898 resultados para Behaviorial sciences|Social psychology|Womens studies|Developmental psychology|Hispanic Americans
Estudos sobre processos identitários têm tido grande visibilidade em trabalhos desenvolvidos em várias áreas do conhecimento (Psicologia, Antropologia, Ciências Sociais, Psicanálise etc.). Esses estudos referem-se ao vínculo entre as pessoas e aglutinam temas importantes, tais como: os mecanismos das identificações e a gestão dos laços sociais. Escolhemos pesquisar um acontecimento extremamente atual, porque nos permite dar visibilidade a situações até él..'ltagônicas relativas às experiências identitárias. Com a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988, algumas comunidades negras rurais, foram remetidas, efetivamente, a uma situação singular: para obter os benefícios da Lei, que prevê a titulação das terras ocupadas por remanescentes dos antigos quilombos, seria necessária uma "identidade quilombola". Esta situação produz algumas questões: como aceder a uma "identidade"? Que reverberações isso provoca? Optamos por pesquisar a comunidade negra rural de Abacatal (PA), já reconhecida como quilombola desde 1999, com o intuito de pôr à vista algumas vicissitudes dos processos identitários aí implicados. Entrevistamos 12 moradores da comunidade, 5 homens e 7 mulheres, entre 27 e 68 anos, lá residentes há pelo menos 13 anos, ou seja, todos participantes do processo de titulação das terras. Ao final, foi possível destacar: a) as identificações que foram evocadas e remetidas aos antepassados escravos ou ao mito de origem da comunidade (que conta a história da união entre um conde e sua escrava); b) os benefícios que tiveram os moradores com a auto-identificação como quilombolas; c) os vários sentidos de ser "negro qui lombo Ia", dentre os quais, não se reconhecer quilombola quando isto significa ser "negro fugido". Concluímos que esses processos identitários, vividos nesta comunidade e por cada um de nós, pemitindo-nos a denominação de humanos, é, como afirma Costa (2000), o que nos mantêm vivos e nos dá gosto de viver.
A etnografia pode ser definida como um método de pesquisa qualitativa que visa a descrição e o entendimento integrativo de fenômenos socioculturais presentes em grupos ou comunidades particulares de acordo com os próprios termos e atitudes daqueles que os vivenciam cotidianamente. Ao se voltar especificamente para esta dimensão ao mesmo tempo metodológica e ética da etnografia, o presente artigo adota como objetivo principal a realização de uma reconstituição histórica direcionada à reapropriação desta modalidade de estudos de campo por parte da Psicologia Social norte-americana e brasileira. Para tanto, focaliza um momento e uma instituição específicos: a primeira metade do século XX e a Escola Sociológica de Chicago, a qual aparece pensada aqui a partir de aspectos da vida e da obra de três dos seus principais representantes: Robert Park, George Mead e Donald Pierson. De maneira conclusiva, o artigo debate algumas das especificidades da prática etnográfica e, unindo passado e presente, defende a pertinência da sua utilização na contemporaneidade da pesquisa psicossociológica.
This study examined how the quality of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) relationships was moderated by the Constructive-Developmental stage or Order of Consciousness of both leader and follower. Using student organization presidents and officers on a small, private, liberal arts college campus in the Midwest, the researcher used a sample of 37 students to study the impact developmental stage had on the leadership relationship. Using the Leader Member Exchange-Multi-Dimensional Measure (LMX-MDM), four dimensions of LMX were examined. The four dimensions were Affect, Contribution, Loyalty and Professional Respect. There was no significant relationship between Order of Consciousness and quality of LMX relationship. While there was no significant difference in LMX relationship based on gender of participants, there was a significant difference between how male presidents and officers perceived their relationship in the Loyalty dimension. Directions for further research and implications for practice were discussed.
Os indicadores sociais se tornaram imprescindíveis no elenco de variáveis dos estudos epidemiológicos a partir da constatação de que a determinação dos agravos à saúde é complexa e multidimensional. Nessa perspectiva, a desigualdade social vem ocupando destaque como um fator explicativo das condições de saúde das populações. O objetivo é discutir as diferentes concepções que norteiam a seleção dos indicadores utilizados nos estudos epidemiológicos e abordar os efeitos psicossociais nos seres humanos acarretados pela desigualdade social. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura acerca dos estudos epidemiológicos que utilizaram os indicadores de desigualdade social e capital social para uma melhor compreensão dos problemas de saúde, bem como uma investigação no campo da sociologia e da psicologia social. De acordo com a pesquisa pode-se constatar que há controvérsias sobre o efeito da desigualdade social na saúde humana pelo fato desses indicadores serem baseados, majoritariamente, pela renda e capacidade de consumo dos indivíduos. Da mesma forma, os indicadores de capital social em nível cognitivo e estrutural são muito limitados para compreender o dinamismo das relações sociais. Nesse sentido, são necessários mais estudos para a construção de indicadores sociais que contemplem a complexidade das sociedades modernas.
