322 resultados para Balcão do Empreendedor


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the discussion of the effects of published school rankings based on average scores obtained by students on national exams. We study the effectiveness of this (low-stakes) accountability mechanism; we analyze whether students react to these rankings, by moving in or out of high-schools according to their scores and examine the movements of closing of schools. Our results suggest that families react strongly to published rankings. We also look at the changes in the socio-economic background of students of poorly performing schools in order to evaluate whether the publication of rankings has increased inequality, as feared by many observers. According to our results, published rankings do in fact reinforce stratification by income.


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This paper analyses the effects of public funding of higher education on the welfare of the different agents. It takes into account the hierarchical nature of the educational system and also the fact that parents always have the possibility to complement basic public education with private expenditures in individual tutoring. It is obtained that although public funding implies a larger access to higher education it is always the case that some of the agents that gain access lose in welfare terms. Moreover, it is shown that the marginal agent to access university would always prefer a pure private funding system. Thus, when studying the effects of public funding of higher education, we can not identify gaining access to University with an increase in welfare. Finally, I consider a funding system where only those that send their o¤spring to university support the funding of higher education.


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O presente texto assinala os 75 anos da formação da Polaroid e celebra a memória da popularização da fotografia instantânea e do inventor Edwin Herbert Land, fundador da Polaroid Corporation, sendo um exemplo do espírito empreendedor norte-americano que conseguia tornar as invenções em produtos de acesso fácil, chegando aos utilizadores através da sua produção massificada. A constituição da empresa é também contemporânea do nascimento do design industrial nos EUA. Os primeiros exemplares foram concebidos pelos mais notáveis pioneiros do design industrial norte-americano, nomeadamente Walter Dorwin Teague, Henry Dreyfuss e Albrecht Goertz, bem como os últimos modelos são também representativos do design de produto contemporâneo deste país, com projectos liderados pelo inovador gabinete IDEO.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território: Área de Especialização em Ambiente e Recursos Naturais


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A agricultura fora dos ciclos no Brasil: uma introdução ao livro; Um início da agricultura: sítios arqueológicos no Brasil e as pinturas rupestres no Planalto Central; Tecnologia na Amazônia pré-histórica: a Terra Preta do Índio; Indígenas e plantas pré-cabralinas; Um grande brasilianista: Gabriel Soares de Sousa; Jardins botânicos e hortos (novas plantas, novos hábitos): o Horto d'El Rey de Olinda; Um grande empreendedor e um mau administrador: Maurício de Nassau; O mosaico dos alimentos e dos remédios caseiros: escravos, índios e brancos; Culturas do Brasil Império: diversidade na agricultura; O Livro do Lavrador do Brasil República; A influência da madrinha: eucaliptos no Brasil; A explosão da agricultura tropical; Pesquisa e ensino: as dores do crescimento; Melhorando a organização rural: extensão rural e as cooperativas; Soja: o ouro-verde brasileiro; Polo Juazeiro-Petrolina - frutas para o Brasil e para o mundo; Desenvolvimento só com devastação? - Amazônia e Cerrados; A "marvada' pinga - álcool, Proálcool e Canavialis; Precisão na agricultura: alta tecnologia para produzir e preservar o meio ambiente; Da lei do mínimo à sustentabilidade; O novo retrato do Brasil - da roça à cidade?


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O presente relatório resulta de um estágio com duração de três meses no Gabinete de Empreendedorismo da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, caracterizando o local do mesmo. Actividades no âmbito da Comunicação – em especial de Comunicação Estratégica – foram desenvolvidas, debruçando-me em particular na elaboração de um Plano de comunicação para o projecto Plugged in NOVA. O meu papel assentou deste modo nas seguintes actividades: Elaboração de um plano de comunicação; gestão e criação de conteúdos para as redes sociais; Comunicação interna: email marketing relacional CRM, elaboração e envio da Newsletter NOVA empreende (anexo 8); Apoio e participação em eventos e concursos como é o caso da One Academy, participação, e apoio NOVA Idea Competition. A missão ao longo dos três meses de duração do respectivo estágio inseriu-se, assim na promoção do ecossistema empreendedor, sobretudo nas Unidades orgânicas da comunidade NOVA.


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Applied Policy Analysis major


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Educational stratification has been a difficult subject to deal with having yet no study shown a quantitative measure of it. Using the idea of distribution comparison a measure based on parents’ education is built for the primary schools in Lisbon. Upon the confirmation that Lisbon is stratified, I use the measure of peer effects based on stratification and determine its impact on test scores, concluding that the existence of stratification improves scores of students in schools with more educated parents and decreases scores of students in schools with less educated parents. Moreover, using fixed effects I derive the conclusion that the measure of peers’ characteristics helps explain most of differences among schools.


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Work Projected presented in the context of a Directed Research Internship at the Directorate-General of Statistics of the Portuguese Ministry of Education, and as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics


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The present essay focuses on the effectiveness of Portuguese public schools’ provision of 7th, 8th and 9th grades, using data from the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science for 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. At least two school types offer these grades: Basic and Secondary. Based on previous findings, a production function is estimated for 9th grade students in the regular academic track, including a variable that indicates the specific school type attended by each student. After concluding that Basic Schools add more value, some explanations are presented as well as recommendations and possible further research.


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The aim of this article is to measure poverty in Portugal from an absolute perspective. We estimated several absolute poverty lines and defined maximum and minimum thresholds. We applied aggregation measures to these thresholds and constructed probit models to assess the effect of some variables on poverty. The intervals obtained contain the poverty lines constructed by other approaches. We got evidence that poverty is positively correlated with the number of people in the household, with living alone; negatively correlated with the number of workers in the household, the share on non-food expenditure and the existence of a heating device at home.