992 resultados para Beijing da xue


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 Since 1958 the hukou (household registration) system has assigned Chinese citizens either a rural or urban status. Some studies argue that the rural-to-urban migrants in China who do not have urban hukou are not entitled to urban social insurance schemes, due to institutional discrimination, which applies differing treatment to urban and rural hukou (chengxiang fenge). Although rural-urban migrants participate less in the social insurance system than their counterparts with urban hukou, a closer examination of recent policy developments shows that migrants actually do have the legal right to access the system. This implies that discrimination between rural and urban workers has been declining, and distinctions based on household registration status are less able to explain China's current urban transition. This paper provides a new way of examining Chinese migrants' social insurance participation, by adopting a framework that includes both rural-to-urban migrants and urban-to-urban migrants, which are an important, but less studied, migrant group. Among our key findings are that urban migrants are more likely to sign a labour contract than rural migrants; urban migrants have higher participation rates in social insurance than rural migrants; having a labour contract has a greater impact than hukou status in determining whether Beijing's floating population accesses social insurance; and urban migrants who have signed a labour contract have higher participation rates in social insurance than either rural migrants or urban migrants without a labour contract. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This study investigates subjective well-being among a sample of Beijing taxi drivers in the lead up to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games using the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI). The specific aims of this study are (a) investigate the psychometric properties of the PWI in this unique population; (b) ascertain whether Beijing taxi drivers are satisfied with their lives; and (c) examine whether the responses to the PWI from participants falls within the narrow range predicted by the 'Theory of Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis'. The PWI demonstrated good psychometric properties and was consistent with previous studies for Western and non-Western samples. The data revealed a moderate level of subjective well-being (PWI score = 61.1). While Beijing taxi drivers work long hours for low wages, the PWI was nonetheless within the normative range predicted for Chinese societies by the 'Theory of Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis'. The results suggest that the homeostatic mechanism is fairly resilient, even when the individual leads relatively a hard life based on objective indicators. Specifically, for Beijing taxi drivers, it appears that external, buffers such as personal relationships and feeling part of the community, act to assist the homeostatic system. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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En este informe se señalan los principales avances de los últimos 20 años a partir de la información aportada por los países de la región sobre la aplicación de la Declaración y la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing, respondiendo a las recomendaciones del documento final del vigesimotercer período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General (2000) para los exámenes regionales y mundiales que tendrán lugar en 2015, en ocasión de la conmemoración de Beijing+20. Se ha tomado en cuenta, además, el informe subregional sobre el Caribe, que incluye datos de los informes nacionales sobre evaluación de género (Country Gender Assessment) a cargo del Banco de Desarrollo del Caribe, los informes nacionales sobre evaluación de la pobreza (Country Poverty Assessment) y la información proporcionada por la Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM).


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This report indicates the main advances of the past 20 years based on the information provided by the region’s countries on implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, in response to the recommendations made in the final document of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly (2000) for the regional and global reviews that would take place in 2015, on the twentieth anniversary of the Beijing Conference (Beijing+20). The subregional report on the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2014c) has also been taken into account, which includes data from the country gender assessments prepared by the Caribbean Development Bank, the country poverty assessments and information provided by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).


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La Sesión Especial sobre Beijing+20 en América Latina y el Caribe se llevó a cabo los días 18 y 19 de noviembre de 2014 en el marco de la quincuagésima primera Reunión de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe, que se realizó en Santiago, del 17 al 19 de noviembre de 2014. En esa oportunidad las ministras y autoridades de los mecanismos nacionales para el adelanto de la mujer aprobaron la siguiente Declaración.


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The Special Session on Beijing+20 in Latin America and the Caribbean took place on 18 and 19 November 2014 in the framework of the fifty-first meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Santiago from 17 to 19 November 2014. On that occasion the ministers and high-level authorities of the national machineries for the advancement of women adopted the following Statement.


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La séance spéciale sur Beijing+20 en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes a été tenue les 18 et 19 novembre 2014 dans le cadre de la cinquante-et-unième Réunion du bureau de la Conférence régionale sur les femmes de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes, effectuée à Santiago du 17 au 19 novembre 2014. À cette occasion, les ministres et les responsables des mécanismes nationaux de promotion de la femme ont adopté la Déclaration ci-après.