multi-sensor classification method is more appropriate for classifying land cover in the Amazon várzea.
Up to 20% of patients with pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) experience a poor outcome. BRAF alterations and Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) point mutations are key molecular alterations in Pas, but their clinical implications are not established. We aimed to determine the frequency and prognostic role of these alterations in a cohort of 69 patients with PAs. We assessed KIAA1549:BRAF fusion by fluorescence in situ hybridization and BRAF (exon 15) mutations by capillary sequencing. In addition, FGFR1 expression was analyzed using immunohistochemistry, and this was compared with gene amplification and hotspot mutations (exons 12 and 14) assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and capillary sequencing. KIAA1549:BRAF fusion was identified in almost 60% of cases. Two tumors harbored mutated BRAF. Despite high FGFR1 expression overall, no cases had FGFR1 amplifications. Three cases harbored a FGFR1 p.K656E point mutation. No correlation was observed between BRAF and FGFR1 alterations. The cases were predominantly pediatric (87%), and no statistical differences were observed in molecular alterations-related patient ages. In summary, we confirmed the high frequency of KIAA1549:BRAF fusion in PAs and its association with a better outcome. Oncogenic mutations of FGFR1, although rare, occurred in a subset of patients with worse outcome. These molecular alterations may constitute alternative targets for novel clinical approaches, when radical surgical resection is unachievable.
El objetivo es aportar parámetros cinéticos de interés en la Fotoquímica de la Atmósferica, relacionada con la comprensión de los procesos de abstracción de átomo de cloro de halometanos, con radicales asimétricos del tipo C2FxCly (donde x + y = 5). La fuente de radicales (ICF2CFECl Y ICF2CFC12) son ioduros asimétricos sintetizados y purificados con cromatografía gaseosa y caracterizado por espectroscopía IR, UV y espectrometría de masa. Se utiliza un sistema de medición para reacciones competitivas en la determinación de las constantes de velocidad, con análisis de los productos mediante cromatografía gaseosa. Se calcularán además algunas funciones termodinámicas de los radicales involucrados y de los procesos de transferencia de átomo de cloro de las reacciones directas e inversas. Los factores experimentales son reproducidos por el método de Benson. Para explicar la correlación entre las energías de activación, estructura electrónica y geometría del estado de transición se utilizarán métodos ab-initio y semiempíricos que pueden dar una explicación satisfactoria de los valores experimentales.
The economic value of flounder from shore angling around Ireland was assessed. Flounder catches from shore angling tournaments around Ireland were related to domestic and overseas shore angling expenditure in order to determine an economic value for the species. Temporal trends in flounder angling catches, and specimen (trophy) flounder reports were also investigated. Flounder was found to be the most caught shore angling species in competitions around Ireland constituting roughly one third of the shore angling competition catch although this did vary by area. The total value of flounder from shore angling tourism was estimated to be of the order of €8.4 million. No significant temporal trends in flounder angling catches and specimen reports were found. Thus there is no evidence from the current study for any decline in flounder stocks. The population dynamics of 0-group flounder during the early benthic stage was investigated at estuarine sites in Galway Bay, west of Ireland. Information was analysed from the March to June sampling period over five years (2002 to 2006). Spatial and temporal variations in settlement and population length structure were analysed between beach and river habitats and sites. Settlement of flounder began from late March to early May of each year, most commonly in April. Peak settlement was usually in April or early May. Settlement was recorded earlier than elsewhere, although most commonly was similar to the southern part of the UK and northern France. Settlement was generally later in tidal rivers than on sandy beaches. Abundance of 0-group flounder in Galway Bay did not exhibit significant inter -annual variability. 0-group flounder were observed in dense aggregations of up to 105 m'2, which were patchy in distribution. Highest densities of 0-group flounder were recorded in limnetic and oligohaline areas as compared with the lower densities in polyhaline and to a lesser extent mesohaline areas. Measurements to of salinity allowed the classification of beaches, and tidal river sections near the mouth, into a salinity based scheme for length comparisons. Beaches were classified as polyhaline,the lower section of rivers as mesohaline, and the middle and upper sections as oligohaline. Over the March to June sampling period 0-group flounder utilised different sections at different length ranges and were significantly larger in more upstream sections. During initial settlement in April, 0-group flounder of 8-10 mm (standard length, SL) were present in abundance on polyhaline sandy beaches. By about 10mm (SL), flounder were present in all polyhaline, mesohaline and (oligohaline) sections. 0-group flounder became absent or in insignificant numbers in polyhaline and mesohaline sections in a matter of weeks after first appearance. From April to June, 0-group flounder of 12-30mm (SL) were found in more upstream locations in the oligohaline sections. About one month (May or June) after initial settlement, 0-group flounder became absent from the oligohaline sections. Concurrently, flounder start to reappear in mesohaline and polyhaline areas at approximately 30mm (SL) in June. The results indicate 0-group flounder in the early benthic stage are associated with low salinity areas, but as they grow, this association diminishes. Results strongly suggest that migration of 0-group flounder between habitats takes place during the early benthic phase.