The present dissertation focuses on the two basic dimensions of social judgment, i.e., warmth and competence. Previous research has shown that warmth and competence emerge as fundamental dimensions both at the interpersonal level and at the group level. Moreover, warmth judgments appear to be primary, reflecting the importance of first assessing others’ intentions before determining the other’s ability to carry out those intentions. Finally, it has been shown that warmth and competence judgments are predicted by perceived economic competition and status, respectively (for a review, see Cuddy, Fiske, & Glick, 2008). Building on this evidence, the present work intends to further explore the role of warmth and competence in social judgment, adopting a finer-grained level of analysis. Specifically, we consider warmth to be a dimension of evaluation that encompasses two distinct characteristics (i.e., sociability and morality) rather than as an undifferentiated dimension (see Leach, Ellemers, & Barreto, 2007). In a similar vein, both economic competition and symbolic competition are taken into account (see Stephan, Ybarra, & Morrison, 2009). In order to highlight the relevance of our empirical research, the first chapter reviews the literature in social psychology that has studied the warmth and competence dimensions. In the second chapter, across two studies, we examine the role of realistic and symbolic threats (akin economic and symbolic competition, respectively) in predicting the perception of sociability and morality of social groups. In study 1, we measure perceived realistic threat, symbolic threat, sociability, and morality with respect to 8 social groups. In study 2, we manipulate the level and type of threat of a fictitious group and measure perceived sociability and morality. The findings show that realistic threat and symbolic threat are differentially related to the sociability and morality components of warmth. Specifically, whereas realistic threat seems to be a stronger predictor of sociability than symbolic threat, symbolic threat emerges as better predictor of morality than realistic threat. Thus, extending prior research, we show that the types of threat are linked to different warmth stereotypes. In the third and the fourth chapter, we examine whether the sociability and morality components of warmth play distinct roles at different stages of group impression formation. More specifically, the third chapter focuses on the information-gathering process. Two studies experimentally investigate which traits are mostly selected when forming impressions about either ingroup or outgroup members. The results clearly show that perceivers are more interested in obtaining information about morality than about sociability when asked to form a global impression about others. The fourth chapter considers more properly the formulation of an evaluative impression. Thus, in the first study participants rate real groups on sociability, morality, and competence. In the second study, participants read an immigration scenario depicting an unfamiliar social group in terms of high (vs. low) morality, sociability, and competence. In both studies, participants are also asked to report their global impression of the group. The results show that global evaluations are better predicted by morality than by sociability and competence trait ascriptions. Taken together the third and the fourth chapters show that the dominance of warmth suggested by previous studies on impression formation might be better explained in terms of a greater effect of one of the two subcomponents (i.e., morality) over the other (i.e., sociability). In the general discussion, we discuss the relevance of our findings for intergroup relation and group perception, as well as for impression formation.
Using survey methodology, a cross sectional study was undertaken to ascertain whether first and fourth year college women have different perceptions and behavior associated with short term mating preferences. It was hypothesized that after incurring significant negative or costly experiences associated with hooking up, fourth year women would prefer men who had qualities associated with a desired long term partner as opposed to characteristics associated with short term mating partners. The results were partially consistent with the hypothesis. Reported preferences in a desired partner and perspective on hooking up differ between first and fourth year groups. No difference was found between frequency and willingness to hookup between the two groups. The findings are explained in terms of evolutionary theory, social exchange theory, and sexual script concepts.