A study has been undertaken of the published literature on the Fries rearrangement, thermal, photo and microwave, since its discovery in 1908. A resume of these publications and especially of those pertaining to the thia-Fries rearrangement of sulfamate esters, has been compiled. Phenyl sulfamate, phenyl N,N-dimethylsulfamate, phenyl N,N-diethylsulfamate and phenyl N,N-di-n-propylsulfamate and many of their substituted compounds have been synthesised and purified, a total of thirty nine esters. The sulfamates have been characterised by mp / bp, infrared, C, H and N microanalysis and mass spectrum. Many of these sulfamates, twenty six in total, have been rearranged to sulfonamides in the thia-Fries rearrangement, and subsequently purified. The products were characterised by mp / bp, infrared, C, H and N microanalysis and mass spectrum. Mechanistic studies of the sulfamates have been investigated, particularly phenyl N,N-dimethylsulfamate. The rearrangement with various catalysts and catalytic ratios, the effect of solvents on the rearrangement and many crossover experiments have been carried out to determine the molecularity i.e. whether it is an inter-, intra- or bimolecular reaction. The microwave induced thia-Fries rearrangement has been examined to determine what effect this irradiation has on the rearrangement. Photo thia-Fries rearrangement has also been investigated.
FUNDAMENTO: Há poucos dados sobre análises da prevalência e da influência de características psicológicas adversas no prognóstico dos indivíduos submetidos a intervenções coronárias percutâneas. Nenhum estudo abordou essa questão no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Investigar a prevalência de depressão, ansiedade, estresse psicológico e personalidade tipo D, bem como sua associação com eventos cardiovasculares em pacientes submetidos à intervenção coronária percutânea (ICP). MÉTODOS: As características psicológicas foram avaliadas por escalas: inventário de depressão de Beck (IDB), inventário de ansiedade de Beck (IAB), inventário de sintomas de estresse de Lipp para adultos (ISSL) e escala de personalidade tipo D. A meta do estudo foi a ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares maiores em um seguimento de um ano. RESULTADOS: Durante março e maio de 2006, 137 pacientes foram incluídos. A personalidade tipo D foi identificada em 34% dos casos; 29% apresentaram ansiedade, 25% apresentaram depressão, e 70% dos pacientes apresentaram estresse. Em relação à frequência de características psicológicas de acordo com a ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares adversos maiores, não houve diferença estatística entre os dois grupos de pacientes no que se refere à depressão (29% vs. 26% p = 0,8), ansiedade (33% vs. 23% p = 0,3), estresse (76% vs. 65% p = 0,3) e personalidade tipo D (33% vs. 32% p = 0,9). No entanto, encontrou-se um escore de afetividade negativa significativamente maior no grupo de pacientes que apresentaram eventos (13,9 vs. 9,8 p = 0,01). CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes submetidos à intervenção coronária percutânea, a prevalência de efeitos adversos psicológicos característicos foi alta. Eventos adversos cardiovasculares maiores em um ano foram associados à afetividade negativa basal, mas não a outras características psicológicas estudadas.
Durant els darrers anys, s’han publicat un gran nombre de materials multimèdia destinats a l’aprenentatge de llengües, la major part dels quals son CD-ROM dissenyats com a cursos per l’autoaprenentatge. Amb aquests materials, els alumnes poden treballar independentment sense l’assessorament d’un professor, i per aquest motiu s’ha afirmat que promouen i faciliten l’aprenentatge autònom. Aquesta relació, però, no es certa, com Phil Benson i Peter Voller 1997:10) han manifestat encertadament:(…) Such claims are often dubious, however, because of the limited range of options and roles offered to the learner. Nevertheless, technologies of education in the broadest sense can be considered to be either more or less supportive of autonomy. The question is what kind of criteria do we apply in evaluating them? En aquest article presentem una investigació conjunta on es defineixen els criteris que poden ser utilitzats per avaluar materials multimèdia en relació a la seva facilitat per permetre l’aprenentatge autònom. Aquests criteris son la base d’un qüestionari que s’ha emprat per avaluar una selecció de CD-ROM destinats a l’autoaprenentatge de llengües. La estructura d’aquest article és la següent: - Una introducció de l’estudi - Els criteris que s’han utilitzar per la creació del qüestionari - Els resultats generals de l’avaluació - Les conclusions que s’han extret i la seva importància pel disseny instructiu multimèdia
Cells defective in any of the RAD51 paralogs (RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3) are sensitive to DNA cross-linking agents and to ionizing radiation. Because the paralogs are required for the assembly of DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci, and mutant cell lines are defective in homologous recombination and show genomic instability, their defect is thought to be caused by an inability to promote efficient recombinational repair. Here, we show that the five paralogs exist in two distinct complexes in human cells: one contains RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, and XRCC2 (defined as BCDX2), whereas the other consists of RAD51C with XRCC3. Both protein complexes have been purified to homogeneity and their biochemical properties investigated. BCDX2 binds single-stranded DNA and single-stranded gaps in duplex DNA, in accord with the proposal that the paralogs play an early (pre-RAD51) role in recombinational repair. Moreover, BCDX2 complex binds specifically to nicks in duplex DNA. We suggest that the extreme sensitivity of paralog-defective cell lines to cross-linking agents is owing to defects in the processing of incised cross links and the consequential failure to initiate recombinational repair at these sites.