BACKGROUND: Social cognition is an important aspect of social behavior in humans. Social cognitive deficits are associated with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. In this study we examine the neural substrates of social cognition and face processing in a group of healthy young adults to examine the neural substrates of social cognition. METHODS: Fifty-seven undergraduates completed a battery of social cognition tasks and were assessed with electroencephalography (EEG) during a face-perception task. A subset (N=22) were administered a face-perception task during functional magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS: Variance in the N170 EEG was predicted by social attribution performance and by a quantitative measure of empathy. Neurally, face processing was more bilateral in females than in males. Variance in fMRI voxel count in the face-sensitive fusiform gyrus was predicted by quantitative measures of social behavior, including the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) and the Empathizing Quotient. CONCLUSIONS: When measured as a quantitative trait, social behaviors in typical and pathological populations share common neural pathways. The results highlight the importance of viewing neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders as spectrum phenomena that may be informed by studies of the normal distribution of relevant traits in the general population. Copyright 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Diathesis-stress models of depression suggest that low self-esteem and stressful events jointly influence the development of depressive affect. More specifically, the self-esteem buffering hypothesis states that, in the face of challenging life circumstances, individuals with low self-esteem are prone to depression because they lack sufficient coping resources, whereas those with high self-esteem are able to cope effectively and consequently avoid spiraling downward into depression. The authors used data from 3 longitudinal studies of adolescents and young adults, who were assessed 4 times over a 3-year period (Study 1; N = 359), 3 times over a 6-week period (Study 2; N = 249), and 4 times over a 6-year period (Study 3; N = 2,403). In all 3 studies, low self-esteem and stressful events independently predicted subsequent depression but did not interact in the prediction. Thus, the results did not support the self-esteem buffering hypothesis but suggest that low self-esteem and stressful events operate as independent risk factors for depression. In addition, the authors found evidence in all 3 studies that depression, but not low self-esteem, is reciprocally related to stressful events, suggesting that individuals high in depression are more inclined to subsequently experience stressful events.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) had already gained the status of a prominent assessment procedure before its psychometric properties and underlying task structure were understood. The present critique addresses five major problems that arise when the IAT is used for diagnostic inferences: (1) the asymmetry of causal and diagnostic inferences; (2) the viability of the underlying association model; (3) the lack of a testable model underlying IAT-based inferences; (4) the difficulties of interpreting difference scores; and (5) the susceptibility of the IAT to deliberate faking and strategic processing. Based on a theoretical reflection of these issues, and a comprehensive survey of published IAT studies, it is concluded that a number of uncontrolled factors can produce (or reduce) significant IAT scores independently of the personality attribute that is supposed to be captured by the IAT procedure.
Social role theory postulates that gender stereotypes are restrained for men and women observed in the same social role. Cultural differences in the valuation of communal attributes might moderate this effect. To examine this possibility, 288 participants (144 German, 144 Japanese) estimated the communal and agentic attributes of an average man or woman described in a male-dominated role, a female-dominated role, or without role information. We hypothesized and found that in Germany and Japan, participants perceived men as more agentic than women without role information and as similarly agentic in the same role. However, for communion, German and Japanese participants reacted differently. German participants perceived women as more communal than men without role information and in male-dominated roles and perceived men as more communal than women in female-dominated roles. Japanese participants perceived all targets as similarly communal, regardless of role or gender, suggesting that communion is generally expected in Japan.
Consistent with social role theory's assumption that the role behavior of men and women shapes gender stereotypes, earlier experiments have found that men's and women's occupancy of the same role eliminated gender-stereotypical judgments of greater agency and lower communion in men than women. The shifting standards model raises the question of whether a shift to within-sex standards in judgments of men and women in roles could have masked underlying gender stereotypes. To examine this possibility, two experiments obtained judgments of men and women using measures that do or do not restrain shifts to within-sex standards. This measure variation did not affect the social role pattern of smaller perceived sex differences in the presence of role information. These findings thus support the social role theory claim that designations of identical roles for subgroups of men and women eliminate or reduce perceived sex differences.
Portrayals of women in advertisements have a significant impact on the maintenance of gender stereotypes in society. Therefore, the present research investigates the effectiveness of communal and agentic female characters in advertisements as well as the question how evaluations of such characters are influenced by perceivers' sexist attitudes toward women. Results show that communal female advertising characters are evaluated more favorably than agentic ones and that these evaluations predict advertising effectiveness. Benevolent sexism predicts more positive evaluations of communal female advertising characters (studies 1 and 2). Moreover, hostile sexism predicts less positive evaluations of agentic female advertising characters when it is assessed under time pressure (Study 2). Implications of these findings for the perpetuation of gender stereotypes in advertisements and in society are discussed.
We examined the effects of self-esteem development on the development of relationship satisfaction in 2 samples of couples. Study 1 used data from both partners of 885 couples assessed 5 times over 12 years, and Study 2 used data from both partners of 6,116 couples assessed 3 times over 15 years. The pattern of results was similar across the 2 studies. First, development of relationship satisfaction could be modeled as a couple-level process. Second, initial level of self-esteem of each partner predicted the initial level of the partners’ common relationship satisfaction, and change in self-esteem of each partner predicted change in the partners’ common relationship satisfaction. Third, these effects did not differ by gender and held when controlling for participants’ age, length of relationship, health, and employment status. Fourth, self-esteem similarity among partners did not influence the development of their relationship satisfaction. The findings suggest that the development of self-esteem in both partners of a couple contributes in a meaningful way to the development of the partners’ common satisfaction with their relationship.